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  • Implementation opportunities of the Moodle learning management system in virtual environment the Sloodle project
    Using e-learning was firstly appeared in companies' sphere. It should be very useful if learning management systems were applied. Nowadays e-learning is used in different fields and gives useful informations in case of basics and its knowledge. It is essential to know the arranging technics and applicated handling methods of some supporting learning management systems of e-learning. The Moodle is the best-known learning management system.
    The Second Life is one of the virtual environments which is useful in learning-teaching methods that is used in most educational institute all over the world. Sloodle is an open source project which connects the Second Life with Moodle learning management system. Sloodle is a kind of "bridge" in which different kind of activities and registering and provided in both Moodle and Second Life.
    In our department, University of Debrecen Health Faculty of Nyíregyháza ILIAS learning management system has operated since February, 2008. In the interest of higher level education we decided to use and made available some courses through Moodle learning management system.
    Some tools of Sloodle will be presented in our article. It will be the first study for our research in which we would use the Moodle learning management system, the virtual environment of Second Life and the project of Sloodle itself. Our article will contain the starting details and its statistical confirmation of our Sloodle project. We like to demonstrate that the results of the Sloodle-aided group are significantly better than the results of the control group in the most cases.
  • "On the way" to the function concept - experiences of a teaching experiment

    Knowing, comprehending and applying the function concept is essential not only from the aspect of dealing with mathematics but with several scientific fields such as engineering. Since most mathematical notions cannot be acquired in one step (Vinner, 1983) the development of the function concept is a long process, either. One of the goals of the process is evolving an "ideal" concept image (the image is interrelated with the definition of the concept). Such concept image plays an important role in solving problems of engineering. This study reports on the beginning of a research aiming the scholastic forming of the students' function concept image i.e. on the experiences of a "pilot" study. By the experiment, we are looking for the answer of the following question: how can the analysis of such function relations be built into the studied period (8th grade) of the evolving process of the function concept that students meet in everyday life and also in engineering life?

    Subject Classification: D43, U73

  • A whole new vigor: About Montel’s book "Les mathématiques et la vie" (1947)

    In this paper, we consider a talk presented by the mathematician Paul Montel in Paris in 1944, dedicated to a general presentation of the importance of mathematics in everyday’s life. The text of this talk, and the context of its elaboration, allows various inceptions in the French mathematical life in the middle of 20th century. In particular Montel’s insistence on applications of mathematics strongly contrasts with the main tendencies of the French mathematical stage after the war under the impulse of the Bourbaki group.

    Subject Classification: 97A40, 01A60, 60-03

  • Gamification in Higher Education

    The way of thinking and the way of life of the today's children and teenagers have changed radically. Some of the well-established pedagogical methods that were used for decades have become obsolete. Therefore, we need to look for a new method to approach Generations Z and Alpha. Gamification, which has been known since 2010 and means the use of game elements in other areas of life, offers an opportunity to do so.
    In addition to a brief description of gamification, my article shows some possibilities for using it at the university. Furthermore, I investigate the impact of gamification on the student in "Algorithms and Data Structures" university course.

    Subject Classification: 97P30

  • Outstanding mathematicians in the 20th century: András Rapcsák (1914-1993)
    In this paper we commemorate the life and work of András Rapcsák on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. He was an outstanding professor and a scholar teacher. He was head of the Department of Geometry (1958-1973) and the director of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Debrecen (Hungary). He played an important role in the life of the University of Debrecen. He was the rector of this university between 1966 and 1973.
    At the beginning of his career he taught at secondary schools in several towns. He wrote mathematical schoolbooks with coauthors. He also taught at Teacher's College in Debrecen and in Eger.
    He became to interested in differential geometry under the influence of Ottó Varga. The fields of his research were line-element spaces and related areas. He was elected an Ordinary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science in 1965. He wrote 21 papers, 8 school and textbooks and 3 articles in didactics of mathematics.
  • The Project Method and investigation in school mathematics
    The Project Method (PM) is becoming more common in the teaching of mathematics. Most of the time, Project Method means solving open and relatively wide formulated problems for the application of particular mathematical topics and the solving of everyday life problems.
    At present many experts in the theory of teaching mathematics advocate teaching activities as the characteristic for most mathematical work in the classroom. Thus, there is a question: whether it is possible or eventual desirable to use the PM for solving genuine mathematical problems. This paper deals with this question and discusses the connection between the PM and investigation of new mathematical knowledge for students. Our experience has shown that the PM in connection with investigations can be a useful and effective approach to teaching mathematics.
  • Development of spatial perception in high school with GeoGebra
    In everyday life, on numerous occasions we need to project 3D space onto a plane in order to activate our spatial perception. While our ability in this area can be improved, and considering several national and international research results, the development is even necessary on all levels of education. GeoGebra, as a supplement to previously used tools, has proven to be very useful respective to the development. We have many possibilities to display spatial elements in GeoGebra and to apply such kind of worksheets among 15-18 year old students. I show the results of the 2011/2012 school years connected to the development of spatial perception and the results of an input case survey, which also justifies the need for development.
  • Mathematical gems of Debrecen old mathematical textbooks from the 16-18th centuries
    In the Great Library of the Debrecen Reformed College (Hungary) we find a lot of old mathematical textbooks. We present: Arithmetic of Debrecen (1577), Maróthi's Arithmetic (1743), Hatvani's introductio (1757), Karacs's Figurae Geometricae (1788), Segner's Anfangsgründe (1764) and Mayer's Mathematischer Atlas (1745). These old mathematical textbooks let us know facts about real life of the 16-18th centuries, the contemporary level of sciences, learning and teaching methods. They are rich sources of motivation in the teaching of mathematics.
  • Mathematician Judita Cofman (1936–2001)
    Judita Cofman was the first generation student of mathematics and physics at Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Serbia, and the first holder of doctoral degree in mathematical sciences at University of Novi Sad. Her Ph.D. thesis as well as her scientific works till the end of 70's belong to the field of finite projective and affine planes and the papers within this topic were published in prestigious international mathematical journals. She dedicated the second part of her life and scientific work to didactic and teaching of mathematics and to work with young mathematicians.
  • Mathematical Doctoral School of the Mathematical Seminar of the University of Debrecen at the beginning of the 20th century (Debrecen, 1927-1940)
    In this article, we present the life and carrier of Professor Lajos Dávid, and those 16 mathematical dissertations, along with their authors, which were written under the supervision of Professor Dávid between 1927 and 1940. At the time mentioned, Lajos Dávid was the leader of the Mathematical Seminar of the University of Debrecen. The themes of the dissertations were connected with his scientific work, such as the history of mathematics (the two Bolyais), or his research work in mathematical analysis (arithmetic-geometric mean).
  • Bernd Zimmermann (1946-2018)
    Our great friend, the always helpful supporter of the Hungarian mathematics didactics, Bernd Zimmermann, the retired mathematics didactics professor of Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, passed away on 19th of July 2018. After a short chronology of his life, we remember some of the many areas of his work with strong Hungarian connections.
  • Manipulative bulletin board for early categorization
    According to various researchers categorization is a developmentally appropriate mathematical concept for young children. Classifying objects also relates to every day activities of human life. The manipulative bulletin board (MBB) served as a kind of auxiliary means for approaching categorization by young children. In this article we investigated the kind of MBB that pre-service early childhood education teachers constructed in order to involve children in tasks of categorization, as well as, the way children manipulated these boards in order to categorize items. The MBB, as teaching aids, facilitated the engagement of the children in different categorization processes.
  • Smartphones and QR-codes in education - a QR-code learning path for Boolean operations
    During the last few years new technologies have become more and more an integrative part of everyday life. The increase of the possession rate of smartphones by young people is especially impressive. This fact asks us educators to think about a didactically and pedagogically well designed integration of smartphones into our lessons and to bring in ideas and concepts. This paper describes a specific learning path where learners can work step by step on the topic Boolean Operations with QR-Code scanners which have been installed on their smartphones. Student teachers for mathematics who completed the learning path took part in a survey where they were asked questions about their willingness to integrate smartphones into their lessons. The results of the survey are presented in the second part of the paper.
  • Hungarian mathematicians in the twentieth century: Ottó Varga (1909–1969)
    In this article we want to present life and work of Ottó Varga on occasion of the centenary of his birth. He was an outstanding geometer, the head of the Mathematical Seminar / Department (1942-1959) and the first dean of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Debrecen (Hungary).
    His area of research was differential geometry. The Debrecen school of differential geometry emerged due his activity. He wrote 57 papers.
  • Teaching of financial mathematics using Maple
    The paper deals with the application of computer algebra system Maple in teaching of financial mathematics. In the Czech Republic financial mathematics is included in the curricula of grammar and secondary school. Therefore, this subject is also taught at pedagogical faculties. Most concepts of financial mathematics are difficult to understand for students. In the paper we show the ways of facilitation understanding these concepts using tools of Maple. The main result is in preparing special maplets which enable interactive studying of the principles of such concepts. Each of these maplets deals with particular financial problem from real life, e.g. mortgage credit, consumer credit, credit card etc.
  • Ein anderer Weg bei dem Logarithmusunterricht: Ein entwickelndes Unterrichtsexperiment
    In my developmental experiment I tried to fusion the expectations of the Hungarian education and the realistic mathematics education. The duration of this experiment was 33 lectures long. In this article I try to show how were introduced the definition, the rules of logarithm with real life problems and the outcome of the experiment.