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  • Freudenthal fantasy on the bus, an American adaptation

    In the 1960’s two mathematicians, Hans Freudenthal in the Netherlands and Tamás Varga in Hungary, had argued that people learn mathematics by being actively involved and investigating realistic mathematical problems. Their method lives on in today’s teaching and learning through the various components of cooperative and active learning, by taking ownership in learning, and learning through student dialogue. The goal is to create a welcoming classroom atmosphere in which play takes the front seat. One such scenario is visiting various (animal) stations at the zoo by bus (illustrated by pictures). Passengers are getting on and off the bus at each station (illustrated by arrows), which is modeled on the open number line. This adapted and modified action research was carried out with 5-yearl-old children in public schools of Staten Island, NY in 2019.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97F20, 97F30

  • Guided Discovery in Hungarian Education Using Problem Threads: The Pósa Method in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms

    In Hungary, ‘guided discovery’ refers to instruction in which students learn mathematical concepts through task sequences that foster mathematical thinking. A prominent figure of guided discovery is Lajos Pósa, who developed his method to teach gifted students. Rather than teaching mathematics through thematic blocks, the Pósa Method employs webs of interconnected problem threads in which problems are built on each other, and different threads are presented simultaneously, so that students work on problems from multiple threads at the same time. It was found that this method has been successful as extracurricular training for gifted students since the 1980s; however since 2017, as part of an ongoing research, the method has been applied to mainstream curriculum in two public secondary school classrooms. The present paper examines the design and implementation processes of problem threads in this public secondary school context.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • The shift of contents in prototypical tasks used in education reforms

    The paper discusses the shift of contents in prototypical tasks provoked by the current educational reform in Austria. The paper starts with the educational backboard of the process of changes in particular with the out tting of the students' abilities in different taxonomies and its implementation in the competence models of Mathematics. A methodological didactical point of view on the process is given additionally. Examples out of a specific collection of math problems which arise from the educational reform are integrated and analysed in the context of educational principles and methods. The discussion ends with a short evaluation of the role of traditional approaches to tasks in the ongoing reform. A bundle of tasks as proof that they are still alive is presented finally.

    Subject Classification: 97B50, 97D40, 97D50