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  • Significance of Retail Services, Their Connection to the Geographical Location, Retail Services in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Country: kiskereskedelmi szolgáltatások szerepe és földrajzi előnyök kapcsolata : mi a helyzet Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyében?

    Nowadays the question as to wgat can make the customers satisfied and loyal to a shop is getting more and more important. One of its potential tools is the introduction of retail services, which has a significant role in the increasing importance of services, too. Not only retail, but also services are part of our everyday life and pervade it. Retail satisfies aour needs and demands throught buying. In concentrated retailing, the competitions among competitors is becoming more and more intense. In this competition, a retail service  can become a relative competitive edge. These services have to follow customer demands as well as have to be  hard to copy by competitors, i.e they have to be sustainable in the long run. The quality and standard of a specific retail service depends on the place/area of requistion, the exact retail unit, the current employee and his/her level of compensation in the organistation.

  • Availability of services as a basis of the formation of the modern quality of population`s life

    The article discusses the possibility of improving the quality of the population`s life on the basis of increasing the availability of social services. The author shows the possibility of using an interdisciplinary approach in the analysis of consumption of services in the spheres of education, health, culture, sport and
    other. The results of the research can be used to introduce clarity into the state social policy.

  • Research about marketing of public services including customer satisfaction, considering the appearing tendency of environment conscious consumers in the County of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok

    Our research is targei ng the supplier companies operate in the County of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok. The defi nii ons of public service and public ui lity service will be described in this ari cle. We examine how the County supplied with public ui lity services so we can have a bigger picture about how pleased or even unpleased are the people of the region about the services. Finally we discuss the subject mat er of markei ng aci vii es of public ui lity service companies. Is the sai sfaci on of customers an evidence for the assumpi on that there is limited contest between the ui lity service companies?

  • Analysis of the ways of efficiency enhancement of transportation services in tourism

    Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing fi elds of the world economy. Owing to the relai vely low-cost capital investment necessary to set up and develop tourism business, high levels of payback rates, constantly rising magnitude of demand for tourist services, tourism business has recently been drawing the at eni on of not only its poteni al customers, but also of entrepreneurs. 

  • The health resort sphere in Russia and evaluation of its potential for development

    The article deals with the historical aspects of the sanatorium-resort complex formai on in Russia and it presents the assess of its current state; the main sources of funding of sanatorium- resort treatment for Russian citizens are described; tendencies of development of the market of SPA-services were shown; it includes informai on about the ways how to improve the services compei i veness; methods of the evaluai ng for poteni al of development in sanatorium-and-SPA services sphere are presented.

  • The Analysis of Four Star Wellness Hotels’ Websites in Gyula

    Nowadays people have been browsing the websites of accommodati ons before travelling to gather more informati on. A good website can be a good source of informati on and a good adverti sing tool if it is well-structured and easily understandable. That is the reason why resorts need to concentrate not only on their services but also on their own websites. My research study has two disti ncti ve parts. In the fi rst part I introduce the fi ndings of my questi onnaire-based survey focusing on the use of hotel websites by guests. Then in the second part I analyze and classify the websites of the four hotels in questi on. I also assess the
    structure and the content of hotel websites; and fi nd out possibiliti es for their development and improvement.

  • Differential supply management by age in hotel tourism products

    In the development of hotel product strategies, the proportion of diversification and differentiation is a major decision that the hotel offers a wider range of services, which will help to find most suitable for guests, or narrows down its targeted segments and provides them with specific supply elements. One segmentation aspect could be the age of guests. The most prominent and identifiable age group in the supply is the senior, which has always been important for hotels. They have the off-season demand, predictable and well-known needs, their satisfaction is easily accessible. The research is looking for the answer to the question of whether the hotels have the opportunity of acquire the senior segment and what are the special features of the products recommended for them. Parts related to the topic of tourism marketing literature have been reduced to the accommodation services in the secondary information processing section of this paper. This is followed by the identification of the segment's booking and residence habits. Primary analysis of supply will be by observation of collecting and comparing the hotels' offerings to senior guests

  • Reorganization of human resources in the tourism industry from the perspective of recent years, in relation to Transylvania

    Nowadays, employment in various economic fields and the possession of appropriate professional knowledge are of considerable importance, especially in the services sector, where properly qualified personnel is a key factor in terms of the development of satisfaction in the demand segment. As an apropos of this, the human resource reorganizations taking place in the Transylvanian region and the willingness to work form the subject of the research, focusing on the tourism industry, which was a difficulty for businesses providing various services during the period of the Covid-19 epidemic that spread in 2020. In a significant part of the international studies related to the topic, the difficulties arising because of the change in the attitude of the tourist human resources are mentioned, which can lead to a disadvantageous situation in the long term of the operation of tourist facilities. As a result, the sixteen Romanian counties that make up the Transylvania region became the target of the investigation. Projected on the mentioned counties, relevant data from the Romanian National Statistical Institute (INSSE) were first used, examining the time interval between 2010 and 2022, both yearly and monthly. According to the data used, it is important to focus on the investigation of tourist traffic, as well as on the number of people employed in the sector and its change, as well as on the wages received for doing their work and the associated benefits, which can serve as a motivational factor in addition to valuing employees. An examination of the data related to the topic shows that the 2008 global crisis had a more drastic impact on employment in Romania than the Covid-19 pandemic that spread in 2020, the effects of which can still be felt today.

  • New generations – new trends in the spa industry

    Today's tourism market is a scene of rapid changes that equally affect the demand and the supply side. In the spa industry market, due to the presence of both wellness and medical services, a wide range of generations appear as consumers, with different expectations toward the service providers. Therefore, the changes taking place in the present and the upcoming years are worth exploring, which, in addition to the changes in consumer habits, visualize the expansion of consumer needs. Current article attempts to describe the expected spa services by examining the nature of generations and identifying future changes that can be predicted. The author primarily tries to summarize the market trends that contribute significant changes, using international and national secondary resources and the professional experience gained in the industry.


    Both tourist service providers and tourism developers it is becoming increasingly important to take into account the generational aspects. Generation’s problem is classically related to the activity of human resource management as a factor for employees involved in providing personal services appearing an integral part of the supply. The second one, but not the secondary aspect is related to the generational characteristics of demand that should be reflected in the supply of services. Generational demand characteristics are identified by a primary, question-based method, and the supply was analysed by observation generations’
    specific tourist products. Comparing the obtained results leads to the conclusion about the adaptation to the generation needs.


    While the question of sustainability has received more and more attention and publicity in the past decades, all ecosystems services has been constantly deteriorating during the same period. There is an abyss between theory and rhetoric and meaningful and effective action. Our present-day socio-ecological crisis is the result of a distorted world view which in turn is caused by deep psychological mechanisms affecting the individual and the society. Recognizing these underlying mechanisms, making people aware of how they work might help change the suicidal course that the developed societies based on free market capitalism, neoliberal ideology and excessive consumerism has been on in the last two hundred years. This paper aims to discuss some of the obstacles that seem to have been hindering effective action.


    Differential hotel product strategies include segment-specific programs. The senior age group has always been important for hotels. They have the off-season demand, predictable and well-known needs, their satisfaction is easily accessible. The research is looking for the answer to the question of whether the hotels have the opportunity of acquire the senior segment and what are the special features of the products recommended for them. Parts related to the topic of tourism marketing literature have been reduced to the accommodation services in the secondary information processing section of this paper. This is followed by the identification of the segment's booking and residence habits. Primary analysis of supply will be by observation of collecting and comparing the hotels' offerings to senior guests.

  • The Problems of Adaptive Tourism’s Development in Russia

    In the article the problems of development of tourism for people with disabilities. Special attention is paid to the organization of transportation and accommodation services. Integration into society of persons with disabilities is part of the implementation of social responsibility of the tourism business.


    Territorial determination of the tourism development areas is crucial for professionals responsible for destination management. The direct motives are (1) the available financial development funds, (2) the expansion of tourism supra- and infrastructure, (3) the evolvement of destination image, however induced factors can be (1) the involvement of ancillary services or (2) using single communication. Main concern of the tourism supply is to provide sufficient information to the potential travellers, although the question arises how demand is able to follow the iterative changing in determinations. The fact that a narrower area is periodically associated with a different tourism development area and thus has different communication generates a degree of uncertainty in the tourists’ travel decision. Current article introduces a section of a research project for the assessment of the awareness of current tourism development areas by tourists. After the clarification of concepts paper details the results of pilot testing which makes foundation for a large-sample market research. Findings are instructive not just in terms of measurement correction, but for further considerations.

  • Catering in the Dining Cars of the Future

    The examination of catering has become an importantissue for MÁV, the Hungarian Railways again. It plays an extremely outstanding role during longer trips, but it can also increase the comfort of passengers during shorter trips. Numerous good examples can be found worldwide, which can be adopted by Hungary. The present examination and research have started at the request of MÁV Zrt. Railway is the second most significant way of transport, aft er the airlines. However in order to be able to keep this position, railway has to widen its range of services, such as dining cars. We are trying to support the reform of dining cars considering all the relevant professional viewpoints.

  • Health tuurism as scene of formation of behaviour - demonstration - of possible research directions

    Over recreation health tourism – mainly wellness tourism – services also ensure knowledge acquisition by informal learning for health. Depend upon former results this study formulates such examination directions by that this sector of tourism can became effective place of health education.


    Over recreation health tourism – mainly wellness tourism – services also ensure knowledge acquisition by informal learning for health. Depend upon former results this study formulates such examination directions by that this sector of tourism can became effective place of health education.


    The core product of sport companies is the sporting event, while the core product of professional sport is international sporting events. Consumers, both active and passive, are the most important players in sporting events. In my research, I studied passive sport consumers. I wanted to get an idea of what the main reason(s) for not attending the sporting event were and what had the least impact on it. The UEFA 2020 European Football Championship matches in Budapest were the subject of the investigation. The questionnaire was conducted online using the snowball method. The questionnaire was based on previous passive sports consumption questionnaires. Nearly 150 responses were received. Respondents were typically in the 18-25 age group, with an almost equal proportion of men and women. By place of residence, they were mainly urban with average incomes. High ticket prices, high additional costs of participation, limited disposable income, other entertainment alternatives and convenience were cited as the main reasons for not attending. The least influential reason for not attending was the lack of COVID19 immunity card. Based on this pattern, it may be worthwhile to offer additional services in stadiums outside the match, even during halftime (halftime show), which could provide alternative entertainment, raise the quality of the matches, or creating ticket and/or season ticket promotions for women, couples. Almost half of the respondents fully support the organisation of further international sporting events in Hungary.

  • Strategy of international hotels as the factor of development of tourism in russia.

    The international tourism, globalization and other factors created the soil for emergence of the international hotel chains – the largest players in this market, which strategies we have investigated by means of maps of strategic groups. Certain intermediate conclusions were already drawn, we will highlight once again importance of research of players of such scale – in many aspects they will define development of the market of hotel services in the future.

  • Guesthouse catering facility as an experience generator in electronic communication of hungarian rural tourism supply

    Based on the model of tourism experience components, the experience basis and experience generators allow the creation of experience promises, the formation of experience imagination and the realization of experience. The catering facilities of rural tourism cannot be considered as a part of the experience basis from the point of view of supply due to the legislative framework i.e. the limited availability of catering services. At the same time, demand considers as an essential supply element the countryside flavours, the tasting of traditional gastronomy in terms of both the endowment and the availability and from the professional point of view, the appearance of a supply element in rural tourism in Hungary is unquestionable. The exploratory research covers the entire range of qualified accommodation based on the FATOSZ (Hungarian National Association of Rural and Agrotourism) electronic communication database, analyses the experience promises based on the aspects developed according to the topic, identifying their experience basis or experience generator characteristics, looking for the relationship between quality and the gastronomic experiences.


    There are 11 larger fitness clubs in Debrecen, where group training also appears as a service. These fitness centers can be identified as the leading fitness providers in the city based on this services, their area size and their machine park. We performed an economic analysis of these fitness providers based on their annual report data. Finally, the data of the balance sheets and income statements of 9 fitness service providers were collected, with the help of these statements we analyzed the wealth, financial and income situation of the examined organizations. It can be stated that the balance sheet of the examined fitness clubs is in line with their profile, ie investments in real estate and machinery dominate, which can often be realized by relying on external sources. In this context, there is a risk of indebtedness, which calls the attention of these large fitness centers in Debrecen to take the necessary steps to improve both their profitability and financial stability in the future.