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  • The characteristics of the Hungarian cafeteria system examined in the context of changes in tax laws

    The article deals with the system and function of optional fringe benefits in the Hungarian labour law as well as with the taxation rules in connection with fringe benefits. In this context, we deal firstly with the conditions of the use of the cafeteria system and present the advantages connected to them. Then, the individual regulation of different allowances which are grouped according to different criteria is analysed, with special emphasise on the changes in tax law.

    JEL classification: J32, K34

  • International Higher Education League Tables – why are the best so good?

    The study provides a comparative analysis of international higher education rankings. The article aims to analyze the role and performance of universities in today’s knowledge economy in transforming employment conditions. This paper aims to add an overview of the methodology of the global academic rankings, showing the benefits and difficulties of the creation of league tables and makes a proposal to improve the distortions. It gives a detailed empirical analysis of the countries’ results based on a comparison of three rankings. Hypothesis: the performance of countries with an English native language is better because of the particularities arising from the methodology, since the results obtained from research databases involved in measurements are primarily English-language publications and their citations, and furthermore the majority of the most prestigious journals appear in English.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: I21, P52

  • Economic stimulus effects of the Hungarian Lending for Growth Scheme

    This paper examines the impacts of the Hungarian Lending for Growth Scheme (LFS), focusing primarily on its effects on GDP in the short and medium run. Since such a tool has not been applied before in Hungary, the Hungarian literature on its effects is narrow. Accordingly, the point of reference could only be the international experience, which considers these tools effective. The empirical analysis presented in this paper also underpins this conclusion. That is, according to the results, the LFS may significantly stimulate both aggregate demand and aggregate supply. On the other hand, the LFS implies an asymmetric intertemporal trade-off as a result of which there is a negative effect in the long run. This is, however, considerably smaller than are the positive effects in the short-run.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: E51, E52

  • Intraindustrial trade in the light of theoretical explanations and empirical investigations

    The Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model regarde as a modern theory of trade, dominant for more than a quarter of a century had to face more and more challenges in the second half of the 20th century. It seemed that the 2*2*2 (product-factor-country) model, which assumed perfect competition, constant return to scale and homgeneous products and whose elegance was rooted in its simplicity, could not offer appropriate answers for the explanation of empirical facts in two significant areas. The conclusion of the model, namely that countries will have a comparatvie advantage in the productions of goods for which they use factors of production relatively abundant in the country, was first questioned by the Leontief paradox and later by the empirical facts of intraindustrial trade. The study focuses on this latter phenomenon. In the first part it presents and classifies the major theoretical models of the phenomenon, and in the second it discusses, on the basis of empirical surveys in this field, the most important factors influencing intraindustrial trade.

  • Eras and watertsheds in business informatics

    The history of business informatics csan be described as a consequence of specific periods. The separation and the analysis of these period may help in understanding the logic of industry development and to identify key future trends. The study summarizes the criteria which can be used for the identification of specific periods and describes important approaches to development analysis. The unfolding of a new period can be an important turning point in the life of industry players: general condition change, consequently the nature of competition can become radically different. The study concludes with an analysis of the present state of the industry with some expected future trends.

  • A többszintű kormányzás kifejlődése a regionális politikában - tanulságok az Észak-alföldi régióból

    A tanulmány a magyar regionális politika terén kialakult partnerséget és kapcsolati hálót elemzi az Északalföldi régió példáján. Megvizsgálja, hogy a kapcsolatok alakulását mennyire kényszerítette ki az európai uniós rendszerekhez való alkalmazkodás nyomása. A hálózatépítés a legtöbb szervezetben bevált alkalmazkodási stratégia. Az esettanulmányként választott régióban a szervezetek kapcsolathálója nem egyenletes: egyes szereplők centrális helyzete mellett másoknak csak kevéssé sikerült beágyazódni a kapcsolatok hálózatába. A regionális politika köz-, magán- és civil szereplői kapcsolathálójának vizsgálata során a kutatás feltárta ezek párhuzamosan folyó együttműködési és versengési formáit. A szerző legfőbb következtetése, hogy az EU-integráció által kiváltott alkalmazkodási folyamatok regionális szint alatt intézményi konfliktusokat szülnek, míg országos szinten segítették a kapcsolatok fejlődését.

  • The Marketing Concept, Market Orientation and Marketing Competencies: How are they Adopted in Small and Medium-sized Firms?

    The aim of this paper is to review the literature dealing with the marketing concept, its implementation, i.e., market orientation, marketing competencies and their effects on performance with special emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). A large number of studies have shown that, on the one hand, the lack of a conceptual marketing approach is one of the most serious problems owner-managers face in business operations and, on the other hand, marketing is recognised as one of the most important business activities essential to the survival and growth of the enterprise. According to the literature,
    the adoption of the marketing concept/market orientation in SME-s is limited, due to limited resources in finance, time and marketing competencies.

    JEL classification: L26, M14, M31

  • Fisher’s rate and ranking of investment projects

    This paper seeks to explain the formation mechanism and economic relationships of Fisher’s rate and Fisher’s intersection. The Fisher’s rate is a discount rate at which the net present values of two investment projects are equal. This information is especially important when the ranking happens according to the net present value. However, net present value is not suitable for ranking. After removing distorting effects from the net present value method (and assuming equal required rate of return) this ranking list leads to the same ranking as the internal rate of return. Consequently, the knowledge of the Fisher’s rate in business practices is irrelevant. The Fisher’s rate and the Fisher’s intersection can only have theoretical significance. The study works out the causal relationships that are necessary for existence of the intersection. Their analyses can give a better understanding of the content background of the net present value method.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: M21

  • The international competitiveness of the domestic economy: interpretations, figures and a few considerations

    Although the (improvement of) international competitiveness of the Hungarian economy is in the foreground of both the proclaimed efforts of the economic policy and that of the discussions of the trade, the fact that competitiveness at national level is a less precise term of economics with various meanings. This paper first discusses whether competitiveness at national economy level is interpretable at all. Then it examines what this notion does not mean and what it might mean. After reviewing the possible interpretations, the paper describes some of the figure of competitiveness of the domestic economy relating to a few international comparisons. Finally, it draws up some considerations as to what might and what might not be (or only with limitations) the means for the economic policiy to improve domestic competitiveness in the short and long terms.

  • The power of path dependence? State capacity and autonomy in East Central Europe during transition

    The paper examines development of state capacities and autonomy in East Central Europe during transition, and attempts to establish a relation between state characteristics and trajectories of economic transformation, especially with regard to privatisation and FDI. The assertion is that the quality of state capacities and the degree of state autonomy, although changing over time, mutually reinforces the formulating of economic policies, and hence in structural transformation. Thus, state characteristics are important determinants of transition outcome, but are themselves affected by structural economic changes.

  • Tőkepiacok nyolc új EU-tagországban – látszat- vagy valós fejlettség

    A tanulmány arra keresi a választ, hogy mi az Európai Unióhoz frissen csatlakozott, volt tervgazdaságú nyolc ország tőkepiacának valós szerepe és lehetősége. A szerző bemutatja, hogy – bár a gazdasági növekedés szempontjából kívánatos a vegyes pénzügyi közvetítés, így a bankrendszer mellett a tőkepiac hatékony működése – a pénzügyi globalizáció hatásai miatt a vizsgált országok tőzsdéinek fejlődése nem lehet párhuzamos az általános intézményrendszer mélyülésével. A tanulmány a szabványosított piacok szerepének kiemelése mellett különböző alapvető stratégiákat is elemez.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: F36, G14, G15

  • Economy of Austria

    In my article I examine a member state of the European Union, the open and federal Austria, which can be considered as an example of a corporate economy. During the reconstruction period following the Second World War the Austrian economy was characterized by a frantic economic expansion. After the oil crisis, an incomparably low inflation rate and low unemployment, and the more dynamic than average economic growth attracted attention to the country. Due to the intensified external economic interest, the Austrian model - namely the economic policy and establishment - was widely studied at this time. However, at the beginning of the 1980's some structural problems appearing in the economy contributed to slowdown in growth, until the political changes of the year 2000, which finally brought a new favourable turn in economic policy. I start with an examination of Austria's economic status after the Second World War, then the development, changes and role of the Austrian social partnership. I go on to analyze today's Austria from the point of view of the sustainable balanced budget, focusing on the financial circumstances of the state, such as the complex financial connections derived from federalism.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL): H62, H63

  • Data mining through a business window (Part II.)

    This article demonstrates the real world applications of the technology of data mining by way of a data mining project. This project was created by the author and the analyzed database was provided by a real company. The aim of the analysis was to create a classification model for this firm. To achieve this we applied logistic regression models, a decision tree and a neural network. The best model can help the company to consciously establish which customers will probably respond positively to a personal letter in a direct marketing campaign. In this way potentially favourable customers are reached more efficiently than in the case of randomized selection. This increases the efficiency of the company, and the generalization of results can confirm several advantages of data mining as used in business life.

    JEL classification: C25, C44, C45, C49, C88

  • Scarcity and Uncertainty Reduction by Institutions

    Institutions are not equally able to reduce scarcity and uncertainty. If institutions were classified from this point of view we would acquire a new analyticaltool to examine institutions in the past the present or the future. Scarcity and uncertainty appear continuously and institutions can manage them only by a greater increase in individual responsibility. However, this also increases the danger of the disintegration of community. We can see this application in practice by surveying the Hungarian pension system over the past 100 years.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: A11, B52, G18, G23

  • Some characteristics of the connection between the economy and higher education - results of empirical research

    In this study we try to introduce some lessons drawn from an empirical research project which was made within the framework of the Gabor Baross Program's project, "Facilitation of Knowledge Transfer for Enhancement of Competitiveness of the North Great Plain Region by the Founding of the Innovation Knowledge Center". This part of the research tries to examine the demand for higher education among the actors in the economy. First the paper shows those results of the research which measured firms' knowledge of the Bologna process, and the main goals of the new form of education, and the knowledge structure and competencies connected to the creation of the individual education levels. Following this the article examines requirements from higher education, and the opportunity for developing the connections between educational institutions and the economy.

  • Prodigality of perspective

    Attila Kotan's study 'Prodigality or perspective' gives a clear specification of Public Private Partnership (ppp) than shows the main methods and techniques of ppp. The study presents the common characteristic of ppp methods, and summarize the potential benefits and risks of using it. The second part of the paper put the emphasis on the macroeconomic aspects of ppp especially the accountability and statistical presentation of ppp projects. Finally the author gives a short review of the Hungarian situation covering the new initiatives and the existing problems of regulation and control related to the ppp projects.

  • Quantophrenia? – Some remarks on the possibilities and constraints of mathematical formalization in economic and social sciences

    This article deals with some aspects of the constraints to the formal mathematization of economic theories and models. It points out that complex, dynamic and open systems dispose of a memory so that past events, statements or beliefs, even if they have turned out to be wrong or untrue, exert a potentially significant influence on the present state of issues, so they cannot be completely substracted from models representing reality. Reference is also made to the fact that in such complex, evolutionary systems strong interdependences and interactions exist between the subject and the object of scientific inquiry since economic actors strongly influence each other and, consequently, aggregate reality through their mutual actions and expectations. Furthermore, it is argued that the comparability of findings is highly dependent on the identity or dissimilarity of the initial conditions of the objects of economic research. The article does not take a position either for or against mathematical modelling; it limits itself to comments on some of the conditions of meaningful formalization.

    JEL classification: A1, B10, B41, C10

  • Varieties of development paths in post communist countries with special regard to the transition in Hungary

    Transition in Central and Eastern Europe was carried out in various ways. However, the different countries’ current economic structure, institutions and main economic performance measures are rather similar. The question asked is whether these countries follow a specific kind of development model? What seems likely is that they differ substantially from CIS countries in many aspects. But they also seem to differ from existing models of capitalism more than they do from each-other. Based on this information, the varieties of capitalism literature assumes that such a model does indeed exist. However, no comprehensive positive description of the model has so far been provided. This paper tries to define the main elements of the CEE capitalist models. These are small open economies, with close integration into the world economy through foreign investments, a relatively limited and declining role of state redistribution, the problems of dual economic structure and insufficient job creation, a relatively large shadow economy and “business capture”-type cronyism. Further research is required to properly describe the elements and interactions among them.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: D72, E65, P31

  • Az Európai Unió liberalizált energiapiaca: Dilemmák és kérdések

    Az egységes európai energiapiac – az elmúlt években tapasztalható előrelépések ellenére – még nem valósult meg. Az energiahálózatok teljes körű integrációja és a nemzeti piacok teljes megnyitása érdekében további alapvető változtatásokra van szükség, hogy az energiaellátás biztonságos, alacsony költségű és fenntartható lehessen. Ehhez a meglévő hálózatok korszerűsítése mellett ki kell építeni a keresleti és a kínálat oldal rugalmasságát is biztosító integrált infrastruktúrát; ez alapvető feltétele annak, hogy új technológiák, új szereplők és komplementer szolgáltatók jelenjenek meg a piacon. A következő elemzés áttekinti a piaci integráció eredményeit, a liberalizációt még hátráltató korlátokat és a lehetséges kezelési módokat. A változásokat kiváltó okok ismertetése mellett kísérletet tesz az európai energiaszektorban végbemenő jelentős átalakulások és a legfontosabb feladatok bemutatására is.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kódok: Q40, Q41, Q49

  • ipari forradalom, avagy a modern gazdasági növekedés gyökereiről: A „miért éppen Anglia?” helyett a „miért történt meg egyáltalán?” kutatása (Joel Mokyr: A Culture of Growth. The Origins of the Modern Economy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University

    Joel Mokyr gazdaságtörténész munkássága nem csak saját szakmai közösségében, de a közgazdaságtan más területein kutatók, elsősorban az intézményi közgazdászok között is széles körben ismert. Azonban széles szakmai ismertséggel jellemezni Mokyrt valójában „gyenge” állítás, hiszen kétségtelenül ő ma az egyik legjelentősebb gazdaságtörténeti kutató, egyike azon keveseknek, akik nagyon erős intézményi közgazdaságtani megközelítéssel „nyúlnak” a történelemhez. Kutatásaiban az ipari forradalom Európája áll a középpontban, amely a modern (tartós) gazdasági növekedést2 hozta el az emberiségnek. Mokyr fél tucatnyi könyvben és nagyon sok cikkben vagy könyvfejezetben fogalmazta meg azokat a kérdéseket, amelyek új gondolkodási utakat nyitottak a modern gazdasági növekedés okainak kutatásában, s természetesen válaszokat is adott ezekre.

  • Development economics - development policies: Some remarks on concepts, applications and fallacies

    This is a brief summary of the development theories and policies of the last 5 decades. The neoclassic economic approach, dependency paradigm and the contemporary "post-modern" concepts and strategies are analyzed and commented with reference being made to the respective problems and fallacies. Development, so the conclusion, is a self-regulating process in complex open and dynamic socioeconomic systems that are not susceptible to planning but which are progressively improving their ability to manage their increasing complexity and the mechanisms to adjust to changing circumstances.

  • Should Economists Like Predation or Not?

    (A Note on 'Economic Principles of Predatory (Exclusionary Pricing in the US and in the EU - Their (mis) Application in Some Recent Competition Law Cases of the European Community Commission and the Court of First Instance' by Zoltan Bara).

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: K21, L12, L41