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  • Computer cooking vs. problem solving

    Computer cooking is a task-related phenomenon where students (end-users) must blindly follow a long list of orders without any connection to the content of the problem, if there is any. Despite its low efficacy, this method is widely used and accepted in informatics both in the learning-teaching process and testing. The National Base Curriculum 2020 in Hungary is in complete accordance with the ‘Informatics Reference Framework for Schools’, but the course books hardly use the latest results of computer education research. The present paper provides examples of how the results of computer education research can be integrated into teaching-learning materials and classroom practices and discusses the effectiveness and consequences of the different solutions, where tool-centred approaches are compared to problem-focused solutions.

    Subject Classification: 94-01

  • Teaching model-based testing

    Different testing methodologies should play an important role in the education of informatics. In the model-based testing (MBT) approach, the specification of the system is described with a formal model. This model can be used to revise the correctness of the specification and as a starting point for automatic test generation. The main problem with MBT is however, that there is a huge gap between theory and practice and that this approach has a high learning curve. To cope with these problems, current paper shows, how the MBT approach can be introduced to students through a small scale example.

    Subject Classification: P50

  • Overview of the accessibility of webpages, related research, advantages, guidelines and recommendation
    The essay aims to provide a survey of web accessibility, introduce the relevant research results along with describing the advantages of obstacle free webpages. Furthermore, I will attempt to promote the awareness of the significance of accessibility and equal access to information in case of educational webpages especially in the higher education sphere. My primary audience are educational policy makers and leaders of higher education institutions along with in-service teachers who regularly use webpages during their daily work with students struggling with various impairments. The article's focus is expanded onto the relevant professional and legal background, the most important accessibility principles in addition to discussing the tools assuring accessibility and the presentation of best practices for web developers elaborating the electronic learning environments for higher education institutions.
  • Verification of human-level proof steps in mathematics education
    Automated mathematics tutorial systems need support from a reasoning module which can verify the correctness of students' contributions. However, current systems typically do not reason at a level similar to the student's reasoning level, and do not fully account for underspecified or ambiguous inputs. We present a domain-independent method for automatically verifying correct proof steps and detecting standard reasoning errors. We use a depth limited BFS proof search to determine and maintain multiple possible interpretations consistent with the given proof step, we are able to resolve or otherwise propagate underspecification and ambiguity which occurs due to unrestricted user input. Our approach has been implemented in ΩmegaCoRe.
  • Mechanisms for teaching introductory programming using active learning
    One of the requirements of teaching introductory programming to students whose branch of learning is engineering or science is bridging the gap between in-class lectures and real-world applications. Traditional passive approaches to lecturing often focus on the syntax of a language with little or no discussion of the process involved in using the language to design algorithms to solve real-world problems. One way of overcoming the limitations of traditional lecturing is by tailoring lectures towards becoming more student-oriented, a pedagogical methodology known as active learning. This paper explores mechanisms for implementing active learning in introductory programming courses in computer science.
  • A case study of the integration of Algorithm Visualizations in Hungarian programming education

    In this study, I will introduce how Algorithm Visualizations (AV) can help programming education or, in this case, the acquisition of basic programming theorems. I used two di erent methods to test this: in the first round, I examined in a larger group how much the students' ability to solve specific tasks changes after being introduced to a visualization tool, and then, what was their motivation and experience during this process. In the second round, I looked for the components that could be important when choosing a tool with the help of an in-depth interview with a smaller number of individuals. In both cases, I describe the research, experience, and results of the study, and then summarize them at the end.

    Subject Classification: 97P10

  • Teaching performance testing

    Performance testing plays a vital role in the verification of large scale software systems. It is used for testing the speed, responsiveness, capacity and stability of the investigated system. However, despite the significance of this topic, the effort invested in teaching performance testing in Computer Science is insufficient. The current paper shows, how the fundamentals of performance testing can be demonstrated to students both from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint through step-by-step practical examples that are used in the industry. It is also discussed how a basic toolchain can be set up for performance tests using only free tools. With the presented examples, the reader will be able to take first steps in the performance testing area.

    Subject Classification: 68M15

  • The effects of chess education on mathematical problem solving performance
    We investigate the connection between the "queen of sciences" (mathematics) and the "royal game" (chess) with respect to the development of mathematical problem solving ability in primary school education (classes 1-8, age 7-15) where facultative chess education is present. The records of the 2014 year's entrance exam in mathematics – obligatory for the enrollment to secondary grammar schools in Hungary – are compared for the whole national database and for the results of a group containing chess-player students. The problems in the tests are classified with respect to the competencies needed to solve them. For the evaluation of the results we used standard mathematical statistical methods.
  • Methods of teaching programming
    Programming methodology is one of the oldest fields of IS education, and thus various methods have evolved for its teaching. While some of them could be used effectively in primary or secondary education, others are more suited for students in higher education. The methods themselves determine the structure and curricula of courses such as Programming methodology, Data types and algorithms, Programming technology.
  • How to use our own program evaluation system to streamline teaching computer programming
    During computer programming contests the use of automatic evaluation systems is becoming more and more frequent. In said systems the contestants are allowed to submit their source code that will be evaluated with the results reported back to them. According to this report the contestant can realise for what test cases his program works properly and for what cases does it fail. This kind of on-line evaluation system is used for example in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), in the final round of the Nemes Tihamér National Programming Competition, and in the Selection Competition for IOI in Hungary. A contest management system can be used for other purposes apart from this singular example. A well-developed evaluation system can foster not only the teaching of computer programming and the preparation of students for programming contests but the teacher's work as well.
  • An e-learning environment for elementary analysis: combining computer algebra, graphics and automated reasoning
    CreaComp is a project at the University of Linz, which aims at producing computer-supported interactive learning units for several mathematical topics at introductory university level. The units are available as Mathematica notebooks. For student experimentation we provide computational, graphical and reasoning tools as well. This paper focuses on the elementary analysis units.
    The computational and graphical tools of the CreaComp learning environment facilitate the exploration of new mathematical objects and their properties (e.g., boundedness, continuity, limits of real valued functions). Using the provided tools students should be able to collect empirical data systematically and come up with conjectures. A CreaComp component allows the formulation of precise conjectures and the investigatation of their validity. The Theorema system, which has been integrated into the CreaComp learning environment, provides full predicate logic with a user-friendly twodimensional syntax and a couple of automated reasoners that produce proofs in an easy-to-read and natural presentation. We demonstrate the learning situations and the provided tools through several examples.
  • Informatics as a particular field of education
    Informatics education can be discussed at various levels. There is informatics education at the university, there is professional informatics training and there is public informatics education. In the following article we are going to deal with the latter, that is we are going to discuss what areas of informatics should be introduced to students within the frame of the informatics subject in primary and secondary education.
    Knowledge in connection with informatics can be grouped from different points of view. We consider the following points to be acceptable: according to scopes of knowledge. [1, 2]
  • Square root in secondary school

    Although in Hungary, for decades, the calculation method of the square root of a real number is not in the mathematics curriculum, many of the taught concepts and procedures can be carried out using different square root finding methods. These provide an opportunity for students in secondary school to practice and deepen understand the compulsory curriculum. This article presents seven square-root- nding methods, currently teachable in secondary schools.

    Subject Classification: A33, A34, F53, F54

  • CS unplugged in higher education
    Nowadays, there is a significant lack of workforce in the IT industry, even though it is one of the most lucrative professions. According to researchers' forecasts, the existing shortage is growing, so the wages offered will be higher, yet it seems that young people are not attracted to the profession. This problem draws attention to the need to change the curriculum so that it can attract students more. One possible solution is to supplement the curriculum with CS Unplugged activities, which makes it easier to understand and deepen difficult concepts and make IT lessons more colorful. In my article, besides presenting the already known CS Unplugged activities, I will deal with how this can be applied in Hungarian higher education as well.
  • Development of spatial perception in high school with GeoGebra
    In everyday life, on numerous occasions we need to project 3D space onto a plane in order to activate our spatial perception. While our ability in this area can be improved, and considering several national and international research results, the development is even necessary on all levels of education. GeoGebra, as a supplement to previously used tools, has proven to be very useful respective to the development. We have many possibilities to display spatial elements in GeoGebra and to apply such kind of worksheets among 15-18 year old students. I show the results of the 2011/2012 school years connected to the development of spatial perception and the results of an input case survey, which also justifies the need for development.
  • Dynamic methods in teaching geometry at different levels
    In this paper we summarize and illustrate our experiences on DGS-aided teaching geometry of the courses "Computer in mathematics" and "Mathematical software" held for students at Juhász Gyula Teacher Training College of University of Szeged. Furthermore, we show examples from our grammar school experiences too. The figures in this paper were made by using Cinderella ([19]) and Euklides ([21]).
  • Virtual manipulatives in inquiry-based approach of 3D problems by French 5th graders

    The aim of this research is to study the appropriation of a 3D environment by learners in an a-didactical situation of problem solving. We try to evaluate the relevance of the virtual 3D environment in the development of students' cognitive and metacognitive abilities. We implanted a problem-solving activity related to a 3D cube situation with an empty part in the cube in different French primary school areas in May 2019. In the experimental group each learner works individually with a PC-computer where the virtual environment ANIPPO is implemented. In the control group the pupils work in a traditional class environment. We present the results of this pre-experimentation.

    Subject Classification: 97D50, 97U60, 97U70

  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 24-26, 2020 Sárospatak, Hungary

    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Sárospatak, Hungary, on the Comenius Campus of the Eszterházy Károly University, from the 24th to the 26th of February, 2020. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of University of Debrecen and the Eszterházy Károly University. The 76 participants – including 15 PhD students – came from 9 countries, 23 cities and represented 33 institutions of higher and secondary education. There were 4 plenary, 48 session talks and 4 poster presentations in the program.

  • How to teach testing?
    Testing methodology is an important part of IT education. It is desired to show the beginner programmer students the advantage of testing by having them do only a small amount of work. In this paper, we will show how to make testing as a part of programming in simple exercises. These exercises are solved with the analogous programming technique, which is based on programming theorems over enumerators. We have elaborated grey-box test cases for the programs which have been developed based on programming theorems. These test cases can be taught together with the programming theorems, and they can serve as a standard testing procedure for programmers. We also suggest a test tool to automatize test runs, and we will discuss its usage in a short case study.
  • Heuristic arguments and rigorous proofs in secondary school education
    In this paper we are going to discuss some possible applications of the mechanical method, especially the lever principle, in order to formulate heuristic conjectures related to the volume of three-dimensional solids. In the secondary school educational processes the heuristic arguments are no less important than the rigorous mathematical proofs. Between the ancient Greek mathematicians Archimedes was the first who made heuristic conjectures with the methods of Mechanics and proved them with the rigorous rules of Mathematics, in a period, when the methods of integration were not known. For a present day mathematician (or a secondary school mathematics teacher) the tools of the definite integral calculus are available in order to calculate the volume of three dimensional bodies, such as paraboloids, ellipsoids, segments of a sphere or segments of an ellipsoid. But in the secondary school educational process, it is also interesting to make heuristic conjectures by the use of the Archimedean method. It can be understood easily, but it is beyond the normal secondary school curriculum, so we recommend it only to the most talented students or to the secondary schools with advanced mathematical teaching programme.
  • Über die sogenannte Regel von de l’Hospital im Mathematikunterricht
    The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the problems of the socalled indeterminate expressions, in order to make the students understand them better. The paper deals with the conditions and the proof of the theorem about the limit of a quotient of certain functions of one variable, usually named after l'Hospital. The question is of some interest, since the formulation of the result in several textbooks often appears redundant and the proof is more complex than necessary. First, the historical background is briefly sketched. Second, the theorem is formulated and justified, where three different, simple proof techniques are presented. Finally, possible applications are suggested for teaching, which are usually not treated in this problem area.
  • Proof step analysis for proof tutoring - a learning approach to granularity
    We present a proof step diagnosis module based on the mathematical assistant system Ωmega. The task of this module is to evaluate proof steps as typically uttered by students in tutoring sessions on mathematical proofs. In particular, we categorise the step size of proof steps performed by the student, in order to recognise if they are appropriate with respect to the student model. We propose an approach which builds on reconstructions of the proof in question via automated proof search using a cognitively motivated proof calculus. Our approach employs learning techniques and incorporates a student model, and our diagnosis module can be adjusted to different domains and users. We present a first evaluation based on empirical data.
  • What does ICT help and does not help?

    Year by year, ICT tools and related teaching methods are evolving a lot. Since 2016, the author of the present lines has been looking for a connection between them that supports the development of mathematical competencies and could be integrated into Transcarpathian minority Hungarian language education too. As a doctoral student at the University of Debrecen, I experienced, for example, how the interactive whiteboard revolutionized illustration in Hungarian mathematics teaching, and how it facilitated students' involvement. During my research of teaching in this regard, in some cases, the digital solution had advantageous effects versus concrete-manipulative representation of
    Bruner's too.
    At the same time, ICT "canned" learning materials (videos, presentations, ...) allow for a shift towards repetitive learning instead of simultaneous active participation, which can be compensated for by the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method.
    I have conducted and intend to conduct several research projects in a Transcarpathian Hungarian primary school. In the research so far, I examined whether, in addition to the financial and infrastructural features of the Transcarpathian Hungarian school, the increased "ICT-supported" and the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method could be integrated into institutional mathematics education. I examined the use of two types of ICT devices: one was the interactive whiteboard, and the other was providing one computer per student.
    In this article, I describe my experiences, gained during one semester, in the class taught with the interactive whiteboard on the one hand, and in the class taught according to the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method on the other hand.
    I compare the effectiveness of the classes to their previous achievements, to each other, and to a class in Hungary.

    Subject Classification: 97U70

  • Integrating Didactic Games in Higher Education: Benefits and Challenges

    In our paper, we study the reasons for the introduction of didactic games and the way of their application in higher education, especially in teaching mathematics. After describing the main characteristics and needs of Generation Z students, we outline the advantages and drawbacks of gamification and game-based learning, followed by some new aspects to their classification. The idea of device-based grouping arose because the most commonly used methods require IC tools. Gen Zs naturally accept gamified learning materials available on digital and mobile platforms, but we must not forget about traditional games either. In higher education, especially in the case of small-group teaching there should also be room for traditional, specialized didactic games, of which we focus on the benefits of card games.

    Subject Classification: 97C70, 97D20, 97D40, 97U70

  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 22-24, 2016 Bratislava, Slovakia
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Bratislava, Slovakia from the 22th to the 24th of January, 2016 at Comenius University in Bratislava. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of University of Debrecen and the Faculty of Education of Comenius University.
    The 60 participants – including 47 lecturers and 15 PhD students – came from 5 countries, 23 cities and represented 32 institutions of higher and secondary education.