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  • Ideas for Connecting Rural Communities

    People may feel alone, especially in the rural parts of modern countries. They may be unemployed or undereducated, or they can have a job and a family. One can find fewer entertainment or other cultural possibilities in a rural area. Connecting those who are disconnected can help them be better members of a community and of a church. The presenters represent two countries (USA and Hungary). It is evident that local USA communities have better internal connections than communities in Hungary. Helping people connect will help them feel important! Here is some useful advice and observations in order to improve the results of the rural communities: choose a logo or slogan (or both) for the community, survey local people, publish a local guidebook, promote local traditions, provide opportunities to participate and learn, provide „best practises”.

  • The Implementation of a Crucial Project in Jászladány by the European Union

    Highlighting the importance of the aids given by the European Union we are discussing the question of by which resources a project can be realized and what goals they have to meet. Within it we focus on the implementation of a specific project, the Social Reformation Operational Programme (Code number: TÁMOP – 5.3.6-11/1) complex settlement programme (ensuring a complex human service access) through the example of Jászladány. The aim of the research is to demonstrate with the help of the project how the European Union contributes not only to the economic and social development of the country, but also helps to change the European Union's citizens’ personal life and attitudes.


    One of today’s most important social and economic phenomena is the fourth industrial revolution, the effect of which is that digitalization can significantly transform business processes. The corporate controlling area cannot avoid transformation either, its methods and tools will change. Just as controlling itself, its changes can also differ between sectors, especially in the extremely diverse service sector. The aim of the research is to examine, on a domestic sample, whether there are differences in this respect between companies with a main commercial activity and the rest of the service sector. The data of the questionnaire research conducted with 46 controllers and managers were evaluated by means of cross-tabulations, averages and statistical tests. There are no differences in the digital development of the key performance indicators that form the basis of controller work, in the use of ERP systems, automation solutions and language algorithms. In the commercial group of the sample, the use of business intelligence tools providing advanced planning and analysis options is significantly more common. The two groups of the sample do not differ in terms of the factors encouraging the digitalization of the controlling area, but the companies with a commercial main activity differ in terms of the importance of the factors hindering the process: they are more averse to new technologies, more afraid of their usual positions, but perceive the financial aspects of the development to be less important.


    The change of The change of regime resulted in significant changes in the life of the Hungarian rural areas; while the rural income of Hungary used to be world-class, after the change of regime it became incredibly low. Accession to the European Union and the European rural policy opened new aspects for rural areas and the people living there. The study presents the sociodemographic and farming characteristics of families receiving EU subsidies in the Southern Great Plain Region 15 years after the EU accession.

  • The Role of Fair Trade Products in Hungarian Retail Trade

    The expression ‘fair trade’ may have many interpretations. In economics it means an ‘untraditional’ form of trade. It means a trade partnership, which is different from the usual interpretation of international trade. The real primary aim of fair trade is to ensure a predictable and sustainable, long-term development under more advantageous conditions for underprivileged producers and to introduce fair trade products into the trading systems of developed, ‘northern’ countries. Trade becomes ‘fair’ when it hinders the destruction and the exploitation of human and natural resources and in this interest it achieves the modificati on of standards and it does not intend to change the structure of traditional international trade. Fair trade refers to a special approach of commercial activity, which gives priority to the needs of producers with the help of a new producer – vendor agreement.

  • Transformation processes in the development of education in Russia

    This paper discusses the improvement of education in the Russian Federation in the period of transformation and modernization of the economy and social sphere and the direction of development of the resource potential, financial security and social and public administration in the learning domain. 


    The aim of the article is to present the tourism as a potential developing phenomenon of the rural areas. The positive impacts of the tourism on the economy and appear in connection with the labour market and the investments. Tourism can have a postive effect on the health condtions of the citizens, mostly because of the increase of the sporting activity level. The employees formerly employed by the agricultural sector can easier move to the service sector because of the development of the rural areas.

  • Innovative aspects of tourism development in Russia

    The author applies three main approaches to examine the tourism development in Russia, which has a variety of climatic zones and rich tourist resources, namely, cluster, special economic zones and targetoriented approaches. The specifi city of their implementati on is further observed at regional level. Conclusions and recommendations are aimed at performance improvement of the tourism industry.

  • Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility in Hungary

    The concept of corporate responsibilty has been around for many decades, yet its application and supplantation into practical usage has not been highly successful in Hungary. This study is an assessment of recent developments and the current performance of companies.

  • Results of a participatory action research in Mezőcsát, in the Northern part of Hungary

    Participatory action research could be a tool for strengthening rural areas, it could help the process of integrated rural development based on endogenous resources. This is a good method for rethinking the local and the wider interests and relationships in a changing social and economic environment. As a result there could be a practical solution at the end. This research can generate new interaction between local people, thus ensuring better communication and more successful cooperation. After introducing the tools of participatory action research this paper presents the first steps and results of a participatory action research which has started in Mezőcsát in the Northern part of Hungary. The aim of the research is to find real solutions to real problems (eg. unemployment) defined by inhabitants. Outcomes of this research are a stronger community in Mezőcsát and mapping a possible enterprise built on local resources.


    Eco Currently we witness the exciting period in life of the esports, which seems to have received considerable attention even among this extraordinary season caused by the COVID-19. Although referring to the status of games (way of sports), such as Fortnite, DOTA2, Overwatch, LOL, etc together with its competitions, competitors and its follow up became quite common, the profession so far seems to neglect dealing with the social and organizational background of that, also with the development possibilities. The methodology of this essay is, through secondary analysis made during the discussion of the professional literature, is empirical qualitative interview method, which was carried out among professional organizations, sportsmen, and by doing this we sought to answer the question: What is the current national state of this sport, what difficulties, prospects characterize even individuals and organizations in this sphere, also including social specifications. Results point out that numerous changes should be desirable equally from the organizational and social side.

  • The Role of Foreign Capital in the Competitiveness of the Hungarian Economy

    Capital is needed for development, the catch-up with the developed countries, creating and boosting competitiveness, which may come from internal and external sources. Our internal resources have always been limited and still are, so we have to resort to external resources, too. The external source can be a foreign credit, a grant, an aid, and foreign direct investment. Foreign capital has been and still is indispensible in the various stages of our economic development.

  • Is migration hindering or assisting economic development? An analysis of international experiences

    The economic and political transition taking place in Central-East Europe has brought about a lot of changes the consequences of which make an impact – among others – on the working conditions, income levels and general living conditions of the population. These changes helped to open up the economy as well as society and made it possible to enjoy a feeling of freedom in several realms of life. The question is how the individual is able to exploit this freedom in his own life situation? Of the possibilities brought by the EU accession in 2004, internal migration is getting more and more significant. Is this a new phenomenon characteristic of only Europe and why has it increased so much in the past decade? The issue of emigration must be tackled from several aspects of which I will focus on three in my present paper. These are the necessity of finding employment abroad, the options of the individual worker and the policies of the host country in assisting settlement of the immigrant. Earlier this year, with the help of a TEMPUS grant, I had the opportunity to take a study trip in Belgium specialising in this topic. I would also like to share the experiences of this one-week program with you.

  • The Air Transport Capability of the Hungarian Defence Forces up to Now, Future Development Opportunities

    The accession to the NATO presented new challenges to the Hungarian Defence Forces. In order to meet the requirements of the federal obligations, besides the protection of the state we must take a role also in conflict areas even thousands of miles away from Hungary. One of the basic conditions to achieve this, is that the forces offered need to arrive at the right area of application at the right time in a cost-effective way. The purpose of this article is to present an overview on how the Hungarian Defence Forces are able to meet these requirements. An important matter is whether the air transport capacity should be provided by our own capabilities or by other (civil or military) sources. In order to answer this question I am going to analyse the processes which have influenced the development of air transport capacity over the last 10-15 years.

  • International agreements in the area of tourism

    It is not a secret that tourism plays an important role in the development of not just any specific country but the global economy in general. It also promotes urban development in such sensitive areas as coasts and islands, increased water consumption and waste production, fragmentation of habitats and loss of biological diversity. Tourism industry is also one of the reasons behind higher demand for transportation, particularly those types that damage the environment most – personal vehicles and aircraft. “In 2005 in Europe, about 59% of the tourists arrived to their destination by car, 34% by airplane”. According to UNWTO International Tourism Barometer, the international tourism was growing at the rate of 5% in the first nine months of 2013. The key driving force behind this growth is Europe (mainly Central and Eastern Europe) and Asia-Pacific region. Thus, tourism, while playing a truly significant role in the global economy, at the same time causes major damage to the environment. Hence the urgent need to eliminate negative consequences of tourism activities. This can be done by promptly regulating the activities of agents in this area. However, due to the global value of tourism, this process requires not just the local regulators getting involved, but joint effort by many countries. Therefore, international agreements between countries as the primary regulators of tourism activities are becoming increasingly important.

  • The Encouragement of Household Savings

    Savings are important not only for the individual, but also for the macro economy because the macro economy can only finance expansion investments from savings. Savings constitute an important element in the development of lending activity. However there is a connection between the development of income and savings. Our research team examined the importance and the role of savings and self-care for households considering the current difficult economic and financial situation. Currently a primary research is being carried out in the form of a questionnaire in the course of which households are asked about their saving habits and assets structure.


    Special literature sources have been discussing the concept of sustainability and the feasibility options only for about three decades. Sustainable development has several definitions; it is defined both in narrow and wider sense. The definition of sustainability is regarded inevitable because the sustainability of agriculture can be interpreted only within this fixed conceptual framework. Our study is primarily dealing with issues of sustainability in farming practices being peculiar to countries, regions of the European Union. In frames of current research, we are providing the analysis of the ability to produce value added within the agricultural sector, the intensity of farming, the non-renewable external input use, farm structure as well as the European-level relations being directed towards the preservation of land productivity.

  • The Regional Features of Tourism in Russia: the Formation of Clusters

    In the present study we draw attention to the urgency of the problem related to the formation of tourism clusters. Then we describe the current state and the specific features of the object of study. We expand upon the scientific basis of the proposed research methodology. Finally we offer recommendations on the practical application of the expected results. The organizational model of the regional tourist cluster based on a two-element core, in the case of its practical
    application will improve the efficiency of the formation and development of clusters in a variety of service industries, and adapt them to the high variability of the environment. The improvement of scientific and methodological tools, the connection of economic and administrative resources provide a solid foundation for the development of the tourism sector, increase the investment activity of economic entities and increase the investment attractiveness of the economy at the regional level of government.

  • The opportunity of the agricultural training in the southern parts of Heves county

    The role and significance of education and vocational training are unquestionable. It is essential for the development of the region to have educated residents. Skills that can be acquired on compulsory and optional courses are important for agricultural activities. It is visible from the data of the 8 observed settlements that the number of submitted applications is low and most of the submitted applications are related to compulsory trainings. The increase of the number of people participating in the training could have a significant role in the development of the region since it would result in extra income as a complementary activity.

  • Differential supply management by age in hotel tourism products

    In the development of hotel product strategies, the proportion of diversification and differentiation is a major decision that the hotel offers a wider range of services, which will help to find most suitable for guests, or narrows down its targeted segments and provides them with specific supply elements. One segmentation aspect could be the age of guests. The most prominent and identifiable age group in the supply is the senior, which has always been important for hotels. They have the off-season demand, predictable and well-known needs, their satisfaction is easily accessible. The research is looking for the answer to the question of whether the hotels have the opportunity of acquire the senior segment and what are the special features of the products recommended for them. Parts related to the topic of tourism marketing literature have been reduced to the accommodation services in the secondary information processing section of this paper. This is followed by the identification of the segment's booking and residence habits. Primary analysis of supply will be by observation of collecting and comparing the hotels' offerings to senior guests

  • The Role of the so Called “Alternative Animal Species” (Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Poultry, Rabbit) and their Products in the Regional Farming

    traditi ons in each region. In addition, nowadays the infl uence of the so called invasive species is also decisive. The eff orts to protect the farming environment and the range of products have renewed those needs that return to the past traditi ons. Some examples of animal races and species are living their renaissance: jersey and hoary catt le, “coloured” pigs (black and white belted pigs, Cornwall, Berkshire) There are getti ng also importance some parti ally forgott en sheep, goat, Hungarian hen, Hungarian giant rabbit and other species. The process is widened with the products manufactured from the menti oned animal species and the marketi ng: rural tourism, events, meeti ngs and rural development. This way, the special quality regional artisan products will enhance the development of a region; will sati sfy the export necessities, and enrich the product scale with diff erent “regional tastes”.

  • Innovative aspects of tourism development in Russia

    The author applies three main approaches to examine the tourism development in Russia, which has a variety of climai c zones and rich tourist resources, namely, cluster, special economic zones and target-oriented approaches. The specifi city of their implementai on is further observed at regional level. Conclusions and recommendai ons are aimed at performance improvement of the tourism industry.

  • Controller szerepkör és szaktudás változása az Ipar 4.0 hatására

    The aim of my publication is to introduce the foundation and development of controller’s role in respect to the recent changes in the last 10 years due to implementation of Industry 4.0. This is connected to the exponential development of information technology, what made possible to store, proceed and analyze much more data (Big Data) than ever before. The new business information (BI) systems help reporting and analysis processes with interactive dashboard-based reports. New possibilities opened also in forecasting, due to more available data and higher computer capacities, where forecasting algorithms can be run rapidly and so more frequently, and more accurate forecasts can be prepared. The changes of course influence the requested professional skills and the role of the controllers in the companies, what I demonstrate in more details in my paper. At the end of my publication, I introduce the results of my empirical questioner based research about requested IT knowledge of controllers and their connection with automatization of company’s controlling processes.


    The central thought of this article is the relationship between the stability of public finances and the sustainable economic development of the country. The paper aims to find an answer to the question to what extent the outer and inner conditions of the social and economic functioning have contributed to, and hindered the domestic development in the quarter of the century after the change of the regime. The article proves that stability and growth are predisposed to strengthen each other. In absence of financial stability, we cannot talk about competitiveness as a prerequisite for the sustainability of growth, or in a wider sense, the realization of the public good. The latter can be observed basically in the fact that the interests of financial stability and growth are in equilibrium and the satisfaction of socio economic needs is realized in the frame defined by them.

  • A change in the organizational role of controllers – the Hungarian situation based on a questionnaire survey

    Based on the literature, the author presents the development of the corporate controlling function, its basic tasks, and the development of the role of the controller. Based on the results of the literature, a questionnaire survey was conducted among Hungarian controllers and managers. Based on the answers of the respondents, the author gives an idea of ​​the situation of the work of controller. According to the results of the descriptive, non-representative, guiding research, the respondents think about the ideal role of controlling similarly to those described in the literature, but it differs from those experienced during work. Controllers mainly take the role of reporters in the organizations of respondents, the roles of decision supporter navigators and advanced business partners are less frequent. Respondents tend to agree that the future may bring changes to controller tasks, and their role will be strengthened.