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A húsvéti járvány – a COVID-19 várható hatásai az Euro-atlanti tér társadalmaira
5-23Views:186The purpose of this article is to estimate the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for healthcare and the medical industry that serves it. Furthermore, an estimate of the expected impact of the epidemic onto economic and social change. In addition, to estimate the expected impact of the epidemic on economic and social changes. The article was written in two different periods. The first part ended in April 2020 and the second part in April 2021. The article is essentially a thought experiment. A reasoning enclosed in a bottled mail that the author rewrote after a year in the light of the changing facts. The article concludes that COVID-19 will help complete a long economic cycle. This crisis accelerates a technological shift in which creative destruction occurs in the economic subsystem as well as in other subsystems of the society. The new long economic cycle (Cycle K), just as it happened after World War II, builds a new social quality. At the beginning of the new K cycle, the former welfare state model is replaced by a wellbeing society concept. The basis of a wellbeing society will be solidarity, cooperation and quality. For the individual, health will no longer be just an optional lifestyle, but an effective form of survival.
A külföldi munkavállalás hatása a sportolási szokásokra
76-87Views:155Earlier research on foreign employment has shown that the target country not only offers benefits, but can also pose risks to people that could endanger the health of the person concerned. The question in this matter arises concerning the importance of being aware of the role of regular exercise in the health of the people working abroad and whether the frequently occurring illnesses observed among them may be correlated with the possible lack of regular exercise. During our research, we asked Hungarians working abroad - in Germany - about their sporting habits. 60 respondents, in contrast to expectations based on data from previous studies, reported higher levels of regular physical activity during their stay abroad than before (in Hungary). The combined effect of a number of factors can affect the concerned individuals in this respect, mostly the social and built environment. This validates the need for the nation-wide development of a health-conscious lifestyle in Hungary.
Fogyatékossággal élő serdülőkorú fiatalok tápláltsági állapota és testképe Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg vármegyében
79-93Views:133From the point of view of learning a healthy lifestyle, adolescence is a very sensitive period, characterized by risk-seeking behavior and risk-laden period. This period is characterized by the appreciation of peer relationships, which can also be observed in children with disabilities. An incorrect lifestyle, obesity/overweight is a predictor of adult health. Persons with disabilities often live with co-morbidities and can count on a shorter lifespan. The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional status of young people aged 12-18 with disabilities in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. According to the results, two-thirds of young people have an inadequate nutritional status, more than 30% are overweight or obese. Obesity/overweight occurs at a lower rate among children of families with above-average financial status.
Egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos szokások egyetemi hallgatók körében
18-29Views:814The leisure time and the number of healthy lifestyle people are increasing at same time, what creating several health trends. These health trends affect two basic elements of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and healthy diet. In this research, we examined the healthy diet, including two segments; vegetable and fruit consumption and fluid intake. The test sample was made by the students of the University of Debrecen. As a research method, we also performed primary and secondary research. In the case of secondary research, we also reviewed the international and national literatures, and compared the American and European healthy diet recommendations. In the case of primary research, we did a survey, during which we measured the healthy eating habits of the students. Our research shows that only 11,3% of the surveyed students consume vegetables and fruits what complies with the daily recommendations. However, in the case of fluid consumption, we got better result. The 65% of the respondents consume the appropriate amount of fluids.
A szülői gondoskodás formái – az anyaság gyakorlatának elemzése a helyi társadalom kontextusában
125-143Views:171A szülői tapasztalat és szülői identitás témáját növekvő figyelem övezi az elmúlt 20-25 évben a családszociológiai kutatások terén. A szülői gondoskodás gyakorlata mellett mind fontosabbá vált annak megismerése, hogy hogyan látják a szülők magukat szülőként, hogyan konstruálódik meg a szülőség tapasztalata. Számos egészségügyi, szociális, etikai, pszichológiai probléma, folyamat jelenhet meg ebben a keretben, s a különböző tudományterületekhez kapcsolódó kutatások mint egy nagyítóüveget használhatják a szülői tapasztalatot e jelenségek tanulmányozása során. A szülői szerepkör diverzitást mutat annak tükrében, hogy milyen értéket társítanak az eltérő szülői státuszokhoz. Az anyává válás például centrális pozíciót eredményezhet a családon belül, ám a társadalmi kontextusban inkább jár együtt izoláció megélésével és perifériára kerüléssel. Ez a szakadék hatással van a szülőség megélésének minőségére. Tanulmányunk célja az, hogy bemutassuk hogyan formálódik az anyaság tapasztalata és a szülői gondoskodás megélése különböző lokális terekben.
Income situations, income conditions among the residents of two settlements
45-54Views:217The monthly net income of settlement residents is much lower than in the town of Nyíregyháza or nationwide. Poor employment stands in the background, which naturally stems from the education level of settlement residents. Almost 80% of them completed 8 grades of primary school only or even fewer, while the number and rate of those who gained any qualification is very low. When examining income disparities in Nyíregyháza, it can be seen that the majority of settlement residents, 76.6%, belong to the 2 lowest deciles, and the rate of income poor also exceeds what is measured in the town or across the country. Considering the 60% of median income, 78% of the residents are poor. Regarding the costs of living, housing expenses cause the biggest trouble and many households have been struggling with arrears.
A sport, mint a depresszióval szembeni védőfaktor
5-17Views:1491The study examines the relationship between sport and depression among athletes in leisure and competition. A total of 436 people completed a questionnaire measuring the factors examined (Beck-Depression Questionnaire Abbreviated Version), of which 139 responders were leisure time athletes and 297 professional athletes. The aim of my study was to map out whether sport appeared as a protective factor for young people engaged in leisure sports, and whether the protective effect of sport on competitive athletes could prevail over the various symptoms of depression. Furthermore, whether there is a correlation between gender, education, occupation and consumption of legal drugs and depression. From the results we can see that the depression value of athletes at competition level is higher than that of the athletes in leisure sports. In addition, I was able to experience a significantly higher depression value among the people aged between 18-20 than those aged 30 and over. I also found a significant difference in terms of gender in favour of women. People with a low level of education and those who do not have a full-time job have witnessed more depressive symptoms on themselves. By examining the consumption of legal drugs, I could show a correlation between alcohol and depression.
Social media, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, robotization - How does the development of digital technology affect social work?
189-218Views:367The use of ICT is widespread among social workers, many of them use digital technology and social media, keep in touch with their clients online and there are more and more people consulting online. There are also automated treatments that do not require the contribution of the social worker, robots have already appeared abroad in elderly care, use algorithms to prevent child abuse and suicide, and virtual reality in the treatment of addicts. How does all this affect social work as a profession, what professional and ethical issues does the use of technology raise? What kind of new skills do social workers need and how should they reinterpret their roles in the 21st century? In my study, I sought answers to these questions.
Relationships in settlements
115-130Views:211This study describes some features of the ego-centric contact network of people living in settlements based on the research from early 2019 done in two settlements in Nyíregyháza. Regarding strong ties, we examine confidential network, changes in the number of friends then we examine weak ties, too. This is a descriptive writing that presents the examined dimensions through socio-demographic variables like gender, age and education.
Korai kötődést befolyásoló tényezők az asthmás krónikus beteg gyermeket nevelő családokban
134-144Views:175The modern society of the 21st century has to cope with many psychosomatic disorders which have high significance in public health. Several researches pointed out that one of the most determinant aspects in connection with asthma bronchiale is the mother-child relation. The aim of this study was to detect what is the predisposing role of early childhood attachment factors. 130 children with asthma bronchiale between the age of 10 to 18 and their mothers were involved. A socio-demographic questionnaire (to detect the early experiences), the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale (for the children) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (for the parents) were used. Our most important finding is that out of important life events in connection with childhood attachment (especially the breastfeeding and its length) was proven to be a protective factor. Establishing preventive opportunities at institutions are recommended, e.g. setting up educative and preventive groups for chronically ill children and their parents. Attachment in early childhood must be considered to be even more important in the case of chronically ill patients.
Situational pictures of settlements
19-31Views:382Within the research into the life quality of Roma people residing in settlements, this study analyzes their housing situation using the available data. Although the Husar and the Eastern settlements are separate ones situated at the most distant ends of the city of Nyíregyháza, they show similarities regarding the number and condition of flats, housing environment and the housing quality of the residents. Housing poverty is palpable in both settlements which can be described with no restoration of buildings or flats for many decades, hazards in the environment and hardly affordable housing costs. This study presents the details and tries to understand the picture behind the data.
Az uszodai infrastruktúra vizsgálata az Észak-alföldi régióban
110-125Views:170Swimming is one of the popular sports that can be done at any age in addition to it being a health-promoting form of exercise. Due to the physical inactivity of a significant proportion of our current society, researchers have been looking at how the population can be persuaded to exercise sports regularly, which also included examining the impact of built environment on sporting habits. In our research, we investigated 34 swimming pools in the North Great Plain region, using a telephone interview-based questionnaire method. We reviewed the dates when the swimming pools were inaugurated, the goals set during the establishment, and the number and length of the pools. We analyzed how sporting activities such as school swimming, residential swimming, physiotherapy, training, and competitions appear in the timetable, and how the opening hours affect the usage of the pools by the population. It can be stated that based on the health indicators of the counties concerned, it would be important to educate for a healthy lifestyle, and also to ensure the possibility of swimming. At the same time, the infrastructure currently available is scarce and as such the continuation of the swimming pool building program is of paramount importance.
A technológiai fejlődés hatása a nemek közötti munkamegosztásra az egészségügyben, a robotasszisztált sebészet területén
43-60Views:76Technological progress has always played a key role in the development of the economy and society throughout human history. Their impact on society is multifaceted and constantly transforming our world. One aspect of social impact is the impact on the sexual division of labour. As a result of these processes, the labour market may undergo significant changes. The impact of technological development on the division of labour between sexes or genders is complex and multifaceted, therefore it can be examined from several aspects. Although technology offers opportunities for gender equality between women and men, the extent and direction of this depends on many factors, including cultural, social and economic circumstances. The present study focuses on an important sector of the economy, healthcare, which is significantly affected by technological development. Among the technological changes taking place in the sector, it examines the emergence of robotic surgery, with a particular focus on its impact on the gender division of labour within the surgical professions.
Academic risks of students characterized by risk-behaviour
63-78Views:179The aim of our study is to reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of students with different health behaviors. We were curious about the differences between students with different health-care (risk, inactive and health-conscious) students in the studied dimensions of educational performance in Hungary in the Northern Great Plain region, as well as in the Transcarpathia, Highlands, Vojvodina, Par-tium and Transylvania (IESA 2015; N = 2017). In line with our preliminary assumptions, we can see that there are more students at risk who attend less than half of the lectures, one or two or even half of their exams have not been completed, and less than one hour per lesson, while the latter is the least characteristic of for health-conscious students. They are making great efforts to meet their serious study load, but there are more people who are unable to cope with these difficulties in the first round and have failed their examinations. In this way, health-conscious behavior does not constitute supporting factor in the effectiveness of the study.
Social Exclusion of Pervitin Users
60-66Views:210The article is based on a qualitative study using narrative interviews with 13 South Bohemian Pervitin users who visit the drug advisory centre. The goal of the article is to describe how social exclusion is subjectively experienced by Pervitin users. The data were processed with the help of grounded theory. The respondents feel to be excluded in a number of normal life areas: they are rejected by their family, friends, and also by public institutions - particularly by the police and by health care facilities. Social exclusion is accompanied by feelings of guilt and remorse for the users. They are also ashamed of their situation, feeling sorrow and disappointed themselves. In some cases, the users are angry with themselves, in other cases with their surroundings for rejecting them. In both variants, exclusion may constitute an important factor in reducing the users' chances of abstinence.
Situational picture of the educational attainment of people living in settlements in Nyíregyháza
55-69Views:230In our study we examine the education of people living in two separate settlements in Nyíregyháza focussing on the type and level of completed school(s) and qualification, what they think of their future studies and getting a qualification so that similarities and differences between the two settlements can be compared. In the analysis, we present data gained in the Husar and Eastern settlements and alsocompare them with data on education from the Quality of Life Research 2018 in Nyíregyháza and the 2016 Micro Census Research by KSH. One-variable and two-variable methods were used to analyze data. Our results show that in terms of education people living in settlements lag far behind the town, county, regional and national data.
Measurement of physical activity in youth: a comparative study
121-130Views:268Due to the inadequate quantity and quality of physical activity, more and more young people suffer from chronic illnesses. The aim of this study was to measure the health behavior of 5th, 7th and 9th grade students in a Hungarian (Tiszafüred) and a Romanian (Oradea) institution with special regard to physical activity. A total of 206 students participated in the study. The questionnaire included questions related to socio-demographic data and physical activity habits. Differences between the mean scores of continuous variables were assessed by Mann-Whitney tests, and the frequency differences between categorical variables were evaluated by Fisher exact tests. Most of the Hungarian students (88%) think that they do enough exercise, while this rate is 81% in the Romanian school. No significant difference was found between the two institutions relating to the frequency of out of-school physical activities (p = 0.304), and the opinion on doing exercise (p = 0.267). Based on our results we can say that doing exercise out of school is popular among students in both the Hungarian and Romanian schools.
The opportunities of the resilience measurement in the family and child protection system in Hungary
130-156Views:105This paper provides insight into the Hungarian research results of resilience among children, carried out in the research workshop of Rubeus Association and Gál Ferenc University. Our objective by communicating the research results published in the study was to exhibit the process and areas of applicability of measure instrument developments completed between 2018-2021, in the public and civil society sectors of the Hungarian Family and Child Protective System. We measuered the child resilience and the parental attitudes among the different targetgroups in Hungary. The children and their parents consist of the sample who are in very difficult lifepositions, dispite of they able to live with the help of the innovative model program wich in they are supported by professionals to able to live.
A phenomenological study of the lived experiences of teenage mothers in coping with complications of pregnancy in Khaddamari Ward, Jere Local Government Area, Borno State
73-84Views:172Objectives: Teenage pregnancy is a world-wide phenomenon and a public health issue so our aim was to identify the contributing factors, and to study perception, complications, effects, challenges and coping mechanisms.
Method: An explorative qualitative research design, snowball sampling, was used. Ten respondents were interviewed using an interview guide in Khaddamari Ward, Jere L.G.A. of Borno State.
Results: The major contributing factor to teenage pregnancy is ignorance and lack of proper sex education both at home and school. Few responses listed traditional roles, cultural expectations, using drugs and alcohol, age discrepancy in relationships, socio-economic factors, sexual coercion and abuse. Most of them perceived fear, guilt and stigmatization and only a few of them said they were excited, proud and accepted. Anemia, preterm labour, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, obstructed labour and vesico-vaginal fistula were common complications. Almost all of them dropped out of school.
Conclusion: Based on these findings of the study, a collaborative effort by all stakeholders involved should be employed in combating the complications of teenage pregnancy.