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  • A Review Regarding Hand Exoskeleton Technologies for Rehabilitation

    This paper will be presenting a short review regarding robotic rehabilitation devices. The focus of rehabilitation are aimed for the human hand, mainly for regaining motor functions by the aid of robotics. A comprehensive statistical study will be presented regarding tendencies in the field of rehabilitation,  medical robotics and technologies used for robotic exoskeletons based on existing published papers. A short review on existing practical examples is also presented. In the final part of the papers a short comparison is debated between soft robotic devices and rigid robotic devices used in hand rehabilitation. After presenting the review of the current state of the art a conclusion regarding the future direction of rehabilitation devices is proposed.

  • Issues Regarding Management of Machining Tools, Parts and Sub-Assemblies in Flexible Manufacturing Cells

    This paper will be presenting the issues regarding management of machining tools, parts and sub-assemblies in the industrial environment present in flexible manufacturing cells, flexible manufacturing systems or flexible manufacturing multi-systems. In modern the factory environment, management plays vital role in assuring a quality on demand, cost effective and timely production planning. Without proper management performance is not guaranteed or controlled in a manufacturing cell system.

  • A Review Regarding Deep Learning Technology in Mobile Robots

    Deep Learning usage is spread across many fields of application. This paper presents details from a selected variety of works published in recent years to illustrate the versatility of the Deep Learning techniques, their potential in current and future research and industry applications as well as their state-of-the-art status in vision tasks, where their efficiency is experimentally proven to near 100% accuracy. The presented applications range from navigation to localization, object recognition and more advanced interactions such as grasping.

  • Determination of the Calibration Equation for FBG Temperature Sensors

    This paper presents a brief introduction to FBG sensor technology and its applications. Then the procedure for determining the sensor calibration equations is presented. These equations are determined for each individual sensor and are necessary to perform the trans-oceanographic measurement of the FBG sensor's wavelength variation in the measured parameter.

  • Brushless DC Motor Modeling Using Bond Graph Method and Control using LabVIEW: Speed control based calssical PID control

    This paper aims to simulate and control a three-phase Brushless DC Motor. Bond Graph method has been used to obtain fast and simple dynamic model. The system has been controlled by classical PID controller. All the paper results were fulfilled using LabVIEW program.

  • Simulation of PMSM Vector Control Using Multisim and LabVIEW

    This paper represents the simulation of field-oriented control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. Using Clark-Park transform and three PI controllers for controlling speed, direct-axis current, and quadrant axis current. As maximum torque occurs when the rotor field and stator fields are 90 degrees from each other. The goal is to bring the stator field always orthogonal to the rotor field. The simulation is performed using Multisim and LabVIEW software

  • Modelling and Simulation of Stepper Motor For Position Control Using LabVIEW

    This paper presents hybrid stepper motor (is a type of stepping motor) modelling and simulation which is widely used a kind of motor in industrial applications. In this study, the stepper motor was modelled using bond graph technique and simulation for desired position was executed on LabVIEW
    graphical interface. Then, firstly a convenient PID controller was designed for position, speed and current and PID close loopresponse was obtained for position control. Then, PID parameters for each controller were arranged separately to obtain good response Secondly, Fuzzy Logic controller applied to
    the system and its response was obtained. Finally, both responses are compared. According to comparison, it was observed that Fuzzy Logic controller’s response is better than PID’s. (In this paper, all shown responses were observed for 120 degree desired position)

  • Csúszómód szabályozási algoritmusok robusztusságának összehasonlítása egy internetes szervohajtás kapcsán

    A cikk célja kettős. Egyrészt ismerteti, hogy miként lehet bevezetni a mechatronika oktatásba a csúszómód-szabályozás elméletét, másrészt egy egyszerű internetes szervohajtás kapcsán bemutatja, hogy a csúszómód-szabályozók egyik legfontosabb tulajdonságának, nevezetesen a robusztusságnak milyen korlátai lehetnek egy gyakorlati alkalmazásban. A klasszikus csúszómód-szabályozás esetén a szabályozás kezdetén általában jelentkezik egy ún. elérési fázis, amikor még nem alakul ki a csúszómód, így ebben a fázisban nem tapasztalható a robusztusság. A cikk egyik legfontosabb újdonsága, hogy módszereket vezet be az elérési fázis hatásának visszaszorítására és a bemutatott módszereket kísérletileg összehasonlítja a robusztusság szempontjából.

  • Sway Control of 3-Cars Crane System Using Proposed Fuzzy-PID Controller

    This paper presents a novel control approach for 3 cars crane systems. Nowadays; some problems for carrying unpredicted loads of crane systems exist. On the other hand; long bar loads are very important to carry without touch on other materials in factories. In this simulation study, fuzzy based controllers were designed to control vibrations of 3 cars crane system. The simulation results are improved and show this kind of controllers will be employed in real time such systems.

  • Gépjárművédelmi megoldások a modern lopási módszerek ellen

    A cikk bemutatja a modern gépjármű lopási eszközöket és módszereket, illetve a Gorilla gépjárművédelmi rendszer fejlesztésből műszaki részleteket, mely a jelenleg alkalmazott módszerek ellen hatásos védelmet jelent. A cikk taglalja a gépjárművekbe utólagosan integrált eszközök rádiós megoldásainak műszaki és biztonságtechnikai nehézségeit is.

  • Application of OptiTrack Motion Capture Systems in Human Movement Analysis: A systematic Literature Review

    With the spreading of motion analysis decisions to invest into a new system demand scientific reference applications. The aim of the present systematic review is to reveal the biomechanical scientific applications of OptiTrack motion capture systems and to overview documented usage conditions and purposes. Six major scientific literature databases were used (PubMed, PubMed Central, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, PLOS and Web Of Science). An OptiTrack camera system had to be used for human or biologically related motion capture. A total of 85 articles were included, 4 out of which dealt with the validation
    of OptiTrack systems and 81 utilized the system for biomechanical analyses. The data analysed and extracted from the system validation studies included: description of the validated and the reference system, measured features and observed errors. The data extracted from the utilizing studies also included: OptiTrack application, camera type and frequency, marker size, camera number, data processing software and the motion studied. The review offers a broad collection of biomechanical applications of OptiTrack motion capture systems as scientific references for certain motion studies. The review also summarizes findings on the accuracy of the systems. It concludes that the method descriptions of system usage are often underspecified.

  • Hard Iron Distortion Compensation for 3 Axis Magnetometer

    This paper presents the way how the hard iron effect could be compensated and a way to implement it on a small power device such as a microcontroller. Because of the magnetized materials that can stay near a magnetometer sensor and because of the very small magnetic field of the Earth, before the use of the measured values from a magnetometer to determine the heading (angle with the N direction) of the sensor a compensation is needed.

  • Industrial Robotics for ERP Controlled Smart Factories

    At product manufacturing the time-to-market factor, the profitability and the delivered value define the success of an enterprise. The increasing number of modules in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programs is a facing problem, when there is a margin between the manufacturing cells and the ERP. Nowadays, the connection between the industrial machines and the ERP is an important requirement especially at automated warehouses and smart factories. Other concerns at manufacturing are the maintenance schedules of the machines, and flexible and easy reconfiguration of the production lines or the production cells. Information technology provides solutions and software environments to implement complex production supervisor ERPs at smart factories. At a production line or an automated warehouse several technical parameters and information can influence the planning of the resources at the enterprise, like maintenance, machine error, stockpile, product ID, defective product ratios, etc. When there is machine maintenance, the company needs to order the service parts, as well as schedule the service time and the stop of the production line. In case of a machine error, the system can estimate the length of the service time from error messages, and reorganize orders, transportation, or even maintenance schedules of other machines. Our plug and play type robot and industrial automation controller project gives a solution for these hardware demanding needs.

  • Development of Gait Recognition in NI LabVIEW

    Nowadays, one of the most significantly improving area in security is the world of biometric identifiers. Within the biometric identifiers, the research group is working with the gait recognition speciality. The research group realized a complex gait recognition system in NI LabVIEW, that can detect more reference points simultaneously with a universal camera and is capable of suiting predetermined curves on the detected points. Moreover, the program can compare the functions suited on the reference curve and the actual curve and evaluate if the two gait images are the same or not. In the program there is a saving and a reloading function which cont ributes to the production of the reference gait image. The foot analysis program before the gait recognition is designed to improve accuracy. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested on more persons and the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) was zero.

  • NI LabVIEW Based Camera System Used for Gait Detection

    In these times, with the development of the world, biometric identification systems are becoming more and more widespread. Access control systems, but even the most mid-range smartphones have biometric authentication features, and even ID cards can include a person's fingerprint. The research group previously realized a rudimentary gait recognition system, which was upgraded to a multicamera system with high-resolution cameras and instead of reference points, the new version recognizes different templates. The program can compare and evaluate the functions that are matched to the reference curve and the current curve in a specific way, whether two walking images are identical. The comparison is decided by the definite integrals of the two suited functions. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested by the research team on several test subjects and according to the results, permission was never given to a strange person.

  • Odometry and Teleoperation Application using NI Robotics

    This document is intended to present the progress in developing a remotely operated mobile robot that can feedback information related to its position. The equipment used for the robot frame, communication and feedback technology are used are just one alternative of achieving the teleoperation and feedback tasks, and are not to be taken as the standard or the only way of achieving the objectives. The application was programmed using LabVIEW for the remote operation of the robot, for obtaining video streaming we have used two alternatives one being a standard IP camera and the other using a USB WebCam connected to a Raspberry Pi. Positioning feedback was determined from the information provided by the two motor encoders mounted on the DC motors.

  • Grafikus felület készítése épületek energiafogyasztásának szimulációs vizsgálatához

    Ezen kutatás keretein belül egy lakóépület energetikai szimulációja történt EnergyPlus programmal. Az épületre több változat is készíthető egy SciLab alkalmazással, mellyel az EPISCOPE program keretein belül készített Lakóépület tipológia Magyarországon kiadványban javasolt felújítási módosítások szerint változtathatjuk az épületszerkezetet. Ezen kívül további alkalmazások készültek a szimulációs eredmények megjelenítésére és energetikai tanúsítványhoz szükséges adatok számítására.

  • GPS adatok mérése és feldolgozása NI, LabVIEW szoftverrel

    Ezen fejlesztés keretein belül egy GPS adatok mérésére, feldolgozására képes program készült el LabVIEWban, amely képes a feldolgozás után az adatokat olyan formátumú fájlba kimenteni, amely alkalmas térkép megjelenítő szolgáltatások általi betöltésre, mint például a Google Map vagy Google Earth.

  • Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Scalar Method and PID Controller

    This paper presents the speed control of a three-phase induction motor using the scalar control method with PID controller. The system maintains a constant volt to frequency ratio for any change in the load. We also used vector control method and bond graph to describe the motor model, as well as its behavior. Finally, we simulated the system using Labview, where the good results of using the scalar control technique are shown.

  • Épületekben használandó mérőműszer megvalósítása Arduino mikrokontrollerrel

    Ezen kutatás keretein belül egy épületekben használandó mérőműszer készült el, mely alapját Arduino Mega ADK mikrokontroller adja. Az elkészült műszer épületek különböző paramétereinek mérésére alkalmas, melyek számítógépes adatbázisban kerülnek eltárolásra, ahol különféle Python nyelven megírt programokkal feldolgozhatóak épületenergetikai számítások megkönnyítése végett.

  • Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment

    Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.

  • Aspects Regarding Fly Control of Quadcopter

    Quadcopter is one of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which has two pairs of identical fixed pitched rotor propellers. It can fly autonomously based on pre-programmed flight or manually controlled by a remote, and every movement achieved by varying the speed of each rotor independently. The orientation of quadcopter axes relative to a reference line and its direction of motion are known as attitude. Fly control factors are affected by attitude determination which can be calculated from 3 possible angles using combined measurement. Gyroscope and accelerometer are primary sensors to control quadcopter attitude, but magnetometer sensor and GPS also used to enhance the stability during flight. This paper will focus on details of function and mathematical formula of every factor regarding fly control and comparative data of 2 types of orientation sensor used in this system.

  • Consensual Pupillometry for Robotic Emotional Recognition

    The main contribution of this research is to develop of a new measuring device for measuring direct- and consensual light reflex of human pupil. In this case the pupillary light reflex means changing of diameter of pupil due to constant light stimulus as a function of time. Researches certify that the pupil diameter and its change reflects the person’s mental or physical state. There are several “eye tracking” devices available on the market, however, none of these are able to perform a proper consensual measurement. The basic principle of the consensual pupil measurement is that while only one of the eyes is stimulated, reactions of both eyes are being recorded and analyzed. The aim of this project was to develop a software, applicable to an existing prototype device in order to carry out “consensual pupillary reflex” measurements.

  • Drónok szabályzásainak vizsgálata képfeldolgozással

    A kutatás során egy képfeldolgozó szoftvert készítettünk, amelyet drónok repülését kiértékelő vizsgálatok során alkalmazható. Olvasható egy quadkopter szabályozásának bemutatása, a képfeldolgozási technika ismertetése, és a valós körülmények közötti vizsgálat során kapott eredmények.

  • Spineline Detection with Image Evaluation

    In case of screening and tracking conditions of patients [20] with spinal deformities it is very important to develop an examination method that does not load patinets’ body with harmful radiation. This method is based on the moiré effect. Pictures were taken from patients’ back and information could be obtained about the back’s condition. A computer algorithm is under development that can produce the sagittal line of the spine from moiré images. This program is being tested with Scheuermann disease patients.

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