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  • Comments on the remaining velocity project with reports of school-experiments
    The aim of this article is to introduce different possible solutions to the exercise referring to the calculation of "remaining velocity". We explain the possible approaches to the problem with the help of either using the tools of mathematics or other subjects. During the past few years, we have made Hungarian and Slovakian secondary school students solve the exercise, choosing from both children of average and of high abilities. The experince has shown that very few students were able to solve the problem by themselves, but with the help of their teachers, the exercise and the solution has been an eye-opener experience to all of them. A lot of students were even considering to drive more carefully in the future after getting their driving licenses.
  • Our duties in talent management in the light of the results of the International Hungarian Mathematics Competition of 2017
    The 4th International Hungarian Mathematics Competition held in Transcarpathia, Beregszász between April 28 and May 1, 2017, was organized by the Hungarian Carpathian Hungarian Teachers' Association (KMPSZ) and the Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute (II. RFKMF).
    The venue for the competition was the building of the Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute. 175 students participated in the competition from Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Transcarpathia.
    In this article, we are going to deal with the problems given in the two rounds to students in grades 5 and 6, and, in the light of expectations and performance, we make some suggestions for a more effective preparation of talented students on after-school lessons.
  • Lehre der Trigonometrie anhand realistischer Aufgaben im Online-Unterricht

    The aim of our study was to explore the effects of the active use of realistic exercises in the field of trigonometry. We taught a group of 14 pupils, who were in grade 11. The most of them told us they did not plan mathematics-related studies in the future. We included realistic exercises into our teaching plan, which covered the fields of scalar product, as well as the sine and cosine theorems. Our teaching experiment was done within the framework of online teaching. Effects on the motivation, performance and results of the students were taken into consideration. We also attempted to examine the effects of online teaching on motivation and whether the use of realistic exercises is worthwhile in an online classroom environment. Performance of the students showed a tendency of improvement when they were dealing with the material through realistic exercises even despite the teaching happened online.

    Subject Classification: 97C70, 97D40, 97G60

  • Assimilation of mathematical knowledge using Maple
    For more than four years we have been teaching a Maple course at University of Debrecen for prospective mathematics teachers. The aim of the course is that students get some experience on mathematical visualization with Maple. At the last part of the course the student is provided with a problem of geometrical flavor. Within three or four weeks he/she must obtain a solution. In this paper we present and analyze two of student projects: rotation of the hypercube and drawing of complex functions. The concluding remark is that most of the students will profit from using Maple for such type of problems: it helps to assimilate mathematical knowledge.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 30 - February 1, 2009, Debrecen, Hungary
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Debrecen, Hungary from January 30 to February 1, 2009. The 49 Hungarian participants – including 15 PhD students – came from 18 cities and represented 29 institutions of higher education. The abstracts of the talks and the posters and also the list of participants are presented in this report.
  • Mathematics in Good Will Hunting II: problems from the students perspective
    This is the second part of a three paper long series exploring the role of mathematicians and of the mathematical content occurring in popular media. In particular we analyze the drama film Good Will Hunting. Here we investigate the mathematical content of the movie by considering the problems appearing in it. We examine how a mathematician or a mathematics student would solve these problems. Moreover, we review how these problems could be integrated into the higher education of Hungary.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 21 – January 23, 2010, Debrecen, Hungary
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Debrecen, Hungary from January 21 to January 23, 2010. The 42 Hungarian participants – including 16 PhD students – came from 5 countries, 14 cities and represented 25 institutions of higher education. The abstracts of the talks and the posters and also the list of participants are presented in this report.
  • The appearance of the characteristic features of the mathematical thinking in the thinking of a chess player
    It is more and more important in 21st century's education that not only facts and subject knowledge should be taught but also the ways and methods of thinking should be learnt by students. Thinking is a human specificity which is significant both in mathematics and chess. The exercises aimed at beginner chess players are appropriate to demonstrate to students the mathematical thinking of 12-14 year-old students.
    Playing chess is an abstract activity. During the game we use abstract concepts (e.g. sacrifice, stalemate). When solving a chess problem we use logical quantifiers frequently (e.g. in the case of any move of white, black has a move that...). Among the endgames we find many examples (e.g. exceptional draw options) that state impossibility. Affirmation of existence is frequent in a mate position with many moves. We know there is a mate but the question in these cases is how it can be delivered.
    We present the chess problem on beginners' level although these exercises appear in the game of advanced players and chess masters too, in a more complex form. We chose the mathematical tasks from arithmetic, number theory, geometry and the topic of equations. Students encounter these in classes, admission exams and student circles. Revealing the common features of mathematical and chess thinking shows how we can help the development of students' mathematical skills with the education of chess.
  • Rational errors in learning fractions among 5th grade students

    Our paper focuses on empirical research in which we map out the errors in learning fractions. Errors are often logically consistent and rule-based rather than being random. When people face solving an unfamiliar problem, they usually construct rules or strategies in order to solve it (Van Lehn, 1983). These strategies tend to be systematic, often make ‘sense’ to the people who created them but often lead to incorrect solutions (Ben-Zeev, 1996). These mistakes were named rational errors by Ben-Zeev (1996). The research aims to show that when learning fractions, students produce such errors, identified in the literature, and that students who make these kinds of mistakes achieve low results in mathematics tests. The research was done among 5th-grade students.

    Subject Classification: 97C10, 97C30, 97C70, 97D60, 97D70, 97F50

  • Examining relation between talent and competence through an experiment among 11th grade students
    The areas of competencies that are formable, that are to be formed and developed by teaching mathematics are well-usable in recognizing talent. We can examine the competencies of a student, we can examine the competencies required to solve a certain exercise, or what competencies an exercise improves.
    I studied two exercises of a test taken by students of the IT specialty segment of class 11.d of Jedlik Ányos High School, a class that I teach. These exercises were parts of the thematic unit of Combinatorics and Graph Theory. I analysed what competencies a gifted student has, and what competencies I need to improve while teaching mathematics. I summarized my experience about the solutions of the students, the ways I can take care of the gifted students, and what to do to the less gifted ones.
  • CAS-aided visualization in LATEX documents for mathematical education
    We have been developing KETpic as a macro package of a CAS for drawing fine LATEX-pictures, and we use it efficiently in mathematical education. Printed materials for mathematics classes are prepared under several constraints, such as "without animation", "mass printings", "monochrome", and "without halftone shadings". Because of these constraints, visualization in mathematical education tends to be unsatisfactory. Taking full advantages of LATEX and CAS, KETpic enables us to provide teaching materials with figures which are effective for mathematical education. The effects are summarized as follows:
    (1) The plottings of KETpic are accurate due to CAS, and enable students to deduce mathematical laws.
    (2) KETpic can provide adequate pictures for students' various interest. For example, when some students who understand a matter try to modify it, KETpic can give them appropriate and experimental figures.
    (3) Even though CAS can draw 3D-figures beautifully and automatically, it is expensive for mass printings and the figures are sometimes not easy to understand. Oppositely, 3D-graphics by KETpic are monochrome, but are richly expressive.
    In this paper, we give various examples of LATEX-pictures which we drew by using KETpic. For instance, the picture which is used in order to explain the convergence theorem of Fourier series makes it easier for students to understand the idea that function series converge to another function. Also the picture of skeleton is endowed with clear perspective. KETpic gives us great potential for the teaching of combinatorial mathematics. Through these examples, we claim that KETpic should have great possibilities of rich mathematical expressions under the constraints above mentioned.
  • Understanding the spatiotemporal sample: a practical view for teaching geologist students
    One of the most fundamental concept of statistics is the (random) sample. Our experience – acquired during the years of undergraduate education – showed that prior to industrial practice, the students in geology (and, most probably, in many other non-mathematics oriented disciplines as well) are often confused by the possible multiple interpretation of the sample. The confusion increases even further, when samples from stationary temporal, spatial or spatio-temporal phenomena are considered. Our goal in the present paper is to give a viable alternative to this overly mathematical approach, which is proven to be far too demanding for geologist students.
    Using the results of an environmental pollution analysis we tried to show the notion of the spatiotemporal sample and some of its basic characteristics. On the basis of these considerations we give the definition of the spatiotemporal sample in order to be satisfactory from both the theoretical and the practical points of view.
  • Experiences in the education of mathematics during the digital curriculum from the perspective of high school students

    Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, Hungarian schools had to switch to a digital curriculum for an extended period between 2019 and 2021. In this article, we report on the experiences regarding the education of mathematics during the digital curriculum in the light of the reinstated on-site education, all through the eyes of high school students. Distance education brought pedagogical renewal to the lives of many groups. Students were asked about the positives and negatives of this situation.

    Subject Classification: 97C90

  • A differentiated e-learning teaching program in mathematics
    The intelligent online interactions between students and teacher are still not assured because of the fact that a learning management system could not play the role of a teacher in producing a chain of deduction. Furthermore, managing a course in existing e-learning systems has not yet guaranteed the differentiated teaching because it does not enable students to appropriately learn at their corresponding levels. In this paper, we would like to introduce a differentiated e-learning course in Vietnam. We also present some designing principles for such courses and propose some typical situations in teaching mathematics aimed at helping high school students individualize their online learning in mathematics.
  • A role of geometry in the frame of competencies attainment
    We discuss aspects of the Education Reform from teaching to educational system. In this context we recognize some problems in recognition of some competencies that students need to achieve and we present how we have developed the measurement method of spatial abilities and problem solving competence. Especially, we investigate how students use spatial visualization abilities in solving various problems in other mathematical course. We have tested how students use their spatial abilities previously developed in geometry courses based on conceptual approach to solve a test based on procedural concept in Mathematical Analysis course.
  • Preliminary e ects of mathematics curriculum development for primary school student teachers in Sárospatak Comenius Campus
    Hungarian students' mathematics performance has been getting weaker in the past few years. A possible solution to stop this tendency is to develop curriculum. Therefore, Hungarian researchers have been refining a particular framework of curriculum development in primary school teacher training programmes. The national curriculum is designed on the assumption that learning can be broken into a sequence of levels and students can evenly succeed in gaining knowledge at successive levels. In this paper, we want to discuss how to reduce students' difficulties with different background to grow competence at successive levels.
  • Learning and teaching combinatorics with Sage
    Learning Mathematics is not an easy task, since this subject works with especially abstract concepts and sophisticated deductions. Many students lose their interest in the subject due to lack of success. Computer algebra systems (CAS) provide new ways of learning and teaching Mathematics. Numerous teachers use them to demonstrate concepts, deductions and algorithms and to make learning process more interesting especially in higher education. It is an even more efficient way to improve the learning process, if students can use the system themselves, which helps them to practice the curriculum.
    Sage is a free, open-source math software system that supports research and teaching algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, and related areas. I have been using it for several years to aid the instruction of Discrete Mathematics at Óbuda University. In this article I show some examples how representations provided by this system can help in teaching combinatorics.
  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 27-29, 2017 Budapest, Hungary
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Budapest, Hungary from the 27th to the 29th of January, 2017 at Eötvös Lorand University. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of University of Debrecen and the Department of Mathematics Teaching and Education Centre Institute of Mathematics.
    The 62 participants – including 43 lecturers and 20 PhD students – came from 7 countries, 22 cities and represented 35 institutions of higher and secondary education.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 24-26, 2014 Eger, Hungary
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
    was held in Eger, Hungary from the 24th to the 26th of January, 2014 at the
    Eszterházy Károly College. It was organized by the PhD School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the University of Debrecen and the Eszterházy Károly College in Eger.
    The 58 participants – including 43 lecturers and 18 PhD students – came from 7 countries, 15 cities and represented 22 institutions of higher education.
  • Teaching of financial mathematics using Maple
    The paper deals with the application of computer algebra system Maple in teaching of financial mathematics. In the Czech Republic financial mathematics is included in the curricula of grammar and secondary school. Therefore, this subject is also taught at pedagogical faculties. Most concepts of financial mathematics are difficult to understand for students. In the paper we show the ways of facilitation understanding these concepts using tools of Maple. The main result is in preparing special maplets which enable interactive studying of the principles of such concepts. Each of these maplets deals with particular financial problem from real life, e.g. mortgage credit, consumer credit, credit card etc.
  • The Project Method and investigation in school mathematics
    The Project Method (PM) is becoming more common in the teaching of mathematics. Most of the time, Project Method means solving open and relatively wide formulated problems for the application of particular mathematical topics and the solving of everyday life problems.
    At present many experts in the theory of teaching mathematics advocate teaching activities as the characteristic for most mathematical work in the classroom. Thus, there is a question: whether it is possible or eventual desirable to use the PM for solving genuine mathematical problems. This paper deals with this question and discusses the connection between the PM and investigation of new mathematical knowledge for students. Our experience has shown that the PM in connection with investigations can be a useful and effective approach to teaching mathematics.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 23-25, 2015 Novi Sad, Serbia
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Novi Sad, Serbia from the 23th to the 25th of January, 2015 at the University of Novi Sad. It was organized by the PhD School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the University of Debrecen and the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Novi Sad.
    The 70 participants – including 42 lecturers, and 18 PhD students – came from 9 countries, 28 cities and represented 40 intstitutions of higher education.
  • Facilitating class attendance to improve student achievements
    Many studies have revealed that attendance is strongly associated with students' achievements, and have proposed different strategies to improve students' attendance. However, there are few studies investigating how to efficiently take students' attendance – the key component to improve students' attendance. Taking attendance manually is inefficient since it will consume part of the limited class time. This paper describes the design and the implementation of an online attendance system that is currently used in classes at West Virginia University and California University of Pennsylvania. Examples of the system are provided online. Implementation codes of the system are shared, which can be used to teach computer science courses such as Web Programming or Client-Server Script Languages.
  • Teaching integral transforms in secondary schools
    Today, Hungarian students in the secondary schools do not know the idea of complex numbers, and they can not integrate except those ones who learn mathematics in advance level. Without this knowledge we can teach Fourier transform for students. Why should we teach Fourier transform (FT) or Wavelet transform (WT) for them? To teach image file formats like JPEG, (JPEG2000) we need to talk about integral transforms. For students who are good in computer programming, writing the program of 1D FT or 2D FT is a nice task. In this article we demonstrate how we can teach Fourier and Wavelet transform for students in secondary school.
  • An examination of descriptive statistical knowledge of 12th-grade secondary school students - comparing and analysing their answers to closed and open questions

    In this article, we examine the conceptual knowledge of 12th-grade students in the field of descriptive statistics (hereafter statistics), how their knowledge is aligned with the output requirements, and how they can apply their conceptual knowledge in terms of means, graphs, and dispersion indicators. What is the proportion and the result of their answers to (semi-)open questions for which they have the necessary conceptual knowledge, but which they encounter less frequently (or not at all) in the classroom and during questioning? In spring 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic in Hungary, a traditional-classroom, “paper-based” survey was conducted with 159 graduating students and their teachers from 3 secondary schools. According to the results of the survey, the majority of students have no difficulties in solving the type of tasks included in the final exam. Solving more complex, open-ended tasks with longer texts is more challenging, despite having all the tools to solve them, based on their conceptual knowledge and comprehension skills. A valuable supplement to the analysis and interpretation of the results is the student attitudes test, also included in the questionnaire.

    Subject Classification: 97K40, 97-11, 97D60