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  • The reasons of bee population’s decrease, its expected consequences, its effects on the environment

    Scientific studies prove that the bee population is showing regressive tendency worlwide. It is important to protect the bee families of the Hungarian bee masters together with the high quality bee products thereby protecting our environment and our lives. Preventing the problem is the most important objective. Already there are some taken actions to reduce or restrain the devastation of the bee population. A good example is the prohibition of some insecticides and seed dressings as well as the raising possibilities of the GMO vegetables in Hungary controlled by laws. Besides of this the right number of the quality bee pastures must be ensured. Using all the mentioned ones and the appropriate knowledge the growth of the bee population can be assured in the future as well. In my dissertation I’m looking for the reasions that could cause the reduction of the bee population, analyzing the possible effects and providing suggestions to find a way to balance the negative impacts.

  • The Mother’s Role in the Health Conscious Consumer Socializati on of Children

    In our research we were looking for a relati onship between childhood obesity and the mother’s body type, lifestyle. We have examined the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of respondent mothers with the use of Cramer’s V coeffi cient. The opinion of respondents does not refl ect the reality in Hungary. The Cramer’s V coeffi cient, which measures the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of mothers was medium: 0.519, which means that the respondents cannot assess their own BMI and body type. The body type of children perceived by their mothers was also inaccurate. According to our research we can state that body type of mothers exercises infl uence on the body type of children. The extent of infl uence depends on the age of children (3.6 – 8.5%).

  • The significane of environmental taxes used for mitigating the environment harmful impacts of road transportation

    Logistics is one of the most important economic sectors of the European Union, with nearly 1.134 million companies engaged in the field of transportation in the EU. The global logistics market is expected to show further expansion in the forthcoming years. On the other side stands global warning which is one of the greatest problems for the time being. The European Commission has announced a cross-sectoral investment programme worth more than 10 billion euros (nearly 3,200 billion Hungarian forints) for the planning, development and implementation of low carbon dioxide-emitting technologies to improve Europe’s global competitiveness. The common data base of OECD and the European Environment Agency (EEA) currently lists 375 environmental taxes and approximately 250 environmental fees or charges in the OECD countries. Among the EU member states, Sweden, for example, introduced a tax system which includes the essential elements of eco-tax more than 10 years ago. Hungary has several of such tax types, such as the excise tax on fuel, the energy tax, the energy suppliers’ income tax or the vehicle tax.


    The change of The change of regime resulted in significant changes in the life of the Hungarian rural areas; while the rural income of Hungary used to be world-class, after the change of regime it became incredibly low. Accession to the European Union and the European rural policy opened new aspects for rural areas and the people living there. The study presents the sociodemographic and farming characteristics of families receiving EU subsidies in the Southern Great Plain Region 15 years after the EU accession.

  • “The earthworm is the best workmate of the farmer”– or beneficial effect of minimal soil disturbance on soil structure

    In recent decades in Germany the soil structure is greatly improved on a substantial part of the  rable land. Soil erosion can be observed less commonly. Since the 1970s in Germany the intensity of soil disturbance is significantly reduced. The less disturbed soil has more mechanical load, namely the stability. The perforated structure with stable biopores ensures ecological functions, such as infiltration, aeration, root permeability, fertility. For this reason, soil compaction and soil erosion occur less frequently, they can be detected only in exceptional cases. But in Hungary, the same can not be said therefore it is a desirable objective to explore the cause of differences. Usually the best soil structure can be found on the arable lands without rotation cultivated. In Germany we could study the condition of soils in farms which using no-till system. We have analyzed the effect of soil cultivation methods on the soil structure.



    A jelenlegi koronavírus világjárvány bebizonyította, hogy mennyire sérülékeny az emberi populáció a fertőző betegségekkel szemben. Az emberiség történetében az egyik legrégebben jelenlévő, számos nagy járványért felelős vírus az influenza. Alapbetegségként is, illetve a hozzá társuló másodlagos fertőzések okán is az egyik legnagyobb fertőzésveszély-forrás, amely hosszú története során több millió ember haláláért felelős. Korábbi kutatásaim során sikerült bizonyítanom a beadott influenza elleni védőoltások és az influenza megbetegedések előfordulása közötti összefüggéseket. Jelen tanulmány célja annak bemutatása, hogy a Magyarországon alkalmazott influenza elleni védőoltások milyen kapcsolatban vannak, illetve milyen hatást gyakorolnak az egészségügy egyéb területeire és ezáltal hogyan hatnak az életminőség alakulására. A felhasznált adatok egzakt statisztikai forrásokból származnak, a felhasználásukkal elvégzett számításokból levont következtetések pedig bizonyítják, hogy az influenza elleni átoltottság mértéke kimutathatóan pozitívan befolyásolja a különböző betegségtípusok előfordulásának gyakoriságát, illetve lefolyásának súlyosságát. Ezen kívül szignifikáns hatással bír a várható élettartam alakulására is.


    The current coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated the vulnerability of the human population to infectious diseases. Influenza is one of the oldest viruses responsible for many major epidemics in human history. It is one of the greatest sources of risk of infection, both as a basic disease and as a result of secondary infections, which has been responsible for the deaths of millions of people throughout its long history. In my previous research, I have been able to demonstrate correlations between administered influenza vaccines and the incidence of influenza. The aim of the present study is to present the relationship between influenza vaccines used in Hungary and their impact on other areas of health care and thus on the development of quality of life. The data used are from exact statistical sources, and the conclusions drawn from the calculations performed using them prove that the degree of influenza vaccination has a demonstrably positive effect on the frequency and severity of different types of disease. It also has a significant effect on life expectancy.

  • The use of Hungarian herbs and fruits for functional food production

    The bioactive components are usually sensitive to environmental impacts and circumstances of technological processes. During the production of functional foods it is necessary to preserve the stability of bioactive components. An often applied method of stability preservation is microencapsulation. The aim of our research is to encapsulate herbs (lemon balm, garden and Spanish thyme) and color-rich fruits (blackberry, cherry, elderberry and sea-buckthorn) grown in Hungary and having significant antioxidant capacity. Extracts were made from these herbs and fruits with different extractans and the antioxidant capacity of them was studied applying DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl) method. These extracts and fruit concentrates were used in microencapsulation experiments applying „in situ gelation” method. The antioxidant capacity of the microcapsules was determined immediately after preparation and after 2 and 4 weeks of storage. Comparing the antioxidant capacity of the extracts, concentrates and the stored microcapsules a proposal was given for the optimal composition of the encapsulating mixture and long-term storage experiments were started.

  • Changes in the personal income tax system in Hungary (1988-2014)

    Since its introduction, the Hungarian income tax system has been going through a continuous restructuring process. In my analysis I examine the main changes which have occurred in the Hungarian personal income tax system from the 1990s to the present day. I have also made a short international detour regarding the flat tax system as it seems that global trends also favor simplification. Flat-rate tax might interfere with the tax principle of equity, but it can ease
    verifiability and the declaration of income for tax return and might help to decrease tax administration costs and tax evasion. The most successful reforms which resulted in the improvement of tax morale, transparency and increased tax receipts were the ones which involved the reduction of benefits and exemptions. I have examined how the annual changes in the personal income tax system will affect the tax burden of private entities.


    In the economic sense, the COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a fast-moving, rebounding crisis. In the course of our research, we looked for the answer to what results the pandemic crisis brought about from a public procurement point of view, and what peculiarities can be identified as a result of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the energy crisis. Our basic hypothesis is that the pandemic crisis situation had a less negative impact on the Hungarian public procurement market, however, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the energy crisis result in a much more complex economic situation, so their impact is likely to be more prolonged. 

  • Food Labels from the Point of View of Consumers

    On the basis of our secondary research fi ndings it can be stated that the majority of young Hungarians are intensive consumers of foods with a high level of fat, salt and sugar. We can state that they do not understand the noti ons of food labels, and are not aware of the signs’ meaning on product packages. Only half of the young read the list of ingredients on the back of products. The situati on is even more aggravated as only 40% of respondents are aware of the eff ects of components (by their own avowal). There are no food labels supporti ng consumer decisions in Hungary. It is necessary to take other countries’ practi ce into considerati on, for example the practi ce, the food labels of the USA and the idea of the Hungarian Nati onal Heart Foundati on.

  • Guesthouse catering facility as an experience generator in electronic communication of hungarian rural tourism supply

    Based on the model of tourism experience components, the experience basis and experience generators allow the creation of experience promises, the formation of experience imagination and the realization of experience. The catering facilities of rural tourism cannot be considered as a part of the experience basis from the point of view of supply due to the legislative framework i.e. the limited availability of catering services. At the same time, demand considers as an essential supply element the countryside flavours, the tasting of traditional gastronomy in terms of both the endowment and the availability and from the professional point of view, the appearance of a supply element in rural tourism in Hungary is unquestionable. The exploratory research covers the entire range of qualified accommodation based on the FATOSZ (Hungarian National Association of Rural and Agrotourism) electronic communication database, analyses the experience promises based on the aspects developed according to the topic, identifying their experience basis or experience generator characteristics, looking for the relationship between quality and the gastronomic experiences.

  • The Youth Tourism Motivations Based on Interviews French and English Students

    The study summarizes the results of two short term research study visits, and the outline of the situation of the Hungarian topic. The results of surveys conducted among students of higher educational institutes of the three cities in the three countries (Bordeaux – France, Durham – United Kingdom, Szolnok – Hungary) are presented is comparison with highlighted of similarities and differences. The identified variations of costumer’s habits are useful for development of supply.

  • The Attitude of Hungarian Consumers to e-Book Readers

    My paper deals with e-books and e-book readers, which are a new innovation of the electrotechnical industry, the most developing industry of the 20th and 21st centuries. The market for these products is really untapped in Hungary despite the propagation eff orts of the most popular publishers and bookstores. My primary aim was to find out the Hungarian consumers’ reading habits, their negative attitude to technology and the reasons for the unpopularity of these products among domestic consumers.


    Warranty is the essential tool in consumer protection. We can presume that consumers know the most important rules of warranty regulation because everyone is affected by it. I think if the consumer has no accurate information on the warranty in this case, consumer awareness can be questioned. According to my research (sample size is 2182 persons) the respondents are convinced that an obligatory guarantee shall be due on a HUF 4,999 technical product (hairdryer). Only 19.7% of the respondents knew this was not really the case. It is striking that only 56.3% of the respondents were able to say that the mandatory legal guarantee period for a technical product (television) was 12 months. All kinds of figures appeared in the responses relating to the warranty period (6, 18, 36, 60 months). We can state that the knowledge of consumer rights is very poor in Hungary.


    In recent years, the number of investigations related to healthy lifestyles, health and behavioral aspects of the listed topics are continuously growing. These research activities also analyze the links and the impacts of these topics on the everyday life. This article seeks to answer the very broad question of how to increase prosperity and living standards in rural areas. Placing the topic in the rural aspect is of special social significance, as the rural area represents a significant share not only in the EU, but also in Hungary.

  • The agricultural value of the rest of the biogas fermentation

    Following the international trends great numbers of biogas plants were opened during the last few years in Hungary. However this issue presents a number of new questions, including the subsequent use of anaerobic fermentation residues. This endproduct can be applied as fertilizer. Chemical properties of digestate are correspond to the Hungaroan Regulations. Digestate contains high amount of nitrogen which is present mainly ammonium form and this form can cause root depression and lower germination rates. High ammonium and mineral salt content of digestate increased the water soluble salt content of soil. The added amount of NH4-N transformed to NO3-N while disengage hidrogen ions from the bond. This process caused the decreasing pH. Humus content determination did not show changes. Long term experiments are needed to recognise detail effects.

  • Credit papers in Hungary. An overview

    The study focuses on the credit paper market’s revival and its development after the change in the political system. The bond appeared as early as the beginning of the 80s in the years of socialism. Its basic mission was to rearrange the household savings, making them available for the corporate and municipal sphere. These investments were basically risk-free. The change in the political system reshaped this market fundamentally. The government papers became dominant and, in addition to bonds, treasury bills entered the market. Its main function, even today, is to finance the budget and pay the instalments and interests in relation with the already accumulated debts. In 2010 perhaps a new age started: two corporate bonds entered the market. Both of the two corporations have realised another issue since then and they seem to have followers as well. The economic slowdown and the low rate of bank crediting may help to boost this market.


    The core product of sport companies is the sporting event, while the core product of professional sport is international sporting events. Consumers, both active and passive, are the most important players in sporting events. In my research, I studied passive sport consumers. I wanted to get an idea of what the main reason(s) for not attending the sporting event were and what had the least impact on it. The UEFA 2020 European Football Championship matches in Budapest were the subject of the investigation. The questionnaire was conducted online using the snowball method. The questionnaire was based on previous passive sports consumption questionnaires. Nearly 150 responses were received. Respondents were typically in the 18-25 age group, with an almost equal proportion of men and women. By place of residence, they were mainly urban with average incomes. High ticket prices, high additional costs of participation, limited disposable income, other entertainment alternatives and convenience were cited as the main reasons for not attending. The least influential reason for not attending was the lack of COVID19 immunity card. Based on this pattern, it may be worthwhile to offer additional services in stadiums outside the match, even during halftime (halftime show), which could provide alternative entertainment, raise the quality of the matches, or creating ticket and/or season ticket promotions for women, couples. Almost half of the respondents fully support the organisation of further international sporting events in Hungary.

  • Environmental Factors Aff ecti ng the Competi ti veness of Enterprises – Changes in Taxati on in the last 5 years.

    A number of factors aff ect the competi ti veness of businesses; fi scal policy is one of them. It has constantly been changing in Hungary recently. However, enterprises would need a more predictable business environment. The aim of this brief study is to point out its importance.

  • Sopron−Fertő, as a priority tourism development area

    In 2016, the organizational management of tourism in Hungary has changed, the basis of which was defined in the CLVI. Tourism Development Act of 2016. The law puts the focus of tourism development on the tourist areas, which aims to make the destinations able to renew their competitive travel offers in the short term for both foreign and domestic guests who are looking for experiences or have higher specific spending. One of the five priority tourism development areas named by the Government until September 2017 is the Sopron-Fertő destination. Based on the 122 completed questionnaires, it can be stated that five towns (Sopron, Bük, Hegykő, Fertőd and Nagycenk) in the Sopron-Fertő priority tourism development area are known among households participating in domestic tourism.