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  • Über einen allgemeinen Übungsbegriff bei verschiedenen Unterrichtsmethoden in der Planung des Mathematikunterrichtes
    Practice is important in the education of mathematics but is neclected in the didactic of mathematics. One of the reasons is that practice is often defined too "narrowly" and the definitions of practice have in most cases an obscure background theory. In the article a general definition of practice is given, which – in contrast to the usual definitions – views practice from the point of the pupils (practice means activity of pupils). By utilising this definition consequences will be drawn. These consequences serve as for the more exact planning of practice in education as for the analysis of the dependency of practice from teachingsmethods.
    In the second part an example will be presented for planning together practice and lesson, in two different teachingsmethods (traditionel, problemsolving). The analysis of both worksheets (one for each method, identical teachingsmaterial) was made on the basis of authors practise in lessons i.e. her own concepts and the experience with pupils at a class 5. On the basis of the expectable solutions is specified – using a criteriacatalog – what was practised.
    The analysis of practice leads further to the examination of above mentioned dependency from teachingsmethods.
  • Teaching centroids in theory and in practice
    The main aim of this paper is to present an inquiry-based professional development activity about the teaching of centroids and to highlight some common misconceptions related to centroids. The second aim is to emphasize a major hindering factor in planning inquiry based teaching/learning activities connected with abstract mathematical notions. Our basic problem was to determine the centroid of simple systems such as: systems of collinear points, arbitrary system of points, polygons, polygonal shapes. The only inconvenience was that we needed practical activities where students could validate their findings and calculations with simple tools. At this point we faced the following situation: we have an abstract definition for the centroid of a finite system of points, while in practice we don't even have such systems. The same is valid for geometric objects like triangles, polygons. In practice we have triangular objects, polygonal shapes (domains) and not triangles, polygons. Thus in practice for validating the centroid of a system formed by 4,5,... points we also need the centroid of a polygonal shape, formed by an infinite number of points. We could use, of course, basic definitions, but our intention was to organize inquiry based learning activities, where students can understand fundamental concepts and properties before defining them.
  • Central axonometry in engineer training and engineering practice
    This paper is concerned with showing a unified approach for teaching central and parallel projections of the space to the plane giving special emphasis to engineer training. The basis for unification is provided by the analogies between central axonometry and parallel axonometry. Since the concept of central axonometry is not widely known in engineering practice it is necessary to introduce it during the education phase. When teaching axonometries dynamic geometry software can also be used in an interactive way. We shall provide a method to demonstrate the basic constructions of various axonometries and use these computer applications to highlight their similarities. Our paper sheds light on the advantages of a unified approach in such areas of engineering practice as making hand drawn plans and using CAD-systems.
  • Herschel's heritage and today's technology integration: a postulated parallel
    During the early 20th century, advocacy of a range of mathematical technologies played a central part in movements for the reform of mathematical education which emphasised ‘practical mathematics' and the ‘mathematical laboratory'. However, as these movements faltered, few of the associated technologies were able to gain and maintain a place in school mathematics. One conspicuous exception was a technology, originally championed by the mathematician Herschel, which successfully permeated the school mathematics curriculum because of its:
    • Disciplinary congruence with influential contemporary trends in mathematics.
    • External currency in wider mathematical practice beyond the school.
    • Adoptive facility of incorporation in classroom practice and curricular activity.
    • Educational advantage of perceived benefits outweighing costs and concerns.
    An analogous perspective is applied to the situation of new technologies in school mathematics in the early 21st century. At a general level, the cases of calculators and computers are contrasted. At a more specific level, the educational prospects of CAS and DGS are assessed.
  • Practice based course of Information Technology Service Management for BSc students
    Currently IT systems are primarily observed as sets of services, for example finance services can be accessed via the Internet. The IT background of an enterprise has strategic importance in its activity, but it is also important, that IT helps the enterprise supporting course of business really from the background. To implement this kind of conception, IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) provides practical advices.
    The paper describes the topic of an optional course which introduces BSc students to the subject of IT Service Management the way that it can be used as a practice supplement beside theory courses of IT Service Management.
  • The formation of area concept with the help of manipulative activities
    Examining the performance of Hungarian students of Grades 4-12 in connection with area measurement, we found many deficiencies and thinking failures. In the light of this background, it seems reasonable to review the educational practice and to identify those teaching movements that trigger the explored problems and to design a teaching experiment that tries to avoid and exclude them. Based on result we make recommendations for the broad teaching practice. In our study we report on one part of a multi-stage teaching experiment in which we dealt with the comparison of the areas of figures, the decomposition of figures and the special role of the rectangle in the process of area concept formation. The conclusion of the post-test is that manipulative activities are important and necessary in Grades 5 and 6, more types of equidecomposition activities are needed and the number of measuring tasks with grid as a tool should also be increased.
  • The use of e-tests in education as a tool for retrieval practice and motivation

    In many studies we can read about what techniques are used in the educational process to deepen knowledge, and what can motivate students to learn. We aimed to give our students (who will be a teacher) a practical demonstration of learning techniques. We carried it within the framework of a course, at the end of which we also examined how much it motivates students if they write an e-test as a retrospective in order to deepen the material of the lesson. In the paper, we will present the results of the research as well as students’ opinions regarding the motivating effect of the tests.

    Subject Classification: 97-01, 97D40, 97I10

  • Differentiated instruction not only for Mathematics teachers

    The aim of differentiated development in a heterogeneous group of learners (DDHG) is to reduce school leaving without education, using an adaptive and innovative teaching-learning environment and using the most effective strategies, methods and techniques. Furthermore, this strategy helps in developing skills for learners and building cooperation between learners in heterogeneous classes through the use of the special, status-management educational procedure, and finally its strength is to sort the status ranking among learners, and to change the social structure of the class. Our goal is to figure out how to share best practices with teachers. One of the effective ways to renew teaching practice is through further training for teachers. As a trainer of the Logic-based subprogram of the Complex Basic Program (CBP) the author of the paper has experienced how well logic-based and decision-making strategies work in other subjects as well as in mathematics.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Mathematical Laboratory: Semiotic mediation and cultural artefacts in the mathematics classroom

    Aim of this presentation is to summarize the influence of Tamas Varga on the Italian research and practice concerning didactics of mathematics since the 70s of the 20th centuries. While being in Budapest for the Conference I noticed that this influence was not known by most Hungarian mathematics educators. I guess that also in Italy, only the teacher educators of my generation know Varga’s influence on the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary school. Hence I start from a brief summary of development of mathematics curriculum in Italy (mainly in primary school) in the last decades of the 20th century. I focus some elements that may be connected with Varga’s influence and, later, some recent development of them.

    Subject Classification: 97G20, 97-U6, 97A40

  • Comparing the IT skills and the programming knowledge of Hungarian students specialized in informatics with Romanian students attending a science course or a mathematics-informatics course
    The goal of this research is an analysis of the IT skills and programming knowledge of Hungarian and Romanian students attending a Science course or a Mathematics-Informatics course. Analysed was how effectively can students from different grades answer questions dealing with different subjects. After having evaluated the test results correctness of the original presumption emerged. Significance level was 5% through the analysis. Significant divergency in knowledge of Hungarian students and Romanian students of Humanities (Profil Uman) was found in 11th and 12th grades too. Romanian students attending a science course (Profil Real) and a Mathematics-Informatics course scored higher in programming than their Hungarian counterparts specialized in Informatics in the 11th grade. After the evaluation a final conclusion can be made: Romanian students of the Real Profile have the same or more practice in programming than Hungarian students specialized in Informatics, though the latters have the same or better IT skills. Unfortunately, Hungarian teachers concentrate on word processing and spreadsheet calculation and teach programming just for the students specialized in Informatics, although algorithm thinking would be important for every student before finishing secondary school.
  • Teaching multiparadigm programming based on object-oriented experiences
    Multiparadigm programming is an emerging practice in computer technology. Co-existence of object-oriented, generic and functional techniques can better handle variability of projects. The present paper gives an overview of teaching multiparadigm programming approach through typical language concepts, tools in higher education. Students learning multiparadigm-oriented subjects would gain considerable expertise, which is highly needed by the industrial side in large-scale application development.
  • Live & Learn: When a wrong program works
    In this paper an interesting and surprising case study of my programming education practice is presented. This case underlines the importance of methods, standards and rules of thumb of the programming process. These elements of the programming technology can be taught well in education and they can guarantee the quality of the implemented programs. However the case described in this paper brings an anomaly when a programming standard is violated during the programming process and, although it should imply that the implemented program code works badly, the program works perfectly. This anomaly is caused by a typical implementation problem: the boundary and rules of the machine representation of numbers. This anomaly is going to be analyzed and the appropriate conclusions of our case study will be deducted.
  • An idea which yields a lot of elementary inequalities
    The aim of the article is to show how studies in higher mathematics can be applied in everyday teaching practice to construct new problems for their pupils. In higher mathematics it is known that the set of real numbers with the addition and multiplication (shortly: (R,+,x)) is an ordered field. Considering a strictly monotonic increasing and continuous function σ with domain ...
    By this idea, using different kinds of functions σ we show a lot of different elementary inequalities.
  • Mapping students’ motivation in a problem oriented mathematics classroom

    This research focuses on mapping students’ motivation by implementing problem-solving activities, namely how the problem-oriented approach affects the students’ commitment, motivation, and attitude to learning. As a practicing teacher, the author faced difficulties with motivation and sought to improve her practice in the form of action research as described in this paper. Based on the literature, the author describes sources of motivation as task interest, social environment, opportunity to discover, knowing why, using objects, and helping others. The author discusses the effect of problem-oriented teaching on the motivation of 7th-grade students. In this paper, the results of two lessons are presented.

    Subject Classification: 97C20, 97D40, 97D50, 97D60

  • Learning and teaching combinatorics with Sage
    Learning Mathematics is not an easy task, since this subject works with especially abstract concepts and sophisticated deductions. Many students lose their interest in the subject due to lack of success. Computer algebra systems (CAS) provide new ways of learning and teaching Mathematics. Numerous teachers use them to demonstrate concepts, deductions and algorithms and to make learning process more interesting especially in higher education. It is an even more efficient way to improve the learning process, if students can use the system themselves, which helps them to practice the curriculum.
    Sage is a free, open-source math software system that supports research and teaching algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, and related areas. I have been using it for several years to aid the instruction of Discrete Mathematics at Óbuda University. In this article I show some examples how representations provided by this system can help in teaching combinatorics.
  • Understanding the spatiotemporal sample: a practical view for teaching geologist students
    One of the most fundamental concept of statistics is the (random) sample. Our experience – acquired during the years of undergraduate education – showed that prior to industrial practice, the students in geology (and, most probably, in many other non-mathematics oriented disciplines as well) are often confused by the possible multiple interpretation of the sample. The confusion increases even further, when samples from stationary temporal, spatial or spatio-temporal phenomena are considered. Our goal in the present paper is to give a viable alternative to this overly mathematical approach, which is proven to be far too demanding for geologist students.
    Using the results of an environmental pollution analysis we tried to show the notion of the spatiotemporal sample and some of its basic characteristics. On the basis of these considerations we give the definition of the spatiotemporal sample in order to be satisfactory from both the theoretical and the practical points of view.
  • Comparison of teaching exponential and logarithmic functions based on mathematics textbook analysis
    Exponential and logarithmic functions are key mathematical concepts that play central roles in advanced mathematics. Unfortunately these are also concepts that give students serious difficulties. In this paper I would like to give an overview – based on textbook analysis – about the Hungarian, Austrian and Dutch situation of teaching exponential and logarithmic functions. This comparison could also provide some ideas for Hungarian teachers on how to embed this topic in their practice in another more "realistic" way.
  • Teaching model-based testing

    Different testing methodologies should play an important role in the education of informatics. In the model-based testing (MBT) approach, the specification of the system is described with a formal model. This model can be used to revise the correctness of the specification and as a starting point for automatic test generation. The main problem with MBT is however, that there is a huge gap between theory and practice and that this approach has a high learning curve. To cope with these problems, current paper shows, how the MBT approach can be introduced to students through a small scale example.

    Subject Classification: P50

  • Virtual worlds in education – best practice, design and research considerations
    The article briefly describes and characterizes the virtual worlds, different kinds of virtual worlds and possibilities of their use in education. The virtual worlds beyond the passive learning opportunities offer active, constructive and collaborative learning possibilities as well. In the middle section of this article we present the most common ways of different kinds of learning methods, which are illustrated by practical examples as well. In the final sections of the article we deal with the design research approach of 3D virtual worlds.
  • Maximum and minimum problems in secondary school education
    The aim of this paper is to offer some possible ways of solving extreme value problems by elementary methods with which the generally available method of differential calculus can be avoided. We line up some problems which can be solved by the usage of these elementary methods in secondary school education. The importance of the extremum problems is ignored in the regular curriculum; however they are in the main stream of competition problems – therefore they are useful tools in the selection and development of talented students. The extremum problem-solving by elementary methods means the replacement of the methods of differential calculus (which are quite stereotyped) by the elementary methods collected from different fields of Mathematics, such as elementary inequalities between geometric, arithmetic and square means, the codomain of the quadratic and trigonometric functions, etc. In the first part we show some patterns that students can imitate in solving similar problems. These patterns could also provide some ideas for Hungarian teachers on how to introduce this topic in their practice. In the second part we discuss the results of a survey carried out in two secondary schools and we formulate our conclusion concerning the improvement of students' performance in solving these kind of problems.
  • Teaching graph algorithms with Visage
    Combinatorial optimization is a substantial pool for teaching authentic mathematics. Studying topics in combinatorial optimization practice different mathematical skills, and because of this have been integrated into the new Berlin curriculum for secondary schools. In addition, teachers are encouraged to use adequate teaching software. The presented software package "Visage" is a visualization tool for graph algorithms. Using the intuitive user interface of an interactive geometry system (Cinderella), graphs and networks can be drawn very easily and different textbook algorithms can be visualized on the graphs. An authoring tool for interactive worksheets and the usage of the build-in programming interface offer new ways for teaching graphs and algorithms in a classroom.
  • Square root in secondary school

    Although in Hungary, for decades, the calculation method of the square root of a real number is not in the mathematics curriculum, many of the taught concepts and procedures can be carried out using different square root finding methods. These provide an opportunity for students in secondary school to practice and deepen understand the compulsory curriculum. This article presents seven square-root- nding methods, currently teachable in secondary schools.

    Subject Classification: A33, A34, F53, F54

  • The application of modelling tasks in the classroom – why and how? with reflections on an EU teacher training course
    The aim of the article is to present the concept of mathematical modelling in the classroom. LEMA (Learning and Education in and through Modelling and Applications) was an EU Comenius funded project in which mathematics educators from six countries worked to produce materials to support teachers' professional development. A group of voluntary Hungarian mathematics teachers were taught modelling for a year and we were and still are given feedback continously. The article leads us from the general concept of mathematical modelling to its practice in the classroom. It presents difficulties that teachers have to face when doing modelling lessons and their students' reactions are also mentioned. We present sample tasks from the material of the teacher training course as well as tasks that were created by the participants.
  • Experiences using CAS and multimedia int teaching vectorcalculus
    The development of informatics brings new opportunities that need reevaluating of the teaching concepts. For this reason we have performed a comprehensive educational development for engineering students. Our main goals were to work out a new educational strategy, to develop the needed package of the subject material, to introduce the strategy in the practice, to analyze and evaluate the experiences. In the developed and adapted teaching-learning strategy the teacher is the organizer, designer and the manager of the process. In this paper we summarize the concepts, the results and experiences of the 3-years-long development.
  • Ist eine schnelle tiefgehende (und nachhaltige) Änderung in der Vorstellung von Mathematiklehrern möglich? - Reflexion der Erfahrungen eines Fortbildungskurses im Bereich der mathematischen Modellierung
    Based on the material which was worked out within the project LEMA (2006-2009) pilot-teacher training courses were organized in the six partner countries, so in Hungary as well in the subject: Practice of Modelling tasks in the classroom. According to the tests which were filled out by the participants the conclusion was formulated that they achieved some changes in their pedagogical knowledge and in their estimation concerning their self-efficacy, but they didn't have shown any changes in their beliefs of mathematics and mathematics education. However according to their experience as project partners and leaders of the Hungarian course the authors have the idea that despite of the international results there are changes in this subject in the case of the Hungarian participants. This way can formulated the question:
    Which changes can be observed in the case of the participants concerning belief towards mathematics and mathematics education after the course and how long-lasting these changes are?
    The question is examined on the example of two teachers who were participants of the course.