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  • The impact of regional trade agreements on bilateral trade flows: A Systemic Literature Review

    This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the impact of regional trade agreements on trade. The empirical literature is arranged based on the econometric
    methods used to estimate the gravity model. Advantages and disadvantages of each method were highlighted. Papers covering RTAs from Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe were reviewed to gain a more representative understanding. The covered empirical literature suggests that the Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PPML) estimator is more reliable than OLS in estimating gravity models, as it can deal with zero trade flows. The Fixed Effects (FE) approach produces more consistent estimates than the Random Effects (RE) approach when quantifying the effects of RTAs. This is because it allows one to control for the unobserved time-invariant variables. Surprisingly, the covered literature suggests that a great majority of African RTAs generated trade, regardless of the method of estimation used.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: F13, F15

  • Roadmap for the adoption of the euro in Hungary: dangers and opportunities

    In April 2003, the EU Accession Agreement was officially signed for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and the Slovak Republic. These countries are destined to become EU members in May 2004. As part of the “acquis communautaire”, participation in the new version of the exchange rate mechanism (ERM II), and subsequently in the European Monetary Union (EMU) is obligatory for all new EU members (no opt-out clause is available). Therefore, the question today for the accession countries is no longer whether or not to enter the eurozone but rather the time horizon when the entry should happen.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: E42, E58, F33.

  • A foglalkoztatásban és termelékenységben bekövetkezett permanens szektorális változások

    A tanulmányban a hosszú távon jelentkező ún. „munkahelyetlen” növekedés (jobless growth) kérdésköréből kiindulva elsősorban a munkapiac foglalkoztatási és termelékenységi struktúrájában létrejövő permanens szektorális változásokra (sectoral shifts) koncentráltunk. Vizsgálódásaink során először arra a kérdésre kerestük a választ, hogy a foglalkoztatás struktúrájában bekövetkezett változások a térbeli (az EU-15 országaiban), avagy a szerkezeti (ágazati) tényezőkben játszottak jelentősebb szerepet a vizsgált (1990–2003) időszakban. Mindamellett a munkapiaci termelékenységben bekövetkezett elmozdulásokon keresztül néhány elméleti hipotézist teszteltünk, nevezetesen a strukturális változásokból adódó nyereségek és veszteség (structural bonus & burden) hipotéziseit az ún. hatásarány-elemzésen keresztül. További empirikus vizsgálatokban kitértünk még a szektorális termelékenységben bekövetkezett változásokra különböző képzettségbeli és technológiai összevetések tükrében.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: J21, J24, L16.

  • The Marketing Concept, Market Orientation and Marketing Competencies: How are they Adopted in Small and Medium-sized Firms?

    The aim of this paper is to review the literature dealing with the marketing concept, its implementation, i.e., market orientation, marketing competencies and their effects on performance with special emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). A large number of studies have shown that, on the one hand, the lack of a conceptual marketing approach is one of the most serious problems owner-managers face in business operations and, on the other hand, marketing is recognised as one of the most important business activities essential to the survival and growth of the enterprise. According to the literature,
    the adoption of the marketing concept/market orientation in SME-s is limited, due to limited resources in finance, time and marketing competencies.

    JEL classification: L26, M14, M31

  • Analysis of labor market in Northern Hungary

    The aim of the paper is to reveal the main causes of unemployment and understand the labor market situation in Northern Hungary, as well as quantify and evaluate the changes in the employment structure. The main concern is about the changes in the number of registered job-seekers in Hungary and in particular, in the North Hungarian region. The author uses several tools to investigate this issue, such as shift-share analysis, linear regression, Lilien-index and Beveridge-curve. The Lilien-index suggests that in Northern Hungary the flow of sectoral labor force has exerted less and less influential power on employment since the transition. Job vacancies and the high number of unemployed do not meet in Northern Hungary; the reason for that is the inadequate qualification level of the unemployed. The labor market position of the North Hungarian region is determined by the specific socio-economic situation resulting from the transition, so it will be useful the regionally differentiated employment policy in Hungary.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: J21, R23

  • Az Európai Unió liberalizált energiapiaca: Dilemmák és kérdések

    Az egységes európai energiapiac – az elmúlt években tapasztalható előrelépések ellenére – még nem valósult meg. Az energiahálózatok teljes körű integrációja és a nemzeti piacok teljes megnyitása érdekében további alapvető változtatásokra van szükség, hogy az energiaellátás biztonságos, alacsony költségű és fenntartható lehessen. Ehhez a meglévő hálózatok korszerűsítése mellett ki kell építeni a keresleti és a kínálat oldal rugalmasságát is biztosító integrált infrastruktúrát; ez alapvető feltétele annak, hogy új technológiák, új szereplők és komplementer szolgáltatók jelenjenek meg a piacon. A következő elemzés áttekinti a piaci integráció eredményeit, a liberalizációt még hátráltató korlátokat és a lehetséges kezelési módokat. A változásokat kiváltó okok ismertetése mellett kísérletet tesz az európai energiaszektorban végbemenő jelentős átalakulások és a legfontosabb feladatok bemutatására is.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kódok: Q40, Q41, Q49

  • The relationship between audiovisual and musical characteristics in television commercials

    Television commercials are a popular tool of marketing communication. The music that accompanies them is able to attract and maintain the viewers’ attention. Their role and potential impacts have been shown by various research papers; however, the literature of this topic can be characterized as having rather varied focal points and is generally considered to be fragmented. In this study, which is of an exploratory nature, commercials for brands with the highest brand value are analyzed. The study seeks to understand what kind of relationship can be found between music and visual events in commercials, and between these events and the main characteristics of the music used? Based on the results, we can claim that the strength of the visual-sound linkage in the commercials and the intensity of the main characteristics of the music used typically show a positive correlation.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: M31, M37

  • The influence of intra-industry trade on adjustment costs and the synchronisation of boom cycles

    For researchers studying intra-industry trade and the methodology involved in measuring the phenomenon one of the most important driving forces was the assumption that the creation of economic integration would lead to lower adjustment costs than were characteristic of the traditional commercial model. Another result was that - according to empirical data - intra-industry trade would receive a strong incentive from liberalisation, and that the accompanying adjustment costs would be lower than in cases there there was specialisation bewteen branches. In so far as this is demonstrable, proponents of attempts to achieve general integration offered a convenient weapon to their opponenets, who consistently argued back that it was precisely the difficult application of this process and its drawn-out and 'painful' nature that caused high costs. The first part of the article is devoted to a discussion of this debate, while the second part focuses on the role intra-industry trade plays in harmonisation with business cycles. The article shows that an examination of the intensity and dynamism of intra-industry trade allows a much more sophisticated analysis of a country's position in the world economy than is usually possible.

  • Regional netwrok cooperation

    The current study aims to reveal the regional network cooperations - found primarily in the construction industry -, in particular in the Észak-Alföld Region. The study includes three main parts: after the industry analysis of the construction industry a short summary follows about the theoretical bases of today's business network cooperations, clustering, and such relationships especially among firms operating in the construction industry, and finally it is closed by a case study revealing the relationship network of a dominant construction company of the Észak-Alföld Region. The most important finding is that in Hungary clustering in the construction industry - that has already existed in several developed economies - has not started yet, however, networking - that can be the basis for the development of a construction industry cluster - has already began, and if it continues, it further increased the advantages already experienced.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: L140, L850

  • Prodigality of perspective

    Attila Kotan's study 'Prodigality or perspective' gives a clear specification of Public Private Partnership (ppp) than shows the main methods and techniques of ppp. The study presents the common characteristic of ppp methods, and summarize the potential benefits and risks of using it. The second part of the paper put the emphasis on the macroeconomic aspects of ppp especially the accountability and statistical presentation of ppp projects. Finally the author gives a short review of the Hungarian situation covering the new initiatives and the existing problems of regulation and control related to the ppp projects.

  • Presentation of two models of consumption/saving

    The Permanent Income Hypothesis (developed by Friedman) and the Life Cycle Hypothesis (developed by Modigliani) are the most popular consumption or saving theories in economics. The aim of this paper is to introduce the main features and consequences of the models mentioned above. The first part of this paper introduces the historical circumstances in which the hypotheses were developed. In the second part we mention various debates on the theories which helped tp clarify some of their more complex aspects. The aim of the third part is to introduce various ways of expanding and supplementing the basic theories and convert them into more realistic ones.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: E21

  • Strategic market entry barriers in Hungary

    This study is a continuation of a former project of the same research team. The focus of the research is market entry in Hungary for foreign firms, along with strategic entry barriers to both domestic and foreign importers to Hungary. A comparison of our findings from 2003 and 2008 gives some insights into the integration of the Hungarian domestic market into the Single European Market. Practical advice is offered to Hungarian market players on the scope of strategic entry barriers in Hungary as well as the ways entrepreneurs assess them.

    JEL classification: F13, F14, F15

  • A közigazgatás verbális modellje és a modell következményei

    The article illustrates how to build up a practical and suitable economic model of public administration. The system described by the author cannot explain every single phenomena of the so called "public administration acting space". The primary function of the model is rather to prepare the public administration (as a test object) for other, further analysis - especially for measuring performance. The conclusion of the article is that public administration is not a special test object. A significant quantity of measurement tools is available so that we can understand the main issues of the operation of public administration - from an economic point of view.

    Journal of Eonomic Literature (JEL) classification: H44, H70, H83, K10

  • The Cross-border Mergers’ Market and Financial Characteristics from the Perspective of Foreign Direct Investments in Hungary

    One of the methods with which foreign corporations practice direct investment is CrossBorder Mergers and Acquisitions (CBM&A). This can be proved by statistics: globally until the mid 1990s CBM&A accounted for about 50% of total Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and reached 100% in 2000. This trend was not typical in Hungary. However, it reached 100% in 2009. I have two goals in this study: the first is to analyse how this phenomenon occurred in Hungary. In my study I analyse not only the correlation of CBM&A and FDI, but also foreign portfolio investments. My other goal is to analyse the characteristics of CBM&As from the perspective of FDI. I analysed the 343 decisions made by the Competition Authority. Finally, I compared these results with the features of FDI, which support and complement the results gained through statistical calculations.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: F21

  • Bekker Zsuzsa emlékezete: Hild Márta–Madarász Aladár (szerk.): Az „ezüst pillanatok” nyomában – Tanulmányok Bekker Zsuzsa emlékére, Kronosz Kiadó, 2017, 302 oldal

    Bekker Zsuzsa, a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 2015 februárjában elhunyt professzor emeritája, jeles elmélettörténész munkásságát sokféleképp, számos jelzővel lehetne méltatni. A Közgazdasági Szemlében megjelent megemlékezésben Madarász Aladár a „minőség és mérték” kifejezéssel jellemzi Bekkernek a hazai és nemzetközi közgazdasági gondolkodás területén kifejtett munkásságát (Madarász 2015:353), melynek sokszínűségét kiválóan szemlélteti az emlékére 2015-ben rendezett konferencia anyagát tartalmazó kötet tartalmi gazdagsága.

  • Adatbányászat üzleti szemmel (I. rész)

    Organizations in the 21st century - whether they are profitoriented or not, in private ownership or state-owned - can increase their efficiency with an outstanding tool. This tool is data mining. This article first of all defines and presents data mining, and locates it in the process of 'Knowledge Discovery in Databases'. Following this we review the fields of employment of data mining and the basic methods employed. In particular we discuss the method of classification and the theoretical background of the main techniques, such as decision trees, neural networks and logistic regression models. The second part of this paper presents the real world application of this technology by way of an analysis of a real database.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: C25, C44, C45, C49

  • Before and after recession: a snapshot of the infocom industry

    Az infokommunikációs szektor növekedése igen gyors volt a kilencvenes években, majd ez a trend 2000 második felében megtört. Az iparág recessziója azóta véget ért, ugyanakkor azonban számos jelből arra következtethetünk, hogy a fejlődésében új szakasz kezdődött. Ezt a periódust a korábbinál lassúbb növekedés, az építkezés felől a használat felé való fordulás, a korábbinál realistább, józanabb vásárlói és befektető magatartás, a piac beérése és konszolidációja, a termékek és szolgáltatások tömegcikkesedése, a szállítói oldal vállalatainak racionalizálása, a földrajzi munkamegosztás átrendeződése jellemzi. Eközben kiszélesednek és elmélyülnek az új technológiához való alkalmazkodás folyamatai. Mindezek a jellemzők és trendek megfelelnek annak a leírásnak, amit a venezuelai Carlota Perez az innovációs ciklusok „összerendeződési korszakának” nevez.

  • Quantophrenia? – Some remarks on the possibilities and constraints of mathematical formalization in economic and social sciences

    This article deals with some aspects of the constraints to the formal mathematization of economic theories and models. It points out that complex, dynamic and open systems dispose of a memory so that past events, statements or beliefs, even if they have turned out to be wrong or untrue, exert a potentially significant influence on the present state of issues, so they cannot be completely substracted from models representing reality. Reference is also made to the fact that in such complex, evolutionary systems strong interdependences and interactions exist between the subject and the object of scientific inquiry since economic actors strongly influence each other and, consequently, aggregate reality through their mutual actions and expectations. Furthermore, it is argued that the comparability of findings is highly dependent on the identity or dissimilarity of the initial conditions of the objects of economic research. The article does not take a position either for or against mathematical modelling; it limits itself to comments on some of the conditions of meaningful formalization.

    JEL classification: A1, B10, B41, C10

  • The Effect of the Economic Crisis on Income Poverty in the Southern Great Plain Region

    The paper examines the effect of the economic crisis and the related negative economic phenomena on the income poverty of those living in the Southern Great Plain region. The regional income poverty is examined using the poverty measures based on the income data of workers and wage earners. I then analyse how economic performance affects poverty measures. The analysis proves that not only the economic growth of the given county, but also the economic performance of the neighbouring counties have an effect on the poverty rate. Economic growth, however, is not enough to reduce the depth of poverty; therefore other measures to improve the conditions of the poor are also required. In the end, the spatial autocorrelation is examined in the Southern Great Plain region.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: I32, R12