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  • Sequenced problems for functional equations
    There are many possible methods to solve equations of the form H(f(x + y), f(x − y), f(x), f(y), x, y) = 0 (x, y 2 R), where H is a known function and f is the unknown function to be determined. Here we will create a sequence of problems for equations of type (1) (see on the next page). These sequenced problems are appropriate for the fostering of talented students on different level of mathematical education.
  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 26-28, 2018 Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary from the 26th to the 28th of January, 2018. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of University of Debrecen.
    The 61 participants – including 47 lectures and 17 PhD students – came from 8 countries, 21 cities and represented 37 institutions of higher and secondary education.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 24-26, 2014 Eger, Hungary
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
    was held in Eger, Hungary from the 24th to the 26th of January, 2014 at the
    Eszterházy Károly College. It was organized by the PhD School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the University of Debrecen and the Eszterházy Károly College in Eger.
    The 58 participants – including 43 lecturers and 18 PhD students – came from 7 countries, 15 cities and represented 22 institutions of higher education.
  • Cultivating algorithmic thinking: an important issue for both technical and HUMAN sciences
    Algorithmic thinking is a valuable skill that all people should master. In this paper we propose a one-semester, algorithm-oriented computer science course for human science students. According to our experience such an initiative could succeed only if the next recipe is followed: interesting and practical content + exciting didactical methods + minimal programming. More explicitly, we suggest: (1) A special, simple, minimal, pseudo-code like imperative programming language that integrates a graphic library. (2) Interesting, practical and problem-oriented content with philosophical implications. (3) Exciting, human science related didactical methods including art-based, inter-cultural elements.
  • Decomposition of triangles into isosceles triangles I: let the students ask bravely
    We report about working up an open geometric problem as a mathematical research with pupils of a mathematics camp. This paper shows the didactic aims and the methods we worked with, the didactic results. The second part of this paper gives a general solution of the problem, using pure mathematics and a computer programme.
  • The shift of contents in prototypical tasks used in education reforms

    The paper discusses the shift of contents in prototypical tasks provoked by the current educational reform in Austria. The paper starts with the educational backboard of the process of changes in particular with the out tting of the students' abilities in different taxonomies and its implementation in the competence models of Mathematics. A methodological didactical point of view on the process is given additionally. Examples out of a specific collection of math problems which arise from the educational reform are integrated and analysed in the context of educational principles and methods. The discussion ends with a short evaluation of the role of traditional approaches to tasks in the ongoing reform. A bundle of tasks as proof that they are still alive is presented finally.

    Subject Classification: 97B50, 97D40, 97D50

  • Mathematics in Good Will Hunting II: problems from the students perspective
    This is the second part of a three paper long series exploring the role of mathematicians and of the mathematical content occurring in popular media. In particular we analyze the drama film Good Will Hunting. Here we investigate the mathematical content of the movie by considering the problems appearing in it. We examine how a mathematician or a mathematics student would solve these problems. Moreover, we review how these problems could be integrated into the higher education of Hungary.
  • New style in teaching word processing
    Teaching word processing is confined to looking through some menus and showing some functions of a word processor program, although technology presents just a small part of forming layouts. This fact causes that people who are writing documents spend a lot of time by trying to form, e.g., title pages or inner pages.
    The present paper deals with a design of an online course on word processing that fits better the needs of many users. The online course is designed for teaching (LA)TEX by leading the students to the technical issues of the typesetting system through layout and grammar rules: demonstrates the most important basic recommendations of typography and grammar rules through samples, and shows how to program the currently displayed layout in the (LA)TEX programming languages. This methodology suits better the common working habit, and can be a useful help in word processing documents.
  • Aspects théoriques de la classification à base de treillis
    La classification est une notion cruciale dans les systémes orientés objets et se fait de plus en plus présente en représentation de connaissances. Elle permet principalement de trouver des regularités dans un grand tableau de nombres. Dans ce sens général, il s'agit donc d'une méthode qui joue un role important dans différents domaines scientifiques oú les connaissances sont á organiser selon certaines hiérarchies (biologie, chimie, etc.). En informatique nous parlons aussi de langages de classes sans mentionner es aspects mathématiques de la classification. Dans cet article l'auteur a pour but de proposer une introduction á la classification á travers la notion de treillis. Nous sommes persuadés que l'étude de la classification permet aux étudiants de familiariser leurs connaissances sur la modélisation et la programmation orientée objet.
    The classification is a crucial notion in the object oriented systems and more and more appears in the knowledge representation. It allows us to find the regularities in a huge table of numbers. In this general sense the classification plays an important role in various domains of science, where knowledge has to be organized into hierarchy (biology, chemistry, etc.) In the computer science the languages of classes are often studied without mathematical aspects of the classification. In this paper the author has the goal to propose an introduction to the classification through the notion of lattices.We are convinced that the study of classification allows students to enlarge their knowledge on the object oriented modelling and programming.
  • Research on IT language use at a company
    The aim of the research of the IT language, used in the written documents of a company, is to contribute to the creation of a (mono- or bilingual) dictionary or encyclopaedia available for the public on the Internet, serving, among others, as a reference tool for the unified, controlled and unambiguous use of IT terms for students at various educational levels. To this ongoing work, the participation and cooperation of a panel of experts of different competences, linguists as well as IT experts, is indispensable.
    The methods of corpus linguistics were used to carry out the research. The IT terms were separated from the texts and then a concordance software was used to see the environment of the IT words and phrases in which they occur. So their morphological analysis became possible.
    The results of the research showed that a great number of Hungarian morphological language use problems stem from the way the IT terms are used in the documents. This paper lists, groups, analyses these phenomena.
    The conclusions of the author are: (1) If such an Internet dictionary is used generally and consulted when e.g. somebody wants to write a composition or essay, translate an article, write a newspaper article, a scientific publication or a textbook to be taught at schools of different types and levels, etc. most of the communication noises could be filtered out. (2) At the same time it could promote the use of adequate (both in linguistic and technical meaning) Hungarian terms eliminating the "Hunglish" usage. (3) It could also contribute to the prevailing use of the relevant Hungarian terminology. Such a dictionary would be indispensable, not only in educational and industrial environments but in the electronic and traditional media as well. Last but not least, it could raise the level of different teaching materials (textbooks, e-materials, etc.) used in public and higher education.
  • Building a virtual framework to exploit multidisciplinary project workshops – peaks & pits
    Multidisciplinary project work in connection to industry is highly favoured at University education, since it prepares students to envision their spectrum of profession, to be able to participate in production projects in co-operation with partners out of campus, and learn to communicate between disciplines. An effctive combination presumes selection of right partners, set-up of proper virtual platform to bridge time, space, and diffrences in working styles. The set-up process requires several phases of design-based research proofing the melding process to produce a productive workshop that is sustainable. The paper describes the review of literature, the platform and set-up established, a first phase in bridging Art and Computer Science through the description of MOMELTE project, a critical evaluation in order to learn from mistakes, and a new list of design principles to improve the next phase of the workshop process.
  • Information System’s experiences of EGERFOOD project making use of it in the education of the database management
    We present in this article the background of a developed food safety tracking system searched and formed in the Regional Knowledge Centre of Eszterházy Károly College, the requirements following from this, and by way of the requirements towards the information system appearing expectations. The development of the consumer centre system is a complex task which provides fast and cost-effective information for consumers, food producers and concerned authorities. It accomplishes severe expectations of the tracking system in connection with data security and encryption beside all this. We demonstrate in this article that forming of database model why we chose the general model. We also demonstrate what kind of SQL server we chose for buffer servers and central data warehouse. We wish to support our choosing with the result of done efficiency examinations. It is important viewpoint what kind of database planning principles we base these examinations on and how we match them to the requirements of the system. As software engineers took part in the development effectively from the first minute of the planning of the system, we can examine with what this project work was able to raise students' qualification and knowledge in addition to the general curricular substance.
  • Solving mathematical problems by using Maple factorization algorithms
    Computer algebra gives methods for manipulating mathematical expression. In this paper we use the Maple software to solve some elementary problems. Computeraided approach in the instruction of mathematics helps to impart problem solving skills to students.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 23-25, 2015 Novi Sad, Serbia
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Novi Sad, Serbia from the 23th to the 25th of January, 2015 at the University of Novi Sad. It was organized by the PhD School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the University of Debrecen and the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Novi Sad.
    The 70 participants – including 42 lecturers, and 18 PhD students – came from 9 countries, 28 cities and represented 40 intstitutions of higher education.
  • Process or object? Ways of solving mathematical problems using CAS
    Graphing and symbol manipulating calculators are now a part of mathematics education in many countries. In Norway symbol manipulating calculators have been used at various exams in upper secondary education. An important finding in mathematics education is the duality of mathematical entities – processes and objects. Building on the theoretical development by Anna Sfard and others, the students' solutions on exam problems in upper secondary education are discussed with reference to procedural and structural knowledge.
  • Solving Diophantine equations with binomial coefficients in study group sessions using both elementary and higher mathematical methods
    The paper can be considered as the continuation of [4] in the sense that we are studying Diophantine equations containing binomial coefficients. It was an important aspect that one should be able to discuss these problems — even if not in complete depth — also in high school study group sessions with the most talented students. We present various methods through several examples, which help the successful handling of other questions too, including problems in math competitions. Our discussion starts with the elementary treatment of easier problems, and then proceed gradually to more difficult questions which require higher mathematical methods.
  • Word problems in different textbooks at the early stage of teaching mathematics comparative analysis

    In a previous research, Csíkos and Szitányi (2019) studied teachers’ views and pedagogical content knowledge on the teaching of mathematical word problems. While doing so, they reviewed and compared Eastern European textbooks of Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Croatia, and Hungary to see how world problem-solving strategies are presented in commonly used textbooks. Their results suggested that teachers, in general, agreed with the approach of the textbooks regarding the explicit solution strategies and the types of word problems used for teaching problem-solving. They also revealed that the majority of the participants agreed that a word problem-solving algorithm should be introduced to the students as early as in the first school year. These results have been presented at the Varga 100 Conference in November 2019. As the findings suggested a remarkable similarity between the Eastern European textbook approaches, in the current study we decided to conduct further research involving more textbooks from China, Finland, and the United States.

    Subject Classification: 97U20, 08A50

  • Report on INFODIDACT 2008 - the First National Conference on Didactics of Informatics: 11-12 April, 2008, Szombathely, Hungary
    Acquiring a PhD in any subject has been possible only in the last twentish years in Hungary. To take degree in didactics, especially didactics of informatics is still very difficult. There are not enough forums for the PhD students where they could report of their research work and results.
  • An evaluating tool for programming contests
    Students of the University of Debrecen majoring in informatics have been participating in regional ACM international collegiate programming contests since 1995. In earlier times arrangement of the local rounds was difficult because we had to check the contestants' submissions by hand. Beyond the discomfort, this hindered the efficient work of the jury and involved a number of possibilities of making mistakes.
    The Programming Contest Result Manager (PCRM) program developed in the past two years provides a solution to the above problems. The program automates the evaluation of submissions and provides both the jury and the contestants with a user interface. This application can help the jury not only in ACM type but also in other kinds of practical programming contests.
  • The time spent on board games pays off: links between board game playing and competency motivation

    The impact playing has on the development of thinking is an important topic of psychology of learning, brain research and mathematics didactics.
    Our research is also connected to the aforementioned topic. We investigated the effects of playing board games on competence motivation and the development of mathematical competencies.
    In this paper, we present the results of an experiment carried out in a secondary school class.
    The experimental group spent one of three weekly mathematics lessons playing board games.
    Apart from the several advantages of playing games in general, we can conclude that, based on the results of the national competence measurement, the mathematical competence of the students developed properly.
    The readiness and the progress of the pupils were compared on the basis of input and output tests and an initial knowledge measurement and, at the same time, we compared their level of mathematical competence with the results of the national competence

    Subject Classification: 97C70, 97D40

  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 25-27, 2013 Oradea, Romania
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Oradea, Romania from the 25th to the 27th of January, 2013 at the Partium Christian University. It was organized by the PhD School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the University of Debrecen and the Partium Christian University in Oradea. The meeting was supported by the project: TAMOP-4.2.2/B/10/1-2010-0024.
    The 61 participants – including 50 lecturers and 21 PhD students – came from 5 countries, 22 cities and represented 35 intstitutions of higher education.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 21 – January 23, 2010, Debrecen, Hungary
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Debrecen, Hungary from January 21 to January 23, 2010. The 42 Hungarian participants – including 16 PhD students – came from 5 countries, 14 cities and represented 25 institutions of higher education. The abstracts of the talks and the posters and also the list of participants are presented in this report.
  • Teaching multiparadigm programming based on object-oriented experiences
    Multiparadigm programming is an emerging practice in computer technology. Co-existence of object-oriented, generic and functional techniques can better handle variability of projects. The present paper gives an overview of teaching multiparadigm programming approach through typical language concepts, tools in higher education. Students learning multiparadigm-oriented subjects would gain considerable expertise, which is highly needed by the industrial side in large-scale application development.
  • Experimentieren um einen Satz zu finden - vollständig separierbare Mosaike auf der Kugel und ihre Anwendungen
    This paper reports a case-study which took place within the project named "Inner differentiation and individualization by creating prototypes and analogies under consideration of motivational constraints (taking into account computer-based teaching and learning)" as a part of a pre-service teacher training at the University of Salzburg (Herber, H.-J. & Vásárhelyi, É.).
    The goal of the experiment was to help students to learn the fundamental concepts and basic constructions of spherical geometry using the Lénárt Sphere (a transparent plastic ball with construction-tools) and some self-made interactive worksheets with the Windows version of the dynamical geometry software Cabri.
  • Is it possible to develop some elements of metacognition in a Mathematics classroom environment?

    In an earlier exploratory survey, we investigated the metacognitive activities of 9th grade students, and found that they have only limited experience in the “looking back” phase of the problem solving process. This paper presents the results of a teaching experiment focusing on ninth-grade students’ metacognitive activities in the process of solving several open-ended geometry problems. We conclude that promoting students’ metacognitive abilities makes their problem solving process more effective.

    Subject Classification: 97D50, 97G40