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The Dunning–Kruger Effect in Knowledge Management Examination of BSc Level Business Students
14-21Views:268The Dunning-Kruger effect (DKE) in higher education evaluation is one of the current research areas of psychology, educational science, and management science (in our case). Its importance is that the less prepared one is, the less accurately one can judge what performance is expected of him. What is more, he will err more and will overestimate himself. The present study aims better to understand the phenomenon with new, small-sample empirical results. The study is part of a research series that has been ongoing at the University of Debrecen since 2015. It not only quantitatively expands the literature but also includes the course of Knowledge Management among those examined. During the research, students were asked both before the examination (N = 63) and after the examination (N = 76) to guess how many points they would achieve on a multiple-choice test. It supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-examination and post-examination self-evaluations. Using four multivariate linear regression models, we examined whether the sign value or absolute value of the errors made during the guesses show a correlation - in addition to the available control variables - with the test score. Our results showed that the more accurate the pre-examination and post-examination estimations were, the higher the students' actual score was, while the less they tended to overestimate their preparation. This supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-exam and post-exam self-evaluation.
The use of Partial Least Squares to define the Characteristics in the Environment of Higher Education Institutions and their Effects on Entrepreneurial Academic Education, a case study: Torreon, Mexico
1-14.Views:110Because university incubators have a favorable effect on student’s entrepreneurial intents, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are essential to the delivery of entrepreneurship education. By analyzing the perceptions of students who received master diploma in management-business fields in Torreon, Mexico in 2021, the aim of the research is to identify the internal and external aspects of the HEI environment and their impact on entrepreneurial education using Partial Least Squares methodology with the help of the SmartPLS software, 156 responses from the statistical tool provided 120 responses. Three of the original hypotheses were confirmed, while four variables—two associated with HEI ecosystem external factors and two with entrepreneurial education elements—had to be removed since they were not accepted. The findings will lead to a better comprehension of the elements influencing master students' entrepreneurial perspective to create stronger relationship with elements of the HEI ecosystem.
Testing the Sametest-effect in a BSc-level Business Communication Course Examination
10-15Views:98Using secondary data, we empirically examine two biasing effects that may arise in the written evaluation of large groups of students. Suppose the students take the examination in consecutive groups, and we wish to avoid the distortion caused by tests of different difficulty. In that case, we can decide to use the same examination questions. However, the danger of the "same test effect" arises, according to which the group writing later can perform better if it receives information from the examinees in the previous round. Using the same examination tests cannot be recommended if that effect is significant. Another related potential phenomenon is the "revealed sameness effect". Accordingly, if the examinees are aware of the repetition of the questions, it significantly increases the scores of the following group. We tested these phenomena using the data of a three-round written examination. A previously published analysis of a larger sample found that the "same test effect" can be expected if the students decide in which round they take the examination. Since it was possible to freely register for the examination rounds for the assessment analyzed in this study, we assume that the "same test effect" will be significant. Based on the literature, we also expected that the "revealed sameness effect" would occur in the third round. The performed linear regression analysis (N=77) only found some weak evidence for the 'revealed sameness effect' but not for the 'same test effect'.
Healthcare Management Education - Forms and Contents
Views:289Gaining autonomy of a subfield of a private discipline has become plural up to the XXI. century. The appearance of the management discipline at the beginning of the XX. century mostly dealt with the industrial sector, and it was in relationship with the maximalization of efficiency. For now management became on his own in the healthcare sector, certainly regarding the education forms, which is emphasized the numerous educational ways on international level. Educational forms have a binary feature on national level, offering one BA and one MA possibility to learn. The objective of this study is to reveal diversity of the international education forms, illustrating their more important specifications, comparing them with the domestic relationship, all of which may highlight the need for new or novel education forms.
A Literature Review: Artificial Intelligence Impact on the Recruitment Process
108-119Views:15728This paper aim is to review the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Human Resources Management (HRM) recruitment processes. A systematic review was adopted in which academic papers, magazine articles as well as high rated websites with related fields were checked. The findings of this study should contribute to the general understanding of the impact of AI on the HRM recruitment process. It was impossible to track and cover all topics related to the subject. However, the research methodology used seems to be reasonable and acceptable as it covers a good number of articles which are related to the core subject area. The results and findings were almost clear that using AI is advantages in the area of recruitment as technology can serve best in this area. Moreover, time, efforts, and boring daily tasks are transformed to be computerized which makes a good space for humans to focus on more important subjects related to boosting performance and development. Acquiring automation and cognitive insights as well as cognitive engagement in the recruitment process would make it possible for systems to work similarly to the human brain in terms of data analysis and the ability to build an effective systematic engagement to process the data in an unbiased, efficient and fast way.
Tools to Develop End-User Programming Skills from Primary School to Higher Education
30-40Views:218Some years ago at the MIDK2013 Conference [16] we presented a concept regarding the use of a new generation of computer programming novice languages (in fact, an environment, called ‘block languages’). We showed how we imagine the use of this kind of language for different ages and at different levels of education. Now we would like to present the results of our projects related to this concept and our psychological and pedagogical experiences. Furthermore we would like to present further tools to develop end-user programming skills from primary school to higher education.
Millennium Generation Work Experience
657-665Views:244If we are open-minded in our everyday life, we should not overlook the phenomenon of student work. Within the framework of this study, our aim was to examine the work experience, later employment plans and income needs of students starting their studies at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen. In addition, we analyze the most important sources related to student work through literature studies.
It is important to pay attention to changing attitudes of newcomers to higher education as they become active job seekers after graduation. At the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen, about 1,700 students started their studies in the 2019/2020 academic year. Our research was conducted with the involvement of these students.
The data were collected among students participating in the stork camp organized by the University of Debrecen. The survey covers, among other things, the initial salary requirements, previous work experience, future plans, including the willingness to work abroad, and factors that are taken into account when choosing a job.
Examination of Z Generation’s Motivation and Expectations on Higher Education
1-13Views:543Today’s students at secondary schools, the so-called Z generation will be the customers in higher education in the near future. Members of the generation 'Z' were born between the early 1990’s and at the end of the 2000’s and significantly differ from the previous generation Y. They are called as Sharing Generation and Digital Generation as well. They have special learning habits and special expectations about learning, teaching and theories. These facts bring up a question about suitability and efficiency of traditional and actual methods in higher education in connection with their teaching and personal development. In this research expectations of students in year 11 will be examined about the higher education in general and with special regard to the business higher education.
Historical Aspects of the Internationalisation of the Higher Education as Historical Examples of Innovation and Knowledge Transfer
87-97Views:242The internationalisation of the higher education is one of the most actual topics of the education management nowadays. It can bring a solution for the problems of the Hungarian higher educational institutions caused by the demographically expected decrease of the number of students. The internationalisation of the higher education is not a new-fangled phenomenon however it became much popular in the last decades and it has been spread globally. The aim of this article to show the historical aspects of the internationalisation in higher education based on literature review and research.
Vállalkozói képzés a 21. században a felsőoktatásban – lehetőségek, módszerek, jó gyakorlatok
1-18Views:513Challenges of the 21st century require answers from higher education as well. In Europe, most of the entrepreneurship programmes on the higher education institutions are less than ten years old. Whilst business studies may battle for academic legitimacy, it has a clear advantage when it comes to graduate employability. The aim of this paper is to give answer to the following questions: why entrepreneurship education is important, what are the methods which are already used and what are the results of them. The answers to the questions are based on literature reviews, a case study and in-depth interviews with alumni carried out at the University of Debrecen, where since 2010 Team Academy Debrecen, a new education model from Finland is implemented. Tiimiakatemia education is an innovative Finnish model founded in 1993 by Johannes Partanen that develops team entrepreneurs. Based on the results some of the important elements of entrepreneurship teachability are: learning by doing, passion, learning in teams, coaching and mentoring.
An Analysis of the Leisure Preference System of Students with Disabilities in the Light of a Study
98-115Views:744With the increase in the number of disabled people and people with disabilities, research on the target group of people with disabilities has gained momentum in recent decades. Research is very diverse, looking at the labor market situation of people with disabilities, their leisure-time habits, or the factors that support and inhibit their sport.
In our questionnaire research, the leisure and sporting habits of children with disabilities aged 8-18 are described and analyzed (N = 639). Data were processed with spss software, where basic statistics and contextual analysis were performed. The results confirm that passive activities (TV, listening to music) dominate the leisure activities of children with disabilities. Sports consumption (active and passive) was more prevalent among male respondents and less prominent among girls. In the motivation of sports, besides improving the state of health, entertainment and company appeared.
Possible ways of IP Commercialisation in the European Higher Education Ecosystem
56-74Views:263Strong links between universities, and companies can play crucial role in promoting taking into practice of ideas that drive the knowledge society, and in raising competitiveness and living standards. In academic terms of IP management, all activities aimed at sharing knowledge generated in research institutions as a knowledge transfer including scientific publishing, conference presentations, collaborative research with external partners, and contract-based clustering activities, such as licensing and spin-offs. In a narrower sense, the IP management means technology transfer is aimed at placing a given technology on the market, and includes any process by which the recovery partner becomes able to produce new products or services. IP with traditional university mission, values, and activities primarily focusing an active university role in entrepreneurship and contracts with private sector for IP commercialization. This paper gives a comprehensive overview about IP management in universities of the European Higher Education System including the following aspects: partnerships (licensing, industry collaborators); IP invention (disclosures, patenting); proof of concept research bridging the gap between lab discoveries and market application (highly innovative R&D to solve practical problems and commercialization research aiming patented technologies towards business exploitations) and commercialization (start-up incubators and strengthening the entrepreneurial attitudes and competencies). The methodology based on secondary research analysing EU, OECD, on-line literature sources and relevant, up-to date statistical data as well. The conclusions and recommendations based on this „desk research” work reflects the authors.
Quality Improvement in Higher Education – Role of Indicators and Student Feedbacks in Course Improvement
1-10Views:174Customer oriented conduct and process-based thinking have become quasivital pillars of durable competitiveness for the business world today. Following this approach should result in satisfied customers, decreased costs, and efficient employees. However, the actors in higher education are just starting tolerant his way of thinking. The increasing focus on quality issues and the process-related approach to this is catalyzed by several factors. These concept is not a new issue at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Department of Management and Corporate Economics as the flagship of teaching and researching quality management at the University looks for opportunities to give practical answer. Based on this the purpose of my paper is to demonstrate different examples at the different level of processes in higher education.
Application of Team Coaching Tools for University Education – Case Study
445-456Views:529In 2010 the innovative Finnish higher education system (Tiimiakatemia – Team Academy) was launched at University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business, which was also awarded by OECD and has been run at JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Jyvaskyla since 1993. In this system, we create team entrepreneurs who have to work together in teams. In this research the authors would like to look at how we can use the team coaching tools as a part of this model in our team entrepreneur education system to build high performing teams. Tuckman named five stages of team formation: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. A new team cannot be expected to perform as an excellent team when it first comes together. It takes time forming a team, and they often go through recognizable stages as they change from being a collection of strangers to a united group with common goals. You have to understand it at first, than you can help your team become effective more quickly. Authors of this study work as team coaches in Team Academy Debrecen. In the last 6 years we have worked with several teams and experienced how group dynamics present at the teams and change through the learning process. We have faced with great storming period at different teams and managed to build high performing entrepreneur teams as well. Our experiences are introduced as case studies, after analysing, consequences will be concluded. As in the EFQM model we can find that to survive in the global competitive markets companies need the best teams for the best results.
Entrepreneurial Climate – Management of Women's Entrepreneurship
69-74Views:112Entrepreneurship, which people can have without formal economic education, is a tendency acquired through upbringing in the family, competition in school, implies risk and constant self-affirmation through the acquisition of profits and losses, so that it represents the sum of successes and failures, victory and defeat. In the last thirty years, female entrepreneurship has been developing more and more, especially in less developed countries, the reason for such growth is primarily reflected in the promotion of equality between men and women, the right to education, and the development of democracy. Female entrepreneurship is a significant factor in economic development, so the national economy becomes richer. The subject of this research are the entrepreneurial climate in the Balkans compared to the world in terms of female entrepreneurship, what is the role of the family in starting a small business, as well as its survival and growth. In the study the results of previous research in this area. The research method is based on a comparative analysis of studies dealing with this problem from the territory of Balkans. It can be concluded that in the Balkans, female entrepreneurship is still in its infancy, it is about a very small percentage of female entrepreneurs, although according to research, it is evident that there has been no major progress in the last 15 years. Recommendation In the countries of the Balkans, there is a good entrepreneurial climate for the development of female entrepreneurship, especially because women can work from home, and in the future it is necessary to go in this direction.
A Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karának Controlling és teljesítménymenedzsment szakirány kurzusainak értékelése
100-107Views:517It is of major importance for the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Debrecen to become familiar with the opinion of students about the education carried out at the University, therefore particular attention is given to the feedback of students related to education. Measurement and evaluation/reviews serve multiple purposes. Students may – if explicit written consent of the lecturer is provided – get to know the opinion of their fellow students about each course, lecturers may receive feedback about the reputation of their courses, the University and Faculties may acquire information about the overall opinion of their students about the training. Feedback is basically suitable for supporting the work aimed at the improvement of training quality. In the scope of present study the reviews submitted by the students of the Controlling and performance specialisation within the Management and Organisation course are introduced.
About Gamification & What Do We Use for Nowadays
171-180Views:934By the widespread increase of new technologies, Internet has become an essential element for generation Z, however, this is not particularly surprising given the fact that over recent years different IoT solutions have become widely available, well-known and increasingly cheaper. Thus the grown up of Net Generation brings innovative solutions to the fore by which motivation is not forced to students anymore but there will be a real internal demand from their side in accordance with the age of Motivation 3.0. If this will be the case, the social issue of Homo Ludens will be also appeared in parallel to gamification [1]. Gamification nowadays is a method that become more widely used depending on field of use, thus it may meet needs of businesses and also educational institutions. The term of gamification is understood to mean those technics and methods when game elements are used in non-gaming environments [2]. Since we do not concentrate on learning during games, students will find learning a pleasure rather than an imposition and it means many could improve their skills or receive information without realizing they are actually studying. Moreover, despite the traditional learning method, the knowledge acquired this way can be used for a long time during seminars and later on labour market. Gamification plays an increasingly important role in business and also in education [3]. Students may learn more effectively and with a lower effort using gamification. As a result, this innovative approach of learning has been becoming more and more popular internationally, furthermore, motivation shortage problems also could be solved by this method [4].
Labor Market Effects of Organizational Health Promotion
99-107Views:422Nowadays, we can observe an increasing trend in the spread of non-communicable diseases. It is important to highlight the social factors that negatively affect health. Determinants includes income, education and the research-relevant working and living conditions. From a labor market perspective, unemployment and poor working conditions are a significant responsibility for the deterioration of mental and physical health. Health is also affected by employment conditions. Extended working hours have been shown to be harmful to health. Poor health has generates poorer work performance, a higher rate of sick leave, and higher health care costs. My primary goals in my research was to explore the labor market impacts of workplace health promotion and guidelines for corporate health promotion. Within health promotion, physical activity has played a prominent role. I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. I have been performed a traditional literature analysis based on domestic and international studies. My results are suggest that the workplace health promotion has more positive labor market effects than increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism and health care costs. It is important to mention that health promotion could bring benefits to both employers and employees. Regarding corporate guidelines, there is no new approach directive other than the older literature sources. thus, it may be worthwhile to develop a new and different corporate process for effective workplace health promotion.
Gamification in the field of human resource, a creative solution for recruitment
373-382Views:705With the introduction of latest tools and the expansion of technological solutions, the usage of smartphones ,with instant internet connection of course, has become an essential part of the net generation, also known as generation Z. At the same time, the role of IoT devices has also become part of our daily lives, completing and sometimes making it easier. This is due to the fact that the tools become more and more cheaper as time passes and parents and young people no longer consider these a technical innovations, but as a necessity. These generations; Y, Z and Alpha appear simultaneously on today's job market, which poses a serious challenge to future HR leaders and recruiters. Because of the generational gap between them, both motivational and demanding, novel solutions are becoming increasingly appreciated in this area as well. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the potential of gamification and to highlight the its major areas, as well as to draw the attention to "good practices" in creative recruiting through better known examples. In addition, I also tried to point out the effect on the relationship between motivation and flow-experience. The gamification method is becoming more and more popular in our country, as it plays an increasingly important role in business and education as well. In recent years, with the use of serious games, there have been several examples of HR recruitment and selection, which clearly strives to reach out to younger generations.
International Experiences of Introducing Dual Training Based on Examples from Some Countries
Views:191In Hungary, dual training was introduced in 2015. Dual training is a response to the needs of the labour market and has become increasingly popular since its introduction. Dual training is also playing an increasingly important role in higher educationin many countries, helping to modernise education, the knowledge transferred and fostering stronger links between companies and universities. The aim of this article is to present the dual training system and the international experience gained over time, drawing on the literature available on the subject.
Examination of preferences for pork meat and pork meat products among university students
131-141Views:210The purpose of this study was to examine the preferences for pork meat and pork meat products. The used sample (N=324) for the analysis came from the students of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business. The survey was conducted by the form of online questionnaire. The results from data analyzes were based on descriptive statistics, cross-table and correlation analysis, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Based on the results we can concluded that majority of consumers in the sample would be willing to pay more for hungarian and healthier products with less than 50%. Furthermore we can say that have a significant difference between men and women according all factors which used in analysis; have a significant difference between people with secondary and higher education according to perception of manufacturer/brand; have a significant difference between income level groups according to price and healthy eating.