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Application of computer algebra systems in automatic assessment of math skills
395-408Views:44Mathematics is one of those areas of education, where the student's progress is measured almost solely by testing his or her ability of problem solving. It has been two years now that the authors develop and use Web-based math courses where the assessment of student's progress is fully automatic. More than 150 types of problems in linear algebra and calculus have been implemented in the form of Java-driven tests. Those tests that involve symbolic computations are linked with Mathematica computational kernel through the Jlink mechanism. An individual test features random generation of an unlimited number of problems of a given type with difficulty level being controlled flat design time. Each test incorporates the evaluation of the student's solution. Various methods of grading can be set at design time, depending on the particular purpose that a test is used for (self-assessment or administrative exam). Each test is equipped with the correct solution presentation on demand. In those problems that involve a considerable amount of computational effort (e.g. Gauss elimination), additional special tools are offered in a test window so that the student can concentrate on the method of solution rather than on arithmetic computations. (Another obvious benefit is that the student is thus protected from the risk of frustrating computational errors). Individual tests can be combined into comprehensive exams whose parameters can be set up at design time (e.g., number of problems, difficulty level, grading system, time allowed for solution). The results of an exam can be automatically stored in a database with all authentication and security requirements satisfied. -
Why some children fail? Analyzing a test and the possible signs of learning disorders in an answer sheet: dedicated to the memory of Julianna Szendrei
251-268Views:30Teachers and educators in mathematics try to uncover the background of the mistakes their students make for their own and their students' benefit. Doing this they can improve their teaching qualities, and help the cognitive development of their pupils. However, this improvement does not always support their students with learning disorders, since their problem is not caused by wrong attitude or lack of diligence. Therefore, it is the interest of a conscientious teacher to recognize whether the weaker performance of a student is caused by learning disorders, so the helping teacher can give useful advices. Although the teacher is not entirely responsible for the diagnosis, but (s)he should be be familiar with the possible symptoms in order to make suggestions whether or not to take the necessary test of the learning disorders.
In this article, through examining a test and the answer sheet of a single student, I show some signs that might be caused by learning disorders. -
Proof step analysis for proof tutoring - a learning approach to granularity
325-343Views:44We present a proof step diagnosis module based on the mathematical assistant system Ωmega. The task of this module is to evaluate proof steps as typically uttered by students in tutoring sessions on mathematical proofs. In particular, we categorise the step size of proof steps performed by the student, in order to recognise if they are appropriate with respect to the student model. We propose an approach which builds on reconstructions of the proof in question via automated proof search using a cognitively motivated proof calculus. Our approach employs learning techniques and incorporates a student model, and our diagnosis module can be adjusted to different domains and users. We present a first evaluation based on empirical data. -
How to teach computer programming if our goal is the International Olympiad in Informatics
13-25Views:48Nowadays if a student in Hungary (age between 17-20 years old) wants to be the member of the Hungarian selected team (has four members) to participate in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), first, he has to qualify himself in the first fifteen of the National Secondary School Competition (OKTV) in the programming category after the III. round. Then he should be in the first four place after the sixth round of the Selection Competition. Being successful is necessary that the student wants to start studying computer programming at least in the 9th school year and he needs a teacher who prepares him. In the last nine years three students of the author have participated in five Olympics and two of them won gold and bronze medals. This article wants to demonstrate the methods that a teacher needs to use to teach students in 9th school year for computer programming, to be the member of the Hungarian National Team after three or four years. -
How the derivative becomes visible: the case of Daniel
81-97Views:44This paper reports how an advanced 11th-grade student (Daniel) perceived the derivative from a graph of a function at a task-based interview after a short introduction to the derivative. Daniel made very impressive observations using, for example, the steepness and the increase of a graph as well as the slope of a tangent as representations of the derivative. He followed the graphs sequentially and, for example, perceived where the derivative is increasing/decreasing. Gestures were an essential part of his thinking. Daniel's perceptions were reflected against those of a less successful student reported previously [Hähkiöniemi, NOMAD 11, no. 1 (2006)]. Unlike the student of the previous study, Daniel seemed to use the representations transparently and could see the graph as a representation of the derivative. -
Examining relation between talent and competence through an experiment among 11th grade students
17-34Views:49The areas of competencies that are formable, that are to be formed and developed by teaching mathematics are well-usable in recognizing talent. We can examine the competencies of a student, we can examine the competencies required to solve a certain exercise, or what competencies an exercise improves.
I studied two exercises of a test taken by students of the IT specialty segment of class 11.d of Jedlik Ányos High School, a class that I teach. These exercises were parts of the thematic unit of Combinatorics and Graph Theory. I analysed what competencies a gifted student has, and what competencies I need to improve while teaching mathematics. I summarized my experience about the solutions of the students, the ways I can take care of the gifted students, and what to do to the less gifted ones. -
Teaching student teachers: various components of a complex task
55-72Views:35In this paper we summarize various aspects of teacher training and teaching student teachers (mainly concerning teachers of upper secondary school and High school). We stress several hints and recommendations to better achieve the obviously important aim: they should learn doing, understanding and teaching mathematics!
Of course, our view is particularly influenced by European traditions, but we think most of them equally apply to teacher training and teaching student teachers elsewhere. Neither is the paper meant to give an all sided overview about the problem field of teacher education as a whole, nor does it contain provocative, completely new ideas. We just want to describe our view of some aspects, based primarily on our personal experience in the mentioned field. -
On an international training of mathematically talented students: assets of the 20 years of the “Nagy Károly Mathematical Student-meetings”
77-89Views:43The focus of this paper is to present the gems of the "Nagy Károly Mathematical Student-meetings" in Rév-Komárom (Slovakia) from 1991 to 2010. During these 20 years there was done a lot of work to train mathematically talented students with Hungarian mother tongue and to develop their mathematical thinking, and to teach them problem solving and heuristic strategies for successful acting on the competitions. We collected the most interesting problems and methods presented by the trainer teachers. -
Mechanisms for teaching introductory programming using active learning
407-421Views:41One of the requirements of teaching introductory programming to students whose branch of learning is engineering or science is bridging the gap between in-class lectures and real-world applications. Traditional passive approaches to lecturing often focus on the syntax of a language with little or no discussion of the process involved in using the language to design algorithms to solve real-world problems. One way of overcoming the limitations of traditional lecturing is by tailoring lectures towards becoming more student-oriented, a pedagogical methodology known as active learning. This paper explores mechanisms for implementing active learning in introductory programming courses in computer science. -
What does ICT help and does not help?
33-49Views:126Year by year, ICT tools and related teaching methods are evolving a lot. Since 2016, the author of the present lines has been looking for a connection between them that supports the development of mathematical competencies and could be integrated into Transcarpathian minority Hungarian language education too. As a doctoral student at the University of Debrecen, I experienced, for example, how the interactive whiteboard revolutionized illustration in Hungarian mathematics teaching, and how it facilitated students' involvement. During my research of teaching in this regard, in some cases, the digital solution had advantageous effects versus concrete-manipulative representation of
Bruner's too.
At the same time, ICT "canned" learning materials (videos, presentations, ...) allow for a shift towards repetitive learning instead of simultaneous active participation, which can be compensated for by the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method.
I have conducted and intend to conduct several research projects in a Transcarpathian Hungarian primary school. In the research so far, I examined whether, in addition to the financial and infrastructural features of the Transcarpathian Hungarian school, the increased "ICT-supported" and the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method could be integrated into institutional mathematics education. I examined the use of two types of ICT devices: one was the interactive whiteboard, and the other was providing one computer per student.
In this article, I describe my experiences, gained during one semester, in the class taught with the interactive whiteboard on the one hand, and in the class taught according to the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method on the other hand.
I compare the effectiveness of the classes to their previous achievements, to each other, and to a class in Hungary.Subject Classification: 97U70
Some thoughts on a student survey
41-59Views:39The paper analyzes a survey of college students and describes its major findings. The object of the survey, involving 154 students, was to discover and highlight the problems that arise in taking the course Economic Mathematics I. The paper, as the summary of the first phase of a research project, wishes to present these problems, ways that may lead out of them, and possible means of help that can be offered to those taking the course. -
Assimilation of mathematical knowledge using Maple
321-331Views:57For more than four years we have been teaching a Maple course at University of Debrecen for prospective mathematics teachers. The aim of the course is that students get some experience on mathematical visualization with Maple. At the last part of the course the student is provided with a problem of geometrical flavor. Within three or four weeks he/she must obtain a solution. In this paper we present and analyze two of student projects: rotation of the hypercube and drawing of complex functions. The concluding remark is that most of the students will profit from using Maple for such type of problems: it helps to assimilate mathematical knowledge. -
The mathematics textbook as an aid to differentiation: a first Hungarian example
35-53Views:33Differentiation is a way of teaching where each student is taught according to his/her personal needs. This technique is not widely used in Hungary yet, although this would be necessary due to the introduction of the two-level final examination and to a growing concern for equal opportunities and integrated teaching. One of the most significant aids to differentiation is an appropriate textbook, and that is why a group of professionals wrote a set of textbooks that supports this technique. The paper examines the requirements for a differentiated textbook, and the extent to which the textbook in question meets them. -
Smartphones and QR-codes in education - a QR-code learning path for Boolean operations
111-120Views:43During the last few years new technologies have become more and more an integrative part of everyday life. The increase of the possession rate of smartphones by young people is especially impressive. This fact asks us educators to think about a didactically and pedagogically well designed integration of smartphones into our lessons and to bring in ideas and concepts. This paper describes a specific learning path where learners can work step by step on the topic Boolean Operations with QR-Code scanners which have been installed on their smartphones. Student teachers for mathematics who completed the learning path took part in a survey where they were asked questions about their willingness to integrate smartphones into their lessons. The results of the survey are presented in the second part of the paper. -
Group Work at High School According to the Method of Tamás Varga
167-176Views:88The aim of our research is to develop students’ logical thinking. For this reason, Hungarian mathematics teachers need to be encouraged to try new methods which induce greater student involvement. Research all over the world prove that self-instruction or self-verbalizing has high effect on the learning process. This was one of the key elements of Tamás Varga’s experiment in high school. In our classroom experiments we are using a special cooperative method from Kagan among 14-18 years old students, called Sage and Scribe structure. We are looking for the answers to the following question: Does this method make mathematics lessons more enjoyable and more comfortable for students? Furthermore, we assume this structure could open the gate toward other collaborative and cooperative teaching technics.
Subject Classification: 97D40
Experiences in the education of mathematics during the digital curriculum from the perspective of high school students
111-128Views:187Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, Hungarian schools had to switch to a digital curriculum for an extended period between 2019 and 2021. In this article, we report on the experiences regarding the education of mathematics during the digital curriculum in the light of the reinstated on-site education, all through the eyes of high school students. Distance education brought pedagogical renewal to the lives of many groups. Students were asked about the positives and negatives of this situation.
Subject Classification: 97C90
Facilitating class attendance to improve student achievements
77-90Views:33Many studies have revealed that attendance is strongly associated with students' achievements, and have proposed different strategies to improve students' attendance. However, there are few studies investigating how to efficiently take students' attendance – the key component to improve students' attendance. Taking attendance manually is inefficient since it will consume part of the limited class time. This paper describes the design and the implementation of an online attendance system that is currently used in classes at West Virginia University and California University of Pennsylvania. Examples of the system are provided online. Implementation codes of the system are shared, which can be used to teach computer science courses such as Web Programming or Client-Server Script Languages. -
Freudenthal fantasy on the bus, an American adaptation
133-142Views:76In the 1960’s two mathematicians, Hans Freudenthal in the Netherlands and Tamás Varga in Hungary, had argued that people learn mathematics by being actively involved and investigating realistic mathematical problems. Their method lives on in today’s teaching and learning through the various components of cooperative and active learning, by taking ownership in learning, and learning through student dialogue. The goal is to create a welcoming classroom atmosphere in which play takes the front seat. One such scenario is visiting various (animal) stations at the zoo by bus (illustrated by pictures). Passengers are getting on and off the bus at each station (illustrated by arrows), which is modeled on the open number line. This adapted and modified action research was carried out with 5-yearl-old children in public schools of Staten Island, NY in 2019.
Subject Classification: 97D40, 97F20, 97F30
Verification of human-level proof steps in mathematics education
345-362Views:21Automated mathematics tutorial systems need support from a reasoning module which can verify the correctness of students' contributions. However, current systems typically do not reason at a level similar to the student's reasoning level, and do not fully account for underspecified or ambiguous inputs. We present a domain-independent method for automatically verifying correct proof steps and detecting standard reasoning errors. We use a depth limited BFS proof search to determine and maintain multiple possible interpretations consistent with the given proof step, we are able to resolve or otherwise propagate underspecification and ambiguity which occurs due to unrestricted user input. Our approach has been implemented in ΩmegaCoRe. -
Mathematics teachers' reasons to use (or not) intentional errors
263-282Views:43Mathematics teachers can make use of both spontaneously arising and intentionally planted errors. Open questions about both types of errors were answered by 23 Finnish middle-school teachers. Their reasons to use or not to use errors were analyzed qualitatively. Seven categories were found: Activation and discussion, Analyzing skills, Correcting misconceptions, Learning to live with errors, (Mis)remembering errors, (Mis)understanding error and Time. Compared to earlier results, the teachers placed substantially less emphasis on affective issues, whereas the answers yielded new distinctions in cognitive dimensions. In particular, teachers' inclination to see errors as distractions could be divided into two aspects: students misunderstanding an error in the first place or student forgetting that an error was erroneous. Furthermore, the content analysis revealed generally positive beliefs towards using errors but some reservations about using intentional errors. Teachers viewed intentional errors mainly positively as possibilities for discussion, analysis and learning to live with mistakes. -
An examination of descriptive statistical knowledge of 12th-grade secondary school students - comparing and analysing their answers to closed and open questions
63-81Views:101In this article, we examine the conceptual knowledge of 12th-grade students in the field of descriptive statistics (hereafter statistics), how their knowledge is aligned with the output requirements, and how they can apply their conceptual knowledge in terms of means, graphs, and dispersion indicators. What is the proportion and the result of their answers to (semi-)open questions for which they have the necessary conceptual knowledge, but which they encounter less frequently (or not at all) in the classroom and during questioning? In spring 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic in Hungary, a traditional-classroom, “paper-based” survey was conducted with 159 graduating students and their teachers from 3 secondary schools. According to the results of the survey, the majority of students have no difficulties in solving the type of tasks included in the final exam. Solving more complex, open-ended tasks with longer texts is more challenging, despite having all the tools to solve them, based on their conceptual knowledge and comprehension skills. A valuable supplement to the analysis and interpretation of the results is the student attitudes test, also included in the questionnaire.
Subject Classification: 97K40, 97-11, 97D60
Teaching reliability theory with the Computer Algebra System Maxima
45-75Views:49The use of the Computer Algebra System Maxima as a teaching aid in an MSc module in Reliability Theory is described here. Extracts from student handouts are used to show how the ideas in Reliability Theory are developed and how they are intertwined with their applications implemented in Maxima. Three themes from the lectures are used to illustrate this: (1) Normal Approximations, (2) Markov Modelling, (3) Laplace Transform Techniques.
It is argued that Maxima is a good tool for the task, since: it is fairly easy to learn & use; it is well documented; it has extensive facilities; it is available for any operating system; and, finally, it can be freely downloaded from the Web. Maxima proves to be a useful tool even for Reliability research for certain tasks. This latter feature provides a seamless link from teaching to research – an important feature in postgraduate education. -
Taking learning styles into consideration in e-learning based education
385-396Views:45In improving electronic teaching material processes we should take the student's learning styles or methods into consideration. The ways learners receive information may be shared into three categories (modalities): visual, auditory, kinesthetic (tactile). In this paper I present some pedagogical questions of the electronic teaching-learning environment, offer a brief survey of the different learning style theories and emphasise the importance of the modalities in encoding information. The electronic teaching material should encourage the learner to choose an appropriate form of syllabus by which his knowledge can become more efficient. -
The appearance of the characteristic features of the mathematical thinking in the thinking of a chess player
201-211Views:39It is more and more important in 21st century's education that not only facts and subject knowledge should be taught but also the ways and methods of thinking should be learnt by students. Thinking is a human specificity which is significant both in mathematics and chess. The exercises aimed at beginner chess players are appropriate to demonstrate to students the mathematical thinking of 12-14 year-old students.
Playing chess is an abstract activity. During the game we use abstract concepts (e.g. sacrifice, stalemate). When solving a chess problem we use logical quantifiers frequently (e.g. in the case of any move of white, black has a move that...). Among the endgames we find many examples (e.g. exceptional draw options) that state impossibility. Affirmation of existence is frequent in a mate position with many moves. We know there is a mate but the question in these cases is how it can be delivered.
We present the chess problem on beginners' level although these exercises appear in the game of advanced players and chess masters too, in a more complex form. We chose the mathematical tasks from arithmetic, number theory, geometry and the topic of equations. Students encounter these in classes, admission exams and student circles. Revealing the common features of mathematical and chess thinking shows how we can help the development of students' mathematical skills with the education of chess. -
Gamification in Higher Education
87-106Views:535The way of thinking and the way of life of the today's children and teenagers have changed radically. Some of the well-established pedagogical methods that were used for decades have become obsolete. Therefore, we need to look for a new method to approach Generations Z and Alpha. Gamification, which has been known since 2010 and means the use of game elements in other areas of life, offers an opportunity to do so.
In addition to a brief description of gamification, my article shows some possibilities for using it at the university. Furthermore, I investigate the impact of gamification on the student in "Algorithms and Data Structures" university course.Subject Classification: 97P30