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HR Funtion Under Changes at Subsidiaries of Foreign Multinational Firms in Light of an Empirical Study in Hungary
98-116Views:479Following almost two decades of multinational companies (MNCs) operating in the transitional economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) expatriate and local managers continue to ask the following question: “How can we effectively manage the available human resources from our subsidiaries or assignees from the corporate centre?” A model of human resource (HR) practices in the subsidiary units of MNC’s in Hungary was developed from a review of the literature, extensive professional experience in the region and an interview-based survey at 42 subsidiaries of large multinational companies. This model describes the evolution of different HR variables in the light of external (macro) and internal (firm specific) factors.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: M16, M51, M52 és M54
Equilibrium analysis of a semi-mixed duopoly – the production-in-advance case: Játékelméleti modell – a készletre történő termelés esete
63-74Views:136We investigate a mixed duopoly where, according to the ownership structure, a private firm and a partially public firm are present on the market of a homogeneous good. The private firm is assumed to be a pure profit maximizer, while the other firm maximizes social welfare in proportion to its state-owned shares. We assume that production takes place before sales are realized. After an introduction to some important results in the field of mixed duopolies, we determine the Nash equilibrium prices and quantities for all possible orderings of moves in the framework discussed. We show that a pure Nash equilibrium exists only if certain conditions are satisfied, and illustrate our findings through a numerical example. Furthermore, we determine the equilibrium of the timing game, i.e. we investigate whether a simultaneous or a sequential ordering of decisions would arise on the market, if the ordering of moves was an endogenous variable.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classifications: D43, L13
Bekker Zsuzsa emlékezete: Hild Márta–Madarász Aladár (szerk.): Az „ezüst pillanatok” nyomában – Tanulmányok Bekker Zsuzsa emlékére, Kronosz Kiadó, 2017, 302 oldal
71-74Views:205Bekker Zsuzsa, a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2015 februárjában elhunyt professzor emeritája, jeles elmélettörténész munkásságát sokféleképp, számos jelzővel lehetne méltatni. A Közgazdasági Szemlében megjelent megemlékezésben Madarász Aladár a „minőség és mérték” kifejezéssel jellemzi Bekkernek a hazai és nemzetközi közgazdasági gondolkodás területén kifejtett munkásságát (Madarász 2015:353), melynek sokszínűségét kiválóan szemlélteti az emlékére 2015-ben rendezett konferencia anyagát tartalmazó kötet tartalmi gazdagsága.
The impact of digitalization on the financial sector
29-42Views:534Present-day consumer society increasingly satisfies its needs through digital channels, and financial products and services are no exceptions. The 4th industrial revolution is not only about the penetration of technology, but also the paradigm shift of business processes. The traditional members of the financial sector must adapt to the digitalized world to keep their positions in the market. The penetration of BigTech and FinTech companies influenced the expectations of consumers: customer experience became the main criteria of their decisions. In order to simplify and accelerate processes, banks use the methods of digitalization, and automatize the system to increase client satisfaction. In this article, we will introduce the three
bank types based primarily on the usage of innovative technology, the extension and depth of the cooperation with FinTech companies, and the status of a bank’s internal digital transformation. Also, we will introduce the current status of the banking sector evidenced by our SWOT-analysis and mention some of the existing payment solutions.
JEL Classification: G21, G23 -
Szerződési szabadság és gazdasági növekedés az átmeneti országokban
95-114Views:138A tanulmány a verseny gazdasági növekedésre gyakorolt hatásait vizsgálja, középpontba állítva a verseny szubjektivista (modern osztrák) felfogását. Legfontosabb következtetése az, hogy a verseny a vállalkozói felfedező folyamaton keresztül tud a legjobban érvényre jutni. Ennek alapján amellett érvel, hogy a versenynek eme aspektusa a gazdasági szabadsággal mérhető, és az átmenti országok esetében ennek nagyobb a szerepe, mint a fejlett és fejletlen országokban. Az elméleti következtetést a tanulmány panelelemzéssel támasztja alá.
JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) kód: O12, O17, L14.
The shift from Office to Customer Oriented Culture: the Case of the Hungarian Post: Liberalizáció és szervezeti változások a postai szektorban
143-158Views:269The case study is conducted within the framework of organizational change and organization innovation, and examines the changes in knowledge requirements and the alterations caused by the liberalization generated by the Magyar Posta Zrt. The study focuses on the transformation of official attitudes, the make up of the required knowledge and how organizational changes have facilitated the development of a customer-oriented organizational structure. Based on the interviews conducted, the conclusion is that the process of “providing service ex-officio” has not yet been completed, but the employees are increasingly becoming involved in a client-centred approach. On the management level the preservation of the hierarchy and the status quo have more importance than the expression of the new organizational values.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: D23, M14
How do informal institutions affect FDI? An assessment of the literature
71-82Views:159A number of studies have examined the determinants of foreign direct investments (FDI). Institutions can be seen as an immobile location advantage, which can influence FDI flows. The aim of this study is to summarise the empirical literature on the growing importance of institutions in FDI decisions, especially that of informal institutions. The study also suggests using another measure as a proxy for informal institutions when analyzing the impact of informal institutions on FDI.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: E02, F02
White collar outsourcing: phenomena of offshore outsourcing
41-60Views:198Offshoring is the migration of part or all of the value chain to a low-cost location many times far from the home country. The development of information technology and telecommunications makes it possible and pressure on costs make it a must for many corporations and other institutions in the developed world. The present transfer of white-collar jobs and processes is an important trend of the infocom innovation wave. Developing countries have started to compete for outsourced jobs and business processes, business models of offshoring develop fast. It is not easy to predict all potential consequences but there will be winners and losers of this structural change.
From mud-hut to microprocessors: The unified growth theory
29-50Views:127The Unified Growth Theory attempts to explain economic growth in the long run within a single framework. Accordingly, it is expected that a successful unified theory is capable of modeling the transition among different economic regimes. In this study, after identifying the main features of the three growth regimes (Mathusian, post-Malthusian and sustained economic growth), we review two typical unified growth theories. While the Hansen-Prescott model seeks to explain how the transition occurred, the Galor-Weil model focuses on the causes and interrelatedness of the observed phenomena.
JEL classification: N10, O41
Chile and the Global Depression
132-146Views:139The 2007-2009 economic crisis ended an exceptional, five year-long economic boom for Chile and other countries in Latin America. The most beneficial economic outcome of the upswing was the fundamental improvement of the region’s countries in terms of the current crisis, which greatly reduce these countries’ vulnerability to external economic shocks. Based on the previous assumption several economists shared the opinion that “This time things are different”. That is, the fate of the continent in the current crisis will be decided differently as the global downturn has barely affected the region’s economic indicators. However, from September 2008 it has become apparent that the continent’s economy remains vulnerable. The crisis, which has infected the real economy through multiple channels, has reached two major victims of the recession, - Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe – leaving them with a decline in GDP per capita and the slowdown of economic growth. Conversely, Chile experienced a decline of a lesser extent due to its structural reforms and was able to re-orientate to its previous growth path much quicker than the rest of the continent’s economy after the ending of the crisis.
JEL classification: O54, H12, O20
The Economic Theory of Clubs
64-85Views:194Defining club goods allows an analysis of goods that possess neither pure public goods nor pure private goods characteristics. This is the main significance of the economic theory of clubs. The present paper categorises club good among goods in general on the basis of the relevant literature, and specifies the core elements of a definition of clubs and club goods. Then, by summarizing the most important articles on the subject, this paper delineates fundamental questions and models of club theory. Finally, supporting the relevant practical issues of club theory, this study describes economic fields where the theory has been applied.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: H41, H49
Russia in Europe
42-53Views:127While Russia has always defined herself, since WW II the latest, in relation to America, the focus of the Russian foreign economy and foreign policy has traditionally been and remained Europe. In the new millenium this contradiction is increased by postmodernity and the policy of the balance of powers of the 19th century. The paper - with a historical overview - justifies that the solution is the unusual relationship between foreign policy and internal policy. Whereas in most countries foreign policy is the extension of the internal policy, in Russia it has been and currently is also the other way round. Foreign policy is the extension of the internal policy, in Russia it has been and currently is also the otherway round. Foreign policy is the means of internal, national and state building efforts and is understandable only from this point of view.
Was there a stock market bubble in Hungary?
Views:252Bubble is one of the most frequently used and colorful terms in economics. However, it is rarely explained in detail, most economists more or less agree on what it means. In the following paper we are going to show that the widely accepted explanation of bubble contains controversial, tautological reasoning. It is challenged from the theoretical side, but practical consequences will also be mentioned. Two questions hiding in the title above will be answered. First is to give a conceptual framework for analyzing stock prices to decide whether we can label as a bubble particular movements, upward and downward tendencies in stock prices. Second, with a coherent and consistent definition we will be able to answer the question whether there was a bubble in the Hungarian stock market between 1995-2002.
Az árak mérésének nehézsége, vagy a mérés nehézségének ára? A magyar mobilpiac modellezésének néhány kérdése
199-216Views:125A dolgozat a magyar mobilszolgáltatások áraival kapcsolatos kérdéseket vizsgálja. Számba veszi a mérést akadályozó legfontosabb nehézségeket, melyek lényeges dilemma elé állítják a kutatót. Vagy megpróbálunk egy aggregált mutatót konstruálni, amely a korábbi adatokra épül és inkább a múltbeli, illetve jelenbeli helyzetet jellemzi – feláldozva ezzel az előrejelzés lehetőségét –, vagy megkerülendő a nehézségeket elméleti modellt alkalmazunk az árak jövőbeni felvázolására. E probléma érzékeltetésére két, a gyakorlatban alkalmazott mutatót és azok hiányosságait ismerteti a szerző, majd a jól ismert Bertrand-modell helytállóságát igazolja. A modell eredménye az árverseny, melynek alátámasztására empirikus tényeket sorakoztat fel a szerző.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: D21, D43, L13
The growing state presence in the world economy: Sovereign Wealth Funds
149-166Views:250While sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) were formerly considered to be passive financial investors, today we can see their active presence in international capital markets. The aim of this study is to give an overall view of these funds, which are becoming increasingly important actors in the international monetary and financial system. This study presents the formation and purposes of sovereign wealth funds, as well as the main factors contributing to their growing presence. Moreover, this study provides an insight into the investment activities and practices of these funds.
JEL classification: E58, F21, F30, G15
Limits of Economic Theories in Border Research
98-116Views:162The paper approaches the possible consequences of further trade liberalization, integration and the disappearance of borders from the perspective of well-known economic theories. After putting forward the questions and hypotheses, the author shows the different conclusions of economic approaches in the case of further integration and disappearing borders in borderlands. Using the results of economic theories the paper outlines the development path of those spatial units where state borders still play an important role in forming economic interactions. It comes to the conclusion that only regional reshuffling
can be mentioned in relation to further integration. The paper also draws attention to the fact that economic theories do not give clear-cut and comprehensive answers for development, so the economic approach could be too simplistic. Consequently, a wellelaborated empirical research programme could provide a genuinely nuanced picture of the development path of borderlands.Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: F15, O18, R12
Financial hegemony in Hungary?
105-132Views:128The theory of financial hegemony argues that the centralization of the financial sector allows for coordinated decision making over the disposition of investment capital. Because of the importance of outside funding in fueling economic expansion and weathering ongoing economic crises, such centralized decision-making over capital flows confers upon the financial leadership the capacity to coordinate activity ampng a wide range of economic actors. In theis paper I test the statements of the above theory in the network of the interlocking Board of Directors memberships within the best 100 companis and 36 banks in Hungary.