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  • Sour Cherry Seed Extract – An Emerging Functional Food

    Advanced analytical techniques have recently revealed powerful health-promoting properties in components of some plants, which had remained obscure until present days because they were not typically consumed as food by humans. A particularly fascinating example is the seed kernel of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus). Chemical analysis of the seed kernel revealed that the solid flavonoid-rich fraction, comprising approximately 64–68% of the kernel, contains several health-enhancing polyphenolic compunds including catechins, stillbenes, anthocyanidins and resveratrol. The remaining 32–36% is an oil fraction rich in tocopherols and related compounds, including tocotrienols, oleic acid and triglycerides. Previous studies demonstrated that oral administration of sour cherry seed extract to animals strongly stabilizes healthy tissue homeostasis and suppresses ischemia-reperfusion injury by augmenting expression of heme oxygenase-1, a major endogenous cytoprotective enzyme. The sour cherry fruit is a major export of several nations, including Hungary, however the seed is currently considered an agricultural by-product and discarded. The better understanding of health protective effects of the seed extract would open new avenues for the Hungarian agriculture and food industry in the future.

  • The Characteristics of the LOHAS Segment, the Consumer Group which is Devoted to Sustainable Consumption

    Sustainable consumption is a megatrend influencing consumer habits today. Our research was carried out to find out information – with the help of international and national literature – about the general and differentiating characteristics and the size of the consumer group devoted to sustainable consumption. Our aim was also to sum up the economic importance of the segment. This “new type” of consumer-buyer group is called LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) by professionals. An important feature of the segment is that they consider all the three pillars of sustainable development (economic, social and ecological) in their shopping decisions. LOHAS consumers live their life health-consciously. Their devotion to sustainability is reflected in purchasing environmental-friendly, socially responsible products. Besides this, it can also be claimed about them that they are early adopters and they are able to influence the opinion of their friends and family. They are less price-sensitive, and they are characteristically brand-loyal. These characteristics make them the attractive target of a lot of marketing activities. It is hard to describe the LOHAS lifestyle only with demographic features since their devotion to sustainable consumption is determined by mostly personal values and the individual’s value order. LOHAS lifestyle has five, well defined value categories that direct the individuals’ behavior. They are authentic values, health-conscious values, ethic values, individualist values and environmental-conscious values. The LOHAS group is also characterized by such a hybrid lifestyle in which different characteristics merge with each other. The LOHAS “phenomenon” is mostly characteristic of the western world, but it is becoming widespread in the Asian region’s consumer society. In the developed countries the size of the group may reach 25%. For today the approach and value order characterizing the LOHAS consumer’s lifestyle have appeared within the Hungarian population as well. Hungarian researchers estimate the size of this group different – between 4 and 30% – depending on the values expected during segmentation. The LOHAS trend influences all the branches of economy calling companies for innovation that meets the needs of the consumers who prefer hybrid lifestyle, and for environmental and social responsibility. However, the strongest influence appears in the food industry. It is worth mentioning that some members of the tertiary sector have also realized the opportunities lying behind them. Besides the economic importance of the LOHAS consumer group, it is important to mention that their inner values and views envisage a healthier society and a cleaner and more livable environment.

  • The Size and Characteristics of the LOHAS Segment in Hungary

    Until the 1990s, those exchange processes were in the focus of marketing in which the producers had the bargaining power in their hands. After realizing the limited sources and the natural challenges at the beginning of the twenty-first century, today marketing experts are interested in global issues like sustainable development and sustainable consumption. The aim of our research was to define the size of the Hungarian LOHAS consumer group by analysing its lifestyle based on sustainable values. This has been achieved in three steps. At first, the appearance of sustainable values was analysed using factor analysis. Secondly, we made the value-based lifestyle segmentation of the Hungarian consumers with the help of k-means analysis, and finally, with further segmentation, we estimated the size of the consumer group that is the most devoted to LOHAS values. In order to achieve the set objective, a nationwide representative questionnaire-based survey was carried out involving 1000 people in Hungary. During the value-orientated research, 25 lifestyle statements were drawn up. The 25 statements were grouped around 5 aspects which were the following: environmental consciousness, health consciousness, ethical values, authentic values and individualism. Results reveal that in the value order of Hungarian consumers, the characteristics showing in the direction of sustainability are present and they are separated in six value categories. They are individualist values, authentic values, environmental consciousness, ethical (competence) values, health consciousness and ethical (corporate) values. From among the value dimensions, authentic values, health and environmental consciousness, as well as ethical corporate behaviour are especially important to Hungarian consumers. According to our results five value-based segments could be separated which are Uninvolved elderly people (16.4%), Young trend followers (32.1%), Young environmentally conscious people (18.6%), Ethical traditionalists (22.6%) and also Disappointed pessimists (10.3%). The biggest cluster, the group of Young trend followers, reflects the characteristics of the LOHAS consumers’ lifestyle the most. Yet, this segment cannot entirely be regarded a consumer group devoted to LOHAS values. The biggest heterogeneity can be observed based on the ethical (competence) values of Young trend followers, and a further segmentation of this group was considered necessary to be able to ascertain the rate of the most devoted LOHAS consumers. The third sub-cluster that overestimates the ethical (competence) statements the most can be identified with the LOHAS consumer group. Based on the results of our research, their rate is 8.7% within the Hungarian population. Further research is necessary to find out whether the situation of value orientation in the other Eastern European countries is similar to that in Hungary, where the social and the cultural backgrounds show many similarities.

  • Impact of Personal Values on the Change of Health Behaviour and the Conscious Food Purchase

    Major aim of the examination is to reveal relationships between personal values, the switch to the health conscious nutrition method, and the food consumer behaviour based on the value list by Kahle (LOV). In order to attain this goal a nationwide representative survey was conducted in Hungary with the participation of 1000 persons. According to the results the most important value for the population is safety that is followed by the need for fun and enjoyment in life. During the analysis of the value list a factor structure – different from the standard – was revealed that formed the base of the segmentation. Four consumer segments were identified, the Value oriented, the Moderately value driven, the Safety seeker, and the Disappointed segments.
    The Value oriented segment can be considered as the primary target group of health protecting foods as members of this group moved to the direction of more health conscious consumption and in parallel of more health conscious food purchase to the greatest extent (18.5%). The second group showing significant changes is the Safety seekers that suggests that the extent of the value orientation significantly affects the behavior, i.e. food purchase and food consumption independently of its content. The value content provides information to the development of the content elements of the marketing strategy and the marketing message for the producers of health protecting foods.

  • Examination of Margarine Preferences Among College Consumers

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of discrete choice experiment and thereby assess consumer preferences for margarine among students of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business. The questionnaire was based on a focus group interview where the most important product attributes (price, fat, salt and sunflower oil content) and their levels were determined. Based on the estimates of the multinomial logit model, we concluded that increasing fat and salt content among participants reduced the sense of utility and hence willingness to pay, while we cannot found significant effect in respect of sunflower oil content.

    JEL Codes: I12, M31

  • Examinations of Attitudes towards Functional Foods – Literature Review

    The current study of our two-part paper series dealing with psychological influences on functional food consumer behaviour focuses on attitudes towards functional foods, while the subsequent study will discuss other psychological influential factors. Several research studies have already examined attitudes towards functional foods but the wide range of available products, the significant international heterogeneity of attitudes and the diversity of the applied research methods make their comparison and generalization remarkably hard. This paper aims to organize these research studies according to specific standpoints, and based on this, to draw generalizable conclusions. Based on the literature review, we can state that attitudes towards functional foods are positive worldwide, and those attitudes have a positive effect on the purchase and consumption of functional foods. There are, of course, international differences in attitude factors that play a significant role in this positive effect, and also in the composition of those factors. These differences can be attributed primarily to the different development stages of markets. However, we can state that the most important attitude factor everywhere is the reward from using functional foods (health protection and promotion, well-being, good performance and mood) that has to be forwarded stated simply and obviously towards the consumers in marketing communication messages. Besides this, social necessity (including medicine-like effects) of and confidence in functional foods also influence the intention for consumption, thus, the healing effect can also be a useful buzzword in messages. In the less developed markets – such as Hungary – confidence includes the belief in the safety of the products indicating the fact that where consumers are not familiar with these products, perceived risks of functional foods can be a strong barrier to their consumption. Therefore, a key role of marketing communication messages in those markets is the reduction of perceived risks. It is worth noting, however, that functional foods cannot be seen as a homogeneous food category, thus the importance of different attitude factors may vary between the different types of food. Additionally, consumers cannot be seen as one, homogeneous group, either, therefore different marketing communication messages developed according to the attitude-based segments will be effective.

    JEL codes: D11, M31

  • The Transformational Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Wine Marketing and Wine Sector

    Industry 4.0 - like other industries - is transforming the wine sector. From viticulture to winemaking processes to wine marketing and sales, Industry 4.0 technologies have appeared everywhere and have proven to be effective with numerous best practices. It can be stated that sooner or later every serious market participant will incorporate some of Industry 4.0's solutions into their business strategy - otherwise, they will suffer from a difficult-to-catch and manage competitive disadvantage. This study summarizes the processes and main characteristics of the first three industrial revolutions, then analyzes in more detail the fourth industrial revolution and the concept of Industry 4.0, its events, the development opportunities inherent in Industry 4.0 innovations, and certain social risks as well. Subsequently, using case studies and examples uncovered through literature research, it illustrates the connection points between Industry 4.0 and the wine industry - primarily wine marketing.

    JEL Codes: O3, O4, M310, M370, Z310, Z330

  • The Investigation of Sustainable Values among the Students of the University of Debrecen

    The aim of the research was to define sustainable values among the students of the University of Debrecen. We analysed the lifestyle of two sustainable consumption groups, the LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) and the LOVOS (Lifestyle of Voluntary Simplifiers). As a first step, connection points were being looked for between the LOHAS and the LOVOS segments with the assistance of the literature review. Secondly, a questionnaire-based survey was carried out involving 298 students of the University of Debrecen. In this step appearance of sustainable values was analysed using factor analysis both for LOHAS and LOVOS segments separately. Next, we made a value-based lifestyle segmentation of the students with the assistance of hierarchical analysis in the case of the LOHAS segment and k-means analysis in the case of the LOVOS segment. According to the results, four value-based segments could be distinguished in both the LOHAS and the LOVOS groups. In the case of the LOHAS consumer group, the ambitious trend followers (the cluster size was 25.1% of the asked students) reflect the characteristics of the LOHAS consumers’ lifestyle to the greatest extent. In the case of the LOVOS consumer group, the most dedicated cluster was the conscious simplifiers (the cluster size was 34.55% of the asked students). However, this segment does not entirely reflect all the values of the LOVOS consumers’ lifestyle, so further research is necessary in the future.

    JEL codes: A13, Q56, D70

  • Analyzing Consumer Attitudes Towards Health-protecting Food

    The main goal of our research was to analyze the role of health-protecting food in our daily nutrition. In our secondary research, we analyzed the generalities and characteristics of health and health behavior with the help of relevant domestic and foreign literature. We analyzed the domestic tendencies of health in details. We examined the most important characteristics of functional foods and investigated the factors of personalized nutrition. Based on a literature review, in our primary research we conducted an online questionnaire survey with 231 respondents. Our survey cannot be considered representative, however, the proportion of genders in our sample population is almost the same as the Hungarian population’s. In the questionnaire survey, we examined the frequency of consumption of health-protecting food. After that, we analyzed respondents’ perceptions of the actual health effects of health-protecting food. We have measured consumer attitudes towards health-protecting food. We analyzed the perception of potential health risks and problems from the consumer perspective. We measured the impact of various health factors on shopping. Besides, we have explored our intention to participate in personalized nutrition-related programs. Based on our research, most of the analyzed health-protecting food is consumed once or twice a week. It can be stated that the respondents considered the examined food categories less scientifically proven. We could identify the preventive behaviors of respondents for various health problems. However, there is also uncertainty in the decision of respondents in what is the right way to prevent the diseases. In this uncertain situation, only experts can provide real help to them.

    JEL Classification: Q16, Q12, Q13, O32

  • The Role of Food Labels in Consumer’s Food Choices

    One of the most important pillars of a healthy lifestyle is healthy nutritional value, in which FOP nutrition labels can support consumers in making the right decision. Nutrition-related diseases of civilization are a worldwide problem. A healthy diet is essential for overall well-being and the prevention of many chronic diseases. Special attention must be paid to the use of FOP nutrition values in order to prevention and healthy decision-making. It is important that people can interpret the nutritional quality of foods as simply as possible. The packaging has to provide realistic and accurate infromation about the product. This study describes four types of FOP nutrition labels used in the European Union: Nordic Keyhole, Nutri-Score, Traffic-Lights, NutrInform Battery.  

    JEL-Code: M31

  • Analysis of the Food Consumer Behavior in the Online Environment: Does Digital Food Consumer Exist in Hungary?

    In recent years one of the major players in the market have changed radically, the consumer. They have been titled as „digitally enlightened” citizens by various researches. The main characteristics of „traditional” consumer’s behavior have been discussed previously by numerous researchers. However research on digital consumers, especially in domestic circles, is still in initial stage.
    The main objective of this article is to determine the online consumer behavior trends in our country, in relation to information and shopping in particular of food. At the end of this publication we intent to answer the question asked in the title, i.e. does digital food consumer exist in this country.
    In our study we used the online consumer buying behavior process as base. Each step was mapped out by using relevant and current literature analysis. Using national representative survey (N=1000) we examined in detail the food-related online information searches and the shopping opportunities in online shops.
    The convenience factor – similar to the description of the literature- is the most advantageous aspect of online shopping. At online shops the other factors examined convergence occurring in the median values show the uncertainty of customers’ purchasing behavior, which results in a lack of trust in food purchases.
    Overall, we can conclude that the majority of literature and research on food consumption behavior doesn’t separate properly the online consumer’ roles and most of the emphasis is on the final purchase. Based on literature research, we have attempted to differentiate the digital food consumers based on online behavior in which the basis for the subsequent researches hypothetical fives categories were distinguished.

  • A Netnographic Study of Health-Conscious Food Consumption in the Digital Era

    Health-conscious lifestyles and the consumption of foods which are considered healthy are becoming increasingly important globally and domestically. Thanks to digitisation, the consumer has a wide range of new and innovative ways to obtain useful information. Social media and its elements have reformed access to information over the past decade. The main objective of our research was to assess the impact of digitisation on healthy food consumption. In this article, we analysed particular social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Youtube) with a netnographic observation and examined the role of influencers in health-conscious food consumption. During secondary research, we clarified basic definitions and analysed recent and near-term trends. In the primary research, the netnographic survey was conducted in two sessions (September and October 2018 and December 2019). The aim was to broaden the research while comparing the results of the two observation sessions. Only Hungarian language sites were used for our observations. We analysed the Facebook pages and groups related to healthy eating. For the terms related to the topic under study (e.g., “healthy lifestyle” and “conscious eating”), we identified the same pages in most cases. So a given page has appeared for more than one search term. The creators of the groups typically include 4-5 keywords in the title at a time. We have analysed the number of hashtags with and without accents associated with health-conscious, free-from and plant-based nutrition. The majority of the analysed hashtags showed a tendency for their accented variants to grow more than non-accented ones in the past year. In addition, we systematized the Hungarian influencers with Youtube channel in the research topic. Based on the results, it can be stated that relatively few influencers operate a channel with a higher number of subscribers in the fields of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. To sum up, the mention of healthy lifestyle in social media is complex and it is not tightened to health-conscious food consumption.

    JEL Classification: M31

  • Consumption patterns and trends in pork meat and pork products

    In connection of the trend towards health and environmental consciousness, consumption habits are changing, especially for meat products. Health, moral and ethical concerns about the consumption of meat products have brought pork and its products back into focus, and as has been the case in the past, highlight their 'unhealthiness'. The aim of this paper is to summarise current pork consumption patterns, describe the factors influencing them and provide direction through an analysis of domestic and international trends. Through an analysis of consumption statistics, we will show how pork consumption has changed in recent years in different European countries and in Hungary. In addition to consumption data, we will also look at the purchasing patterns that shape the consumption, the evolution of online, offline purchasing, and the trends that most influence the product chain. In addition to the analysis of household consumption will be presented and the main target groups for pork consumption will be identified. The characteristics of the marketing mix for pork are then identified, i.e. the typical product categories, branding, the threat of substitutes, price relations at national and international level, and finally the typical distribution channels are also analysed. After the analysis, our study has found that pork is a tasty meat that can be prepared in a variety of ways and is an essential ingredient in European and Hungarian cuisine. Changes in consumer habits have had a significant impact on the consumption of pork, both from an environmental point of view, ethical considerations, animal welfare issues, health consciousness trends and even religious requirements.

    JEL Code: M31

  • Health or Taste? Consumer Dilemmas with Functional Foods – Literature Review

    The current study of our two-part paper series is dealing with one of the most important attitude influences on functional food consumer behaviour. Namely, it focuses on “health effects vs. taste” attitude factor of functional food products, which describes the possible conflict between a pleasant taste and the health benefit of the product. This factor is analysed on the basis of two aspects of factors influencing food choice: internal (food) effects (e.g. sensory aspects) and external (non-food) effects (e.g. psychological, social, cultural factors). The most important internal (or intrinsic) characteristic is the taste of the food product. A remarkable finding of this study is that good taste is a crucial, self-relevant characteristic of any food product and bad taste would not be accepted in functional food products either. Consumers are hardly willing to compromise on the taste of functional food products for potential health benefits. Another aspect in the case of functional food products is that intrinsic product characteristics are given by the combination of the health-enhancing ingredient with the type of carrier product used. Studies have shown that functional ingredients that weaken the taste of such food products reduce their acceptance. There is a consensus in the literature that a natural match between added ingredient and carrier product increases the overall acceptance of functional food products. External (or extrinsic) characteristics, e.g. psychological and lifestyle factors, and socio-cultural differences provide further aspects of the potential conflict of “health effects vs. taste”. From a psychological point of view, one may assume that an individual who chooses a functional food is committed to the products’ benefits and may be willing to accept some unpleasant taste in order to achieve the desired health benefit. It has to be noted, however, that although the importance of a given health benefit may lead to the acceptance of an unpleasant taste, this acceptance is not necessarily supported by each of the health benefits. Lifestyle variables also influence the acceptance of functional foods, e.g. wellness-oriented consumers appear to be more willing to trade the taste for health benefits. However, the segment of consumers who are ready to sacrifice the taste for potential health benefits cannot be identified by using classical demographic characteristics as segmentation variables. The “health effects vs. taste” conflict is influenced by cultural differences, too. E.g. the priority of taste can be observed in whole Europe; in contrast, the preference for nutritional benefits is rather typical in the Asian countries. The final conclusion of our study is similar to that of the literature. Good taste and healthiness are not necessarily to be traded-off against each other. Hoping for consumer willingness to compromise on the taste for health is highly speculative and risky, so the functional food industry must develop good taste solutions. In addition to sensory perception of the food, the expectations have also been found to have an impact on the acceptance of functional food products. Consumers’ expectations are highly influenced by marketing communications. In case of functional food products marketing communication is strongly based on health-related information and this information influences not only the perception of healthiness but the liking of foods, too. Hence, additional values of functional food products (health+convenience+pleasure) have to be communicated as hedonic values, emphasizing especially the role of pleasure.

    JEL codes: D11, M31

  • Analysis of the Values of Sustainable Development and the Health Conscious Lifestyle Among Secondary School Students

    Health, together with the social- and natural environment has become the most important and core value recently. The current research would like to explore the presence of sustainable development related values and the elements of health consciousness among the consumption behaviour of secondary school students. The aim of the first part is to provide an overview of conscious consumption, sustainable development and the literal researches connected to this particular generation. In the second part of the work, we present the results of a research made between April 2015 and 2016 involving 1 002 students of 13 institutions. During the selection, we kept in mind to choose institutions of all different profiles (human, sport, art, general) and different types (grammar school, vocational high school, technical school). During creating the questionnaire, the basis of the questions and statements since was the consumption trends that can be found in the literature sources as well. We analysed the data with the help of frequency indicators together with factor- and cluster analyses. During the primary examinations, we identified five factors that were created along with the values of the following behaviours: trend-following individualistic, health- and environmental conscious, authentic patriot, altruistic-ethical and business ethical. With the help of them, we could name four well-divided groups after the cluster analysis, where the values of the created factors can be realised at different rates. The groups were the Trend-avoiding Conscious, the Responsibility-blamers, the Passive “freshmen” and the Conscious individualists. The first group can be related to the trends of voluntary simplicity, whereas the fourth segment shows a strong similarity to the values of the LOHAS consumer group. These groups – and their different socio-demographic features – raise the attention to the fact that knowledge, messages and examples-to-follow are worth conveying with a differentiated marketing communicational strategy. This secondary school generation undertakes their connection to the particular sustainable and health conscious values, and – at least in a theoretical field – the majority of the students admit their responsibility in shaping the environment and their own health. In the case of conscious consumption, the peculiarities of this generation (digital, “Always on” generation) demand a quite new communicational approach in transporting messages and possibilities of act.

    JEL codes: A13, D70, I12, Q56

  • Functional Foods, Consumer Attitudes and Personalized Nutrition

    The dramatic spread of the so called diseases of civilization have occurred in the last decade worldwide. Deaths caused by them have long been of the highest rate among all causes of deaths. In parallel with the spread of the diseases of civilization, population of developed countries is increasingly ageing that increases the number of inactives and those who rely on health treatment. The outlined factors pose new challenges to the food industry: it requires the development new foods that slow down the spread of the diseases of civilization that hit the humankind through their health care effect, and at the same time provide longer life in health for the ageing societies. In the decade after decoding the human genome an extremely rapid development occurred in the techniques of genomics, and in the disciplines applying genomics methods. Researches in genomics focus on how the human genome interacts with the environmental factors for determining the gene expression. Nutrition as one of the most important environmental factors has an obvious impact on the health but we have not known yet exactly what this impact is and what its mechanism is. The so called nutrigenomics – that is a new discipline – aims to reveal the relationships that are not yet known. The personalized nutrition is a conception that adapts the diet, the foods, and the nutrients to the unique needs of the specific person.
    The authors examined the relationships between the functional foods, consumer attitudes and personalized nutrition in the framework of a nation-wide representative consumer survey of 500 people. According to the results majority of the consumers (73.8%) believes that her/him nutrition (diet) follows a normal structure and all that she/he needs enters her/his body automatically. Knowing the critical health state of the population it can be stated that the high agreement portion is based on misbelieves. This is also indicated by the fact that 57.4% of consumers only eats foods that tastes good, even when it is supposedly less healthy. In the next half year almost 50% of the Hungarian population do not intend to switch to a nutrition considered healthier by themselves. Further 22% of the respondents already feel some urge to change their behavior, they compare the costs and the potential benefits of change. Only 5.0% of the interviewees switched to a nutrition considered healthier by themselves in the last six months, and the rate of those who maintain the positive change is 17.4%.
    In the current situation there is no other option than raising awareness of the population for foods that provide excess nutrition benefits. These are the functional foods that hold important position in the education to healthy nutrition of the population. However, it is does matter in which strategy they are used by the enterprises. This applies for the development of both new technologies and new functional foods where involvement of consumers is inevitable today.
    The so called perception screening theory answers the solution of the anomalies between the scientific objectivity and the consumer perception. We tried to apply the perception screening theory in a new discipline, entirely unknown to the consumers. The nutrition genomics and its major application area, the personalized nutrition are novel concepts to the population to such an extent that preferences and attitudes related to them have not occurred yet. This is why it could be interesting which most important psychological processes are the ones that can lead to the adoption of the new technology, and the development of the positive consumer attitudes. According to the results Hungarian consumers are mistrustful against the new technology and they are uncertain – despite its obvious advantages. The not so positive attitude is likely caused by more factors together. Traditional thinking, reluctance to the new play a role in it as well as the lack of information and misbelieves related to the genetic tests. The technology is novel to the consumers to such an extent that we found significant differences between the consumer segments only in some cases, i.e. consumer preferences cannot be classified, they are highly scattered. Finally, the authors developed an optimized practical model by which the successful launch of a new functional food and its hindering factors can be securely forecasted.

  • Levels of Behaviour Change in the Course of Body Mass Management – Food Consumption and Physical Activity

    Based on the secondary data, it can be stated that more than half of the Hungarian population are obese, therefore, the actuality of this topic is approved. As a result of this research, the distribution of the examined sample has been executed by the phases of the Transtheoretical model. Thus, the situation in the precontemplation phase is better concerning the transfer to more regular physical activity (one-third of the sample) than the change for food consumption considered as healthier. Similar results were received in the phase of maintenance as well: one-fourth of the sample answered that they did more regular physical activity with the minimal risk of fallback, and one-fifth of them thought that their healthier food consumption could be maintained. The fewest people are in the preparation phase of the transfer to healthier food nutrition, while in the case of more regular physical activity the rate is also lower in the phase of preparation compared to the contemplation, action and maintenance stages. A reason for that can be that the questioned see the change within one month, or they do not have the necessary determination to execute the change within such a short deadline, or to prepare themselves to the change. Considering the gender, in the first and last phases (precontemplation and maintenance) men are in greater proportion on both examined fields. In our opinion, the reason for it is that men are more determined considering their values and attitudes of their own body mass management. We think that the low number of people in the precontemplation phase is quite promising, especially in the case of more regular physical activity, since the people on the higher levels have the potential to develop healthier nutrition and physical activity, to enhance the motivation of contemplators, preparators and doers, and the support of maintainers can be a realistic step to reach the health political aims.

    JEL code: Q13

  • Interrelations of Sustainable Food Consumption

    The past seventy years have been perhaps the fastest development phase in human history. The concept of sustainable development is the sense of responsibility towards future generations, the so-called emphasizes intergenerational solidarity by recognizing the right of future generations to meet their needs. The biggest challenge facing humanity is finding solutions to reduce the damage it causes. The key to this is changing consumption habits. We believe that a food consumption structure that has a low environmental impact, but at the same time an insufficient nutrient density, cannot be considered sustainable, as this leads to malnutrition and deficiency diseases. A sustainable food system (SFS) is a food system that ensures food security and healthy nutrition for all, in a way that does not jeopardize the economic, social and environmental foundations for future generations. Based on what has been described so far, it is clear that the environment and health are two key dimensions of a sustainable diet or sustainable food consumption. The article presents the implementation possibilities of sustainable food consumption through examples.

    JEL Codes:
    E2, Q5 

  • Analysis of the Health – Environment – Nutrition Nexus: A Review

    The fastest improvement of the wealth and quality of life was witnessed in last decades by the humanity globally. Economic and social development, however, influenced the state and processes of the natural environment at the same time significantly. Food supply is one of the major interfaces between the society and the natural resources, as we highlight in our literature review; approximately one-third of the resource use and pollution is originated in nutritional needs. Also, health effects of western diet are remarkable. Consequently, debate on ‘healthy diet’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ food supply chain became complementary and reinforcing topics recently, at least in the scientific communication.

    JEL Codes: F64, I12, O13, Q4, Q5

  • Analysis of Energy Drink Consumption Habits and Motivations among University Students

    Young adults tend to consume energy drinks, even if they know exactly what they contain and what their health effects might be, even in the long term. The purpose of our research is to find out what motivates young people to consume energy drinks. In the quantitative research, a focus group-oriented online questionnaire was held out to assess the energy drink consumption habits of university students as well as their motivations for consumption using the TEMS model (N=897). The TEMS model was adapted for energy drinks. The qualitative research involved an eye-camera study with advertisements of the most popular energy drink brands and the existence of cognitive dissonance among students consuming energy drinks was also investigated. In summary, the majority of students were aware of the ingredients of energy drinks and their negative effects on health. The main motivations for consuming the product were that it tastes good, gives energy, is a pleasure to drink and that they simply like the product. Cognitive dissonance is also present in the purchase and consumption of energy drinks, therefore advertising has a strong influence on brand evaluations.

    JEL-Codes: M31, M3

  • Attitudes of Alternative Diet Followers Towards Purchasing Local Products

    Earth’s population has been growing steadily over the last centuries, with increasing demand for food production. For this reason, despite the current technological progress, even more and more cultivated lands are needed. The purpose of our research is to examine the proportion of local products that are being used by those who follow different alternative diets, which can also be used to test the behaviour towards sustainability. In order to reach our goals, we have developed a national survey including 504 Hungarian consumers. The survey consists of several questions about alternative diets, food-oriented lifestyle, and local products. The answers were weighted in order to properly represent the gender distribution of the population and were analysed using descriptive statistics and factor analysis. According to the results, environmental conscious behaviour appears among the alternative diet followers, but for sustainability this is not a sufficient condition. Local products are bought by 82.9% of the respondents. The biggest incentives of buying local products are the origin, the support of local producers / merchants, the reduction of food kilometres, the healthy and natural characteristics of the products, and the positive experiences with local products. In contrast, the reasons why local products are mostly refused by consumers are the facts that they are time consuming and difficult to obtain.

    JEL codes: C38, D70, I12, M31, Q56