Keresési eredmények
Implementation of Lean Management Practices in Azerbaijan (on the Example of a Private Company)
30-40Megtekintések száma:115Organizations are facing crucial modifications as global market and conditions change day after day. To keep up with fast changing realities, it’s important to apply innovation decisions to the current stage of organizations. Lean management consolidates tools and techniques to revert from traditional way of operating to the new human oriented one. In the carried-out research its outlined, human resources management plays a big role in spreading and supporting lean initiatives. It was suggested that, Lean and Human resources management are compatible and should work together to obtain sustainable success by implementation of an innovation approach such as Lean. Both lean management and human resource management focus on the same goals with different methods in terms of control of businesses. All positivist approaches and practices are included in these approaches and practices, which are developed with a focus on the interests of the community, in order for the process to be concluded positively. The employee-centred management approach of human resources management is crucial to lead and maintain good environment in the teams. For this reason, in the lean management philosophy, it is aware that the corporate structure has responsibilities in terms of training the employees, eliminating their problems and supporting them in struggling with the responsibilities they undertake. This paper is quantitative, online survey has been conducted with employees of a private company in Azerbaijan and results were analysed in statistical analysis software SPSS and relevant suggestions and recommendation were given for reorganization to enable lean friendly environment on a sample of the given company.
Development and Characterization of Sisal Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composite Materials
348-358Megtekintések száma:428In most of the developing countries, plastic polypropylene is not fully recycled and converted in-to use after it is once used. Sisal fiber is also widely available in different developing countries like Ethiopia. Adding this two materials and developing automotive interior part was taken as a primary motive for it reduces cost and is environmentally friendly. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to develop composite material from natural fibre (sisal fiber) reinforced with recycled plastic waste (polypropylene) for interior automobile accessories specifically for internal door trim panel application. This research examines effect of fiber length, fiber loading and chemical treatment of fiber on the physical and chemical properties of the sisal fiber reinforced polypropylene (SFRPP) composite material. The waste polypropylene and the treated and untreated sisal fiber with variable length and weight ratio (fiber/matrix ratio) were mixed. Flammability of sisal fiber reinforced Polypropylene (SFRPP) composites material was examined by a horizontal burning test according to ASTM D635 and chemical resistance of the sisal fibre reinforced PP composites was studied using ASTM D543 testing method. The result on the flammability test shows that treated fiber has lower burning rate than untreated fiber and decreases with increase in fiber length and fiber loading. The resistance of the composites to water has increased as the fiber length increases and decreased as the fiber loading increase. Generally, SFRPP composite is found to have better resistance to water than NaOH and H2SO4 and treating the fiber has brought considerable improvement on chemical resistance of the composite. Fiber loading and fiber length has positive and negative effect on the flammability of the SFRPP composite respectively.
The Effect of Administrative Empowerment on the Organizational Effectiveness of Bank Employees
13-21Megtekintések száma:213This study seeks to identify the level of the impact of administrative empowerment in its dimensions on the organizational effectiveness in the banking sector in Syria. In order to verify the objectives, develop and test the validity of the hypotheses, the descriptive approach was adopted. The study found that there is a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of administrative empowerment on the organizational effectiveness of workers in banking sector.
A Case Study on Human Resource Management Practice of a Sport Organization
410-425Megtekintések száma:721Human resource with the adequate ability and skills is of decisive importance in all organizations, irrespective of the field of activity in which they operate. It is no different with the life of sports organizations. The human resource management of sports organizations is peculiar which is influenced by, on the one hand, the operating form of an organization, on the other hand, the nature of employment. Those well-known jobs can be also found in the sport organizations which are necessary to operate an organization and carry out the general tasks, at the same time, the amateur or professional athletes turn up as specific human resources. Aim of the study is to explore the specific characteristics of the human resource management of a particular organization, namely Debreceni Egyetem Atlétikai Club Sport Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. (University of Debrecen Athletic Sport Non-profit Public Benefit Purpose Ltd., hereinafter: DEAC Ltd.), primarily focusing on the traditional HR functions. After reviewing the domestic and international specialized literatures, the practice of the examined sport organization will be described by means of case study, document analysis and managerial interview methods. Based on the results, it can be determined that there is no separate HR manager in case of the examined sport organization, due to its size, but the managing director carries out the tasks as an economic and HR manager in one person. From the aspect of organizational operation, the practice of HR functions is similar to the practice of other SME business organizations, at the same time, the management of athletics as human resources means its specific characteristic where the managements of labour supply, career and talent has other interpretation.
Team Coaching eszközök alkalmazása az egyetemi oktatásban - esettanulmány
445-456Megtekintések száma:4972010-ben egy innovatív finn felsőoktatási módszertan (Tiimiakatemia - Team Akadémia) került bevezetésre a Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karán, amelyet az OECD is jó gyakorlatként ismert el és már 1993 óta működik a Jyvaskylai JAMK University of Applied Sciences egyetemen. Ebben az oktatási rendszerben csapat vállalkozókat képzünk, akik együtt, csapatokba rendeződve dolgoznak. Ebben a kutatásban a szerzők szeretnék azt megvizsgálni, hogyan alkalmazható a team coaching eszközrendszere a csapat vállalkozók képzésében, kiváló teljesítményű csapatok létrehozására. Tuckman öt szakaszt nevesít a csapatok kialakulási folyamatában: formálódás, viharzás, normalizálódás, teljesítés és a lezárás szakaszokat. Egy új csapattól nem várható el, hogy úgy teljesítsenek, mint egy kiváló csapat, az első találkozás alkalmával. Időbe telik, amíg egy csapat kialakul és gyakran végig felismerhető szakaszokon át fejlődnek, onnantól kezdve, hogy ők egy csapat idegen odáig, hogy ők egy egyesített csapat közös célokkal. Először ezt kell megérteni ahhoz, hogy segíteni tudjunk a csapatunknak a gyors hatékony csapattá válásban. E tanulmány szerzői team coachként dolgoznak a Team Academy Debrecenben. Az elmúlt 6 évben számos csapattal dolgoztunk együtt és szereztünk tapasztalatokat arról, hogy milyen csoport dinamikák vannak jelen és hogy ezek hogyan változnak a tanulási folyamat során. Nagy viharzásokat látunk az egyes csapatoknál és ennek ellenére sikerült kiváló teljesítményű csapatokat is építenünk. Tapasztalataink esettanulmányok formájában kerülnek bemutatásra, elemzések és következtetések levonása kíséretében. Csakúgy, mint az EFQM modell esetében tapasztalható, hogy a globális piacon versenyezve a legjobb csapatok nyújtják a legjobb teljesítményeket.
Sustainable Energy in Aviation with Reverse FMEA Analyses
29-40Megtekintések száma:112This research aims to identify and evaluate the key challenges and obstacles hindering the adoption of sustainable energy in the aviation industry. The outcomes and insights derived from this research will be synthesized to provide a comprehensive overview of the opportunities and suggestions for the adoption of sustainable energy in the aviation industry. The objective of this study is to help the aviation industry’s shift toward more sustainable energy sources in order to reduce its environmental footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Potentiodynamic Study of the Effects of Nickel on The Electrodeposition of Zinc from Chloride Media
15-24Megtekintések száma:139Abstract. The potentiodynamic experiments of the nickel effects on the zinc electrodeposition have been done to understand the impact of Ni impurities on the electrowinning of Zn from spent pickling liquor. The nickel chloride solutions of Ni concentrations 90 and 1 g/dm3 were used as the electrolytes. The latter was also mixed with 90 g/dm3 Zn in the experiments. All the runs were carried out at room temperature with 40 mV/s continuous polarization speed and with 1/s sampling rate. It was observed that nickel electrodeposition from chloride media containing 90 g/dm3 Ni started with the generation of hydrogen bubbles, entirely blocking the cathode surface. Only a slight current development was observed until the polarization potential ~ -0,8 V. The visual observation showed bubbles also formed at the anode, which may represent chlorine and/or oxygen evolution. While, in the electrodeposition of nickel with only 1 g/dm3 Ni concentration in the electrolyte, metal deposition was hardly observed, but visible hydrogen bubbles constantly blocked the cathode surface. A similar tendency was observed in the mixed-solution electrolysis cell; the initial tiny bubbles accumulated at the cathode surface more than in the pure Zn solution. The enhancement of H2 evolution indicates how nickel deposition may contribute to the loss of useful current in the process of Zn electrodeposition. The mass of nickel deposited from the mixed solutions significantly decreases as the Ni concentration decreases in the electrolyte, while the mass of deposited zinc is relatively constant. It means that the purity of the produced Zn is appreciably higher – with respect to Ni – if nickel is efficiently eliminated from the solution before electrowinning.
Long Container Dwell Time at Seaport Terminals: An Investigation Study from a Consignee Perspective
Megtekintések száma:486Many companies are concerned about the problem of increasing average dwell time for their import containers at the port of the final destination and therefore incurring additional shipping costs in form of demurrage charges for the port administration and detention charges for the shipping line. Previous studies have addressed this topic by analyzing terminal operations and evaluated its effects on port productivity and competitiveness; however few studies have explicitly explored long container dwell time causes from a consignee perspective. This research aims to identify the causes of long dwell time for the import containers at port storage yards for one of the leading FMCG companies in Jordan. To that end, the data of import containers whose stay at the terminal exceeded the free storage days in the period between 2019 and 2020 were collected by referring to the set of shipping documents and reviewing the correspondences between the consignee and other parties in the supply chain. Based on the timelines that have been analyzed for each case of delay to the collection of shipping documents in consideration with the payment terms, as well as the clearance and delivery timelines, ten causes for the long container dwell time have been identified and classified into three main categories according to the types of flow in the supply chain; five causes related to information flow, two causes related to cash flow, and three causes related to physical flow. The impact of these causes has been evaluated using the demurrage and detention charges as a measure indicator and the findings of this research have also revealed that the causes related to cash flow have a greater impact than the other types of causes.
Aktuális kihívások a közúti járművek CO2-kibocsátására vonatkozó szabályozások területén
738-742Megtekintések száma:219Napjainkban a klímaváltozással szemben folytatott küzdelem részeként az üvegházhatású gázok kibocsátásával kapcsolatos szabályozások egyre nagyobb teret nyernek. Munkánk során a közúti járművek szén-dioxid-kibocsátására vonatkozó európai uniós szabályozásra fókuszálunk, különös tekintettel a célértékek változására. Áttekintjük továbbá a CO2 emisszió mérésére vonatkozó mérési metódusok terén bekövetkező változásokat, mint a szabályozások egyik lényeges alappontjait.
Dinamikus tesztek soros gerjesztésű DC motoron. A motorral hajtott jármű fékezésének szimulációja
15-20Megtekintések száma:108A következőkben bemutatjuk a járműdinamikai szimuláció szerepét és hozzájárulását a Debreceni Egyetem Műszaki Karán folytatott járműfejlesztésekhez. Ismertetjük a szimulációs program részét képező soros gerjesztésű egyenáramú motor szimulációjához szükséges bemenő műszaki paramétereket, azok meghatározásához kifejlesztett eljárást, valamint a motoron végzett dinamikus tesztméréseket, és azok eredményét. Továbbá bemutatjuk a motor által hajtott járműhöz kifejlesztett szimulációs program legújabb – a fékezés szimulációjával kibővített – változatát, valamint a program futtatásával kapott eredményeket.
Full-Scale Tests of Pipeline Girth Welds Under Complex Cyclic Internal Pressure and Static Bending Loading Conditions
76-82Megtekintések száma:121The critical elements of high-pressure hydrocarbon transporting pipelines are often the girth welds, which are subjected to complex loads. The aims of our research and this paper are to introduce our full-scale pipeline fatigue and burst tests applying cyclic internal pressure and superimposed external bending stress on girth welds, furthermore, attracting the importance and the applicability of the investigation results. A unique testing system was built to study the behaviour of pipeline girth welds under simultaneous loads. The tests were evaluated using video camera recordings, internal pressure vs. burst time functions and failure pressure values.
Stationary and mobile particulate matter concentration measurement in Miskolc
338-344Megtekintések száma:151A stationary and mobile device based on a low-cost dust sensor (Plantower PMS7003) was used to study particulate matter (PM) concentration in Miskolc. The stationary device was placed at the automatic monitoring station of the National Air Quality Measurement Network (OLM) in Martintelep, Miskolc. The mobile device was used to walk 4 streets along a square route with a total length of 800 m. Measurements were made on two days (September 9 and 11) between 7am and 9am, which according to preliminary experience coincided with the morning rush hour. The access route includes the OLM monitoring station, a busy road, two bypasses, a parking lot, and a smaller roadway blocked by traffic. The measured PM1, PM2.5, PM10 concentrations of the mobile device were interpolated on a circuit-by-circuit basis in ArcGIS, and conclusions were drawn for the area. The concentration of stationary and mobile devices was compared.
The Dynamic Effect of Trade Openness, Debt, and Foreign Investment in Ghana’s Economy: An ARDL Bound Testing Approach
94-112Megtekintések száma:177The impact of macroeconomic factors offers insight into the performance of an economy. This study investigates the dynamic short- and long-term effect of trade openness, external debt, and foreign direct investment (FDI) within Ghana's economy. Utilizing Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound testing and Granger causality analysis, the study examines data spanning from 1991 to 2022. The results of the ARDL cointegration test reveal a long-term relationship among the variables. However, in the short term, the findings present a mixed effect of FDI and trade openness, with both positive and negative impacts. In the long run, FDI and external debt exhibit a positive influence, whereas trade openness appears to impede economic growth. Furthermore, the Granger causality test identifies a unidirectional causality relationship between the variables and economic growth. The study suggests that the government implement investment-oriented and trade policies to stimulate economic growth.
Amatőr és hobbi e-sportolók fizikai aktivitásának vizsgálata
Megtekintések száma:415A számítógépek és az internet elterjedésével az e-sport egy jelentős piaccal és gazdasági potenciállal bíró, rendkívül gyorsan és dinamikus fejlődő ágazat lett. A jelentőségét jelzi, hogy mára a növekedése egyes hagyományos sportokat vagy más iparágakat is megelőz. Az e-sportolók versenyzés és edzés közben is ülő tevékenységet végeznek a számítógép előtt, így az egészségüket meghatározza, hogy mellette mennyi fizikai aktivitást végeznek. Jelen kutatás elsődleges célja a különböző szintet képviselő e-sportolók fizikai aktivitásának vizsgálata. E mellett fontosnak tartottam megvizsgálni, hogy a megkérdezett játékosok milyen játékokkal versenyeznek, mennyi időt fordítanak játékra és milyen módon fejlesztik magukat. Online kérdőíves felmérést végeztem a Debreceni Egyetem által szervezett University Electronic Games (UEG) online bajnokságokban. A vizsgálatban résztvevők teljes mértékben megfeleltek a szempontjaimnak, hiszen a többségük amatőr vagy hobbi e-sportoló, így válaszaikból releváns adatokat kaptam. A résztvevők válaszai alapján általánosságban elmondható, hogy egészségjavító fizikai aktivitást végeznek. Azonban nem szabad elfelejteni, hogy nem csak az e-sport népszerűségének növekedése, de a társadalom fokozódó digitalizációja is hozzájárul a mozgásszegény életmód növekedéséhez. A jövőben fontos lenne a játékosok edzés formájának megváltoztatása, amely eddig túlnyomórészt digitális videojáték képességeik fejlesztése volt. A fizikai aktivitás és más egészséggel kapcsolatos viselkedésmódokat kell integrálni a játékosok – e-sportolók edzési rutinjaiba, hogy az e-sportolás mellett a sportolás is természetes időtöltés legyen.
Developing a Financial Sustainability Model of the Performance Indicators Applied by Jordan Water Company (Miyahuna)
75-87Megtekintések száma:260Jordan is now facing real challenges to satisfy the current population water needs due to limited resources. Moreover, unfortunately, as a result of the increased demand for water in developing countries, water resources become scarce, thus, the sustainable management of water resources is very important everywhere and especially in these areas. The Ministry of Water and Irrigation in Jordan is aiming to improve both its quality of service and financial sustainability, therefore, it started to apply the performance measurement system developed by the International Water Association (IWA) to monitor its performance towards achieving these goals. In this article, a model connecting a financial sustainability indicator (operating cost coverage ratio) with other performance indicators applied by the ministry is developed. To assess the performance indicators and to build the model secondary data are collected from the targeted company, the data are analyzed using SPSS and Excel computer programs. Non-revenue water (NRW), speed of repair of bursts, and training per employee are found to be the indicators that have a major impact on Miyahuna’s financial sustainability, the NRW is found to have a negative relationship with the financial sustainability, whereas the other two indicators have a positive relationship. As a conclusion, reducing the NRW and increasing both the speed of repair and training per employee are recommended, by applying some methods that continuously diagnose problems in the water systems and defining clear and strict policies to control the water theft. Furthermore, using Active Leakage Control (ALC) methods, providing the needed equipment, tools and resources, and adopting new methods for training.
The Role Of Leader In Work Addiction
1-13.Megtekintések száma:0Over-attachment to work is an increasingly common phenomenon in the lives of people in organisations, and can also be a condition of work addiction. Whoever becomes involved in an organisation, be it a subordinate or even a manager, work addiction has a number of negative consequences at both individual and organisational level. Without being exhaustive, work addiction can have an impact on organisational performance, organisational effectiveness, workplace conflict, career prospects, health maintenance. In this paper, we aim to highlight the most relevant publications from the last five years to report on the impact in an organisation when work addiction arises among subordinates or managers, and how different leadership styles are associated with work addiction among organisational members. The publications were retrieved from Google Scholar and Scopus, and the results of 19 articles are presented in this paper after a review of 263 papers retrieved. The results show that transformational, servant and ethical leadership styles have ambiguous effects on work addiction, unlike laissez-faire or abusive leadership styles, the former enhancing and the latter reducing the incidence of work addiction in an organisation. Work addiction of managers also has a dual effect: on the one hand, it can enhance creativity, but it can also increase turnover among subordinates. Social support from the manager can be an antidote to subordinates' work addiction, but this effect may be modified by the quantity and quality of interaction between manager and subordinate, the sense of meaningfulness of the work, or even the organisational culture. Overall, the manager, as a key actor, can have an impact on work addiction in the organisation, but there is not always a consistent position in the research on the cases and the way in which this is done, which calls for further research in the future.
Economic Effect of the Coronavirus on the Companies Involved in Car and Automotive Parts Trading, and Manufacture of Tires of Hungary, Including Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, in Respect of 2020
1-12Megtekintések száma:237In Hungary the wake of the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic (March 2020), caused a decline in demand for goods and services in most sectors. There were sectors (accommodation services, art, recreation, etc.), which were economically severely burdened by the imposition of restrictive measures, and there were some (financial services, communication), which experienced the change positively. In our research, our goal was to assess the changes caused by the Covid-19 epidemic in the property, financial and profitability situation of the companies involved in car and automotive parts trading, and tire manufacturing, in Hungary, and within the country, in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. We established three hypotheses: (1) As a result of the spread of coronavirus epidemic, in Hungary and in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county as well, the profitability of companies of NAICS codes 441 (car and automotive parts trading) and 4231 (wholesale of road vehicles and parts), decreased. (2) The outbreak of the epidemic had a negative impact on the liquidity of companies established in Hungary, including Szabolcs- Szatmár-Bereg county. (3) As a result of the Covid-19 epidemic, the resource structure of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county companies, analysed in the framework of research work, transformed. To prove or disprove these, secondary research was used. Finally, we put forward conclusions and proposals for the management of the companies active in this industry.
Design of Experiments Application for Machining Process Analyse
257-265Megtekintések száma:141In this contribution are results from machining of the aluminium alloy by spiral router. The experiment was designed as full 3 - factors and 2-levels process and for evaluation of input factors to output parameters – Fx and Fy components were used Paret´s diagram and Lorentz´s line. The input parameters were: revolution speed (4000/min. and 6000/min.), working engagement of a cutting edge (depth of cut) ae (1 mm and 3 mm), back engagement of a cutting edge (with of cut) ap (5 mm and 15 mm) and down (climb) milling.
Speed Variation along an Imposed Linear Trajectory, for Robotic Arms Motion
495-502Megtekintések száma:93The paper describes a method of speed (velocity) computation, named mixt profile, during a motion upon an imposed linear trajectory. The method assures an accurate positioning at the end of motion (movement), in a well determinate time lapse. The described method is linked with position vector computation, about a robotic arm.
Investigation on Double Oxide Film Initiated Pore Formation in Aluminum Casting Alloys
141-153Megtekintések száma:363The most common, and in fact, the most deleterious defects of aluminum casting alloys are the so-called double oxide films or bifilms, which have a central role in porosity formation, as they can easily unfurl and inflate into pores during the solidification of the alloys. Sr addition is generally used in the foundry industry for the modification of the eutectic Si phase of hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys. However, Sr microalloying usually leads to an increased pore formation tendency. As bifilms are preferred sites for pore formation, it should be expected that Sr additions have a significant effect on the number and/or the structure of double oxide films present in the melt. In this work, the relationship between Sr-concentration and the susceptibility to pore formation has been investigated through the evaluation of melt quality of melts which had different levels of Sr. The bifilm content of the melts was investigated by the analysis of K-mold specimens and X-ray computed tomography (CT) of reduced pressure test (RPT) samples. It was found that liquid alloys with a higher Sr concentration had a significantly greater tendency to pore formation, which can be explained by the presence of a larger number of bifilm defects in the liquid alloy.
Ultrasonic Powder Atomization for Additive Manufacturing
69-75Megtekintések száma:199The following article presents a special case of metal powder production, ultrasonic metal atomization. In this case, ultrasound technology is based on the capillary wave phenomenon. We verify the suitability of the produced powders for 3D metal printing with various tests. In the case of prints with a metal powder bed fusion (PBF), the properties of the raw material of the powder are extremely important. The main results of the tests carried out in the article (SEM images, EDS composition analysis, sieve analysis) were described.
Efficiency of the Machining Process of Circular Shapes by Electrical Discharge Technology
53-61Megtekintések száma:115Due to its high machining precision, EDM technology is nowadays very important in the production of high-precision parts for various industries. The high precision of the machined surface in combination with the ability to machine circular surfaces brings, in addition to several advantages, some negatives. The most significant negative of this machining technology is the relatively low productivity as well as the overall production efficiency. The latter is affected by many accompanying phenomena. The main accompanying phenomenon that contributes to the decline in the overall economic efficiency of EDM is the microgeometry errors that occur due to the non-homogeneity of the EDM process. Another accompanying negative phenomenon is the geometric accuracy errors of the machined surface, as a consequence of systematic destruction of the wire tool electrode, faulty interpolation in its guidance, and, last but not least, its vibration. These aspects consequently lead to the requirement for multiple applications of additional finishing cuts, which significantly reduces the overall economic efficiency of the machining process. Therefore, the experimental research aimed to search for options that can effectively help to achieve higher productivity but especially the overall economic efficiency of the machining process.
Investigating the Impact of Nature in Designing Cultural Environments for Children
244-256Megtekintések száma:216There is a tendency to communicate with nature in human beings as a set of emotional experiences. This study investigates the impact of organic architecture in creating cultural spaces for children. The concepts of nature, naturalist architecture and children educational psychology, from the perspective of scholars and researchers in this area are investigated. The children’s perception of nature and their feelings were assessed and one hundred forty respondents among the instructors of cultural centres in different regions of Tehran have answered the questionnaires. To investigate the hypotheses, Univariate T - test and F - test were applied. The results showed that the stimulation of the natural environment has a positive and meaningful effect on curiosity, participation, and fantasy in children, while they show their impressions of nature indirectly. Therefore, designing applicable spaces according to children’s physics, using appropriate colours and furniture as well as more environmentally-related spaces, can have positive effects on social participation, intuitive and verbal skills of the children.
Adaptability of Powdered Activated Carbon Production from Ground Catering Waste Pyrolysis Coke
162-171Megtekintések száma:147Three mixture of catering waste was pyrolyzed at 650, 725 and 900 °C and the solid residue (coke) was examined for powdered activated carbon production. For this, the carbon content, iodine number, particle size distribution and scanning electron microscopic images were analysed. Based on the carbon content, these cokes are suitable for activated carbon production, which were 60-85 wt.% (depending on the base material and pyrolysis temperature). The studied cokes showed slightly porous structure with smooth surfaces. Because of this, the iodine number was mostly small (13-30). Based on the grinding experiments, 10 minutes of grinding was found to be optimal. After this grinding time, the reached iodine number of powdered activated carbon was 350-610.
Surface Quality of Carbide Metal After Electrical Discharge Machining
31-38Megtekintések száma:139Recently, the requirements for machining shape-complex products made of hard-to-machine materials, including carbide, have been increasing significantly. However, their machining is rather problematic. Additionally, a high-quality standard of the machined surface is generally required, not only in terms of roughness but also in terms of the geometric accuracy of the machined surface. All this while maintaining a high level of economy in the machining process. However, meeting these demanding requirements in real technical practice is not always an easy task. Moreover, in combination with modern machining processes, only a limited number of production technologies can meet this requirement. Therefore, due to the high demands placed on today's modern production and the required high standard of the machined surface, progressive EDM technology is increasingly finding its application. And it is through this progressive technology that it is possible to achieve relatively good success in carbide machining. The aim of this paper was therefore to describe in detail the results of an experimental investigation aimed at identifying the quality of the machined surface achieved in terms of the roughness parameters of the machined surface in the electrical discharge machining of selected types of carbides using a wire tool electrode.