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  • Development Lies in Corporate Processes

    Nowadays, our rapidly evolving world is characterized by constant change. Organizations need to be prepared and responsive to these systematic changes to compete in the marketplace. Today nothing is constant or predictable because the organization is driven by the "3 C" force (customers, competition, change). Rapid adaptation to ever-changing circumstances requires companies to move from structured organizations based on traditional functions to process-based management. By using state-of-the-art process management procedures, organizations can be made transparent, analysable, measurable, and continually improving, and help companies increase their performance and organizational flexibility, and reduce costs. It also helps to recognize when it is necessary to change a process for an effect. In the event of creating well-organized processes, companies are more responsive to changes in the market, allowing them to operate more efficiently, and to carry out development activities easier. Nowadays, development as a new framework focuses primarily on digitalisation, which is challenging for companies to adapt but without this, they would be left behind in the competition. These challenges require radical changes and transformations in the lives of many organizations, which are difficult to achieve. With the development of  process-based enterprise management, not just multinational companies can improve their operation, but small and medium-sized enterprises can also move towards digitalization thus inducing development for not only their own but for the economy as a whole.

  • Sustainability, sustainable supply chain management

    With the rapid development of the world economy, the growing scarcity of natural resources and the degradation caused by pollution, environmental protection has become a major concern for countries and regions of the world. Sustainability is a common subject in many parts of the world and the various research areas among policy makers, journalists, scientists, universities and social debate. It is generally accepted, that companies also play an important role in addressing the challenges of sustainable development. In this role, making a key challenge to balance often conflicting pressures caused by sustainable development, that is, the level of corporate economic performance against environmental deterioration and social disruption. Effective integration of sustainability principles into companies requires action beyond the borders of organizations. The issue of sustainability is becoming more and more prominent in corporate governance. One of the most important area of supply chain management is for companies to gain a competitive edge in the market. This has a significant impact on the natural environment, and there is a growing need to integrate environmental thinking in supply chain management and processes, which is why companies are increasingly focusing on sustainable development, taking on more CSR initiatives and achieving a greener supply chain. Sustainable and green supply chain management practices have been developed over the past decades, trying to integrate environmental considerations into organizations by reducing unwanted negative consequences for the environment of production and consumption processes. In this article, I have examined the issues of sustainability and sustainable supply chain management, mainly based on descriptive secondary literature.

  • Food Security and Economic Growth: An Income Level Comparison

    Food security is a fundamental but often neglected aspect of economic growth and sustainable development. This paper examines the effect of food security on productivity (GDP/capita) over time, while taking the income level of various countries into account. Dynamic panel regression analyses suggest that food security is positively related to productivity, but this effect is stronger in more developed countries. The study highlights the complexity of the economic problems faced by the least developed countries, where increasing the consumption and supply of food is insufficient for significantly increasing economic performance.

  • Environmental Index and Environmental City Resilience Index calculation for Four Settlements in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County and Four in Győr-Moson-Sopron County

    Globalization and urbanization pose a number of challenges for different settlements. Stakeholders seek to cure global problems through sustainable projects. Since the Brundtland Commission's definition of sustainable development in 1987, the approach to sustainability has permeated all dimensions of the economy, including the environmental dimension. In Hungary, IBM conducted a study (Lados - Horváthné Barsi, 2011), in which the search for green, sustainable solutions defined in the definition of a livable city plays a key role. The characteristics of sustainable cities, that they are resilient to disasters, return to equilibrium after a shock has occurred (Seeliger, Turok, 2013). Resilience can also be mentioned as one of the pillars of sustainability. In a UN-Habitat statement, resilience refers to the ability of any urban system to withstand and recover from multiple shocks and to maintain the continuity of its services (OECD, 2018). In my study, I would like to present the results of the environmental index and the Environmental Urban Resilience Index (EURI) of the four largest cities selected on the basis of the population in the easternmost and westernmost counties of the country.

  • Operation of the Mediacentrum Debrecen

    The media market has been significantly rearranged over the last two decades. The local media of bigger cities worked for a long time in the background of local television. In addition to county print newspapers, television was the main source of information. Changes in media consumption habits, technical development have brought new market demands and new forms of appearance. Most of the local televisions, such as the Debrecen Television, were forced into operational and organizational change. With the expansion of the media portfolio, it has reached the dominant media of the region, covering the entire market segment, where content creation and providing the background of content delivery are at the highest level.

  • The Possible Job Creation and Job Destructive Effects of Technological Development

    Throughout history, technological change has often provided the basis for employee anxiety. Between 1811 and 1816, a group of workers in England who called themselves "Luddists" destroyed machines, because they thought it would endanger their workplace. 19th-century thinkers and economists such as Karl Marx and David Ricardo predicted that mechanizing the economy would ultimately worsen workers' conditions, depriving them of a decent wage. Over the last century, John M. Keynes (1930s) and Wassily Leontief (1950s) have expressed their fears that more and more workers will be replaced by machine solutions that will lead to unemployment. In recent years, Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) have argued that existing technologies reduce the demand for labor and put some of the human workforce at a permanent disadvantage. However, there are a number of compensation mechanisms that can offset the initial displacement effects of automation and process innovation in general (Vivarelli, 2015). First of all, while workers are being replaced in industries that introduce new machine technology, additional workers in new industries are needed. Second, automation (and process innovation in general) reduces average costs. Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) found that this results, on the one hand, in the effect of price productivity (“priceproductivity”) (as production costs decrease, the industry can expand and increase labor demand); and, on the other hand, it leads to economies of scale in production (the reduction in costs due to automation leads to an increase in total output and increases the demand for labor in all industries). Similarly, Vivarelli (2015) argues that lower average costs can result in lower prices (if the industry's market structure is perfectly competitive), stimulate product demand, or result in extra profits (if the industry's structure is not perfectly competitive). If these extra profits are reinvested in the company, this investment can create new jobs. The presentation intends to present these counterbalancing cases and to provide real examples based on the literature.

  • The Correlation between LGBTQ Tolerance and Economic Development in Europe

    This study analyses the relationship between LGBTQ tolerance and economic development. It uses various indices measuring tolerance and economic data of 48 European countries. Based on previous literature I outlined how economic progress is supposed to have an impact on the social inclusion of marginalised groups. Also, a number of empirical reports are cited providing substantial evidence that tolerance can too shape economic performance. The main aim of this paper is to confirm that these findings in fact hold water in Europe. Having examined the regression analysis of GDP per capita and tolerance, as well as HDI and tolerance, I found that the modernisation theory proved valid on my sample. The other component of my analysis focusing on the sway of social inclusion over FDI showed that more tolerant states attract more foreign capital. These results led me to believe that economic progress and LGBTQ inclusion are interrelated, thus the latter should be considered upon forming policy.

  • Testing Methods of Green Supply Chain, in Particular Supplier’s Selection an Evaluation Tools

    Today, more and more articles have emerged in the field of sustainability and sustainable development. Sustainability plays an important role in supply chain management too. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has emerged as a key approach for enterprises seeking to make their businesses environmentally sustainable. The notion of GSCM implies the insertion of environmental criteria within the decision-making context of the traditional supply chain management. Enterprises are increasingly expected to extend their sustainability efforts beyond their own operations to their suppliers and customers to their sustainability expectations. Literature of green supplier evaluation and selection methods number is large, though the number of environmental factors are relatively limited. Recently in supply chain management decision making, approaches for evaluating green supplier performance have used both qualitative and quantitative environmental data. Given this evolving research area, the purpose of this article is to analyse research conducted in international scientific journals focusing on the selection and evaluation of a green supplier. The purpose of this article will answered two questions: Which selection methods are commonly used? What environmental and other selection criteria for green supplier management are popular?

  • Effect of nanomaterials on work safety

    Nowadays, due to their special properties, nanomaterials are gaining more and more interest and their industrial application is increasing. Their specific properties are mainly due to the fact that the main characteristics of nanomaterials are not always the same as the normal size range of the same material. While these materials fulfill an important new function in the industry, their interactions with the environment and biological organisms are becoming increasingly unpredictable, increasing uncertainty, for example, in their application to human safety. Due to the very rapid technological development, these substances have been used much earlier than the legal framework for their application could have developed, and therefore a binding regulation on the use of nanomaterials is currently not available. At this moment, the manufacturer of the nanomaterial is responsible for the safety of the products. Of course, owever, chemical safety legislation and standards provide an excellent basis for their management, but due to their specific properties, novelty and lack of knowledge of the mechanism of action, risk assessment can still be a challenge for the practitioner.

  • A Possible Way to Encourage Sustainable Consumption

    With the growth and spread of the concept of sustainable consumption and with the re-emergence of issues related to needs, the basic concepts of consumption need to be analyzed from aspects not inspected by mainstream economics. Consumer behaviour is largely determined by the prevailing values of society and nowadays consumption symbolizes social status. The purpose of this study is to critically examine the concept of utility, to review traditional and alternative concepts and aspirations related to the promotion of sustainable consumption. The authors argue, that utility can not only be examined by narrow economic considerations; the values of present and future generations also must be taken into account when determining what is considered to be useful. The study concludes by presenting alternative financial solutions that encourage sustainable consumption. The presented examples demonstrate, that complementary currency models are suitable means to encourage sustainable consumer behaviour. These are external motivational tools eliciting the desired behaviour through reward schemes.

  • An Overview of the Situation of SMEs in Hungary in Catching up to Industry 4.0

    Since I have been working I have been in contact with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large companies in various ways. I have thus been confronted with the disadvantages of the former in terms of the introduction and use of 4IF technologies.  Yet most of them are aware that to remain competitive in the market, they cannot avoid digitising their operational processes to some extent. I have also found that this mainly depends on the characteristics of the organisation; for example, its orientation. Domestic SMEs are therefore currently at a competitive disadvantage in the market. However, there is no information on whether there is a trend towards development and where they themselves should develop. This would help them to develop the right, achievable vision for the future, coupled with a feasible business strategy.

  • The Relationship Between Renewable Energy Consumption, Net Energy Import, Greenhouse Gas Emission and Human Cap

    The measures to improve energy efficiency and increase of renewable energy production and consumption should be encouraged in the interest of sustainable development. Many factors can influence the use of renewable energy such as the level of economic development of an economy, nationals’ and the main  economic actors’ environmental awareness, energy import dependency, ratio of the urban population, and government subsidization intensity among the others. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the share of renewable energy in the total energy consumption and net energy import as a percentage of energy use less production, greenhouse gas emission per capita and human capital using by OECD countries data from 1990 to 2014. The results indicate that there is a negative relationship between net energy import and renewable energy consumption, and also negative relationship can be shown between the amount of greenhouse gas emission per capita and renewable energy consumption. However, we identified a positive relationship between human capital and renewable energy consumption for energy importer countries above a certain level of human capital.

  • Indicators of environmental performance evaluation – theory and corporate case study

    In the last decades there was a change in the field of corporate performance evaluation. Performance management systems, indicator-based systems and new, intellectual capital-based evaluation systems have appeared. Finally new, wide range of corporate evaluating methods was born in theory and in practice too. It is also important to mention, that in a life of organizations there is an improvement in the activity in connection with sustainable development, and also in the usage of methods connecting to sustainable development. Therefore the evaluation in the dimensions of sustainability – in a case of environmental performance evaluation, or evaluation of corporate social responsibility – became more and more emphasised. We concentrate on the theory and practice of environmental performance evaluation. Summarize – based on definitions – the concept of environmental performance evaluation. We concentrate on peculiarities of environmental performance indicators – based on international standards and literature review; and also mention the characteristics of indicator systems. Based on theory, the practice is also important. Therefore we present a case study of a multinational company.

  • Challenges of the Quality- and Change Management in the Context of Upcoming Social-Industrial Changes (5.0) – Conclusion of a Survey

    The upcoming industrial-social revolution, which may be called the 5.0, is emphasizing the coordination of the value-creating work of technology (machine) and man. This approach wishes to move towards sustainability, which deserves a significant role in nowadays through the world empathizing the negative effects of the wolrd. During my research I was looking for the answer that how the extended industry 4.0 and its tone be in Hungary via supply chain of the automotive industry. During my research I was looking for the answer that how the extended industry 4.0 be in Hungary and its tune through supply chain of the automotive industry. I also have examined that which changes are justified regarding management systems in interest of efficiency and emphasizing the human capital by leaders interviewed. As a part of qualitative research in-depth expert interviews were interpreted with help of content analysis based on the methodology of grounded theory. The results demonstrate the need to review and change existing processes in order to ensure that the potential of human capital is not lost and that technological development, even more so, is at the service of human resources in order to achieve its efficiency and effectiveness. Among the possible tools we can find the re-structurizing changes of post tracking processes of the audits in management systems providing quality. Furthermore, the practical implementation of multifactorial statistical process control in the evaluation of processed data, which may be one of the essences of industrial (IoT) data.

  • Evolution, Place and Role of Controlling in a Business Organisation

    The development of controlling can be traced back to the beginning of 20th century. Thus it has one century of continuous scientific development. Controlling has been applied in fields such as finance, manufactureproduction, and trade sales. In financial accounting different activities have been formed for planning and accounting costs and performance. These activities were integrated by management accounting, which serves the ever growing information needs of the management. In addition to the operational functioning of growing and diversification companies controlling covers even the strategic level. The primary focus of controlling activity at 21st-century businesses is to improve organisational performance. Previously there were differences between the German and Anglo-Saxon trends. According to the German trend controlling is a set of instruments that provides the required information needed for management decision-making and based on it planning, monitoring, and controlling activities could be achieved.  Furthermore, the German trend considers that a particular department is responsible for controlling activities. Conversely, according to the Anglo-Saxon conception controlling is considered as a part of management and managers are responsible for efficient allocation of resources, the so-called „management control”, carrying out planning and controlling tasks at the same time. Some differences can be recognised between the two conceptions about where is controlling placed in companies within the organisational framework. However, it can be stated as a fact, that management and controlling are inseparably linked, and the aim of both fields is to increase the performance of a company.

  • Evolution of Lean Management and the Organizational Learning

    In industry, service and public sector lean approach is gaining ground. However, there is a significant difference between the organizations applying lean concept in case of their lean transformation maturity level as well as their lessons learned. There is a huge variety of methods and techniques which can be used but there are two conditions in case of every organization regardless their sector or their lean maturity level which determine the success of their lean development: lean approach leader and learning organization. Lean leadership is not based on a particular sector or method and a ready-made lean organization is not needed either. The concept of the top management has a huge effect on the characteristics of theorganization but whether the will of the management is enough for the complete transformation or not is the question. Is the target the lean organization itself or how a unit of an organization or the whole organization can react to the change of the environment? The attitudes and behaviors of lean approach leadership can be applied every day, everywhere and support the aim of creating a real lean organization.

  • The Role of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization in agriculture, Especially in Romanian Agriculture

    The use of robotics, automation, big data, artificial intelligence are growing in the world and in the agricultural sector, which contribute to the development of a more efficient agricultural sector.  In the agriculture sector for sustainable development it is necessary the use of opportunities and technologies provided by industry 4.0. For the agriculture sector digitalization means the future, because it helps increasing output meanwhile environmental pressure is remitting, and is not increasing. The aim of these paper is to present the concept of Industry 4.0 in agriculture and to analyse the romanian agricultural sector attitude and conditions towards digitalization.

  • The Logistics Conception of the Value Chain of Wood

    The importance of the forest management and timber producing is highly determined by the value chain of timber. The forest management and timber producing can basically contribute to achieve the goals of the sustainable development as producing and processing the wood as a raw material. The relationship of the multifunctional forestry management as producing different scale of products and services results that changing a member of the chain might cause the total net alternation of the forestry system’s added value. The added value of the special areas of the appropriate and sustainable forest management is the infrastructural, recreational and touristic services.

  • The Manageable Development is a Lean Basis for a Small Organization

    The lean approach is based on the buyer, while eliminating losses, in addition to value creation and efficiency gains, it determines the direction of developments in the process. To successfully build and maintain lean, engagement and development is indispensable, but it is not as simple as changing past behaviors and attitudes. The company also realized that changes were needed, as the increased number of employees in the company, and the increase in production and the profits associated with it, made it clear that organizational development is needed. The organization development was started by SWOT analysis, and along with Ishikawa's assay, I discovered whether LEAN was necessary for the company. With Gemba, I took a look at the problems and then categorized them to designate development points.

  • Classification of Nanomaterial’s Risky Properties on the Aspect of Human Safety

    Due to their unique properties the application of nanomaterials continuously extends thus these appear for several industries. The industrial application of nanomaterials became significant during the last decades. As a result of the intensive development, our knowledge about the exact influence of nanomaterials for living bodies and human health is characterised by deficiency for both short and long time. Nanomaterials able to be entered to the living organism through several ways then invade to the circulatory system and the lymphatic system, reach the organs and can induce various kind of damages and serious diseases as a result of their different appearance, physical and chemical properties. Legislation in Hungary and in the European Union seems to be incomplete. There is no document which summarizes and details the risky factors and parameters in case of a risk assessment.  Our aim was to develop a criterion system considering the risks related to the use and contact of nanomaterials based on their physical, chemical and biological properties, which criterion system could provide basic principle for a risk assessment thereby make the industrial processes safer both for the employees and those who are in the vicinity.

  • Environmental Challenges – Strategic Responses

    The paper serves the purpose of understanding better how businesses and enterprises may handle the changes happening in their environment using the tools of management. Radical changes are happening in the environment of businesses, primarily as a result of the massive and forceful appearance of new opportunities and constraints brought by the technological development. Some of the businesses participates actively in the creation of changes. For other businesses the main issue is the way they may handle the changes. How may businesses and enterprises adapt to the new environmental characteristic is the main issue under scrutiny in this paper.

  • Wearable technology usage among students of the University of Debrecen

    The lack of physical activity and the growing prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle are urgent public health problem worldwide. The problem is also typical of the young population, especially university students, who spend most of the day in a sitting position. Technological development is one of the catalysts for the rise of a sedentary lifestyle, nevertheless, thanks to this, many devices have appeared on the market that can be used to encourage physical activity. The widespread of wearable activity tracker devices – wristwatches, wristbands – among the population shows a constantly increasing trend, with a parallel increase in the amount of data collected about ourselves (step count, calories burned, heart rate). The main goal of the present study derives from the recognition of the gap in this field in the domestic sports science literature therefore our focus is on modern information technology tools in the dimension of physical activity. The aim of this study is to assess the attitudes of the university student population towards activity-tracking devices. We conducted a cross-sectional online quantitative survey (questionnaire) among DE GTK students. 340 people filled out the questionnaire correctly. In addition to descriptive statistics, parametric and non-parametric tests (Pearson's chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, t-test, Mann-Whitney test) were used to examine the relationships. The results of the statistical tests were considered significant if p<0.05. We performed the distribution of the variables using the Kolgomorov-Smirnov test. The majority of respondents (55%) have already tried some kind of wearable device that measures physical activity. Every third student (34%) are currently using their device. Those who have not tried these devices so far indicated the price as the primary deterrent. 32% of the students plan to invest in such a device in the future. 39% of device users use an activity tracker bracelet, while 61% use or used a smartwatch. In terms of sex, we did not find any differences in asset ownership. The primary goal of the students (66.8%) was to track their physical activity. The most frequently used function was tracking the number of steps, indicated by 81% of the respondents, followed by heart rate measurement (67%). Most of them (69%) set some kind of goal regarding their number of steps. According to every third student, they moved more as a result of the device and managed to maintain the increased level of physical activity. 44% of the students claimed that their physical activity did not change despite using the device. Students tend to disagree with the positive statements related to the devices in connection with a healthy lifestyle. Although the present study suggests that wearable devices have an impact on students and they track their measured data, it is questionable whether the devices themselves are enough of an incentive for students to develop a healthier lifestyle.

  • „Return to the Countryside” – The Retention Possibility of the Sport

    Nowadays, one of the most interesting parts of sociology is the research of the rural areas’ specific features. Within these studies the rural areas ability for survival and to retain forms an important basis. A basic pillar of these, that the youth from these areas become sufficiently motivated to return to their rural homeland after finishing their studies and be able to redound the local social and economic development. Sadly, we experience the opposite of it. Young generations are fleeing to large cities and in medium or long term it leads to the decay of these involved settlements; in worst case scenario the results can be irreversible. In close relation with the aforementioned, we have to mention the specific behaviour of the local – rural – elite, which can be the source of further problems. In the course of our research, we wanted to investigate, that what is the reason that university students, who are studying in large cities don’t want to return or move to rural areas. Furthermore, we tried to give an inside view about their opinions of rural areas and the life in the countryside. 

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