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  • Local Annealing of Cold Rolled Aluminum Sheets by LASER Treatment
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    LASER treatment widely used in material processing technologies. The annealing is not the typical application of the LASER treatment, but this is possible to apply in case of cold deformed metals. In the article a cold rolled EN AW 8006 aluminum sheet is annealed by LASER treatment. The microstructure of the annealed sheets is observed by optical microscopy. An existing cellular automata simulation of recrystallization process is modified to study the LASER annealing. The observed microstructure and the simulated results are compared to determine the further development of the developed automaton.

  • The Effect of the Excess Titanium Content on the Microstructure of Al – Si Foundry Alloys
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    Grain refining is an important technological step for the nucleus growth of the melt, in order to increase the number of nuclei, to improve mechanical properties (tensile strength, yield strength, hardness, elongation), feeding conditions and to decrease the tendency of hot tearing and the degree of sintering. [1][2] The aim of the experiments was the determination of the grain refining effects of titanium (Ti) addition in the form of AlTi5B1 master alloy to the examined alloys (AlSi7MgCu0.5 – AC 42 000, AlSi9Cu3Fe0.5 – 46 500; AlSi9Cu1 – AC 46 400). The results prove that the addition of small amount of master alloy has a favourable effect on the foundry practice.

  • Roguelike Games: The Way We Play
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    The spread of the gameable personal computers and game consoles resulted in the diversification of the video game genre, and from the 7th generation of the gaming consoles, the experience support of the games became largely enhanced. These games are now consumable owing to their resolution, the content, the plots are so fascinating so that they tie the gamer to the seat. Gamers seek experiences in the games. Still, such a special genre called roguelike was established, which is characterized by the constant termination of this world of experience in such a way that the gamer, as a results of the high level of difficulty, is obliged to start the game again and again. These new genre games are now leading titles of the new generation consoles, such as Demon’s Souls or the Returnal, gaining huge role in the introduction and sale of the new gaming console PS5. This study aims to reveal specifications of this genre, moreover, aims to describe through empirical research how gamers relate to it, and whether features of these games contribute to the devotion to them or lead to the disappointment from this world of experience. 

  • Egészségügyi menedzsment képzések-formák és tartalmak
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    Az egy tudományterületen belüli szakterületi önállósodás a XXI. századra plurális jelleget öltött. A menedzsment diszciplína XX. század eleji megjelenése az ipar területére korlátozódott, és a hatékonyság maximalizálásával volt összefüggésben. Mára a menedzsment az egészségügy területén is önállósodott, a képzések terén bizonyosan, melyet nemzetközi szinten számtalan képzési forma kínálata erősít meg. Itthon a képzési formák felsőoktatási szinten egyelőre bináris jelleget öltenek, egyetlen BA és egyetlen MA képzési lehetőséget kínálva. Tanulmányunk célja feltárni a nemzetközi képzések sokszínűségét, bemutatva azok fontosabb sajátosságait, összevetve a hazai viszonyokkal, mely összességében új vagy újszerű képzési formák megjelenésének szükségességére világíthat rá.

  • Some Aspects to the Rehabilitation of the Vernacular Adobe Architecture
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    In this paper, we are dealing with the heat-technical modeling, life cycle assessment and the conservation of the vernacular adobe wall house. One of our investigations is directed to the seasonal equalizing property of this wall structure. The reason of this choice of this topic can be found in the fact, that in the old Hungarian folk house construction, the abode wall was popular and a significant fraction of the people living in the countryside are still inhabit these old houses. The Hungarian winter is cold and followed normally by sizzling hot summer. The adobe wall construction is perfect for the local climatic conditions. Due to the on-going global warming up, the ecological importance of these wall constructions is becoming more prominent. Most of these adobe wall constructed houses are already under preservation order, due to their ecological significance and also because they are part of our culture heritage. Their conservation and maintenance problems are briefly described in the paper, too.

  • The Effect of Sizes of the Cast Polyamide 6 Rods upon Tensile-Impact Strength
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    We have studied the tensile-impact strength of the magnesium catalysed cast polyamide 6 (PA6) rods according to the EN ISO 8256:2004 standard. The purpose of our investigation was to follow: the mechanical properties of rods are mapped beside same casting technological process in case of different diameters. We have compared the received results with each other than have sought disparities. We examined cylindrical product (rod) in seven dimensional steps in diameter ranging from 40 mm to 300 mm. We have determined that the semi-finished products can be divided into two groups typically in case of their tensile-impact strengths in this size range. The tensile-impact strength is higher in case of the rods with a diameter of less than 100 mm and it is smaller in the larger dimension range. Therefore, the smallest tensile-impact strength can be established in case of the natural semifinished PA6 rods that each rod accomplishes independently of size. However, a range can be determined, which the tensile-impact strength values of product are separated according to the manufacturing size

  • Municipal Geothermal Systems: Evaluation of Three Hungarian Cases
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    Geothermal energy holds great potential for a sustainable future, as it is a clean and weather-independent form of energy. In addition to energy production, it can also serve the population of a region through direct use. In this paper, three municipal geothermal systems (Szarvas, Nagyszénás, Békéscsaba) in the same Hungarian region which have been recently installed or expanded are presented and analysed. Here, the direct usage of geothermal energy for heating purposes is a very important issue. The three systems show several differences and to some extent face different challenges in the various phases of the projects. Particular attention has been paid to engineering solutions to the problems that arise. The challenges, such as technical difficulties during installation, maintenance difficulties, or problems arising during operation are introduced. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of similar geothermal systems were summarized, based on the relevant literature. These points were evaluated by their appearance and characteristics in the examined systems. This study aims to provide insights, based on recently gained experiences, into geothermal projects, thus providing feedback and practical information for researchers and practitioners.

  • Maintenance of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
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    An electric car is a vehicle powered by one or more electric engines, utilizing energy stored within batteries that are rechargeable. The first register of a usable electrical vehicle dates from 1880s. A hybrid vehicle incorporates two or more different power types, including, e.g., gasoline engines and electric motor. The goal in this work is to present the overall overview of the structure of the electric, hybrid and electric-hybrid vehicles, advantages and disadvantages of these types, the main points to focus when maintaining these and the challenges involved in its production and maintenance.

  • Strategies and Effects of LEDS (Low Emission Development Strategy) in Fortaleza, Brazil
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    When it comes to climate change, the built environment, together with transport, and waste and water management play a significant role as Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emitting sectors, reflecting the strong need to address such issues by local governments. A notable action that has been taken in this regard is the Urban Low Emission Development Strategies (Urban LEDS), which consists of a project implemented by the UN-Habitat and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) that selected eight model cities and twenty-one satellite cities around the world and aims to support integrated and ambitious climate action, encouraging low-carbon efforts in emerging economies through the collaboration among them. In addition, eight European cities also participated in the project in its first phase, contributing with their expertise and experience with climate change mitigation. Since 2012, the city of Fortaleza in Brazil is a model city of the Urban LEDS project and it has sustainably integrated and developed many projects, making it a more resilient city, stimulating its economic growth and improving its quality of life. This paper aims to present the milestones that Fortaleza has already met within Urban LEDS and its main priorities in the next years, identifying best practices in three European cities (Copenhagen, Zagreb and Hannover) that could also be implemented in its geographical, social and cultural context, as well as indicate lessons that other cities can learn from Fortaleza.

  • Discussion on São Paulo Mobility Plans
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    Since urbanization rising and urban demographic increase, urban transportation has been an important life quality aspect and a strategic decision for cities. Mobility seems to follow citizens' behavior and be influenced by urban cultural changes at the same pace it influences back the city routine and resident’s conduct. The discussion around the future of mobility gained new magnitude nowadays since some sort of vehicles have proved themselves as the cause of significant environmental impact, while others showed themselves as alternatives of low impact for different reasons – from quality public transportation to individual transport with minimized emissions. The city of São Paulo in Brazil published its Master Plan in 2014 and its Mobility Plan in 2015, analyzing the current situation and proposing a future for the city’s transportation system. This paper intends to analyze both plans, construe the popular participation in their formulation and application, discuss how data and strategy were presented and whether they are aligned with other countries’ thinking on the subject. As a city of over 10 million inhabitants, in a Metropolitan Region of 39 cities with over 20 million inhabitants, the transportation system of São Paulo is not an easy or single-solution issue. It is known the need for a combination of different transportation modes, requiring likewise new visions for all methods. Owing to the fact that modes complete each other and, in that manner, may reach a wider range of options for the population to plan daily life, then a system with a great variety of modes ensures the best functioning of them all. This paper focuses on an outsider view that searches for answers and solutions on the São Paulo transportation system, having as a base what is considered outstanding in the world for this issue.

  • Defect Analysis of Bearings with Vibration Monitoring and Optical Methods
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    Diagnosis of bearings with advanced methods gained remarkable roles in the previous years. This article focuses on the manufacturing defects and methods to reveal and classify them. During manufacturing several faults could emerge because of the grinding operation, tool wear and chatter vibration. Inproper handling of the bearing parts because of the collosion to each other and the storing box that causes deformation. To reveal these problems several methods are applied in industry. For deeper surface analysis nitric acid can be used to initate the finished surface of the roller then natrium-carbonate that nautralize the elements. Vibration analysis in its standard Fourier form is not a new achivement but other mathematical tools could be applied to condition monitoring such as wavelet transform. It is an efficient tool for analyzing the vibration signal of the bearings because it can detect the sudden changes and transient impulses in the signal caused by faults on the bearing elements. In this article five different wavelets, Daubechies, Gaussian, Coiflet, Mexican hat, Meyer are compared according to the Energy to Shannon Entropy ratio criteria to reveal their efficiency for fault detection.

  • Sportcivil társaságok – megközelítések és tények
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    Magyarországon az 1989-es rendszerváltást követően kezdődött meg a civil szektor erősödése, több törvényi átmenetet követően mindenekelőtt a jelenleg is hatályos 2011. éviCLXXV.  törvény (rövid nevén civil törvény, Civiltv. vagy Ectv.) szabályozza a szektor működését, kiegészülve további törvényi háttérrel. Az új szabályozás lényeges eleme egy, az addigiaktól alapvetően eltérő szervezeti forma, az ún. civil társaság megjelenése, mely szokatlan szervezeti forma nemzetközi szinten is. A KSH 2019. év végén megjelent, a hazai nonprofitok statisztikai áttekintését lehetővé tévő adatbázis gyakorlatilag semmiféle információt nem tartalmaz az új szervezeti forma működési sajátosságaira, adataira vonatkozóan, sőt, igazából alig lehet valamit tudni róluk, mely okkal kelti fel a kutató érdeklődését a téma és a szervezeti forma iránt. A lehetséges szekunder adatokon túl egy, a közelmúltban befejezett sportcivil szervezeti kutatás primer adatbázisa ugyanakkor tartalmaz, ha alacsony elemszámban is, olyan alapvető adatokat, mely kiinduló pontot jelenthet a sporttal összefüggésbe hozható civil társaságok egyes sajátosságainak feltárására.

  • Sportcivilek-ellenőrzés, beszámolási sajátosságok
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    Az ellenőrzés, mint vezetési funkció nem mondható egy, a vezetési szakirodalmakban különösen preferált vizsgálati témának, hasonlóan igaz ez a civil szervezetek témakörére is. Magyarországon a rendszerváltást követően intenzívvé váló nonprofit, azon belül pedig a civil szféra lényegesen meghatározóvá vált. 2017-ben a 61 151 nonprofit szervezet 15,2%-a sport cél szerinti tevékenységű, az 53 613 klasszikus civil szervezet (egyesületek és alapítványok) esetében ez az arány magasabb, 16,2%. Ezeknek a szervezeteknek különös sajátossága a támogatásokkal kapcsolatos különös összefüggés, mely a KSH aktuális adatai szerint mára támogatásfüggőséggé vált (a bevételek közel 2/3-a támogatás). Ezért válhat érzékennyé a téma, amennyiben egy szervezet ugyanis nem tud elszámolni támogatásokkal, vagy nem tud megfelelni a törvényi elvárásoknak, úgy az összefüggésben lehet a vezető ellenőrzői funkciójával, és rávilágít a civil szervezetek és az ellenőrzés összefüggésére. Tanulmányunkban az ellenőrzés mint vezetési funkción keresztül kívánjuk röviden áttekinteni a téma sajátosságait, ahol eredményeink szerint ezek a szervezetek egy jelentős része nem is igazán tud az elvárásoknak megfelelően teljesíteni. 

  • Vibration Measurement of a Screening Machine
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    In this paper we use linear vibration approach to make a model of a horizontal vibration screen, which can be applied at gravel pit in order to perform separation operation of the wet gravel particles. The model can produce the natural frequencies of the system, which are useful in the adjustment of the angular velocity of the vibration exciter. A laser triangulation unit is well applicable to measure peak-to-peak amplitude of the working vibration screen. Comparison has been performed between the results of the simulation and the measurements.

  • Stratégiát megalapozó elemzések gyakorlati alkalmazása
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    A környezet növekvő változékonysága egyre nagyobb kihívást jelent a vállalatok, vállalkozások számára. A gazdasági események bekövetkezésének sebessége változó, a bizonytalanság miatti kockázat nő, ami az üzleti vállalkozásoktól új szemléletű tervezési gyakorlatot vár el. Stratégiájuk kialakítása, tervezése során mind a külső és a belső környezet tényezőinek feltárása, mind a versenytársaik elemzése jól megválasztott módszerek alapján történhet. Ezen módszerek áttekintését, a tervezési és oktatási gyakorlatban történő alkalmazását tekintjük cikkünk céljának, melynek során a hazai és a nemzetközi gyakorlatban is alkalmazott stratégiát megalapozó módszereket mutatjuk be, kiemelve a külső és a belső környezetet elemző módszereket. A külső környezet elemzése során a hagyományos PEST analízisre és a Porter–féle öttényezős modellre épülő külső faktor értékelő mátrix felépítését és alkalmazhatóságát szemléltetjük. A belső elemzési módszerek esetén a módszerválasztás szempontrendszerét, valamint az alkalmazható módszerek esetén az erőforrás alapú megközelítésre, kulcsfontosságú tényezők elemzésére, illetve a Porteri értéklánc elemzésre épülő belső faktor értékelő mátrix jelentőségére térünk ki. A stratégiát megalapozó elemzések harmadik pillérét a versenytársak mátrix alapú értékelése jelenti. A módszerek alkalmazhatósága függ a vállalkozás formájától, működési területétől és tevékenységének jellegétől, amit az új gazdasági szférák (pl.: sharing) és az átalakult erőviszonyok megjelenése is bonyolít.

  • Introducing a Task Management Tool into the Operation of a Management Consulting Firm
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    Lean and agile methods are now widely used in various fields. Seeing their success, management consultancy firms also want to take advantage of using them. In this case study, the company selects the appropriate task management tool for their operation, the kanban board, and implements it. The implementation process is supported by quantitative analysis. In order to track the introduction progress of the kanban board, a key performance index is defined: the board activity, which is the number of operations performed on the board in a given time period. Based on the evaluation of over 26 weeks’ data, board activity proved to be an appropriate indicator of the kanban board’s reception, operation, and stability. The individual indicators examined, however, were not found to be suitable for performance appraisal.

  • Design an Opening Force Measuring Device for Balancing Clips
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    This paper deals with the development of a force measuring device to determine the opening force of different types of balancing clips. These elements can be used in the impellers of ventilators to rebalance the rotor. The measuring device contains a commercially available beam type load cell. The data processing is performed by Arduino Nano development platform with a 24-bit sigma delta A/D converter. The device is well applicable to determine the opening force of the clips in different opening distances.

  • A 9. konzolgenerációk válsága-fókuszban a Playstation 5 és az Xbox Series X
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    A múlt század végére piacra kerültek a kimondottan játékra optimalizált, azaz játékosok igényeit kielégítő sajátos számítógépek, az ún. játékkonzolok. A múlt év végére, hosszas várakozást követően jelentek meg a piacon a 9.generációs játékkonzolok új típusai, a Sony és a Microsoft kiadásában. A szakmában ismertek szerint a konzolok megjelenésének ovációját egy azóta is be nem töltött űr váltotta fel, ugyanis immár több hónapos eseményeket követően jelenthető ki: a Playstation 5 és a Microsoft Series X játékcélú használata komoly nehézségekkel szembesült. A tanulmány, melynek módszertani alapját elsősorban esettanulmány, illetve meglévő adatok másodelemzése képezi, igyekszik rávilágítani arra, hogy mi vezethetett erre a helyzetre, mennyire átmeneti vagy tartós jelenségről van szó, illetve vajon hogyan is reagál az érintett piac és játékra áhítozó társadalom erre a helyzetre. Az eredmények szerint sajnos nem csupán átmeneti jelenségről van szó, összetett problémák hatására piaci anomáliák alakultak ki, mely alapvetően átformálja a konzolpiaccal kapcsolatos viszonyunkat.

  • Pure Bending of Homogenous Isotropic Elastic Curved Beam
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    In this paper a detailed analysis is given for the pure bending problem of curved beams. The material of the curved beam is homogenous isotropic linearly elastic. The mantle of the curved beam is stress free and there is no body force on the curved beam. The plane of the curvature of the beam is the plane of symmetry for the whole beam. Paper gives the expressions of circumferential and radial normal stresses. A strength of material approach is used to derive the governing equations. A numerical example illustrates the application of the presented solutions. 

  • Latest Trends and New Tools Being Used in Strategic Management
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    In today’s rapidly changing world, there is an increased need for excellent strategic planning. A firm’s survival may indeed hinge on the firm’s planning process being exemplary. Various aspects of the strategic planning process are under review today as organizations wrestle to compete more effectively in an ever-changing world. This paper reveals and describes five new trends or tools being utilized today by firms to more effectively engage in strategic planning. Specifically, the new trends and tools to be discussed in this paper are as follows: increased need to follow a strategic planning model; increased need to develop quality vision and mission statements; a new improved method for incorporating SWOT analysis into practice. Utilizing two matrices one internal and one external to provide a less biased way to access the current strategy fit with conditions facing the firm. Explain the use of a decision matrix commonly called the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) for assessing the relative attractiveness of various strategies being considered for implementation. The purpose of this paper is to familiarize readers with basic new tools and techniques being used by organizations to effectively develop an improved strategic plan for the firm.

  • New Method for Dynamic Tribological Test of Engineering Polymers
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    In this article, tribological tests of Polyamide 6 (PA 6), Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMW PE) and Polyoxymethylene copolymer (POM C) by a new testing method is introduced. The tribometer used in the test is capable for pin-on-disc measuring within all possible layout known in tribology practice, otherwise can be modified into special model of fatigue sliding test. The pin was a specimen made from examined materials, always in contact with a rotating metal disc under a normal load, which is usually static. However, since vibration exists in every practical scene as an important phenomenon, for instance in turning process, we added vibration load into the test. The supplement load is generated by a special-designed vibrating machine. Then properties of examined materials can be studied more profoundly under vibration load. As a result, different value of friction coefficient in static and vibration load have been discovered and taken into comparison.

  • Prediction of FLD using Abaqus and Gurson Model for Simple Flat Spacemen
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    In the past century, in many industries, such as, metal forming industry, it has been important to predict ductile damage and fracture of metals under complex loadings. Regarding damage mechanics, one of the most classical models is the GTN, which was originated from Gurson and later enhanced by Tvergaard and Needleman. The inprovement was achieved by introducing an equivalent void volume fraction f and two more parameters called q1 and q2 into the yield function of Gurson’s model.

  • The CAD Modelling Possibilities of Gear Pairs by Two Ways in the Mechanical Engineering Practice
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    The GearTeq 2021 software is a complex gear designer software which is capable to design different types of gears based on the initial geometric parameters by the user. Naturally, the users’ appropriate knowledge for the gear theorem and the manufacturing technology is indispensable for the design. The possibilities of the software are shown in this publication. The designed gear pairs are usable for different engineering fields (robots, working machines, vehicles, etc.).

  • Development of a Low-cost Pressure Sensor
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    In this paper development of a pressure sensor has been discussed. The main benefit of this sensor is relatively cheap compared to commercially available ones. The unit contains a beam type load cell and a pneumatic cylinder. The load cell has 4 strain gauges in Wheatstone bridge configuration in order to convert the change of resistance into measurable voltage. The system is well applicable in numerous circumstances, where digital pressure signal is necessary for control or data acquisition.

  • Requirements for Multicultural Competencies Defined by a Focus Group
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    Globalization, the spread of multinational companies and the enormous development of information technology can lead to a new trend in employers’ requirements. However, being employed by an international company is a real possibility for any employee in any part of the world. Even if they do not have to work abroad, employees may have to function in a multinational environment in their home countries. A favourable combination of intercultural competencies is a key factor in the selection and development of employees. A possible way of measuring these competencies can be the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ). First of all,on the employers’ part, it is important to clarify the exact requirements and competencies (dimensions) to be able to draw up an ‘ideal profile’. We prepared two versions of the MPQ (91-item; 5-dimensional) and used them to test employers’ requirements in the selection process regarding the dimensions of cultural empathy, open-mindedness, social initiative, emotional stability and flexibility. This study describes the results of a focus group interview, which took place in 2017, revealing the importance of multicultural competencies from the employers’ point of view and examining the conditions of the adaptability of the two questionnaires. We used the focus group method to find out in what conditions the questionnaires canbe used in a selection process. What possibilities and limits are therefor using the direct five-dimensional questionnaire? What aspects do we need to take into consideration in expressing and interpreting the requirements in the results of the test?

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