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  • "Siamese Twins" or mutual loathing: economic dimensions of EU-USA transatlantic relations

    The present study addresses the system of transatlantic relationships which, while not without difficulties and discomforts, are at the same time in a state of continual development and expansion. Starting from the historical and diplomatic antecedents and the main characterisitics of the commercial and investment relationships between the EU and the USA, the authors examine the components and operating mechanisms of bilateral economic, co-operation. In describing economic relationships, the authors attempt to answer the questions of how accurate the expression "Siamese Twins" is when applied to transtatlantic co-operation, how the bilateral relationships influence NATO and EU expansion, and what the future holds for transatlantic co-operation.

  • Some characteristics of the connection between the economy and higher education - results of empirical research

    In this study we try to introduce some lessons drawn from an empirical research project which was made within the framework of the Gabor Baross Program's project, "Facilitation of Knowledge Transfer for Enhancement of Competitiveness of the North Great Plain Region by the Founding of the Innovation Knowledge Center". This part of the research tries to examine the demand for higher education among the actors in the economy. First the paper shows those results of the research which measured firms' knowledge of the Bologna process, and the main goals of the new form of education, and the knowledge structure and competencies connected to the creation of the individual education levels. Following this the article examines requirements from higher education, and the opportunity for developing the connections between educational institutions and the economy.

  • Financial hegemony in Hungary?

    The theory of financial hegemony argues that the centralization of the financial sector allows for coordinated decision making over the disposition of investment capital. Because of the importance of outside funding in fueling economic expansion and weathering ongoing economic crises, such centralized decision-making over capital flows confers upon the financial leadership the capacity to coordinate activity ampng a wide range of economic actors. In theis paper I test the statements of the above theory in the network of the interlocking Board of Directors memberships within the best 100 companis and 36 banks in Hungary.

  • Data mining through a business window (Part II.)

    This article demonstrates the real world applications of the technology of data mining by way of a data mining project. This project was created by the author and the analyzed database was provided by a real company. The aim of the analysis was to create a classification model for this firm. To achieve this we applied logistic regression models, a decision tree and a neural network. The best model can help the company to consciously establish which customers will probably respond positively to a personal letter in a direct marketing campaign. In this way potentially favourable customers are reached more efficiently than in the case of randomized selection. This increases the efficiency of the company, and the generalization of results can confirm several advantages of data mining as used in business life.

    JEL classification: C25, C44, C45, C49, C88

  • A kulturális és kreatív iparágak a világ legfrekventáltabb régióiban

    This study touches on and organises the definition of the creative industry, creativity and the differences in terminologies used within the creative economy. These help to form and idea of which areas different countries or regions consider dominant from the developmet point of view. Beyond this, the study describes the attempts to map out the conceptual system of the creative economy and its statistical measurement. It therefore examines the statistical, economical and social characteristics of the creative industries, in accordance with the Europe 2020 Strategy and other professional documents. It aims to provide a comparative analysis of different regions' creative industries. Lastly, regarding to Hungary, it defines future tasks.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: Z1

  • Political budget cycles: fiscal cycle effects in state expenditures in Poland

    In this paper we aim to investigate what kind of role fiscal cycles played in the development of the state budget balances in Poland between 1989 and 2011. Overall, the results of the latest research have found that political budget cycles (PBC) are more typical in less developed countries with a shorter period of experience with democratic institutions, such as the post-socialist transition economies. Nevertheless, empirical studies point out that this phenomenon has been disappearing over time as voters learn how democratic institutions and political manipulation operate. However, this theory could not be proved by testing the pattern of Poland, neither in the case of budget balances nor for state expenditures. Despite the fact that some fiscal cycle effects were found in public sector wages and pensions in the election period of 1997 and 2001, these proved to be temporary, and simultaneously some other measures were identified that counterbalanced the effects of pork barrel spending. Overall, the cyclical evolution of the budget balances in Poland, particularly in the nineties, was not a result of political budget cycles.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: D72, E62, H3

  • Kornai 90: Beszámoló a Komparatív közgazdaságtan és gazdasági rendszerek: Kornai János gondolatainak hatása című tudományos tanácskozásáról; Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, 2018. január 18.

    A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2018-ban több rendezvénnyel is tiszteleg Kornai János előtt, aki januárban ünnepelte 90. születésnapját. Kornai jelenleg a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem kötelékébe tartozik, az Összehasonlító és Intézményi Gazdaságtan Tanszék tiszteletbeli professor emeritusa, és többek között – 2001
    júniusa óta – a Debreceni Egyetem díszdoktora. A 2018. január 18-án tartott egész napos angol nyelvű tudományos tanácskozás házigazdája az Összehasonlító és Intézményi Gazdaságtan Tanszék vezetője, Rosta Miklós egyetemi docens volt.

  • A reklámberuházások versenyre gyakorolt hatásának és gazdasági növekedéssel való összefüggéseinek vizsgálata

    The amount of advertising investments is increasing dynamically worldwide, but returns are decreasing significantly. This is largely the consequence of growing market competition. In connection with this I analyze the role of advertising and the effect of advertising on demand and competition, then I study the relation between advertising and economic growth in this paper. I have conducted a survey among European countries to scrutinize the relation between advertising expenditures. My other assumption had to be rejected as a positive relation does not exist between GDP per capita and advertising investment rate.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: D21, E01, M21, M37

  • Revealed comparative advantage in Hungarian agriculture: a chaotic or coherent pattern?

    We describe the evolving pattern of Hungarian agri-food trade using recently developed empirical procedures based around the classic Balassa Index at various aggregation level and different bechmark between 1992 and 2002. Our results shows a significant geographical differences and across sub-sectors of 1, 2, and 3 digit SITC classification. The extent of trade specialisation exhibits a declining trend for all benchmarks; Hungary has lost comparative advantage for a number of product groups over time. The indices of specialisation have also tended to converge. For particular product groups, the indices display greater variation. They are stable for product groups with comparative disadvantage, but product groups with weak to strong comparative advantage show significant variation.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: Q12

  • Financial Crisis, Economic Policy and Economics

    Concerning the financial crisis in 2007-2009 many politicians and economists, in addition
    to representatives of other disciplines have asked: why could it not have been avoided,
    why could it not have been forecast? The present paper provides a new answer to these
    questions. The main argument is that empirical economic policy reached a deadlock when
    economists acknowledged the equilibrium models based on efficient market theory. The
    static equilibrium paradigm which appeared in the middle of last century has strongly
    prevailed to the present day, leaving aside Kornai’s (1971) or Benassy’s (1982) or Goodwin’s
    (1991) warnings. Since the economy is never in equilibrium the simultaneous equations
    describing it may not provide any guide for politicians; what they should do and how they
    should do it in a time of economic crisis. The present author’s newest book (Móczár, 2008),
    besides the dynamic equilibrium, also sketches a new paradigm, i.e., non equilibrium
    modelling, instead of the orthodox equilibrium paradigm, which allows us to treat bubbles,
    to regulate money markets etc. Its necessity is outlined here.

    JEL classification: E00, E5, E6, G28 

  • The Determinants of Wine Prices: A Systematic Literature Review

    Wine is a highly differentiated product sold at a wide range of different prices. This article aims to provide a systematic review of the literature written on the determinants of wine prices globally. The article runs a search on the combination of keywords “wine”, “price”, “determinant” in the Web of Science, Scopus, JSTOR, ProQuest, and Science Direct databases. Based on a final set of 46 articles written between 1998 and 2018, results suggest that terroir and quality ratings are the most significant determinants of wine prices, while objective quality and label data also determines wine prices, though to a different extent and with a different sign in some cases. The hedonic pricing method was the most common way of analyzing the relationship between wines prices and their determinants, and results are similar for most regions and varieties. We believe that our results can be useful for researchers, stakeholders, and even for decision-makers in better understanding the factors lying behind wine prices.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: D12, D40 Q11

  • Csak a név változott...: (Beszámoló az ISNIE éves konferenciájáról; 2015. június 18–20., Harvard Egyetem, Boston)

    Az intézményi közgazdaságtan vezető nemzetközi társasága, az International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) éves konferenciáját 2015-ben a patinás Harvard Egyetem Law School-jában tartotta. A rendezvény színvonala méltó volt a helyszín rangjához. Mint minden évben, ezúttal is az intézményi közgazdaságtan legjobb kutatói mutatták be eredményeiket, rendkívül izgalmas és inspiratív szellemi környezetet teremtve. A sorban immár 19. konferencia minden tekintetben megerősítette az ISNIE nagyon erős gyökereit, melyet a társaság első, Nobel-díjas elnökei, Ronald H. Coase, Douglass C. North és Oliver E. Williamson irányítása alatt sikerült nagyon mélyre növeszteni, majd az őket követő kiváló elnökök alatt oldal irányba is fejleszteni, azaz új irányokat is elterjeszteni.

  • The problems and future of EU regional policy: the background, preparation and conlcusions of the Third Cohesion Report

    As the time approaches for the preparation of the new European Union, budget storm clouds are appearing on the horizon. The various problems and challanges are putting European politicians to the test. The present article investigates the main areas in which experts must act. One of the most visible of these areas is European regional policy. After analysing what regional policí has and has not achieved, and summarising the aims of the structural policy, the article describes the planned reforms and the outline of the new cohesion policy according to the Third Cohesion Report which appeared in February.

  • The importance of foreign direct investment in Hungarian economy on the Millenary

    In the last two decades foreign direct investments has increased tremendously all over the world. Therefore the study of their economic influences and consequences is in the centre of international and Hungarian research. The paper without aiming at completeness gives a short summary of their influences on the recipient country, which is followed by the analysis of the Hungarian statistical data. These investments are of primary importance in Hungary. They played an important role in putting the country on an export-governed growth path at a time when inner accumulation did not make this possible. Their import demand exceeding export can be considered as an infavourable influence, with which FDI contributed to foreign trade deficit to a great extent. The annual capital influx helos compensate for the deficit of the balance of payment, however a major part of this deficit results from the withdrawal of the earnings realised with the help of FDI, which has been at a growing rate since 1998. The figures of the Hungarian companies (between 1998 and 2001) show that the duality of the Hungarian economy is not spreading.

  • Zsákban táncolva, avagy az egyetemi innovációs stratégia sajátosságai

    Az alábbi írásban igyekszem az egyetemek néhány olyan fejlődési és működési (szervezetszociológiai és oktatás-gazdaságtani) sajátosságát felvázolni, amelyeket egy egyetemi innovációs stratégia elkészítése során − ha annak nem pusztán deklaratív, szimbolikus céljai vannak − nélkülözhetetlen figyelembe venni. Fontos megjegyezni, hogy a szimbolikus célú tervek, (küldetés)nyilatkozatok, víziók, stratégiák stb. egyáltalán nem idegenek az egyetemektől, sőt a mai napig lényeges elemei egy-egy egyetem közösségének megteremtésében.

  • Fejlődésértelmezések: a latin-amerikai és kelet-ázsiai fejlődés államközpontú értelmezése

    A tanulmány a huszadik század második felének latin-amerikai és kelet-ázsiai gazdaságfejlődését elemezve felhívja a figyelmet az állami szerepvállalás jelentőségére a gazdasági fejlődés előmozdításában.
    A fejlesztő államon alapuló kelet-ázsiai modell sikere és a latin-amerikai fejlődés kudarcai egyaránt arra utalnak, hogy a világgazdasági felzárkózás egyik legfontosabb feltétele egy megfelelő bürokratikus képességekkel és integritással rendelkező államapparátus jelenléte. Ugyanakkor a fejlesztő állam által alkalmazott intervencionista gazdaságpolitikára ma már nem csak a külső adottságok megváltozása miatt nincs mód, hanem a fejlődés sajátos dinamikája miatt sem: az egyik leglátványosabb fejlesztéspolitikai sikert elérő Dél-Koreában az önálló világpiaci szereplővé vált óriásvállalatok függetlenedési törekvései és a liberális demokrácia növekvő társadalmi támogatottsága egyaránt hozzájárultak a fejlesztő állam hagyományos intézményrendszerének lebomlásához. A gazdasági fejlődés előmozdításában azonban – különösen a technológiai fejlődés, a foglalkoztatásbővítés és az esélykiegyenlítés területén – ma is nélkülözhetetlen szerepet játszik az állami gazdaságkoordináció.

    JEL-kód: B14, B15, E61, F02, H11

  • The suspicion of Dutch Disease in Russia

    The main statement of the paper is the suspicion that Russia carries the symptoms of Dutch disease. The main justifications behind it are the appreciation of real exchange rates, the deterioration of the performance of the manufacturing sector and the improvement of service sector results. However it is difficult to prove the determining factors behind these processes, so the conclusion that Russia has this ailment has to be treated with caution. As the Dutch disease is only one of the determining factors of the resource curse hypothesis, in the case of Russia other relevant aspects may also play a significant role, such as, inter alia, continuous and considerable corruption, the weaknesse of democratic political system, a protectionist economic policy and a low level of competition, especially in the energy sectors. All of the reasons behind the paradox of the plenty type resource curse phenomenon, and among them the Dutch disease, can jeopardise long-run growth sustainability.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: F31, L60, L72, Q32, Q33

  • Features of Knowledge Intensive Business Services from Innovation Aspects

    Based on the innovation approach to services this paper defines knowledge intensive business services and gives an overview of their features from innovation perspectives. It finds that different service activities are related to innovation systems to varying extents. Compared to other sectors, services lack stimulative institutional and other formal support systems that may act not only as knowledge centres for companies but could also contribute to both the protection and spread of innovation. In contrast with production, the absence of an efficient protection of intellectual property indicates a significant risk in the service sector, and hinders optimal knowledge transfer and results in waste and duplication in innovation efforts.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classification: O31, O32, L84

  • The Economic Theory of Clubs

    Defining club goods allows an analysis of goods that possess neither pure public goods nor pure private goods characteristics. This is the main significance of the economic theory of clubs. The present paper categorises club good among goods in general on the basis of the relevant literature, and specifies the core elements of a definition of clubs and club goods. Then, by summarizing the most important articles on the subject, this paper delineates fundamental questions and models of club theory. Finally, supporting the relevant practical issues of club theory, this study describes economic fields where the theory has been applied.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: H41, H49

  • Emigration or staying at home? The role of loyalty in migration decisions

    This paper investigates the reason behind the modest level of international migration in the presence of vast development disparities and low mobility costs. It is argued that this can be explained by the psychic aspects of migration. In the applied approach, psychic costs are not included in mobility costs; instead, they arise from the interconnectedness of people and their altruist attitudes. The study claims that this kind of psychic connection, defined as loyalty, may play a more important role in migration decisions.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: D01, D03, F22