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  • Mathematical gems of Debrecen old mathematical textbooks from the 16-18th centuries
    In the Great Library of the Debrecen Reformed College (Hungary) we find a lot of old mathematical textbooks. We present: Arithmetic of Debrecen (1577), Maróthi's Arithmetic (1743), Hatvani's introductio (1757), Karacs's Figurae Geometricae (1788), Segner's Anfangsgründe (1764) and Mayer's Mathematischer Atlas (1745). These old mathematical textbooks let us know facts about real life of the 16-18th centuries, the contemporary level of sciences, learning and teaching methods. They are rich sources of motivation in the teaching of mathematics.
  • Outstanding mathematicians in the 20th century: András Rapcsák (1914-1993)
    In this paper we commemorate the life and work of András Rapcsák on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. He was an outstanding professor and a scholar teacher. He was head of the Department of Geometry (1958-1973) and the director of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Debrecen (Hungary). He played an important role in the life of the University of Debrecen. He was the rector of this university between 1966 and 1973.
    At the beginning of his career he taught at secondary schools in several towns. He wrote mathematical schoolbooks with coauthors. He also taught at Teacher's College in Debrecen and in Eger.
    He became to interested in differential geometry under the influence of Ottó Varga. The fields of his research were line-element spaces and related areas. He was elected an Ordinary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science in 1965. He wrote 21 papers, 8 school and textbooks and 3 articles in didactics of mathematics.
  • Freudenthal fantasy on the bus, an American adaptation

    In the 1960’s two mathematicians, Hans Freudenthal in the Netherlands and Tamás Varga in Hungary, had argued that people learn mathematics by being actively involved and investigating realistic mathematical problems. Their method lives on in today’s teaching and learning through the various components of cooperative and active learning, by taking ownership in learning, and learning through student dialogue. The goal is to create a welcoming classroom atmosphere in which play takes the front seat. One such scenario is visiting various (animal) stations at the zoo by bus (illustrated by pictures). Passengers are getting on and off the bus at each station (illustrated by arrows), which is modeled on the open number line. This adapted and modified action research was carried out with 5-yearl-old children in public schools of Staten Island, NY in 2019.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97F20, 97F30

  • A mathematical and didactical analysis of the concept of orientation
    The development of spatial ability, in particular the development of spatial orientation is one of the aims of mathematics education.
    In my work, I examine the concept of orientation, especially concepts of between, left, right, below, above, front, back, clockwise and anticlockwise. I analyze answers given for a simple orientation task prepared for elementary school pupils. I would like to call attention to the difficulties pupils have even in case of solving simple orientation problems.
    We have different ways to know more about the crucial points of a concept, especially of the concept of orientation. In this study I bring out one of them. I analyze and make some didactical conclusions about the origin and the axiomatic structure of orientation.
  • On the fixed points of an affine transformation: an elementary view
    This note shows how the fixed points of an affine transformation in the plane can be constructed by an elementary geometric method. The approach presented here also shows how the affinities of the plane can be classified with the help of their fixed points.
  • Probabilistic thinking, characteristic features
    This paper is the first step in a series of a general research project on possible development in probability approach. Our goal is to check with quantitative methods how correct our presumptions formulated during our teaching experience were. In order to get an answer to this question, we conducted a survey among third-year students at our college about their general and scientific concepts as well as about the way they typically think.
  • A first course in computer science: languages and goals
    The College Board Advanced Placement exam in computer science will use the language Java starting in fall 2003. The language chosen for this exam is based on the language commonly taught in introductory computer science courses at the university level. This article reviews the purpose of an introductory course and the various suggestions for the curriculum of introductory courses published by the Association for Computing Machinery. It then proposes that such a course stress foundational concepts over specific language syntax, and then provides a list of such foundational concepts and related topics. Based on this fundamental curriculum, the article recommends C++ as the most appropriate language. An appendix provides a sample syllabus.
  • Longest runs in coin tossing. Teaching recursive formulae, asymptotic theorems and computer simulations
    The coin tossing experiment is studied, focusing on higher education. The length of the longest head run can be studied by asymptotic theorems ([3]), by recursive formulae ([10]) or by computer simulations . In this work we make a comparative analysis of recursive formulas, asymptotic results and Monte Carlo simulation for education. We compare the distribution of the longest head run and that of the longest run (i.e. the longest pure heads or pure tails) studying fair coin events. We present a method that helps to understand the concepts and techniques mentioned in the title, which can be a useful didactic tool for colleagues teaching in higher education.
  • Typical mistakes in Mental Cutting Test and their consequences in gender differences
    Spatial ability of first year university students is measured and evaluated in this paper. We used standard Mental Cutting Test (MCT), where a body is given by perspective view and correct cross section has to be chosen. While gender differences in MCT are reported by several papers including our earlier results, much less known are the reasons of these differences. Here we show that typical mistakes (answers to problems which are close to be correct) can be one of the possible reasons, since female students made typical mistakes in some cases more frequently than males.
  • The role of representations constructed by students in learning how to solve the transportation problem

    The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to study the role of concrete and table representations created by students in learning how to solve an optimization problem called the transportation problem. This topic was learned in collaborative groups using table representations suggested by teachers in 2021. In 2022, the researchers decided to enrich the students’ learning environment with concrete objects and urged the students to use them to present the problem to be solved. The students did it successfully and, to be able to record it in their notebooks, they constructed a table representation by themselves without any help from their teacher. After that, they managed to solve the problem by manipulating the objects. At the same time, each step in the solution was presented with changes in the table. The students were assessed before (pre-test) and after collaborative learning (test) in both academic years. The pre-test results were similar, but the test results were better in 2022. Therefore, it can be concluded that using concrete and table representations constructed by students in learning how to solve transportation problems makes collaborative learning more constructivist and more effective than when they use only table representations suggested by their teachers.

    Subject Classification: 97M10, 97M40