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  • Analysis of fixations while solving a test question related to computer networks
    Examination of human eye move is useful because by eye tracking and definition of visual attention, may making conclusions about hidden cognitive processes which are harder to examine. With human eye tracking, visual attention can be defined, therefore hidden cognitive processes may be revealed and examined. The goal of the research, presented in this article, to analyze the so called fixation eye movement parameter recorded during a test question related to computer networks. The paper present what significant differences detected between pre-knowledge and the number of fixations using statistical analysis. The results show a moderately relationship between previous knowledge and fixation counts.
  • Proof without words: beyond the parallelogram law
    We present a visual proof of the parallelogram law and using it we can describe a visual proof of a classical theorem on convex quadrilaterals relating sides and diagonals.
  • Report on "English Language Section of Varga Tamás Days": annual meeting, 11–12 November, 2005, Budapest, Hungary
    The Department of Mathematics Education at Teacher Training Institute of Eötvös University organised the 5th English Language Section as a part of Varga Tamás Methodical Days. We discuss the activities based on the authors' abstracts.
  • Taking learning styles into consideration in e-learning based education
    In improving electronic teaching material processes we should take the student's learning styles or methods into consideration. The ways learners receive information may be shared into three categories (modalities): visual, auditory, kinesthetic (tactile). In this paper I present some pedagogical questions of the electronic teaching-learning environment, offer a brief survey of the different learning style theories and emphasise the importance of the modalities in encoding information. The electronic teaching material should encourage the learner to choose an appropriate form of syllabus by which his knowledge can become more efficient.
  • Applications of methods of descriptive geometry in solving ordinary geometric problems
    The importance of descriptive geometry is well-known in two fields. Spatial objects can be mapped bijectively onto a plane and then we can make constructions concerning the spatial objects. The other significance of descriptive geometry is that mathematical visual perception of objects in three-dimensional space can be improved by the aid of it. The topic of this paper is an unusual application of descriptive geometry. We may come across many geometric problems in mathematical competitions, in entrance examinations and in exercise books whose solution is expected in a classical way, however, the solution can be found more easily and many times more general than it is by the standard manner. We demonstrate some of these problems to encourage to use this geometric method. Understanding the solution requires very little knowledge of descriptive geometry, however, finding a solution needs to have some idea of descriptive geometry.
  • Analysing the effects of OOP helper application
    Nowadays students of secondary schools are familiar with the usage of computer very soon, lot of them are even capable of handling user applications very cleverly. This is satisfying for most of them. Those who imagine their future in programming or system developing, need to have deeper knowledge about object oriented programming, however, students do have it at very low level or not at all. We want to make sure whether this suppose is true, so different examinations have recently been made at Slovakian secondary schools with Hungarian teaching language. We have reached a conclusion that the students' knowledge of object oriented programming is deficient. We could achieve better results by using proper applications as a visual aid. In this paper we examine the efficiency of an application made by us.
  • Application of a color education software to improve color aptitude
    The ability to handle colors smoothly and consciously may be vital to professionals in various fields, including engineers specializing in architecture or design. Education in sciences related to colors and a developed color aptitude are essential. In our experience, many secondary school graduates in Hungary exhibit inadequate competence and need to be trained in both fields by college instructors, thereby laying the foundations for their future professional work. In our paper, we introduce a computer-based method to teach color theory using a self-developed interactive educational software. We also demonstrate the results of a test measuring the efficiency of the software. Our method was shown to be capable of familiarizing students with the basic fields of visual computing, e.g. graphics and image processing.
  • Artworks as illustrations in Hungarian high school Mathematics textbooks

    Three different series of Hungarian Mathematics textbooks used in grade 9-12 education for the past 30 years have been analysed in this research. Our aim is to show and evaluate how the visual arts have been connected to mathematical ideas in these textbooks. We have applied the six dimensions of evaluation, which have recently been introduced in (Diego-Mantec on, Blanco, Búa Ares, & González Sequeiros, 2019) to categorise the illustrations of the three different series. We show examples for each dimension from the textbooks, and we find that even if the number of artistic illustrations in these coursebooks have significantly increased, in most cases these sporadic examples are not closely related to the mathematical context, mainly used for ornamental purposes to decorate the core text. Based on this classification we conclude that the number of artistic illustrations with underlying math concepts making students' participation more active could and should be significantly increased.

    Subject Classification: 97U20

  • Cooperative learning in teaching mathematics: the case of addition and subtraction of integers
    In the course of teaching and learning mathematics, many of the problems are caused by the operations with integers. My paper is a presentation of an experiment by which I tried to make the acquisition of these operations easier through the use of cooperative methods and representations. The experiment was conducted in The Lower-Secondary School of Paptamási from Romania, in the school year 2009-2010. I present the results of the experiment.
  • Integrating Didactic Games in Higher Education: Benefits and Challenges

    In our paper, we study the reasons for the introduction of didactic games and the way of their application in higher education, especially in teaching mathematics. After describing the main characteristics and needs of Generation Z students, we outline the advantages and drawbacks of gamification and game-based learning, followed by some new aspects to their classification. The idea of device-based grouping arose because the most commonly used methods require IC tools. Gen Zs naturally accept gamified learning materials available on digital and mobile platforms, but we must not forget about traditional games either. In higher education, especially in the case of small-group teaching there should also be room for traditional, specialized didactic games, of which we focus on the benefits of card games.

    Subject Classification: 97C70, 97D20, 97D40, 97U70

  • Linear clause generation by Tableaux and DAGs
    Clause generation is a preliminary step in theorem proving since most of the state-of-the-art theorem proving methods act on clause sets. Several clause generating algorithms are known. Most of them rewrite a formula according to well-known logical equivalences, thus they are quite complicated and produce not very understandable information on their functioning for humans. There are other methods that can be considered as ones based on tableaux, but only in propositional logic. In this paper, we propose a new method for clause generation in first-order logic. Since it inherits rules from analytic tableaux, analytic dual tableaux, and free-variable tableaux, this method is called clause generating tableaux (CGT). All of the known clause generating algorithms are exponential, so is CGT. However, by switching to directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) from trees, we propose a linear CGT method. Another advantageous feature is the detection of valid clauses only by the closing of CGT branches. Last but not least, CGT generates a graph as output, which is visual and easy-to-understand. Thus, CGT can also be used in teaching logic and theorem proving.