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  • Additional Remarks on the Question of Civil Service Law as a Branch of Law

    The study focuses on the relationship between civil service law and labour law. In Hungary, there have been significant changes in the last decade regarding the regulation of civil service law. The types of the civil service legal relationships have increased, the forums and procedural rules for adjudicating civil service law related disputes have changed, and the number of public employees providing public services has rapidly decreased. This is of particular importance because the existence of these branches of the law is determined by legislation as well. The study concludes that the ability of civil service law to become an independent branch of law will be determined not by 'internal' developments but by legislative ambitions.

  • The right to take collective action in EU law based on the European Pillar of Social Rights and the recent case law of the CJEU

    This paper is built around the workers’ fundamental right to take collective action and collective bargaining. Although, this right is firmly embedded in the majority of labour law systems in the social policy (meaning labour law, too) of the European Union, it is worth analysing it separately with an independent meaning. We can approach this right from the fundamental rights, the fundamental treaties or from certain directives, so we can find several questions that are difficult to answer properly. These problems are mostly catalysed by the necessary collision between the need for socially motivated legal protection and the fundamental economic freedoms. In my research, I analyse this right – along with some other connected ones – with the help of the recent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Pillar of Social Rights because the latter highlights the holistic approach in the current reforms of EU social policy.

  • General Partnerships and the Fiduciary Duty in the US Legal System

    The law of fiduciary duty is as old as common law. It is the key element of the law of equity. The agency relationship creates a fiduciary relationship between the parties, which means that the fiduciary (agent) is subject to the direction of the one on whose behalf he acts (principal). This high standard of conduct – in the scope of the agency relationship – has become a separate liability form in the common law countries and has appeared not only in company law but in other parts of civil law as well. This paper presents the development and the basic elements of fiduciary duty in the field of general partnerships.

  • The Interpretation of Tax Law in the Precedents of the United States of America

    The proper interpretation of the legal provisions in the field of tax law has high importance because it determines the opportunities of the taxpayers.  Taxpayers normally wish to pay as little tax as possible, in contrast, the tax authorities try to collect as much tax as, according to them, is still lawful. If a taxpayer makes an error in his legal interpretation, he has to face the legal consequences, that is why it is necessary to know the case law. In the English law and in the law of the United States, two fundamental approaches of the interpretation of tax law have emerged: according to the strict approach, the judicature has to scrutinize only the meaning of the words of the act and that is what determines the question of the tax burden. On the other hand, the other approach means that the purpose of the questionable transaction or the intention of the legislator shall be taken into consideration as well, but only in that case in which the application of the words would lead to an unreasonable result. This paper analyzes the relevant precedents of the United States, mentioning many examples and scrutinizes the theoretical bases and the application of the two approaches mentioned.

  • Is This the Way Labour Law Should Protect the Employee? Review of György Kiss’s New Book

    Our review is about György Kiss's book, its title being Employment Flexibility and the Protection of Employee Status (A Possible Approach to Examining the Content of the Employment Relationship). The work raises the question of the future of labour law regulation, using the results and findings of the past. After describing the roots of Roman law, we can learn about the development of the current form of labour law through the development of the Germanic, Francophone and Anglo-Saxon legal systems. In addition to the historical view, the dogmatic foundations are also outlined in the work, so the content processing of the employment contract takes place on several levels before the author discusses the labour law applicability of the relational contract theory he raises. The description of all these bases makes the work suitable for those interested in labour law to better understand the contractual theories of different legal systems. We want to give an insight into this in the review, so that in addition to presenting the work, our own personal views and opinions will also appear.

  • Digitization at Work: Expanding Horizons with Loopholes

    The focus of the study is on the emergence and spread of digitization in employment. In this context, the study presents the forms of work that use digitization. On the other hand, it describes the labour market effects of digitalization. The study looks in detail at how COVID-19 has changed the role of teleworking and the home office in employment. This is followed by the presentation of the Hungarian labour law regulation, which deals exclusively with telework. The study makes two proposals to address the codification gap. On the one hand, in connection with application-based work, the introduction of the status of a person with a similar legal status to an employee, which was regulated in the draft of the Labour Code. On the other hand, to impose employer obligations (retraining, job offers) in connection with the spread of automation and robotics in order to prevent dismissal.

  • Some Issues in Treating the Changes of Circumstances under English Law

    All legal systems have their own solution for the treatment of the essential change of circumstance subsequent to the conclusion of the contract. Some of them allow for the judicial amendment of the contract, if the conditions of the clausula rebus sic stantibus are fulfilled.  There are other states, where the possibility to modify the contract by judicial act in case of an essential change of circumstances subsequent to the contract conclusion has only recently been recognised by the national legislation. In the following, it is to be reviewed how and by what means and models English law treats those changes of circumstances which occur after the conclusion of the contract and significantly reshape the contractual relationships.

  • Sustainability in Copyright Law

    The aim of the paper is to give an overview of the pathfinding process of the copyright law, and of the European and Hungarian endeavors in favour of the sustainability of the copyright law via the copyright specific aspects of sustainability. It then aims to summarize the achievements of the harmonization process and draw attention to the goals to be achieved. The topic is approached from a cultural economic perspective. The main topic is described via historical and current aspects of the balance search of copyright law. the paper reviews the background of the development and current situation of copyright law from the point of view of philosophy and fundamental rights. With the analysis of the dynamism of economic and moral rights the paper outlines the necessity of parallelism of the two parts of copyright law. The examination of competitiveness of copyright law tends to highlight the inseparability of competitiveness and sustainability and emphasizes their development as being interlinked.

  • Customary Law Obligations and Dispute Resolution Methods under International Law relating to Conflicts over the Shared Use of Transboundary Aquifers

    Our paper aims at analyzing the current stance of public international law concerning the utilization and management of transboundary aquifers. 97% of the Earth’s drinking-water supplies are locked up in aquifers placing the question in the spotlight as to, which ways States should utilize and apportion them in a manner consistent with public international law? The paper argues that bilateral and regional agreements ensure most effectively States’ mutual cooperation regarding transboundary aquifers, and they are also essential in providing for clear dispute resolution mechanisms. The paper addresses the obligations of States under international law and examines the efficiency of the possible international dispute resolution methods regarding international water conflicts. The paper also provides an overview of all existing bi- and multilateral aquifer agreements and draws some comparative remarks.

  • effects of Labour Law regulation on the employment Relations Based on the Connection between Social Rights and Labour Market

    In the world of employment we can find several aspects that have effect on the labour market. Labour market cannot be independent from the legal regulation of employment; moreover – according to the tendencies – labour market processes basically define the role of labour law. A fundamental difference can be observed between the approach of Anglo-Saxon countries and researchers and the viewpoint of the continental law systems. In this paper the emphasized question is analyzed through these two different approaches according to the following premise: the Anglo-Saxon legal thinking defining the current development of labour law bears significant differences related to the labour law regulation – which means the direct regulation of labour market – and to the legal guarantees behind employment as well. From the viewpoint of the labour market two main questions are examined in this paper: on the one hand, the expected and necessary level and method of public intervention in connection with social rights, and on the other hand the deepness of the intervention of labour law into the social relations driven by the market.

  • Specialities of Collective Labour Disputes

    We are currently living in a period when technological, economic and other changes fundamentally influence the nature of legal relationships. There is no difference in the labour law palette, as atypical employment is gaining ground in law enforcement circles. In our view, this development cannot be derived solely on substantive law, but should also be presented at the level of litigation and, where appropriate, ADR procedures. Perhaps it is somewhat ironic that it is precisely the collective labour dispute, which is not popular in Hungarian civil society litigation law, in which the emergence of innovative dispute resolution methods can be observed from time to time. Therefore, our work primarily examines the extrajudicial practice of collective dispute resolution, complemented by the solutions used in the legal systems of some countries less researched by the domestic labour law environment. Our aim is to highlight the potential of ADR methods in collective disputes and to explore new, unknown opportunities for domestic law enforcement.

  • Impact of EU Law on National Criminal Law

    This paper aims to analyse the main linking points between EU law and national criminal law. For a long time, the criminal laws of the Member States have been heavily affected by EU law. This influence can be either negative or positive. The most lenient form of the positive effect is the assimilation principle, which does not seek to incorporate EU norms into national criminal law, only attempts to extend the latter’s applicability to the protection of the interests of the European Union. In the case of legal harmonization the Member States are required to adopt common criminal norms which aim to reduce the differences of the national criminal law systems. The most serious impact on national penal law is the supranational criminal legislation, which results not only in the approximation but the unification of the criminal laws of the Member States.

  • The Enforcement of Children’ s Rights in the Family Law Book of the new Civil Code

    In Hungary, the new Civil Code came into force on 15th March 2014.Tthe fourth book of which (the Family Law Book) contains the rules of family law. These rules of family law have changed in some areas compared to what they were previously. For example, developments have occurred in the field of children’s rights. In the current study the author examines the enforcement of children’s rights guaranteed by the Family Law Book. As a main conclusion of this indepth analysis, the author states that the new Civil Code ensures greater protection and better enforcement of children’s rights. Namely, the Family Law Book determines the children’s rights in more detail, particularly the right to freedom of opinion, the right to maintaining relationship, and the right to support. In addition, new paradigm changes can be noticed in the Family Law Book which are in connection with the change of parent-and-child relations and the greater consideration of children’s rights and interests.

  • Effects of the State Aid Soft Law on Beneficiaries: Annotation on an order of the General Court

    The European Commission issues guidelines and other soft law instruments to define the compatibility conditions of State aid to be granted by Member States with the internal market. Although the soft law is only binding on the Commission it has not negligible indirect effect on the Member States state aid policy and thereby on other policies. So far it was not clear how much beneficiaries could find remedy at European Courts against the soft law issued by the Commission. The present article gives a description on the adoption of the new energy and environmental aid guidelines with the focus on the conditions related to aid to operating aid to energy generation from renewable energy sources in the context of the State Aid modernization initiative. A comparison to the previous rules was also made. Thereafter the article summarizes an order of the General Court issued in a procedure where an applicant has initiated action for annulment of the guidelines. The article also tries to draw some conclusions about the possibilities and limits of beneficiaries and Member States to question the legality of State aid soft law instruments at European Courts.

  • Balancing Work and Life: New Developments in the Field of Legal Protection of Workers

    The present study deals with the current labour law questions of balancing work and private life. The topicality of the study is supported by Directive (EU) 2019/1158 which, built on the existing legislative basis, brings several novelties in this regulative area refreshing the key elements of the criteria of equal employment referring to the employees raising children. The researched regulation fits into the high level, socially motivated; worker-protection Directive designated by the European Pillar of Social Rights, consequently, this aspect also plays a role in elaboration. In my analysis, I concentrate on the regulative background, subject of the new Directive, as well as its connection to fundamental social rights and the new norms describing the potentially strengthening legal protection of workers. I draw conclusions based on their synthesis about the predictable future effects of the new regulation.

  • Legal–Sociological Analysis of a Scottish Judicial Decision

    In this essay I have attempted to show the Scottish tradition of criminal law and attitudes of legal profession and the whole Scottish society about the crimes trough one case. This criminal case was held before the Scottish criminal appeal court in 1989, where for the first time, a man could be guilty under the Scottish law of raping his wife while the couple lived together. This was a point that could show the flexibility of Scottish law while the english law was either unwilling or unable to make a change.

    This case shows us that the judges in Scotland claim to represent the social attitudes through legal devices but this representation is not almost uncountable because the courts attempt to operate within the basically conservative traditions. Parallel of the above mentioned the courts try to use the alternative histories of law and the voices of practical lawyers, legal doctrines through the conflicting interpretations in order to make right decisions.

  • The Value of Personal Data in the Competition Law Assessment of the Facebook–WhatsApp Merger Case

    The European Commission fined Facebook 110 million euros for giving misleading information within the merger procedure on acquiring the messaging service WhatsApp in 2014. The case reached a crossroad of competition law, data protection and consumer law. This was the first time the Commission imposed a fine on a company for inaccurate information since the merger regulation rules were established in 2004. Some authors criticized not only the Commission’s decision from 2017 which imposed the fine, but also the decision from 2014 in which the Commission had decided not to oppose the transaction. Some authors oppose tackling data collection issues through competition law, but some authors raise the question: is competition law enough to consider the case when personal data are involved, too? The controversial part of the decision is not about data protection law, but about the value of personal data from the perspective of competition law.

  • Possible improvements of the water law concepts

    The present article concentrates on the so-called water law concepts. As regards water law concepts, the article especially deals with the challenges of the Hungarian water management. The article has five main chapters. In the first chapter, the author focuses on the basis of the water law concepts, namely on natural, social and engineering sciences, furthermore, the author also determines the legal instruments which are able to provide proper links among the different water law concepts. The further four chapters analyse the water law concepts one by one; i.e. (a) ruling over waters, (b) water as an environmental component, (c) water as the subject of commercial deals (good or service), (d) water as cause of damage a.k.a. defence against water.

  • Is the Implementation of Home Office Legally Feasible? The Criteria for Home Office and its Framework Within Employment Law

    The year of 2020 was the challenge of “home office”. Although, the publicity uses the term of “home office” as the legal construction of working from home, this approach is misleading. Moreover, the Hungarian Labour Code does not contain any regulation about “home office”, while this legal source embraces two other methods in connection to work from home. These legal institutes are the teleworking and the legal relationship of outworkers. The problem with the aforementioned legal institutes is that the parties must take into account several rules and must apply these solutions regularly, on a permanent basis. However according to the legal literature, the “home office” is created by the economic and human resource management practice of the employers, where they intend to employ the workers mainly at home irregularly, on an ad-hoc basis. At the same time, “home office” does not have a legal framework in the Hungarian Labour Code, therefore the legal literature has been trying to find a real solution for this employment method in the general norms of the Labour Code. In the following article we are going to use the home office definition of the literatures and highlight the background legal institutes and concepts of this working method. Although we are going to set our opinion about which legal institute may be applicable in this sense, in the conclusion we are going to emphasise that legislation and rules regarding “home office” are indispensable.

  • In Contrast: Responsibility for Environment and Regulation in Finance

    The more environmental policy comes into the focus of fiscal policies of governments, the more prevailing are the interests in it influencing the governance as a whole. In the context of the European Union, the governmental role of the Member States’ increased less for initiating the (often invoked) environmental protection but such an increase is rather an end in itself. The responsibility for environment seems to represent the bright side, while the reality of financial regulations shows the dark side of government priorities.

  • Central Issues of the Application of EU Law in the Recent Case Law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court

    The present article examines the recent case law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court as regards the constitutional framework and the judicial practice of the application of EU law. After a short overview of the early precedents, the article focuses on the case law subsequent to the adoption of the new Fundamental Law in 2012. In the recent decisions the need for cooperation with the EU Court of Justice is of special importance so the article reflects on this issue as well. The first part scrutinizes the case law concerning the constitutional limitations and control measures of the application of EU law, including the landmark decision of 22/2016 (XII. 5.). The second part focuses on the decisions delivered in constitutional complaint proceedings, which determine the constitutional requirements of the preliminary rulings procedure and the judicial obligation to give a reasoned decision.

  • The Transformation of Labour Law Litigation

    From the outset of labor litigation, both theoreticians and practitioners have been preoccupied with the question of what specific regulation this area of law – which has essentially additional elements of private law – requires in order to ensure fair treatment and proceedings for all participants. The aim of the present study is to show how labor litigation is evolving today, outlining the phenomena that have arisen due to the new labor and civil procedure codes.

  • The recruitment of Law Students and Some elements of their Image of Profession

    In our treatise we have undertaken to characterize the speciality of strain of law students and some elements of their image of profession. The legalists traditionally occupy a middle-class position in the modern societies. Their high state and prestige succeed also profession-order characters that frequently go hand in hand with “natality order” procurer prestige.

    From the possible components of the image of profession we examined three main topics. Firstly the motives of profession-selection, secondly the patterns of finding a job, and thirdly the main expectations on legal teaching. Generally, law students and graduates also have a strong linkage to 
    the fact that, not only the diploma, but the profession itself has a powerful charm. The patterns of finding a job show that graduates frequently occupy lower positions, than they expected.

  • Protection of Marriage and Family in Central Europe

    It is no exaggeration to say that family plays a prominent role in our daily lives. This study therefore examines the constitutional and family law foundations of family protection in seven Central European countries. The study describes, among other things, the nature of family law legislation, the conceptual approach to family and marriage, the legal protection and solution of extramarital partnerships, such as de facto partnerships and registered partnerships, and the status of children in the countries studied.

  • Rule of Law – Active State: Reconstructing the Conception of the Rule of Law in Zoltán Magyary’s Theory

    Zoltán Magyary was an internationally recognised Hungarian professor of law who carried out research in modern theories of administration and state theories. Defending the values of the rule of law and taking action against the anomalies of legal formalism were among his major scientific goals. According to him, one of the most important functions of a legal system is the protection of human rights, therefore he accepted the view that courts must have the authority to review administrative decisions. At the same time, he stated that the effective and productive functioning of administrative institutions and the executive power is a priority in a legal system. Due to the fact that he did not provide a complete analysis of the correlation between the rule of law and the effective functioning of administrative institutions, he opened the possibility for posterity to give various and different interpretations of the issue.