Aims and Scope

The purpose of the journal is to ensure the publication of research results and assist in the exchange of information between researchers (Ph.D. and MBA students) and practicing professionals.

Submitted manuscripts should be related to the topic areas, which include production economics and agribusiness management and policy, agricultural environmental issues, regional-, rural- and spatial development (e.g.: regional tourism, local sports management), the marketing of agricultural food products and their trade. Papers should have a practical orientation and demonstrate innovation in analysis, methods or application.

Research into a significant economic component, analyses of problems connected to research, the extension and teaching of the International MBA Network in Agribusiness and Commerce are also encouraged. In addition, papers that report on advances in teaching and outreach techniques are also considered as suitable for publication.

Download our Policy, Aims and Scope here in PDF.

Download our Style and Forms Requirements here in PDF.

Download our Ethics and Malpractice here in PDF.

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