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Search Results

  • Comparison of sociodemographic characteristics in nursing home residents and community-dwelling elders

    Purpose: This study aimed to compare the sociodemographic characteristics in nursing home residents and community-dwelling elders.

    Methods: This descriptive study consisted of 342 older people between October and November 2019 (nursing home = 79, community-dwelling = 263). The data were collected by “Questionnaire Form for Individuals Living in Nursing Homes” and “Questionnaires for Individuals Living in Community-Dwelling." Comparisons between groups were made with the chi-square test. Descriptive characteristics were presented as numbers, percentage, mean, standard deviation, min. and max. scores.

    Results: The average age of the elderly living in a nursing home was 77.35±7.40 (min: 66, max: 97). Before coming to the nursing home, 38.0% lived with their spouses. The average age of community-dwelling older people was 70.90±5.57 (min: 65, max: 88). Of community-dwelling older people, 81.7% lived with their families. There was a significant difference between both groups regarding age, income status, having a child, having a physical disability, using dentures, ability to maintain activities of daily living, self-confidence, sleep problems, social activity, smoking rates, and history of visiting a nursing home (p < 0.05).

    Conclusion: Compared to the community-dwelling older people, the elderly living in a nursing home were more senior, lonely, had a lower income, had higher physical disabilities, had lower social activity and self-confidence, had more sleep problems, and smoked.

  • Seventies - A dystropia about the Hungarian society

    Introduction: Ageing society is an ever-raising issue, however, not so many movies use critics towards it. The movie Seventies had its debut in Hungary 2014. Its specificity is the lens that were used to show the deficits of the attitudes towards the elderly in Hungary.
    Aim: The aim of the paper is to explore the dystopian nature of the pseudo-documentary in order to show a picture of the possible deficits in Hungarian society with the help of the narratives of the artwork.
    Methodology: In this paper a social psychological approach is considered as the process of affective characterization of movie scenes which are analysed with content analysis.
    Theoretical background: There are two main aspects that are held in the analysis, the cognitive schema theory and the nature of dystopian content as a filter for the interpretative framework. Cognitive schema theory is used for perception and cognition of scenes, canonical set-ups, and interpretation-processes. In the analysis, the focus is on the memory objects, the mental models and the cognitive fields.
    Conclusion: The film experience includes a sort of awareness of the perceived scenes, thus the real world can be divided from imagination. Indeed, subjectivity and the shaping process of our reality are serving the demands of one’s aspects. Therefore, the film can be considered as a valuable starting point of a debate of the future of Hungarian society, highlighting the situation of elderly.

  • Barriers of Accessing Elderly Care Services in Bangladesh

    Approximately one in ten persons in Bangladesh is over 60 years old and it is estimated that this figure will increase to 21.5% in 2050. This huge proportion of the population often faces barriers in terms of accessing elderly care services.

  • Physical Restraint Use within Maltese Long-Term Care Settings

    The holistic study looked at the locally unexplored environment, providing a platform of knowledge base and information on physical restraint use. The project secured relevant information focal to the older person residents, health care providers and policy makers within long-term care settings.

  • Supporting ageing with a positive psychological framework and tools

    In the classical literature, but also in the everyday approach, ageing is mostly associated with decline, deterioration of various skills, abilities, capacities, mental dysfunction, increasing inactivity, shrinking relationships and similar, more negative characteristics. We think of ageing as if it were a necessarily negative, unavoidable and unavoidable deterioration - but one that we must accept passively, at the same time - at the physical, mental and psychological levels. The presentation will focus on the reinterpretation offered by a positive psychology approach, pointing out that the second half of life is not necessarily about decline, mental problems, dissatisfaction or bitterness, but can also be about fulfilment, happiness, discovering and exploiting new potentials and strengths, new goals and living a truly fulfilling life. What is at stake to make this happen? How can we support this with the tools of positive psychology? The presentation will not be about anti-ageing tips, but about how to promote mental health in later life so that we can live ourselves and our lives to the full in this period of life with a positive outlook. The focus will be on the how, so the knowledge and a possible toolkit of interventions will be presented.

  • The impact of some elements of digitisation and education for the elderly - before the quarantine situation

    Digitalisation is one of the most important elements of the changes of the 21st century. The study describes the social impact of some areas of digitalisation, especially for the older generations. Beyond the health aspects there are two areas - the supporting power of the community and the fight against loneliness - which give the core of the social importance of the innovative solutions in Hungary.

  • The role of active ageing in the consumer protection

    Worldwide recognized the high prevalence of deceit aimed at elderly individuals (Boush,
    Friestad és Wright, 2009; Valant, 2015). Following the active middle-age, aging individuals
    perceive several physiological and psychological changes. Naturally, these changes do show
    individual differences. The aging generation members’ typical communication related and
    social features are to blame for these deceptions, unethical abuse of the vulnerability. Elderly
    individuals are more susceptible to persuasion than younger adults (Visser és Krosnick,
    In the present study, we summarize features appeared in the literature which can establish
    older people’s vulnerability. Furthermore, we report an interview-based-study, in which the
    examinees shared their experiences on suspicious offers.

  • Beyond the limelight of Apo Whang-od: Exposing the face of social service delivery and access of older persons in the Philippines

    This study examined the access to social services for the elderly population in Tinglayan, Kalinga, Philippines, which is the home of Apo Whang-od, a globally renowned traditional tattoo artist. The case study explored the challenges and opportunities that elderly individuals encounter in accessing social services within geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA) and how these dynamics have been influenced by the artist's popularity.

  • Családi (informális) gondozást segítő rendszerek Magyarországon

    The member states of the European Union have to face the challenge of demographic aging. Taking the demographic characteristics of the member states, there are no essential differences in either the current or in the expected future development of the proportion of elderly people. Ageing affects several areas of the welfare regimes, but it is usually the health and pension systems and personal services that are highlighted. This paper deals with a special area of personal services, the family (informal) care and the support of carers in Hungary. The study introduces definitions of the informal care, welfare policies on family caregivers, the systematization attempts of the care policy in the member states, it analyzes the recent past and currently perceived care policy processes and ideologies, and finally describes the specific situation in the former Communist countries through an example of a Hungarian care policy. The basic idea of the article is that although the demographic challenges are similar, but the service policy and the development of the institutional systems show significant differences in each country. In addition to the underdeveloped institutional service system in the different countries, the post-Communist countries lack the supporting tools of the caring family members.

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution – challenges of the future

    Klaus Schwab (2016): The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Portfolio Pinguin.

  • For visitors

    Dear Reader!

    Part of the renewal of Hungarian Gerontology scientific journal is the effort to publish short summaries of the lectures at the International Gerontology Conference organized by the Research Workshop (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Gerontology.

    In this way, we would like to contribute to the continuity of discussions between researchers and experts, by making abstracts available to readers in an easily accessible form, and perhaps here on the website of the magazine they will be interested to study publications in the regular issues of the journal and to be informed about the results of domestic and foreign research on the topic of gerontology.

    Ágnes Bene

    Secretary of the Conference



    The journal issue is supported by the EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 “Debrecen Venture Catapult Programme”.

  • Explore the Motivational Factors Driving Economic Engagement among the Elderly in Rural Area in Lao People's Democratic Republic

    This exploratory study delves into the motivational factors driving economic engagement among the elderly in rural areas of Laos, a nation in Southeast Asia experiencing demographic shifts towards an aging population. With limited research on this topic in the context of rural Laos, this study aims to uncover the underlying motivations that influence elderly individuals to participate in economic activities. By understanding these factors, policymakers can design targeted interventions to promote economic inclusion and improve the well-being of the elderly population. However, the study also uncovers barriers and challenges faced by elderly individuals, such as limited access to resources, skills, and infrastructure. Recommendations are provided to address these challenges and enhance support systems.

  • The impact of COVID-19 on the online shopping habits of the elderly - a study in two regions

    COVID-19 significantly affected the lives of people, including the elderly, who tried to reduce their personal relationships, especially during quarantine periods. Their daily lives have changed, including their consumer behaviour. The basis of my research was the longitudinal research of the Gerontology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Debrecen. In the summer of 2021, I made an interview research covering two regions, in which I searched for answers for example the COVID-19 epidemic affected the lives of members of elderly organizations, how their habits changed, for example regarding the use of digital devices and consumption in general. Based on the results, it can be said that while in 2020 the members of the organizations kept in touch with each other mainly by telephone during the pandemic, in 2021 there were almost the same number of those who used traditional telephones and those who preferred online contact. Online communication and Internet use have probably become more widespread because older people have become more open to the online world. In the examined period, the willingness of the elderly to use digital devices increased and their opportunities broadened, for example through the (often forced) development of their competences. This is also true for online purchases. As in all age groups of domestic consumers, online consumption has also increased among the elderly. In their case, this is mainly influenced by their opportunities related to digitalization. The main advantage of digitalization for the elderly is that it is much easier for them to keep in touch with each other, including with family members who live far away, while one of the disadvantages is that not all elderly people can afford to have the appropriate competencies, technical conditions and internet access.

  • Social service delivery for senior citizens in rural Philippines and secrets to longevity of Apo Whang-od

    Access to social services such as healthcare, transportation, and financial support can be limited, leaving many elderly individuals vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion. This paper examined the recent elderly demographics, status of social service delivery, the roles of traditional and cultural practices, and specific challenges faced by older persons in rural areas, using the case of Apo Whang-od and her community, Buscalan that is in the municipality of Tinglayan, Province of Kalinga, Philippines. Using a mixed methods approach, this paper revealed that almost 11% of Tinglayan’s population is elderly, mostly indigenous people with a relatively low literacy rate, and low-income earners who are engaged mostly in subsistence farming and small-scale traditional craft making. Also, there are substantial government programs and services offered by existing laws; however, access to these is challenged by limited access to education and healthcare services, with long travel distances and a lack of transportation being major barriers. Financial difficulties were also observed, with no or few having access to social security benefits and reasonable amounts of pensions. The challenges can also be attributed to an unfavorable geographical location, conflicts with neighboring tribes, limited local government funds, lack of knowledge, and inadequate social service centers within the locality. Tinglayan’s cultural values were also found to play a pivotal role in supplementing the scarce social services by fostering a supportive atmosphere for the elderly. Analysing Apo-Whag-od's longevity, it was revealed that she lived a longer life because she ate organic and locally sourced food, slept well, laughed a lot, engaged in regular physical activity, nurtured her spiritual well-being, built strong relationships with her family and community, and kept a positive outlook. In conclusion, social demographics shows that elderlies in rural areas are disadvantaged, which calls for more efficient and effective access, delivery, and availability of social services. Moreover, policymakers are enjoined to accelerate social infrastructures, expand social protection programs, and support intergenerational solidarity and resilience and cultural preservation. Lastly, Apo Whang-od’s legacy lives on. Her popularity not only gained revitalization of the Kalinga tattoo culture, but it also inspired people to follow her steps to longer and happier way of life.

  • Early recognition of dementia within the family

    The awareness of communities with dementia in Western Europe has moved closer to recognizing priority issues such as the environment or climate change. Dementia-friendly communities how have a history of 30 years and have achieved significant results through their work, both for those affected by the disease and those not directly affected. It probably affects many families, the topic is also getting into the spotlight in Hungary.

    Without specific and detailed statistics and databases, dementia currently exists in the latent zone. The vast majority of the literature defines dementia as a diesease for which there is no treatment or cure. The effect of dementia is considered primarily as problems in the brain that negatively affect clear thinking, memory processes and result in additional emotional turbulence. Dementia is known as an age-related condition.

    In general, dementia is identified as senility, incorrectly. Dementia can occur in different areas and at different levels in individual patients. As a result, families affected by the disease often face serious difficulties in identifying the disease. Without proper and detailed knowledge of the diagnosis, many families struggle with the situation of self care solutions at home. This personal involvement not only imposes a significant financial and emotional burden on the family but also often leads to separation and isolation, which can have additional negative effects on the disease itself and even on the mental health of the patient’s family members.

    The global extent of dementia is generally known only to experts in the field, and to this day there is still a lack of adequate representation in the wider social dialogue. There is a unique and innovative incentive in Gyöngyös where Matralab’s integrated care centers offer day-care activities and solutions to support and provide experts advice to families with dementia. The project is implemented at the regional level, where 25 municipalities start monitoring the conditions and impacts of dementia in the region. As dementia is a prevalent and identifiable condition, affected families need help and support at the widest possible level.

  • The preventive geriatric – the new issue of the XXI-st Century

    The ageing is the global phenomenon, it is main more difficult financial and social
    problem for modern societies. If we accepted the ageing = disease identity, this does not
    help solving the problem, it increases cost only. It is still high number of people over the
    age of 65 in hospital inpatient departments. A change of view is needed. The aging is
    regarded as a decompensation process, which has parts and interventions possibilities. If
    we intervene in the downturns of the decompensation process with appropriate means,
    decompensation can be reduced; life-years in health can be increased. The goal is to
    preserve self-sufficiency as much as possible. Should be system established, because in
    other way this will be for profit service only. We have reviewed the major experiments that
    have taken place in the world and seem appropriate to handle the issue properly. However
    in order to achieve results, necessary change not only the structure bat also the attitudes.

  • Competitive attitudes and psychological and somatic health in old age

    For a long time, competition in old age has not been a focus of interest for researchers because none of the psychological theories of aging assumed that the motivation to compete persists in old age. The two most prevalent models, the so-called "Deficit Model" (Cumming & Henry, 1961) and the so-called "Integrated Personality Model" (Erikson, 1963), have previously held that the psychological conditions for competition are not present in old age.  In contrast, the concept of successful aging (Baltes, 1990), introduced as a consequence of the steady increase in life expectancy, assumes that goals, aspirations, and desires survive into old age.

  • An overview of primary health care in geriatric and need of care intervention (A comparative study of Czech Republic, Sweden, and Canada)

    This researche is aiming to evaluate the care interventions and approaches for the ageing population in different countries and their perspective of geriatric care. Quality assurance and workforce development the monitoring supervision and evaluation of care progression is very demanding for the sustainable delivery of care and frequent trainings and education of healthcare professionals develop quality geriatric care.

  • Időskori életminőség, jóllét és idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdök vizsgálata

    Az idősödés folyamatának megélése számos tényezőtől függ, ilyen például az egészségi állapot, a társas kapcsolatok, az életünk során kitűzött célok teljesítése, életünk értelmének beteljesítése, az élettel való elégedettség, a jóllét vagy az életminőség. Az idősödés veszteség modellje szerint az idősödés negatív folyamatként, veszteségek sorozataként értelmezhető. (Lampek és Rétsági, 2015) Ezzel szemben a sikeres idősödés pedig új erőforrások kialakítására képes viselkedésmintázatnak tekinthető, magában hordozza a rugalmasságot, pozitív életszemléletet és a személyes fejlődés lehetőségét egyaránt (Baltes, Smith és Staudinger, 2000; Kerekes, 2013). A jóllét konstruktuma számos tényezőt foglal magában, úgy az általános jóllétet (fizikai, lelki, szociális jólléthez szükséges feltételek megléte), mint a szubjektív jóllétet (egyén érzése, hogy a feltételek mennyire elégítik ki saját belső igényeit) vagy az érzelmeket. Az életminőség magában foglalja a fizikális állapotot, testi jóllétet, a pszichés állapotot, a szubjektív jóllétet, valamint a szociális tevékenységet a társadalomban. Az életminőség és a jóllét fogalmakat gyakran azonos értelemben is használják. (Koós, 2018; Kopp és Martos, 2011; Szántó és mts., 2016)

    Számos kérdőíves lehetőség van a jóllét és az életminőség felmérésére. Kérdéses, hogy az idősekkel kapcsolatos kutatások során mely kérdőíveket célszerű használni, melyek szolgálhatnak többletinformációval vagy épp melyek mérnek nagyon hasonló konstrutumokat. Két kutatásban többek között az idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdök, valamint a jóllét és az
    időskori életminőség kapcsolatát vizsgáltuk, illetve azt, hogy a jóllétet mérő kérdőívek közül melyik alkalmazása lehet a legcélravezetőbb.

    1. Kutatás
    Az 1. kutatásban (N=110; 24 férfi és 86 nő; életkor: 65-97 év; önellátók és idősotthonban élők; papír alapú kérdőív) többek között az idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdök (AAQ – Attitudes to Agening Questionnaire, magyar nyelvű validáció: Tróznai és Kullmann, 2007), az élettel való elégedettség (SWLS – Satisfaction With Life Scale, magyar nyelvű validáció: Martos és mts., 2014) és az életstílus elégedettség (LSS – Lifestyle Satisfaction Scale, Cambell A, Converse PE. és Rodgers WL, 1976) mérésére szolgáló kérdőíveket használtuk. Az élettel való elégedettség és az életstílus elégedettség egy adott személy életminőségének szubjektív kognitív értékelése, a pozitív életminőség, a lelki egészség, szubjektív jóllét összetevője. Az idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdök mérésére kidolgozott kérdőív három alskálát mér: a pszichológiai növekedés alskála az egész életen át tartó fejlődés lehetőségét fogalmazza meg, az élet pozitívumaira kérdez rá, a fizikai változás alskála az időskorban bekövetkező testi működésre, annak változásaira kérdez rá, míg a pszichoszociális veszteség alskála a pszichés és szociális veszteségeket foglalja magában, az idősödésre, mint negatív élményre kérdez rá.

    Az eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy mind az élettel való elégedettség, mind pedig az életstílus elégedettség esetében hasonló mértékű és irányú kapcsolat van az idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdök alskáláival, magasabb fokú elégedettség és jóllét esetén inkább növekedésként élik meg az idősödést. Az életstílus elégedettség skála túlzottan magas belső konzisztenciája arra utal, hogy az idős válaszadóknál nem különültek el az egyes dimenziók, a kérdéseket nagyon hasonlónak ítélték meg a válaszadók, így az egyes dimenziók nem szolgálnak többletinformációval idős válaszadók esetében. Ezen kívül az élettel való elégedettség skálával magas korrelációja miatt nem érdemes mindkét kérdőívet használni egy vizsgálaton belül.

    2. Kutatás
    A 2. kutatásban (N=450 fő; 174 férfi és 276 nő; életkor: 60-91 év; önellátók; papír alapú és online kérdőív) az idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdök (AAQ) és az élettel való elégedettség (SWLS) mellett a jóllét (WHO-WBI – Well-Being Index, magyar nyelvű validáció: Susánszky és mts., 2006) és az időskori életminőség (WHOQOL-OLD – Quality of Life, Tróznai és Kullmann, 2007; The WHOQOL-OLD module – manual, 2006) mérésére szolgáló kérdőíveket használtuk. Az időskori életminőséget mérő kérdőív hat alskála, témakör mentén méri fel a jóllétet időskorban: az érzékelési képesség, az autonómia, a múltbeli-jelenbeli-jövőben tervezett tevékenységek, a közösségben való részvétel, a halál és haldoklás továbbá az intimitás megélése.

    Az eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy mind az élettel való elégedettség, mind pedig a jóllét esetében hasonló erősségű és irányú kapcsolat van az idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdök kérdőív alskáláival, valamint az időskori életminőség kérdőív alskáláival. Magasabb fokú elégedettség, jóllét, autonómia, a közösségben való nagyobb mértékű részvétel esetén inkább növekedésként élik meg az idősödést, míg az egyre nagyobb mértékű érzékszervi hanyatlás és a haláltól-haldoklástól való nagyobb mértékű félelem esetén inkább veszteségként élik meg az idősödést. Ezen kívül a magasabb fokú autonómia, elfoglaltság, a közösségben való nagyobb mértékű részvétel magasabb fokú jólléttel és elégedettséggel jár együtt, illetve a haláltól-haldoklástól való nagyobb mértékű félelem esetében a legkisebb a jóllét és elégedettség érzése. A jóllét skálának az élettel való elégedettség skálával való magas korrelációja miatt ugyanakkor nem érdemes mindkét kérdőívet használni egy vizsgálaton belül.
    A két kutatás eredménye alapján a felhasznált három, szubjektív jóllétet mérő kérdőív közül elegendő egy használata az idősödés megélésének vizsgálatakor, míg az időskori életminőséget mérő kérdőív további szempontokkal tudja gazdagítani a vizsgálatokat az idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdöket mérő kérdőív mellett.

    Baltes P.B., Smith J., Staudinger U.M. (2000): Bölcsesség és a sikeres öregedés. In: Czigler I. (szerk.): Túl a fiatalságon: megismerési folyamatok időskorban. Akadémiai Kiadó.
    Campbell, A., Converse P. E., Rodgers W. L. (1976). The Quality of American Life. New York: Russel Sage Foundation.
    Kerekes Zs. (2013): Idősödő személyiség és fejlődés. In: Kállai J., Kaszás B, Tiringer I. (szerk.): Az időskorúak egészségpszichológiája. Medicina Kiadó, Budapest. 105-118.
    Koós T. (2018): A jóllét mérésének lehetőségei és az egészséggel kapcsolatos populációs mérések. Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Államkutatási és Fejlesztési Intézet, Államreform Központ
    Kopp M., Martos T. (2011): A társadalmi összjóllét jelentősége és vizsgálatának lehetőségei a mai magyar társadalomban I. Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika 12 (2011) 3, 241-259.
    Lampek K., Rétsági E. (2015): Egészséges idősödés – az egészségfejlesztés lehetőségei időskorban. Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egészségtudományi Kar
    Martos T., Désfalvi J., Ittzés A., Sallay V., Szabó T. (2014): Az Élettel való Elégedettség Skála magyar változatának (SWLS-H) pszichometriai jellemzői. Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika 15 (2014) 3, 289-303.
    Susánszky É., Konkoly-Thege B., Stauder A., Kopp M. (2006): A WHO Jól-lét Kérdőív rövidített (WBI-5) Magyar változatának validálása a HUNGAROSTUDY 2002 országos lakossági egészségfelmérés alapján. Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika 7 (2006) 3, 247-255
    Szántó Zs., Susánszky É., Berényi Z., Sipos Flórián, Murányi I. (2016): A jól-lét fogalmának értelmezése az európai szakirodalomban (2009–2014). Metszetek Vol. 5 (2016) No. 1, 16-46.
    Tróznai T., Kullmann L. (2007): Az idős emberek életminőségének és idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdjeinek vizsgálata. LAM 2007;17(2):137–143.

  • The role of urban green spaces in the well-being of people with dementia and their carers

    The aim of our empirical research was to explore how walking in green spaces in urban neighbourhoods contributes to the well-being of people with dementia and their informal carers. The study involved 3 caregiver – care recipient dyads, with carers keeping diary entries of regular walks together for a month (April-May 2021). In addition to the diary writing, carers completed a quantitative questionnaire as part of their research, in which they assessed their own and their relative's mental and mood state and their interaction before, during and after the walk. Based on the assessments of the questionnaires received from the 39 walks, results showed significant improvements in mental state and mood for both carers and cared-for persons, as well as in the way their dyads interacted with each other as a result of the walk. This trend was also supported and explained by the textual content of the diary entries. Thus, our small sample study was able to demonstrate that in the case of the caregiver – care recipient dyads we studied, a walk in an urban green environment had a positive effect on the mood and mental state of both partners, as well as on their cooperation. The significance of our results is that they support the role of urban green spaces in health promotion among chronic patients and their informal caregivers in a national sample: walking in nature can thus be considered a low-cost, generally positive and relatively easy and accessible intervention with a high impact.

  • Meaning for the years – thoughts about the social and human science gerontology

    The study consists of a theoretical and a practical part. Relying on the relevant literature and
    the practice of the world’s developed countries, the theoretical part outlines the social
    problems arising as a result of the increasing life expectancy. At the same time it seeks to find
    possibilities of solutions to these problems. It clarifies the notions of ageing and retirement
    age, Life Long Learning, and within this, the beneficial health effects of language learning. In
    addition, this part of the study introduces useful forms of activities that make sense and have
    meaning late in life. The empirical part describes the results of a survey made in Miskolc
    before the conference of gerontology in November 2017.

  • Bölcs öregedés az életút alkonyán

    The study highlights what impression the quality of our life history has on our elderly ourselves. With this complex presentation of the aging process, a more nuanced diagnosis could be made about the versatility of ageing, thus more effective prevention and care programs could be carried out. The recognition and application of the positive philosophy of life outlined in the study contribute to maintaining good mental health of the elderly.

    Practical relevance. The results of the research can be primarily utilzed in care institutions, nursing homes and retirement clubs. It can effectively help the physical, spiritual and mental care of elderly people and help them accept their problematic life situation. The study might be utilized in practice on elementary and intermediate andragogy trainings and on vocational courses (social worker, specialist nurse, therapist).

  • Ensuring people's welfare in later life: lessons from Italy in pandemic times

    INRCA IRCCS (National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing), Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, Italy

    Key words: residential care, home-based care, migrant carers, COVID-19

         In this presentation, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Italian long-term care system will be illustrated, taking specifically into consideration two of its main pillars: residential care and home-based care.

    To this purpose, in the introduction the main features of the Italian system will be presented in detail. They include the overwhelming role of cash benefits over the rather marginal presence of in-kind services, and the use of such cash benefits by households to employ, on a private – and often undeclared – basis, care workers, who very often have a migrant background.  

    Following the introductory section, the impact of the pandemic on the Italian system will be analysed, in terms of hospitalisations, casualties and other effects on both residential and home-based care sectors. This will include an overview of the main challenges experienced by both care recipients and providers, as well as of the main measures adopted by public authorities to address them.

    Finally, the contribution will conclude by highlighting the main lessons emerging from the Italian experience, and identifying the main recommendations for the future.

  • Alzheimer's disease in the context of social work from the perspective of family caregivers

    In the context of rising quality of life and improving living conditions, as well as improving health care, people are now living to a higher age than in the past. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in European countries. As a result of the development of the disease, individuals are often dependent on the help and care of other people, in most cases family members. This care interferes with the functioning of the family, so monitoring the needs and assistance for family members is essential.

  • Activity in old age, active and successfull aging

    Background and aims: The aim of our research was to qualitatively examine the attitudes of older people towards aging, the activity available and implemented from it, their community involvement, and their lay perceptions and opinions of successful aging.
    Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted during the research, and the interviews were evaluated by content analysis.
    Results an discussion: According to the elderly, successful aging mainly requires physical or mental health, maintaining activity, an active lifestyle, a positive outlook on life, a good family environment, social relationships, financial security, goals, motivation, successful life, advance planning, and social support.