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  • The Examinati on of Buying Habits in the Case of Hungarian Food Products

    Hungarian customers have become more price sensiti ve and more conscious and their shopping occasions have become bett er planned as a result of the world economic depression. The freshness of the product, the price level, and the choice of goods have remained important aspects when choosing the place of shopping, but the signifi cance of special off ers and price reducti ons has increased for customers. Our research fi ndings show that one goes shopping less
    frequently than a couple of years earlier. The decrease of the frequency of shopping also means that the scope of shops visited has become wider; the customer is willing to go farther for a bargain; the convenience of shopping plays a secondary role. Because of go-around shopping customer royalty has fallen and customer spending has spread thin over shops.

  • Family Roles and the Factors Influencing Purchases in the Case of Detergents

    In our paper we examined the detergent purchase decisions, consumer behaviour and the Hungarian adult female population’s related role. After reviewing the relevant literature we conducted a field research, the most important findings of which can be found in this article. Our paper focuses not only on the purchase decision roles within the family, but also on the examination of consumer behaviour related to detergent purchase also considering preferences, price sensitivity, and the attitude towards novel detergents. We also expand upon the effects of the external social environment exerted on families.

  • The Examinati on of Chocolate Consumpti on in Jászság among Young People in their Twenti es

    Nowadays hyper- and supermarkets, which have been opening by the dozen, have been off ering various price ranges and fl avour categories of chocolate for customers. Apart from premium quality chocolate, they also off er their own brands. According to Hungarian manufacturers and retailers in the last couple of years a positi ve shift can be observed towards quality chocolates, fi rst of all chocolate fi gure products made from milk chocolate and exclusive desserts that are
    bought in large quanti ti es despite their high prices. What factors (price, fl avour, and brand) and to what extent infl uence our choice of products? The aim of my paper has been to reveal and analyse the chocolate buying habits of young people in their twenti es.

  • Tracebility in vojvodina's spice prepper production

    The spice paprika production has a tradition in our region; however there is a risk that due to the price competition products with dubious origin or lower quality might be included into the supply chain. This could be resolved using product-traceability in the most effective way, which is also supported by legislation. Processing plants operate such food safety and quality management systems that are strongly committed towards implementation of the product traceability systems. However, we have experienced that some spice paprika processors operate their management system an “island-like” manner: there is no cooperation with other spice paprika processing companies in the field of procurement and transparency. We believe that could be beneficial to establish a public traceability system/database for buyers in order to prove the product origin in a transparent manner. It would be worth for spice paprika producers the LocalG.A.P program/standard issued by the Food Plus to be revised for spice paprika cultivation, with this standardized and comparable food-safety and traceability criteria could be reached for producers. There is a need for such an independent, non-profit association in order to realize all of that, which could elaborate and continually develop the production criteria by experts, as well as could be overseen and managed the traceability related database.

  • Licensed traditional small-scale producer or food processing? – The situation in Vojvodina

    World tendency is that the food production is concentrating (although the animal husbandry practices in family farms relatively high yet in Vojvodina). Meanwhile there is a demand for such food products that are not uniform, which are special, local specialties. In the case of such products the higher price level is also achievable. Agricultural producers with low educational level in Vojvodina that are sidelined from industrial production, which yet – by the way – knows the food processing technics from their ancestors, the primary food processing could be mean a good alternative to supplement their income, of course besides appropriate authority control. The relation between the agricultural product prices and the food prices is very loose nowadays; the agricultural product prices do not have significant effect on the product prices. Food vendors can make higher profit then food manufacturers or their primary commodity manufacturers (Buday-Santha, 2011). The producers could be used this market gap in order to create a more livable area for themselves. As Mrs. Szörényi (2011) stated, the economically sustainable rural area is feasible among others with increasing of income generation. However despite to that the Vojvodian rural area and the Serbian legislation do not recognize sufficiently the concept of primary food manufacture. Agricultural actors unexperienced in the field of food safety are found difficult to cope with this situation. As long as they want to sell their products in processed form (not dairy product), in that case they have to establish a food processing plant. In order to resolve this, the Hungarian primary food manufacture regulation could be a good example, which involves the relevant regulations related to control and taxes too.

  • Consumer etnocentrism in aspect of trade marks

    In the last few years a new tendency seems to stand out: Hungarian products are in vogue, more than ever. This tendency overwhelming the whole society so much, that it could not be unnoted. All type of products printed with kitschy Hungarian motives, even at the post office you are surrounded with “Hungarian products” when queuing. What is the reason for the popularity of Hungarian products? Why we are sticked to our nationality so much nowadays? It is just a drug for us or there much more behind the scenes? One thing is sure: the market reacting very intensively and fast to this “national” need. In our paper we try to find answers to all these questions. We examine the role of trademarks and try to segment the market by the ethnocentrism of consumers. 


    Nowadays, our country is characterized by active monetary and fiscal political decisions, however, the crisis caused by the coronavirus and the Russian-Ukrainian war and its inflationary consequences would lead the economic policy decisions in the opposite direction, which is unsustainable in the long term. In my study, I examined the relationship between fiscal and monetary policy and the labor impact of the economic crisis based on macroeconomic data, the Hungarian National Bank, and European Union forecasts. Significant progress was made in economic policy after 2010, thanks to which there was a fiscal balance and monetary policy ensured price stability, the labor market situation showed a gradually improving trend in recent years. The independent but constructive harmony between the two economic policy sub-areas after 2013 resulted in a permanent improvement of the macroeconomic processes of our country. However, the emerging crisis situation required a quick reaction, which fundamentally changed the short-term economic policy goals. Thanks to the consistency of monetary and fiscal policy, the Hungarian economy performed well even in the pandemic period compared to the European Union average. In the emergency situation caused by the coronavirus and the war, economic policy has found itself in a difficult situation, recovery from the crisis justifies economic recovery, while monetary tightening is needed to curb inflationary difficulties.

  • Agricultural Insurance Market a New Solution of Marketing and Environment Protection

    The agricultural mitigation fund operating deficit expanded in 2012 to a price support for agricultural insurance business helped construct. (Figure 1). The legislai on aims to provide a wide range of farmers’ risk community to organize and strengthen the aff ected self-care responsibility. The new extended two-level agricultural risk management system in 2012 and 2013 were not used in the full amount. Further disseminai on of this 2014 novel possibility of a major issue in the insurance market. We have to examine how market pari cipants are informed and how to better disseminate of marketing solutions?


    This paper highlights the philosophical and sociological aspects of safety and the economic aspects of security. Although catastrophic potential inherent in (post-)modern risks is not the main cause of the rise of security debates nowadays, these have only gone viral as universal societal problems in the late 20th and the early 21st centuries. Actually, political discourse has always operated with the safety concept from the Roman rhetors to modern state leadership, often using it for manipulative purposes. Security-focused policy campaigns target the ancient, visceral fear of deaths like magic, rites, and religions providing false promises to satisfy our desire for safety. However, this desire shares the utopian character with such notions like freedom, equality or justice: all of them are unattainable. No government or institution can guarantee our safety but our security. While safety is a public or private good which is not for sale as it only has an ideal value, security is a common ware which has its price. Security is the economic aspect of safety. It is a commonplace that safety is costly, but lack of safety could be even more costly. Measuring costs of lacking safety and willingness-to-pay for security measures are crucial for the economic aspects of  safety.