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Down-regulation of ethylene production in carnation (Dianthus Caryphyllus L.) by an apple derived ACC-cDNA
101-104.Views:143Transgenic carnations were produced with an apple derived antisense ACC-synthase cDNA. Transgenic carnation regenerants were potted in glasshouse. All transformed plants showed normal growth and were true-to-type. Ethylene production — measured at full opening stage — lowered by 30-60 %, no plant with 100 % decrease was identified. The vase-life has been observed for 5 years. 38 % of the transformant carnations showed a higher a relative value in days by more than 2 days to 6 days. Twenty six plants were found exhibiting the most marked alterations in the tested trait. In these plants ethylene production decreased by 37-67 %, they have longer vase-life (by 4 days or more). Since the fragrance variety 'Bíbor' was the plant material for genetic modification of vase-life, this trait has been conserved after transformation in spite of the fact that the position of transgene integration cannot be directed.
Production of transgenic carnation with a heterologous 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase bifunctional enzyme cDNA
75-79.Views:173Transgenic carnations were produced with a modified mammalian bifunctional enzyme cDNA coding 6-phosphofructo-2- kinaseffructose 2,6-bisphosphatase. Relative activity of this enzyme determines the fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (fru 2,6-P2) cytosolic concentration. This metabolite — as a signal molecule — is one of the carbohydrate metabolism regulators. The regenerated Dianthus chinensis and Dianthus caryophyllus shoots were selected on MS basal medium containing 150 mg/1 kanamycin. Transgene integration was proven by PCR analysis with cDNA specific primers followed by Southern hybridization of DNA isolated from selected green shoots, which survived on kanamycin containing medium, so 3 D. chinensis and 20 D. caryophyllus transgenic plants were produced. Transgene expression were examined by RT-PCR. Transformed and control plants were potted in glasshouse to evaluate the effect of modified fru 2,6-P2 on development, growth and carbohydrate metabolism.
The effects of ACS (1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylate synthase) gene down regulation on ethylene production and fruit softening in transgenic apple
65-70.Views:147A detailed examination of the production of ethylene and other ripening parameters during storage period has been undertaken in transgenic apple fruits, where the ethylene biosynthesis was inhibited by antisense ACS (l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylate synthase) gene. Data indicate down regulation of ethylene production, softening and spoilage in some transgenic lines. In some cases ethylene production was inhibited for over 90 percent, considerable reduction of softening and spoilage was observed probably due to the reduced activity of cell wall degradable enzymes. ACS activity was also monitored during ripening. The fruits of the best transgenic lines could be stored for minimum 4-5 months longer under 5 °C cold room storage conditions and one month longer at normal room temperature. This molecular approach can provide an alternative way to replace the commonly used and costly atmospheric storage of fruits.
Transformation of tobacco plants with virEl gene derived from Agrobacterium tumefaciens pTiA6 and its effect on crown gall tumor formation
53-56.Views:167The VirEl protein plays a key role in the transport of VirE2 protein from the bacterium to the plant cell during crown gall tumor induction by Agrobacterium. The virEl gene of A. tutnefaciens pTiA6 was cloned into the plant transformation vector pTd33 yielding pTd93virEl that was introduced into A. tuniefaciens EHA101 and used for tobacco transformation. The presence of the foreign DNA in the putative transgenic plants was confirmed by PCR analysis. Nine of the 41 transformed plants formed only small tumors following infection with the wild-type A. vitis octopine strain AB3. This property was inherited into the T1 generation. The expression of virEl gene in TI plants was demonstrated by Northern blot analysis.
Production of transgenic carnation with antisense ACS (1-aminocyclopropane44-carboxy late synthase) gene
104-107.Views:207Dianthus chinensis and Dianthus caryophyllus varieties were tested for shoot regeneration from leaf and petal explants and transformed with Agrobacterium tuniefaciens strains (EHA 105 and LBA 4404) harbouring an apple derived ACS cDNA in antisense orientation in order to reduce ethylene production and influence the ethylene dependant traits in carnation. After transformation regenerating shoots were selected on MS medium containing 50-75-100-125-150 mg/1 kanamycin and supplemented with 1 mg/1 BA, 0.2 mg/1 NAA. Transgene integration was proved by PCR analysis with npt II spcific primers followed by Southern hybridisation of DNA isolated from green shoots on medium containing 150 mg/1 kanamycin. Several putative transformants were subjected to RT-PCR in order to examine the npt 11 expression at mRNA level. Both the transformant and the non-transformant plants were potted into glasshouse to observe the effect of changed ethylene production on flowering time, petal senescence and vase life.
Study of different factors of grapevine regeneration systems and genetic transformation
33-36.Views:224The most limitating factor for successful transformation is the absence of high-yielding regeneration protocols. However, the anther-derived embryogenic culture is an optimal technique for genetic transformation and it has been widely applied in many important cultivars, but the necessity of further development of regeneration systems has been proved. We attempted to produce somatic embryos on a wide range of genotypes from various tissues; leaves, petioles, stem segments. We started the examination of grapevine regeneration via organogenesis, succeeded in inducing shoot from the meristematic tissue of the base of bud by testing induction medium contained different concentrations of two types of hormones. To optimize the conditions of the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, we studied the effectiveness of different Agrobacterium-treatments, the use of antioxidants and the sufficient quantity of kanamycin for selection of transformed cells.
Co-transformation of bean callus using high-velocity microprojectiles- mediated DNA transfer
76-78.Views:135We have found that 50 mg/I kanamycin and 0.8 Mo1/1 mannitol concentration was sufficient to kill the control callus of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and differentiate transgenic from the non-transgenic cells. The GeneBooster particle delivery system was used for the bombardment of bean callus. The kanamycin resistance gene was used as a selectable marker. The test was made by transferring the healthy white callus, subcultured for three months on selective and non-selective medium. After selection on kanamycin containing media, several kanamycin resistant calli had been obtained, survived and grew. After selection on mannitol containing media no drought resistant calli had been obtained. Resistance of the selected calli were verified by their ability to grow repeatedly on selective medium containing 150 mg/I kanamycin. Selective pressure was maintained over a period of 8 months.
In vitro multiplication and hardening of grapevine plants in aeriated media
15-18.Views:224In vitro cultures have widely been used in horticulture for rapid multiplication of new varieties and clones as well as to produce pathogen-free stock material. To improve efficient hardening and transfer in vitro grown grapevine plants were multiplied by cutting them into single-node internodes with the whole leaf. Microcuttings including the shoot tips were rooted in granulated perlite moisted with tapwater under sterile conditions. After 2-3 weeks the rooted microcuttings were supplied by nutrients and hardened by gradual opening and finally by complete removal of the lids of jars or plastic boxes used for growth. Using this method microcuttings of Vitis vinifera cvs. „Chardonnay", „Cabernet franc", „Riesling" and „Sauvignon blanc" and the rootstock varieties Vitis riparia x Vitis cinerea cv. „Barrier" and Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris cv. „Richter 110" formed new roots and shoots and 100% of the tested plants survived the acclimatization procedure. Similar results were obtained when perlite was replaced with rockwool-, or pit-pot blocks. This method may highly increase the efficiency of producing pathogen-free propagating material and new transgenic lines.
Aminoglycoside antibiotics affect the in vitro morphogenic response of chrysanthemum and tobacco
93-104.Views:123Broadly the success of genetic transformation of plants requires non-chimeric selection of transformed tissues and its subsequent regeneration. With rare exceptions, most plant transformation protocols still heavily utilize antibiotics for the selection of transgenic cells containing an antibiotic-degrading selectable marker gene. The morphogenic capacity of in vitro chrysanthemum and tobacco stem and leaf explants change with the addition of aminoglycoside antibiotics (AAs). Of 6 antibiotics tested, phytotoxicity occurred at 10-25 and 50-100 pgml-I in chrysanthemum and tobacco explants, respectively, depending on the size of the explant and the timing of application. The presence of light or darkness also had a significant effect. The use of transverse thin cell layers (tTCLs) in conjunction with high initial AA selection levels supported the greatest regeneration of transgenic material (adventitious shoots or callus) and the lowest number of escapes. Flow cytometric analyses demonstrate that regeneration can be predicted in both species, depending on the ploidy level of the callus. Endoreduplication was not observed in chrysanthemum, even at high AA levels, but occurred (8C or more) in tobacco callus, even at low AA concentrations (5-10 pgml-1). The higher the AA level, the greater the DNA degradation and the lower the 2C and 4C values.