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  • Investigation of Parental Roles in Relation to Youth Football

    My research is based on the fact that, thanks to the development of sports and the capital flowing into the sector, youth sports are no longer just a useful way of spending free time for children and a mean for educating them for a healthy lifestyle, but also an opportunity to lay the foundation for an adult sports career and, with it, secure future existence. In order for the training to be effective and productive, one of the many components is the existence of parental support. Youth competitive sports pose many challenges for a family and influence their lives from several aspects. In my research, I examined how youth sports affects parents in terms of certain demographic variables, what changes it generates in their family life, and I also paid attention to what expectations the family has about sports. The basis of the study is an online questionnaire survey, which was filled out by more than 700 parents of youth football associations. My research revealed that, in accordance with the previous literature related to the topic, their children's sports have a significant impact on the lives of the parents and they set different expectations regarding it, which are also influenced by various social and demographic factors.

  • Long Container Dwell Time at Seaport Terminals: An Investigation Study from a Consignee Perspective

    Many companies are concerned about the problem of increasing average dwell time for their import containers at the port of the final destination and therefore incurring additional shipping costs in form of demurrage charges for the port administration and detention charges for the shipping line. Previous studies have addressed this topic by analyzing terminal operations and evaluated its effects on port productivity and competitiveness; however few studies have explicitly explored long container dwell time causes from a consignee perspective. This research aims to identify the causes of long dwell time for the import containers at port storage yards for one of the leading FMCG companies in Jordan. To that end, the data of import containers whose stay at the terminal exceeded the free storage days in the period between 2019 and 2020 were collected by referring to the set of shipping documents and reviewing the correspondences between the consignee and other parties in the supply chain. Based on the timelines that have been analyzed for each case of delay to the collection of shipping documents in consideration with the payment terms, as well as the clearance and delivery timelines, ten causes for the long container dwell time have been identified and classified into three main categories according to the types of flow in the supply chain; five causes related to information flow, two causes related to cash flow, and three causes related to physical flow. The impact of these causes has been evaluated using the demurrage and detention charges as a measure indicator and the findings of this research have also revealed that the causes related to cash flow have a greater impact than the other types of causes.

  • Business Strategy in the Model of Linear Activity Analysis of Production

    It was analyzed how the methodology of linear activity analysis of production model supports the implementation of different business strategies at a company level. Aspects of analysis are focusing on openness for markets, lean management and environmental protection strategies. The study reveals that the linear activity analysis of production – mainly due to its efficient process optimization problem solving ability – is capable supporting lean management decisions and implementing additional objectives in business strategies. Such objectives can be sustaining specific production patterns for further development or following strategies for limiting market competition. It will be shown how to quantify the costs of strategic objectives in linear activity analyzing model.

  • Analysis of the Supply of Sport Services by Organizational Aspects

    The spread of consumer societies has led to the commercialization, and the emergence of profit-oriented operating frameworks in the fields of sport. The sports enterprises, involved in the operation of competing groups on professional, spectator fields of sport have already been examined from legal, economic, organizational points of view by a number of international and Hungarian researchers. In this article, we attempt to cover and summarize the Hungarian research approaches on this subject. The motive behind our investigation is that we should launch an organizational examination of the Hungarian profit-oriented sports suppliers in the near future. We plan to analyse the property, financial, income, organizational, management and labor management related situation of these sports enterprises. In order to ground the research, the review nature summary of domestic economic, organization science related secondary examinations is essential, which allows the development of the appropriate research methodology and the comparison of our results with the antecedents.

  • Why do not people attend football matches in Hungary?

    Both international and domestic research on passive sport consumption focuses on the motivations of fans. However in Hungary, unlike the examples of North America and Western Europe, we have to look for answers to the question of why people do not go to football matches. In order to find an answer to this question, we conducted an online survey with a number of items of 347 people. For the latter a scale measuring absence from sport consumption was used and the reliability of the scales was tested by Cronbach's alpha calculation. After our principal component analysis, we developed 5 internal and 5 external factors, on which we conduct hypothesis test along demographic and sports consumption variables. Based on our results, we have established that, contrary to public opinion, the low number of spectators in Hungarian football matches is not only and primarily due to unsucces and the low quality of matches. Our respondents are mostly kept away from stadiums by football-related government measures, as well as by preferring to participate in other recreational program opportunities.

  • Labor Market Effects of Organizational Health Promotion

    Nowadays, we can observe an increasing trend in the spread of non-communicable diseases. It is important to highlight the social factors that negatively affect health. Determinants includes income, education and the research-relevant working and living conditions. From a labor market perspective, unemployment and poor working conditions are a significant responsibility for the deterioration of mental and physical health. Health is also affected by employment conditions. Extended working hours have been shown to be harmful to health. Poor health has generates poorer work performance, a higher rate of sick leave, and higher health care costs. My primary goals in my research was to explore the labor market impacts of workplace health promotion and guidelines for corporate health promotion. Within health promotion, physical activity has played a prominent role. I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. I have been performed a traditional literature analysis based on domestic and international studies. My results are suggest that the workplace health promotion has more positive labor market effects than increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism and health care costs. It is important to mention that health promotion could bring benefits to both employers and employees. Regarding corporate guidelines, there is no new approach directive other than the older literature sources. thus, it may be worthwhile to develop a new and different corporate process for effective workplace health promotion.

  • Digitalization Trends and Their Possible Implications to SME Performance: Comparative Study Between Hungary and Azerbaijan

    This comparative research intends to find similarities and differences in the digitalization level of Hungary and Azerbaijan. Following the state of art in digitalization, further focus is on the digitalization of small and medium enterprises in both countries. The secondary research is done through several international reports and databases collected for years 2018-2022, depending on the availability. The comparison is performed based on four subcategories of digitization areas defined by the European Commission. The study holds its uniqueness due to the absence of comparative research between the mentioned two countries and the indicators used. The results contribute to the awareness, existing knowledge and provide future research insights into digitalization trends of both countries.

  • Quality Improvement in Higher Education – Role of Indicators and Student Feedbacks in Course Improvement

    Customer oriented conduct and process-based thinking have become quasivital pillars of durable competitiveness for the business world today. Following this approach should result in satisfied customers, decreased costs, and efficient employees. However, the actors in higher education are just starting tolerant his way of thinking. The increasing focus on quality issues and the process-related approach to this is catalyzed by several factors. These concept is not a new issue at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Department of Management and Corporate Economics as the flagship of teaching and researching quality management at the University looks for opportunities to give practical answer. Based on this the purpose of my paper is to demonstrate different examples at the different level of processes in higher education.

  • Flexibility Analysis Of Inventory Cost Model With Ergonomics

    The economic and environmental sustainability issues in supply chain management have integrated by many researchers in the past decades. The ergonomics as a social aspect of sustainability had received a little attention by researchers. Therefore, the aim of the paper is analyzing the flexibility of developed inventory cost model with relaxation allowance and endurance time as a social aspect of sustainability. The effects of distance, unit weight of item and total number of items on relaxation allowance, the total cost of logistics operation and the EOQ model were investigated. The analyzed mathematical model was a single operator-single material model which covered transportation of fixed amount of raw materials from storage plant to production plant by manual material handling with simple cart and picking, storing, pushing and pushing back with empty cart for manual handling of the products. The different parameter values applied for analysis such as total amount of handled items (Q) changes between 500 pcs to 2750 pcs, unit weight of item (w) changes between 0.1 kg to 1 kg, distance of movement by manual material handling for picking and storing motions (d1) changes between 2 m to 3 m and the distance between the storing equipment and the supermarket of the production line for pushing motion (d2) changes between 15 m to 20 m. The results of the analysis indicated that the longer the distance of movement for all motions leads to decrease in savings of the model compared to EOQ model. The increase in unit weight of item is increase the savings obtained from application of our model and decrease the optimal lot size. There was no specific change on savings or optimal lot size as the total amount of handled item is increase. The compared results indicated that an increase in d1 and d2 lead to an increase in optimal lot size and increase in total cost of the model. Consequently, the analysis has shown that a decrease in lot size would be the better way to improve both ergonomic conditions and total cost of production in any different parameter values. Finally, the analysis of the inventory model with ergonomics were proved that this model is suitable for different industrial practices.

  • Practice of Organizational Development in a Domestic Company

    In today's changing world, it is extremely important that organizations can keep up with market trends. The perspectives of continuous development are expanding and the commitment of decision-makers to development activities is growing steadily. The starting point for organizational development is always man. Organizational development always begins with deeper research and modeling. Fundamental guidelines are set out as a paradigm of development. The most important and at the same time the most difficult step is to introduce the results of the analysis. The most effective, but the most time-consuming and cost-effective solution is full organizational development. The management of the organization faces significant efforts to embark on a full organizational development process. The aim of our study is to propose different development opportunities for the company's management with the help of analysis by the organization and supported by measurable data, as well as the catalyst for the modifying efforts observed among employees.

  • Examining Organisational Culture with OCAI among Technical Management BSc Students of the University of Debrecen

    Based on the OCAI model, our study analyses and compares two things (1) the corporate culture of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering as it is perceived by its engineering management students; and (2) the culture they think would be ideal. According to the respondents the existing culture is closer to the clan type and further from the market type compared to the average. Their ideal culture is closer to the clan, adhocracy and further from the market (compared to the average). The perceived current and the ideal culture are significantly different only in the adhocracy type. From the 20 items of the OCAI questionnaire 7 were significantly different from the average in the case of the perceived culture and 13 in the case of the ideal culture. Differences between ideal and present cultures are statistically supported only in the following dimensions: dominant characteristics (clan is currently stronger, adhocracy is weaker), corporate leadership (market is currently stronger), strategic emphasis (hierarchy is currently stronger).

  • Menedzsment szakos hallgatók a munkaerőpiacon: az elhelyezkedés mintázatai

    The present study analyses the labour market career of graduates from three management majors. Majors in connection with the economic and engineering educational field (economy and management, engineering manager, human resources manager) belong to the average and in numerous aspects to the good status majors and professions. The social recrutation of the majors analysed is middleclass. According to their  labour market success, such as the duration of finding a job, the level of employment and income they are among professions of favourable position. The knowledge gained at university may be considered well usable in their work. Their satisfaction with the different components of their work is similar to other university graduates, they are most satisfied with the content of their work, and less with its prestige and possible income.In this study we analyse 2011 and 2012 databases of the Graduate Tracking System.

  • Cultural diversity, Intercultural Competence, Tolerance and the Economy: a Review

    Cultural diversity is generally a controversial topic in the literature. Whereas some studies proved that it has economic benefits, others denied that. However, it is possible to avoid the costs related to that through enhancing each of intercultural competence, on the level of firms, and social tolerance, on the level of economies. To investigate that, the study used literature review analysis. Based on the literature, cultural diversity plays important role in enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship which are necessary for economic development. However, it may result in different challenges such as a lack of trust and conflict. Therefore, it could be feasible to manage and benefit from cultural diversity in the companies through cross-cultural training as well as cultural diversity management. On the other hand, economies can avoid cultural diversity's costs by adopting the policies and institutions which are necessary for enhancing the level of social tolerance among people.

  • Analysis and Comparison of Forecast Methods for a Small Enterprise

    The application of forecasting models is an essential part of the profitable operations of every company. However, today’s small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) does not pay enough attention to this field. This research presents a case study in which we tried to determine the sequence of a forecasting process, furthermore, determine the best applicable method to the dataset. Seven dissimilar forecasting method was applied: moving average and weighted moving averages with different periods (2-3-4 weeks), as well as exponential smoothing. The four-week-long weighted moving average served the best solution, which was tested by tracking signal as well.

  • Enhancing Customer Experience in Car Servicing: Insights from Indian Markets

    This descriptive research has attempted to assess customers' satisfaction with services offered by car servicing firms in India. The researcher administered a structured questionnaire to 300 company customers, selected using the Systematic Random Sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS, applying the analytical tools of Frequency, Percentage, Mean, factor analysis, cluster analysis, Chi-square and Correspondence Analysis. Results of the study have revealed that the caring nature of servicing staff, the quality of services and service personnel, and the convenience and comfort offered to customers have been identified as the most important factors affecting customer satisfaction. 

  • The Effect of Administrative Empowerment on the Organizational Effectiveness of Bank Employees

    This study seeks to identify the level of the impact of administrative empowerment in its dimensions on the organizational effectiveness in the banking sector in Syria. In order to verify the objectives, develop and test the validity of the hypotheses, the descriptive approach was adopted. The study found that there is a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of administrative empowerment on the organizational effectiveness of workers in banking sector.  

  • A Literature Review: Artificial Intelligence Impact on the Recruitment Process

    This paper aim is to review the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Human Resources Management (HRM) recruitment processes. A systematic review was adopted in which academic papers, magazine articles as well as high rated websites with related fields were checked. The findings of this study should contribute to the general understanding of the impact of AI on the HRM recruitment process. It was impossible to track and cover all topics related to the subject. However, the research methodology used seems to be reasonable and acceptable as it covers a good number of articles which are related to the core subject area. The results and findings were almost clear that using AI is advantages in the area of recruitment as technology can serve best in this area. Moreover, time, efforts, and boring daily tasks are transformed to be computerized which makes a good space for humans to focus on more important subjects related to boosting performance and development. Acquiring automation and cognitive insights as well as cognitive engagement in the recruitment process would make it possible for systems to work similarly to the human brain in terms of data analysis and the ability to build an effective systematic engagement to process the data in an unbiased, efficient and fast way.

  • Incentive Methods of Traditional and Lean Production

    Many research deals with the lean management, but mainly related to the topic of operational management. The target of the author to investigate the lean production can be found there any incentives that could be support of the changed labour market. After the labor market outlook, which may help us to understand the actualities of the topic, grouping the incentive methods based on the model of Hay Group's happening, which is collected on the basis of literature lean processing methods. An identifiable differences in the grouping of lean and related traditional production incentives, which are sometimes more supportive of employees' commitment to the company.

  • Examination of Sports-Related Expenditure by Competitive Sportsmen and Women

    The economic role of sport has grown worldwide in recent decades, and Hungary is no exception. Sport is one of the most important industries, offering significant economic benefits to the country. Accordingly, the sports economy is attracting increasing attention and playing an increasingly important role in both the international and domestic economy In the study, we looked at how much people spend on sport activity. A questionnaire survey was conducted. In addition to demographic data, we asked about their sporting habits and their willingness to spend on sport. The majority of respondents are competitive athletes, mostly competing in team sports. The results show that respondents who compete in team sports have a much higher expenditure, on a monthly basis, than people who compete in individual sports.

  • LSI with Support Vector Machine for Text Categorization – a practical example with Python

    Artificial intelligence is becoming a powerful tool of modernity science, there is even a science consensus about how our society is turning to a data-driven society. Machine learning is a branch of Artificial intelligence that has the ability to learn from data and understand its behavers. Python programming language aiming the challenges of this new era is becoming one of the most popular languages for general programming and scientific computing. Keeping all this new era circumstances in mind, this article has as a goal to show one example of how to use one supervised machine learning method, Support Vector Machine, and to predict movie’s genre according to its description using the programming language of the moment, python. Firstly, Omdb official API was used to gather data about movies, then tuned Support Vector Machine model for Latent semantic indexing capable of predicting movies genres according to its plot was coded. The performance of the model occurred to be satisfactory considering the small dataset used and the occurrence of movies with hybrid genres. Testing the model with larger dataset and using multi-label classification models were purposed to improve the model.

  • The green methanol - playing a role in sustainable energy management

    Global energy demand is constantly increasing, so the energy sources we use, and the efficiency of energy use are of paramount importance for the future of humanity. Methanol can play a key role in the sustainable use of natural resources, in the efficient and smooth transition from a fossil oil-based energy system as well as in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Long-term thinking will result in an increase in the use of renewable energy sources, which will favour the spread of green methanol technology and thus the use of a carbon-neutral fuel. The raw materials for the production of green methanol may include municipal solid waste, agricultural waste, renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide and the methanol has many uses, both as fuel and chemical feedstock. It also provides an opportunity to chemically store excess renewable energy from intermittent sources, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The price of electricity used for electrolysis is the main determinant of the economical production of green methanol, so the reduction of the cost of solar and wind energy greatly contributes to the competitiveness of carbon-based production.

  • Generational Transfer Among Family Businesses on the Fields of Reputation and Organizational Culture – Research Plan

    Aim: The aim of this paper is to generally introduce the topic, themes and relevance of the research on which my PhD thesis will be based. The research will focus on change of generations among Hungarian family businesses and deals with changes of leadership, organizational culture and core values, related to the management/owner succession. The research needs to apply knowledge from four disciplines ‒ PR, organizational culture, economic (family businesses) and leadership ‒ so it is multidisciplinary in nature. Following a current step of the research-process will be presented.

    Methodology: The Family Business Barometer results were applied for gaining information about the plans related to the future, generations, and so on of European Family Businesses. Then three Hungarian family businesses were interviewed in the frame of a panel-discussion organized by the Commercial and Industry Chamber in Győr-MosonSopron County.  These three family businesses were the Borsodi Műhely, the Biotextima and the Leier.

    Findings: All in all between 2013 and 2016 most of the family businesses seemed to be confident about the future. In this aspect just a few family businesses were neutral in this time period. Unfortunately, there were family businesses who had a negative attitude for the future. The deliberate and detailed planning of the handover, the selection of a determined date for handover, the determination of the older generation to really do not interfere in affairs, the cohesive role of the family, family activities, the support from the family could lead to the effective change of generations.

  • Experimental Study Regarding The Influence Of Compliant Hinges Geometry In Mechanical Structures

    In this paper an experimental study will be carried out, on the influence of geometry, using different compliant mechanical couplings. In the first part of the paper will be presented the compliance of the couplings and a number of consecrated works on this theme will be quoted. The article continues with the case study made on three types of compliant joints. These joints and the mechanics that substitute them will be presented. Towards the end of the paper we explain the experimental method and its results. The final ideas concerning this work will be filled out by conclusions and research directions.

  • Maintenance Strategies and Life Cycle Costs of Renewable Energy Systems

    Life cycle costs are important factors in decisions on renewable energy investments. Since maintenance costs generally constitute a high portion of the life cycle costs, the maintenance strategy applied in a project can affect the bottom line significantly. The effective maintenance tools used in the production industry (e.g., diagnostics, condition monitoring, data management, integrated information systems, machine learning, and automated decision making) can be involved in planning and maintenance of renewable energy systems to gain the benefits of these approaches. In this paper the effects of maintenance strategies on life cycle costs are investigated and the benefits of up-to-date condition monitoring techniques are presented through case studies.

  • Justification for the Olympic Reform Package Based on Good Practice

    The Olympic Games have always been the pinnacle of sport and achievement. The modern Olympics are held every four years, and the venue is chosen from among the cities that apply. In my research, I wanted to find out the reasons for the decline in the popularity of the Games. To answer this question, I looked at 2 successful Olympics (2000 Sydney, 2012 London) in the hope of identifying success factors that could be adapted to other host countries. I conducted secondary research, reviewed related international and national research, and the available economic data. During the document analysis, I found that the expected costs of organising the Olympic have increased significantly over the last two to three decades, and under-planning is a common feature. As a result of the research, I have found that the most important pillars of successful organisation are a proper organising committee, comprehensive opportunity and risk analysis, accurate planning, sustainability in planning, continuous cost control, private sector support, and the work of volunteers.

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