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  • Levels of students' understanding on infinity
    Here we report some results of a two-year study for grades 5-6 and 7-8 (during the academic years 2001-03). The study included a quantitative survey for approximately 150 Finnish mathematics classes out of which 10 classes were selected to a longitudinal part of the study. Additionally, 40 students from these classes participated also a qualitative study. This paper will focus on students' understanding of infinity and the development of that understanding. The results show that most of the students did not have a proper view of infinity but that the share of able students grew, as the students got older.
  • Visualisation in geometry education as a tool for teaching with better understanding

    In primary and secondary geometry education, some problems exist with pupils’ space thinking and understanding of geometric notions. Visualisation plays an important role in geometry education, and the development of pupils’ visualisation skills can support their spatial imagination. The authors present their own thoughts on the potential of including visualisation in geometry education, based on the analysis of the Hungarian National Core Curriculum and Slovak National Curriculum. Tasks for visualisation are also found in international studies, for example the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Augmented reality (AR) and other information and communication technology (ICT) tools bring new possibilities to develop geometric thinking and space imagination, and they also support mathematics education with better understanding.

    Subject Classification: 97U10, 97G10

  • Better understanding mathematics by algorithmic thinking and computer programming

    Tamás Varga’s mathematics education experiment covered not just mathematics, but also other related topics. In many of his works he clearly stated that computer science can support the understanding of mathematics as much as mathematics supports informatics. On the other hand, not much later than the introduction of the new curriculum in 1978, personal computers started to spread, making it possible to teach informatics in classes and in extracurricular activities. Varga’s guided discovery approach has a didactic value for other age groups as well, not only in primary school. Its long-lasting effect can be observed even in present times. Having reviewed several educational results in the spirit of Tamás Varga, we have decided to present an extracurricular course. It is an open study group for age 12-18. Students solve problems by developing Python programs and, according to our experiences, this results in a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

    Subject Classification: 97B10, 97B20, 97D50, 97N80, 97P20, 97P30, 97P40, 97P50, 97U70

  • Expressiveness of programming languages and environments: a comparative study
    In written and oral communication tools, the support of the understanding of our message have an important role: we can increase the expressiveness and the level of understanding of our topic by approaching it in several ways, i.e. in written methods by highlighting the important parts; in oral by changing tone and other elements of non-verbal communication. In this paper programming languages and developing environments are compared with each other in terms of their methods and their level of support to the solution of programming tasks.
    There is a need to have these tools in programming and, of course, in teaching programming. What are the factors that define the distinctness and the legibility of a program? What are the basic principles which give an instrument in programmers' and students' hands in order to create a properly working program from already existing algorithms in the most efficient way? We search for the answers to these questions in this paper.
  • Prime building blocks in the mathematics classroom

    This theoretical paper is devoted to the presentation of the manifold opportunities in using a little-known but powerful mathematical manipulative, the so-called prime building blocks, originally invented by two close followers of Tamás Varga, to support discovery of various concepts in arithmetic in middle school, including the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic or as it is widely taught, prime factorization. The study focuses on a teaching proposal to show how students can learn about greatest common divisor (GCD) and least common multiple (LCM) with understanding, and meanwhile addresses internal connections and levels of abstractness within elementary number theory. The mathematical and methodological background to understanding different aspects of the concept prime property are discussed and the benefits of using prime building blocks to scaffold students’ discovery are highlighted. Although the proposal was designed to be suitable for Hungarian sixth graders, mathematical context and indications for the use of the manipulative in both primary and high school are given.

    Subject Classification: F60, C30, E40, U60

  • Different approaches of interplay between experimentation and theoretical consideration in dynamic geometry exploration: An example from exploring Simson line
    Dynamic geometry environment (DGE) is a powerful tool for exploration and discovering geometric properties because it allows users to (virtually) manipulate geometric objects. There are two possible components in the process of exploration in DGE, viz. experimentation and theoretical consideration. In most cases, there is interplay between these two components. Different people may use DGE differently. Depending on the specific mathematical tasks and the background of individual users, some approaches of interplay are more experimental whereas some other approaches of interplay are more theoretical. In this paper, different approaches of exploring a geometric task using Sketchpad (a DGE) by three individual participants will be discussed. They represent three different approaches of interplay between experimentation and theoretical consid- eration. An understanding of these approaches may contribute to an understanding on the mechanism of exploration in DGE.
  • Cognitive conflict as a tool of overcoming obstacles in understanding infinity
    This paper, based on current research, is devoted to obstacles that appear in the process of understanding the concept of infinity. In its introductory part the fundamental types of epistemology obstacles are formulated. The cognitive conflict and its role in overcoming these obstacles are analysed in the following section of this research. Finally, the authors focus on research methodology and the results of the three-year research project. The problems are illustrated by means of real experimental interviews.
  • Summe einer unendlichen geometrischen Reihe im Mathematikunterricht
    This article deals with sums of infinite geometric series. We focus on the understanding of the notion by pupils at secondary school through generic and universal models. In the first part we survey this notion in the Czech and Slovak curriculum. We describe the process of gaining knowledge as a sequence of five stages. In the second part we show one possible approach how to introduce the notion "sum of the infinite geometric series" through this process. We illustrate this on some examples for pupils. At the end we formulate some pedagogical recommendation for teachers.
  • Modelling and simulation in education and the NetLogo simulation environment
    Just like real experimentation, computer simulation is a method for understanding the world. In the present paper I will demonstrate its possible didactic advantages and application potentials. The displayed simulations, which will be analyzed in a separate section, were all made in the NetLogo environment, one of them by the author himself.
  • Straight line or line segment? Students’ concepts and their thought processes

    The article focuses on students’ understanding of the concept of a straight line. Attention is paid to whether students of various ages work with only part of a straight line shown or if they are aware that it can be extended. The presented results were obtained by a qualitative analysis of tests given to nearly 1,500 Czech students. The paper introduces the statistics of students’ solutions, and discusses the students’ thought processes. The results show that most of the tested students, even after completing upper secondary school, are not aware that a straight line can be extended. Finally, we present some recommendations for fostering the appropriate concept of a straight line in mathematics teaching.

    Subject Classification: 97C30, 97D70, 97G40

  • The use of different representations in teaching algebra, 9 th grade (14-15 years old)
    Learning Algebra causes many difficulties for students. For most of them Algebra means rote memorizing and applying several rules without understanding them which is a great danger in teaching Algebra. Using only symbolic representations and neglecting the enactive and iconic ones is a great danger in teaching Algebra, too. The latter two have a primary importance for average students.
    In our study, we report about an action research carried out in a grade 9 class in a secondary school in Hungary.The results show that the use of enactive and iconic representations in algebra teaching develops the students' applicable knowledge, their problem solving knowledge and their problem solving ability.
  • Understanding the spatiotemporal sample: a practical view for teaching geologist students
    One of the most fundamental concept of statistics is the (random) sample. Our experience – acquired during the years of undergraduate education – showed that prior to industrial practice, the students in geology (and, most probably, in many other non-mathematics oriented disciplines as well) are often confused by the possible multiple interpretation of the sample. The confusion increases even further, when samples from stationary temporal, spatial or spatio-temporal phenomena are considered. Our goal in the present paper is to give a viable alternative to this overly mathematical approach, which is proven to be far too demanding for geologist students.
    Using the results of an environmental pollution analysis we tried to show the notion of the spatiotemporal sample and some of its basic characteristics. On the basis of these considerations we give the definition of the spatiotemporal sample in order to be satisfactory from both the theoretical and the practical points of view.
  • Teaching of financial mathematics using Maple
    The paper deals with the application of computer algebra system Maple in teaching of financial mathematics. In the Czech Republic financial mathematics is included in the curricula of grammar and secondary school. Therefore, this subject is also taught at pedagogical faculties. Most concepts of financial mathematics are difficult to understand for students. In the paper we show the ways of facilitation understanding these concepts using tools of Maple. The main result is in preparing special maplets which enable interactive studying of the principles of such concepts. Each of these maplets deals with particular financial problem from real life, e.g. mortgage credit, consumer credit, credit card etc.
  • The study of sequences defined by a first order recursion by means of a pocket calculator
    This paper will present the way we can use a simple pocket calculator to teach mathematics. Namely, a pocket calculator can be very useful to study the properties of sequences defined by first order recursion (e.g. monotonicity, boundedness and convergence) and to gain a deeper understanding.
  • Packings in hyperbolic geometry
    I am becoming older. That's why I am returning to my youth sins. "On revient toujours á ses premiers amoures". This sin was the noneuclidean hyperbolic geometry – especially the Poincaré model. I was teaching this kind of geometry over many years as well in highschool (Gymnasium) as for beginners at the university too.
    A lot of results concerning packings in hyperbolic geometry are proved by the Hungarian school around László Fejes Tóth. In this paper we construct very special packings and investigate the corresponding densities. For better understanding we are working in the Poincaré model. At first we give a packing of the hyperbolic plane with horodisks and calculate the density. In an analogous way then the hyperbolic space is packed by horoballs. In the last case the calculation of the density is a little bit difficult. Finally it turns out that in both cases the maximal density is reached.
  • The influence of computer on examining trigonometric functions
    In this paper the influence of computer on examining trigonometric functions was analyzed throughout the results questionnaire. The students, as usual, had to examine two trigonometric functions, both were given with the appropriate instructions. Three groups were tested. Two of those three groups were prepared with the help of computer and the third one was taught without computer. From the analysis of the questionnaire it follows that the computer has a great influence on understanding of the connections between the graph and very complex calculations.
  • Efficient language teaching software in a multimedia context
    In this article I deal with the efficiency of multimedia teaching programs, analyzing possibilities for their improvement in the field of language teaching. This research has been carried out with the use of the latest technologies, language teaching software, internet based language teaching applications, digital dictionaries, online content, and the latest results from the field of computational linguistics. The goal of my research is to create a general model that serves and supports various kinds of approaches to improving efficiency; I cannot attempt to present a complete, detailed analytical review due to the complexity and size of this topic. However, my opinion is that by considering and understanding the theoretical aspects of the subject, and supported by certain important ideas, we will be able to achieve remarkable improvements in the field of learning efficiency and knowledge retention in the language teaching and learning process that might lead to outstanding results.
  • Applications of methods of descriptive geometry in solving ordinary geometric problems
    The importance of descriptive geometry is well-known in two fields. Spatial objects can be mapped bijectively onto a plane and then we can make constructions concerning the spatial objects. The other significance of descriptive geometry is that mathematical visual perception of objects in three-dimensional space can be improved by the aid of it. The topic of this paper is an unusual application of descriptive geometry. We may come across many geometric problems in mathematical competitions, in entrance examinations and in exercise books whose solution is expected in a classical way, however, the solution can be found more easily and many times more general than it is by the standard manner. We demonstrate some of these problems to encourage to use this geometric method. Understanding the solution requires very little knowledge of descriptive geometry, however, finding a solution needs to have some idea of descriptive geometry.
  • A constructive and metacognitive teaching path at university level on the Principle of Mathematical Induction: focus on the students' behaviours, productions and awareness

    We present the main results about a teaching/learning path for engineering university students devoted to the Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI). The path, of constructive and metacognitive type, is aimed at fostering an aware and meaningful learning of PMI and it is based on providing students with a range of explorations and conjecturing activities, after which the formulation of the statement of the PMI is devolved to the students themselves, organized in working groups. A specific focus is put on the quantification in the statement of PMI to bring students to a deep understanding and a mature view of PMI as a convincing method of proof. The results show the effectiveness of the metacognitive reflections on each phase of the path for what concerns a) students' handling of structural complexity of the PMI, b) students' conceptualization of quantification as a key element for the reification of the proving process by PMI; c) students' perception of the PMI as a convincing method of proof.

    Subject Classification: 97B40, 97C70

  • Normalization based on dependency diagram
    Normalization is an important database planning method, although the understanding and application of this method brings up the utmost problem during data modelling. That is why we were looking for alternative normalization methods, from which the normalization with dependency diagram proved to be the most efficient. This was also confirmed by the statistical estimation of the carried out survey.
  • On the legacy of G. Pólya: some new (old) aspects of mathematical problem solving and relations to teaching
    In this article are given some new aspects of mathematical problem solving. A framework is presented by three main resources: (1) Pólya's studies about mathematical heuristics are augmented by information drawn from a study of the history of mathematical problem solving. (2) Connections are presented between mathematical problem solving and mathematical beliefs. (3) Experience with a special program for mathematical talented students is sketched. On this background a new textbook-series has been developed and some teaching examples are taken from this context. An outlook is given on some new research on teaching of problem solving, including possible relations to modern brain research.
  • Mathematics teachers' reasons to use (or not) intentional errors
    Mathematics teachers can make use of both spontaneously arising and intentionally planted errors. Open questions about both types of errors were answered by 23 Finnish middle-school teachers. Their reasons to use or not to use errors were analyzed qualitatively. Seven categories were found: Activation and discussion, Analyzing skills, Correcting misconceptions, Learning to live with errors, (Mis)remembering errors, (Mis)understanding error and Time. Compared to earlier results, the teachers placed substantially less emphasis on affective issues, whereas the answers yielded new distinctions in cognitive dimensions. In particular, teachers' inclination to see errors as distractions could be divided into two aspects: students misunderstanding an error in the first place or student forgetting that an error was erroneous. Furthermore, the content analysis revealed generally positive beliefs towards using errors but some reservations about using intentional errors. Teachers viewed intentional errors mainly positively as possibilities for discussion, analysis and learning to live with mistakes.
  • Constructing the disk method formula for the volume obtained by revolving a curve around an axis with the help of CAS
    Calculus concepts should have been taught in a carefully designed learning environment, because these concepts constitute a very important base for almost all applied sciences. The integral, one of the fundamental concepts of Calculus, has a wide application area. This paper focuses on constructing the disk method formula for the volume obtained by revolving a curve around an axis with the help of a CAS.
    In this study, a semi-structured interview was carried out. In this interview, we tried to construct the disk method formula.
    The levels of constructing the disk method formula in this study are:
    • Introducing the concept: evaluating the volume of an Egyptian pyramid.
    • Evaluating the volume of a cone obtained by revolution (using Maple worksheet).
    • Designing their own ring and evaluating its price (using Maplet).
    In this study, the interview has been presented as a dialog between teacher and students. When we look at feedback from students, we see that such a teaching method effects students in a positive way and causes them to gain conceptual understanding directed towards the concepts of approximation and volume.
  • How do secondary school students from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq understand the concept of function?

    The study investigates secondary school students' understanding of the concept of function. The paper focuses on three main aspects: students' ability to define the concept of function; students' ability to recognize different representations of function; and students' ability to convert between different representations. A test was developed to assess the three main constructs of the study and administered to 342 students in secondary schools in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. According to the results, students have diffculties in recognizing different representations of function and conversion between them. Connections between different parts of the test may provide hints on educational challenges of how to appropriately teach functions.

    Subject Classification: 26Bxx, 97D60

  • Teaching student teachers: various components of a complex task
    In this paper we summarize various aspects of teacher training and teaching student teachers (mainly concerning teachers of upper secondary school and High school). We stress several hints and recommendations to better achieve the obviously important aim: they should learn doing, understanding and teaching mathematics!
    Of course, our view is particularly influenced by European traditions, but we think most of them equally apply to teacher training and teaching student teachers elsewhere. Neither is the paper meant to give an all sided overview about the problem field of teacher education as a whole, nor does it contain provocative, completely new ideas. We just want to describe our view of some aspects, based primarily on our personal experience in the mentioned field.