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  • Dr. Antal Waisbecker was born 180 years ago

    Dr. Antal Waisbecker (1835–1916) was a Hungarian physician and the most prominent botanist of Vas county (West Hungary) at the turn of the 19–20th century. He contributed with important floristic data for the botanical monography of Vas county, authored by Vince Borbás. He processed the pteridophytes of Vas county and cormophytes in the surroundings of Kőszeg. Antal Waisbecker was an expert in the knowledge of sedges too. He discovered and described the Carex fritschii. Remarkable amount of herbarium specimens collected by Waisbecker are deposited at the Savaria Museum (Szombathely, SAMU) and Hungarian Natural History Museum (Budapest, BP).

  • Short communications

    1. New occurrence of Apium repens (Jacq.) Lagasca in Szigetköz region (NW Hungary)

    2. Casual occurrences of Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) Kuntze subsp. hungaricum (Klokov) Soó in roadside verges

    3.On the first sub-spontaneous occurrence of Asparagus verticillatus L. in Hungary

    4. New occurrence data of Digitalis lanata Ehrh. in Kemence (Börzsöny Mts., N Hungary)

    5. First report on the occurrence of Prospero paratheticum Speta from Danube–Tisza Interfluve (C Hungary)

    6. Some interesting floristic data from Szigetköz (NW Hungary) after the great flooding of Danube in 2013

    7. Newly discovered locality of the pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria judaica L.) in the city of Debrecen (E Hungary)

    8. Kindbergia praelonga (Hedw.) Ochyra in the urban bryoflora of the town of Sopron (W Hungary)

    9. Additional data to the distribution of Plantago coronopus L. in Hungary

    10. On the formerly occurrence of Spiraea crenata L. in Kunpeszér (C Hungary)

    11. History of discovery of Spiraea crenata L. on Mt Sas (Buda Mts., Hungary)


  • About the occurrence of Spiraea media Fr. Schm. on the Balaton Uplands

    The presence of Spiraea media on the Balaton Uplands has high plant geographical importance, but the found location has not been known before its recent rediscovery. The Spiraea media was discovered on the Kopasz Hill (Felsőörs) growing in a closed Quercus cerris oak forest (~Fraxino orni-Quercetum cerridis); which is a rather atypical habitat of the species. The appearance of blooming specimens and the rediscovery of the species is probably due to the cut of the neighbouring forest, which has resulted extra irradiation in the area. The 19th century military maps of the landscape show that the former vegetation of the area was characterised by the mosaics of rocky grassland–scrub–forest or rocky scrub rich patches being suitable for the species.

  • Short communications

    1. Occurrence of Apium repens (Jacq.) Lagasca in Budapest (Hungary)

    2. Occurrence of Riccia glauca L. and Riccia sorocarpa Bisch. in town of Barcs

    3. Occurrence of Allium victorialis L. in Gorge Vargyas (Cheile Vârghişului, Central Romania)

    4. Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. on the plateau of Bükk Mts. (NE Hungary) and other floristic records

    5. Campylopus pyriformis (Schultz) Brid. in the Western Mecsek Mts. (South Transdanubia, Hungary)

    6. Current occurrence of Echinops ruthenicus (Fisch.) M.Bieb. in Sződliget (northern central Hungary)

    7. The occurrence of Artemisia alba Turra in Kalotaszeg region (Cluj county) of Romania, and comments on Molnár et al. (2014)

  • Lajos Felföldy: a prominent Hungarian botanist and hydrobiologist

    Lajos Felföldy (1920–2016) was one of the most versatile and open-minded Hungarian biologists. He began his scientific career as a student of Prof. Rezső Soó. Between 1938 and 1946 he participated in geobotanical studies in University of Debrecen and Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). He contributed with important achievements to the development of several biological disciplines. His pioneering study on the effects of air pollution on epiphytic lichens (1942) was among the firsts in the world. He described Hemitherophyte life-form as a discrete unit within Raunkiaer's plant life-form system (1942). He was a pioneer in the cytological (caryological) study of wild vascular plant species in Hungary (1947–1949). His results regarding to primary production of freshwater algae and algal culture (1958–1960) were in leading edge. In 1972 he founded and until 1990 edited the Hungarian series entitled ‘Vízűgyi Hidrobiológia’. Books of this series aimed to publish identification keys of freshwater taxa. These books were proved to be decisive and useful tools for Hungarian hydrobiologists in biological classification of brooks, streams, rivers and different types of stagnant waters. Between 1934 and 2009 he collected more than ten thousand herbarium sheets. After his retirement, he dealt with the revision of the herbarium material of Department of Botany in Hungarian Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden of Eötvös University (Budapest). He participated in the preparation of the New Hungarian Herbal. His scientific work was characterised by deep humility for nature, which was founded on strong theoretical and practical background.

  • Rediscovery of Crepis mollis (Jacq.) Asch. subsp. hieracioides (Waldst. & Kit.) Domin in Hungary

    Crepis hieracioides (= C. mollis subsp. hieracioides) was described from the Bakony Mts. (Western Hungary) by Pál Kitaibel more than 200 years ago. His record has been the single one of this taxon from the territory of present-day Hungary thus far. In the second half of the 20th century this taxon was either reported as ‘extinct’ or was plainly ignored in the Hungarian literature. This paper reports about the recent rediscovery of C. mollis subsp. hieracioides in the Bakony Mts., specifically in the ‘Bakonyalja’ region (Devecser: Széki-erdő). The habitat is characterised, and the regional phytogeographical significance of this taxon is emphasised.

  • Contributions to the distribution of Arabis nemorensis (Cruciferae) in Hungary

    Arabis nemorensis is a poorly-known species with sparse and mostly uncertain literature records in Hungary. A complete list of its known occurrences was presented in Soó’s synopsis in 1968. A few new records of this taxon have been reported since then. In the present study all literature records were evaluated by means of revision of Hungarian herbarium materials. Several vouchers were succesfully traced, and their identity as A. nemorensis was confirmed (Baja, Ercsi, Lesenceistvánd, Miskolc, Nagykanizsa, Szigetújfalu). In other cases, the putative vouchers belonged to A. hirsuta or A. sagitatta, thus the corresponding literature records proved to be erroneous (Balatonmáriafürdő-alsó, Gyenesdiás, Kőszeg, Vasboldogasszony, Zalaújlak). On the other hand, hitherto unknown Hungarian localities of A. nemorensis were revealed, specifically in the Bükk Mts. (Eger, Kács), the Bakony Mts. (Márkó), in the western Balaton region (Hahót, Hévíz, Keszthely-Fenékpuszta, Nyirád, Tapolca) and the Hungarian Plains (Csákvár, Debrecen, Egeralja, Fertőd-Eszterháza, Kiskőrös, Lébény, Ócsa, Sárszentmihály, Szigetszentmiklós). The species appeared to be new for the phytogeographical regions Bakonyicum and Nyírségense. Additionally, a few specimens of A. nemorensis collected outside the territory of present-day Hungary were revised in BP. The historical occurrence of the species at Torja (Turia in Romania) is documented by two specimens (Schur, 1853, as A. gerardi; Jávorka & Keller, 1943, as A. hirsuta). Another specimen that was collected in 1879 at Óbecse (Bečej) and labelled as A. glastifolia by Kovács was found to be A. nemorensis too. Since the identity of Schneller’s literature record (1858) from Futak is uncertain, Kovács’s specimen is currently the only, though historical record of this species from Vojvodina province in Serbia. Further specimens of A. nemorensis were discovered in the collections of Lengyel. They were collected and labelled as A. sagittata near Pomogy (Pamhagen) in 1910 (and questionably in 1919), probably representing the first gathering of A. nemorensis from Burgenland state in Austria.

  • Cardamine occulta Hornem. in Hungary, and other stowaways of the ornamental plant trade

    During the study of the weed flora of garden centers in Hungary (among 2017–2020), remarkable populations of Cardamine occulta Hornem., a new alien for the Hungarian flora were found. C. occulta was present altogether in 51 of the 53 visited sites. Dominantly the regularly irrigated and continuously moist microhabitats (pots, containers, muddy surfaces of geotextile-covered beds etc.) were colonized. During the revision of our recently collected specimens, deposited in JPU and DE herbaria as Cardamine hirsuta L., further individuals proved to identical with this till overlooked species. One of them (27.08.2004., Heves county: Eger [8088.3; 8188.1], coll. by A. Schmotzer, deposited in DE collection) proved to the third documented occurrence in Europe, comparing to the accessed literature data. Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. and Urtica membranacea Poir. are also new aliens for the Hungarian flora. Several introduced individuals of these taxa were found in containers of imported thermophilous woody ornamentals at 4 and 2 sites, respectively. Tens of individuals of Eclipta prostrata were also found in a sapling-bed at another site. New populations of scarce or rare Euphorbia prostrata Aiton, E. serpens Kunth and Veronica peregrina L. were also documented.

  • The ‘rediscovery’ of the Birdsfoot Fenugreek (Trifolium ornithopodioides (L.) SM.) in the Hortobágy, Hungary

    In 2009, the first author discovered an unknown population of Trifolium ornithopodioides in the Ágota-puszta of Hortobágy plain. In 2016, the second author found an another population in the vicinity of Karcag (Ecse-zug puszta). Up to now there was only one published occurrence of this species from the region. The specimen collected by Szujkó-Lacza Júlia, Kováts Dezső and Fekete Gábor in 1974 was deposited in the herbarium of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (BP), but this incomplete specimen was misidentified, and not Trifolium ornithopodioides. Therefore, this newly discovered site at Ágota-puszta should be regarded as the first trustworthy occurrence of this species at the Hortobágy plain.

  • New occurences and spread of the adventive species, Torilis nodosa in Hungary

    Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn. is an Atlantic-Mediterranean weed species. Its old data are known from Budapest, but these may have been occasional occurrences, the species has not been confirmed in Hungary for more than a hundred years. In the last few years, we have found six new occurrences of the species in Hungary, one population in Budapest, and another five in some settlements on the northern shore of Lake Balaton. The species was observed in ruderal or intensely mowed urban habitats, in all cases. Intensive tourism has a role in its introduction for sure, but for the survival of self-sustaining stands and in its already perceptible regional spreading, the climate change trends, the increasingly mild winters, and the decreasing number of frost days could also be important. New data from Hungary are well connected to its other Central European observations.

  • Continuing spread of Plantago coronopus along Hungarian roads

    In the course of our research of Hungarian transport routes, we observed an intensive spread of the Atlantic-Mediterranean Plantago coronopus L., a recently established species in Hungary. Between 2017 and 2019, it was detected in 47 flora mapping quadrats, which increased the total number of occurrences to 81 since 2013. Besides motorways, the main Hungarian transport routes were involved as well. 26 occurrences have been recorded along the roads 4/E60, E573, 8/E66, 86/E65 and 87, which are severely affected by international traffic. However, on routes avoiding international transit traffic, the species’ occurrences are still rare. In some cases, the predominant direction of traffic appeared to influence the formation of new stands. It is very likely that the first individuals that appeared along the section of the M86/E65 motorway between Szombathely and Hegyfalu in 2019, arrived primarily by northbound traffic, rather than along the road 86, which runs parallel to it only a few hundred meters away. Likewise, it seems certain that the spread of the species along the roads M1/E60, E75 (Mocsa, Tata, Páty) and M7/E71 (Fonyód, Balatonlelle, Kajászó) as well as the road 8/E66 (Bakonygyepes, Veszprém) is due to reproduction of older extensive local populations. At several localities along the outer bend of roundabouts or near the exits of motorways, a dispersal role of intense winter road salting was also observed. The largest populations were located mostly along ditches, next to the (often bare) lane of roadbeds that are heavily affected by mechanical and osmotic stress. The majority of stands were found within a 3 meters wide belt along the asphalt strip (5 meters was measured in the lawn of a cemetery once). Since the species is present continuously at several localities since 2013, it is considered as naturalised in Hungary, and its further spread can be confidently predicted. The current status of the species in Hungary is naturalised (non-trans¬former) neophyte.

  • The occurrence of Viola collina Besser in the Bükk and Uppony Mts. (N Hungary)

    Herbarium revisions and recent field observations revealed the occurrence of Viola collina Besser in the Bükk and Uppony Mts. (northern Hungary). This species has not been reported from the North Hungarian Mountains thus far. Altogether 94 localities of V. collina have been recorded in that region between 2007 and 2014. A map of the species’ local distribution is provided. Local habitat preferences of V. collina are briefly discussed.

  • In memoriam Lajos Felföldy [In Hungarian]

    A Lajos bácsi mellett töltött tíz növénytári esztendő (1993–2003), különösen az ezredforduló előtti évek, szakmai pályafutásom talán legszebb, legfelhőtlenebb szakaszát jelentette. Hozzájárult ehhez a „rendszerváltozás” időszakának reményekkel teli atmoszférája, a „most majd minden jobb lesz” szinte gyermeki (és meglehetősen naiv) lelkesedése. Az 1960-as évek óta Csipkerózsika-álmát alvó magyar flóra- és vegetációkutatás hatalmas fejlődésnek indult, köszönhetően annak a váratlan jelenségnek, amely a hazai szakintézmények elhivatott „fiataljai” (és kevésbé fiataljai), valamint az amatőr botanikusok nagymértékű és szinte egyidejű színre lépésében testesült meg. Rohamosan követték egymást a nagy jelentőségű, néha szenzációszámba menő florisztikai, vegetációtani és taxonómiai felfedezések, új flóra- és vegetációművek láttak napvilágot. Döbbenetes erővel ébredtünk rá, mennyi ismeretlent, mennyi kutatnivalót rejt hazánk növényvilága. A „fiatalok” között akkoriban még nemigen mutatkoztak a mások kárára történő egyéni érdekérvényesítés alattomos, vagy leplezetlen jelei, sokkal inkább az együttműködésen volt a hangsúly, és ezt a mozgalmat néhány „nagy öreg”, köztük Felföldy Lajos is melegen pártolta...

  • Data to the distribution and nature conservation of Sorbus bakonyensis

    Sorbus bakonyensis (Jáv.) Jáv. (syn. S. majeri Barabits) is an apomictic species with a very narrow distribution range in the Bakony Mts (Hungary). Its previous occurrence data were published only from Kopasz Mt. (~Kápolna Hill, Csordás valley) above the village Márkó. It was possible to slightly expand the known area of the species to the East and to the West (Kis-Bükk Mt) of Kopasz Mt. with a detailed mapping. Due to the number of known individuals (six mature trees and a variable number of seedlings) and its small distribution range (~2 km2) the species is critically endangered. Regarding its small population, the high number of big game (wild boar, red deer) and the more and more frequent drought periods are significant risk factors. In situ preservation of the species is still a realistic goal, but ex situ propagation in tree nurseries and reintroduction to the suitable habitats of the mapped area (clearings, forest edges) are also justified.

  • Results of the Vincetoxicum pannonicum population survey (2001–2019)

    The Pannonian swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum pannonicum (Borhidi) Holub) is endemic to the Pannonian biogeographical region, occurring only in the Buda and Villány Mts in Hungary. Current distribution and population size of this rare plant species is surveyed. The species is recorded from the following localities: Budajenő: Községi erdő, Budaörs: Szekrényes, Kő-hegy, Odvas-hegy, Szállás-hegy, Út-hegy, Páty: Fekete-hegyek; Nagyharsány: Szársomlyó. According to our research, the total number of individuals is around 3550. The largest populations were found at Községi erdő (Budajenő), Szállás-hegy (Budaörs) and Fekete-hegyek (Páty). In the Villány Hills (Mt Szársomlyó) ca 50 specimens were counted. The peak flowering period of Vincetoxicum pannonicum was observed between 20th and 29th of May.

  • Conservational status of Grimmia plagiopodia Hedw. in Hungary

    Three new localities of the protected and endangered moss species, Grimmia plagiopodia Hedw., were discovered in 2017 in the southern part of Börzsöny Mts (North Hungarian Mountains) at Nagymaros and Kismaros villages. The authors have re-evaluated the threat-status of the species applying the most recent IUCN Red List categories and criteria. According to this, G. plagiopodia can still get the endangered (EN) status in Hungary.

  • Distribution of Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. in Hungary

    Based on field work data collected in 2013–2014, the authors generated a map of the current distribution of Campylopus introflexus for Hungary. Besides the coordinates and geographic name of the localities, an estimated size of the population, the type of habitat and substrate, the co-occurring moss species and affected vegetation types were also recorded. Altogether, 18 stands were found in 8 geographical regions of Hungary, in some cases Campylopus introflexus was found to be a new species record for the moss flora of the respective region (e.g. Dunántúli-dombság, Nyugatmagyarországi peremvidék). In addition to the pine plantations from where it was detected formerly, the mixed deciduous-coniferous forests, the acidophilous oak woodlands and man-made habitats were found to be also proper habitats for this moss taxon. Earlier data mainly originated from pine deadwood, the recently discovered stands were found on acidic soil surfaces. The most important cooccurring moss species were the followings: Hypnum cupressiforme, Polytrichum piliferum, P. formosum, Pohlia nutans and Ceratodon purpureus. Campylopus introflexus had prominently high coverage in the acidophilous oak forests of the Mecsek Mts, where it occurs on acidic sandstone covered with a thin debris of the bedrock. This neophyte moss is widely distributed in Hungary, and has stable populations. Further expansion is expected in the subatlantic and submountain regions of the country, and in regions characterised by acidic soils and pine plantations.

  • The Kámon and Herény source water protection area in the city of Szombathely as a refuge for protected plant species

    The hay meadows and protective forest strips of the Kámon and Herény source water protection areas in the northwestern part of Szombathely have been in good natural condition for decades. By harbouring populations of protected plant species (Orchis morio, Pyrola rotundifolia, Cephalanthera longifolia, Epipactis helleborine and Ophioglossum vulgatum), these areas resemble natural habitats found nearby in the Kőszeg Mountains and the Őrség National Park.  The good semi-natural condition can be attributed to the lack of regular mowing in the case of meadows and the lack of disturbance in the case of forest strips. In recent years, however, the area have been exposed to increasing human disturbance (car and motorcycle off-roading), so it may be timely to initiate legal protection. This short case study indicates that properly managed source water protection areas can play an important role in the conservation of semi-natural habitats, rare and protected plant species and the associated fauna.

  • The Algae of the Year 2015 – Candidates of the election

    While science-based education is widespread for macroscopic flora and fauna, the microscopic world has received much less attention. In 2015, having the aim of establishing a tradition, the Phycological Forum announced its first “Alga of the Year” in form of an online voting. The three candidates of algae were Didymosphenia geminataHaematococcus pluvialis and Prymnesium parvum, from which the Haematococcus pluvialis received the overwhelming majority of votes. Introducing the ecological and economical aspects and distribution of the candidate taxa in Hungary, we aimed at to stress that there is a high educational potential of microscopic life. Furthermore, our study draws the attention to the fundamental role of algae in aquatic ecosystems, stressing their importance in maintaining life.

  • An identification key for Hungarian botanists portrayed in Album Kleinianum

    In the legacy of Sándor Jávorka deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum there is a 12-page typescript entitled “An identification key for Hungarian botanists portrayed in Album Kleinianum (Budapest, 25 September 1912)”. It provides accurate descriptions of 50 botanists in the form of an identification key, which was compiled by Zoltán Szabó, a well-known botanist at that time. The most important features of each person are presented in a humorous, basically ironic, funny and witty way. The Identification key was prepared for the session no. 178 of the Botanical Section of the Royal Hungarian Natural Science Society, where another botanist, Gyula Klein was congratulated on the 40th anniversary of his teaching profession as well as the 20th anniversary of his membership in the society. Almost all prominent botanists attended the meeting. This paper presents the Identification key, supplied with annotations and photographs.

  • Two new adventive species from the Rubiaceae family in Hungary

    Two alien species from the Rubiaceae family were recorded as new for Hungary in 2016. Phuopsis stylosa is a rarely used garden plant in Europe, originally occurs in south-west Asia. A small escaped and established stand was found in Csákánydoroszló village in Vas County (West Hungary). Also a small group of Galium murale was discovered in Budapest-Keleti Railway Station (Central Hungary). This species is originated from the Mediterranean and probably spreads by rail transport. Both species are represented in their habitats by small populations therefore their invasiveness can only be evaluated after several years' monitoring.

  • Contributions to the knowledge of biology and Hungarian distribution range of Orobanche reticulata

    Some new Hungarian occurrences of Orobanche reticulata Wallr. are discussed in this paper. On the Bér-hegy hill (Eastern Bakony Mts) the species was observed on a so far unknown host plant (Carduus hamulosus). Although the species usually flowers from May to July in Hungary, the observed individual was in full bloom in October, probably due to the extremely rainy year (2010). Another population of the species, found at Magyaralmás settlement in the foreground of the Vértes Hills, deserves attention because of its size. In early summer of 2020, individuals of O. reticulata appeared in a great quantity (several hundred ones) on a fallow land that was developed from a natural dry grassland having been ploughed in the previous year. In this case the local host plants were Carduus nutans subsp. leiophyllus and Carduus acanthoides. Some further records of the species from the Transdanubian Mts and the regions of Külső-Somogy and Mezőföld present new data in the Hungarian flora mapping program.

  • Contributions to the flora of Budapest and its surroundings II.

    New and recently confirmed localities of 52 rare taxa (including 26 orchids) are presented from the vicinity of Budapest. Epipactis peitzii is a new species for the Hungarian flora; it has been recorded in the Buda and Pilis Mts. This species and its closest relatives (E. leptochila group) are briefly discussed. Other records are new for the flora of particular regions, specifically: Buda Mts: Corydalis intermediaEpipactis leptochilaEpipactis muelleri; Pilis Mts: Anacamptis coriophoraEpipactis neglectaE. tallosiiValerianella pumila; Visegrád Mts: Epipactis futakiiE. leptochilaE. muelleriE. neglectaOphrys apiferaO. holubyana.

  • Contributions to the flora of Budapest and its surroundings III.

    New or recently confirmed localities of 40 rare taxa (including 7 ferns) are presented from the vicinity of Budapest. Some records are new for the flora of particular regions, specifically: Geranium sibiricum (Buda Mts and Budapest), Polystichum setiferum (Pilis Mts), Onosma pseudarenaria, Sorbus aria s. str. (Visegrad Mts). Of the remaining records, the most significant ones are those of Agrimonia procera, Botrychium lunaria, Epipactis tallosii, Gymnadenia odoratissima and Sorbus ujhelyii.

  • Sorbus udvardyana Somlyay & Sennikov in the eastern part of the Balaton Uplands

    Related to distribution of S. aria s.l. × S. torminalis hybrid taxa in the eastern part of the Balaton Uplands just data of „S. balatonica” is in the literature based on collection of Ádám Boros (Kárpáti 1960). In the summer of 2014 the author found and mapped a few (sub)populations of S. aria s.l. × S. torminalis at Lovas (Királykúti-völgy, Atya-hegy, CEU: 8973.4) and Felsőörs (Malom-völgy, Kopasz-tető, CEU: 8973.4) villages. Based on leaf-morphological traits the specimens were identified as S. udvardyana.