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  • Proof step analysis for proof tutoring - a learning approach to granularity
    We present a proof step diagnosis module based on the mathematical assistant system Ωmega. The task of this module is to evaluate proof steps as typically uttered by students in tutoring sessions on mathematical proofs. In particular, we categorise the step size of proof steps performed by the student, in order to recognise if they are appropriate with respect to the student model. We propose an approach which builds on reconstructions of the proof in question via automated proof search using a cognitively motivated proof calculus. Our approach employs learning techniques and incorporates a student model, and our diagnosis module can be adjusted to different domains and users. We present a first evaluation based on empirical data.
  • Verification of human-level proof steps in mathematics education
    Automated mathematics tutorial systems need support from a reasoning module which can verify the correctness of students' contributions. However, current systems typically do not reason at a level similar to the student's reasoning level, and do not fully account for underspecified or ambiguous inputs. We present a domain-independent method for automatically verifying correct proof steps and detecting standard reasoning errors. We use a depth limited BFS proof search to determine and maintain multiple possible interpretations consistent with the given proof step, we are able to resolve or otherwise propagate underspecification and ambiguity which occurs due to unrestricted user input. Our approach has been implemented in ΩmegaCoRe.
  • Number theory vs. Hungarian highschool textbooks: √2 is irrational
    According to the Hungarian National Curriculum the proof of the irrationality of √2 is considered in grade 10. We analyze the standard proofs from the textbooks and give some mathematical arguments that those reasonings are neither appropriate nor sufficient. We suggest that the proof should involve the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
  • Proof without words: beyond the parallelogram law
    We present a visual proof of the parallelogram law and using it we can describe a visual proof of a classical theorem on convex quadrilaterals relating sides and diagonals.
  • Über die sogenannte Regel von de l’Hospital im Mathematikunterricht
    The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the problems of the socalled indeterminate expressions, in order to make the students understand them better. The paper deals with the conditions and the proof of the theorem about the limit of a quotient of certain functions of one variable, usually named after l'Hospital. The question is of some interest, since the formulation of the result in several textbooks often appears redundant and the proof is more complex than necessary. First, the historical background is briefly sketched. Second, the theorem is formulated and justified, where three different, simple proof techniques are presented. Finally, possible applications are suggested for teaching, which are usually not treated in this problem area.
  • Proof without words: four circles
    Theorem. Let O, P and Q be three points on a line, with P lying between O and Q. Semicircles are drawn on the same side of the line with diameters OP, PQ and OQ. An arbelos is the figure bounded by these three semicircles. Draw the perpendicular…
  • Proof without words: partial sum and sum of a geometric series
    Let r be a positive real number such that 0 < r < 1, then:…
  • The first clear distinction between the heuristic conjecture and the deductive proof in the ancient mathematics
    The mathematics of the ancient river-valley cultures was purely empirical, while the classical Greek mathematics was entirely deductive without any written sign of the heuristic arguments. In the forthcoming Hellenistic period there were significant changes. One of them is that in spite of the rigorous (deductive) proofs some heuristic arguments appeared in separate treatises. We show a nice example due to Archimedes.
    "We have learned from the very pioneers of this science not to have regard to mere plausible imaginings when it is a question of the reasonings to be included in our geometrical doctrine." – Proclus
  • Proof without words: Knopp series for (pi)
    There are many expressions for number π as infinite series or infinite product (see for example [1, 2, 3]). In [1] the following series for number π is attributed to K. Knopp:...
  • A constructive and metacognitive teaching path at university level on the Principle of Mathematical Induction: focus on the students' behaviours, productions and awareness

    We present the main results about a teaching/learning path for engineering university students devoted to the Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI). The path, of constructive and metacognitive type, is aimed at fostering an aware and meaningful learning of PMI and it is based on providing students with a range of explorations and conjecturing activities, after which the formulation of the statement of the PMI is devolved to the students themselves, organized in working groups. A specific focus is put on the quantification in the statement of PMI to bring students to a deep understanding and a mature view of PMI as a convincing method of proof. The results show the effectiveness of the metacognitive reflections on each phase of the path for what concerns a) students' handling of structural complexity of the PMI, b) students' conceptualization of quantification as a key element for the reification of the proving process by PMI; c) students' perception of the PMI as a convincing method of proof.

    Subject Classification: 97B40, 97C70

  • Proof without words
    | cos α + sin α | ≤ √2 with equality…
  • MRP tasks, critical thinking and intrinsic motivation to proving
    The lack of students' need for proof is often discussed. This is an important topic, on which quite a few others have written ([26], [27], [28], [17], [8]). Nevertheless, there is limited research knowledge about how teacher can participate in process of raising of students' intrinsic motivation to proving. In this article, we discuss relationships between intrinsic motivation to proving, critical thinking and special activity – engaging with so-called MRP tasks. We present here results of a research carried out by author in two elementary schools (21 classes, grade 5-9) in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. We identified the interesting relationship between students' dealing with MRP tasks and increasing of their intrinsic motivation to proving.
  • Proof without words
    Let us prove: If we add 1 to the product of four consecutive natural numbers, we get a square number:…
  • The unity of mathematics: a casebook comprising practical geometry number theory and linear algebra
    We give a sustained example, drawn largely from earlier publications, of how we may freely pursue a line of mathematical enquiry if we are not constrained, unnaturally, to confine ourselves to a single mathematical subdiscipline; and we draw conclusions from the study of this example which are relevant at many levels of mathematical instruction.
    We also include the statement and proof of a new result (Theorem 4.1) in linear algebra which is obviously fundamental to the geometrical investigation which constitutes the leit-motif of the paper.
  • Geometry expressions: an interactive constraint based symbolic geometry system
    Dynamic geometry systems such as Geometers' SketchPad or Cabri are productive environments for the exploration of geometric relationships. They are, however, strictly numeric, and this limits their applicability where the interplay between geometry and algebra are being studied. We present Geometry Expressions – a dynamic symbolic geometry environment. While retaining the ease of use of a typical dynamic geometry environment, Geometry Expressions diverges by using constraints rather than constructions as the primary geometry specification mechanism and by working symbolically rather than numerically. Constraints, such as distances and angles, are specified symbolically. Symbolic measurements for quantities such as distances, angles, areas, locus equations, are automatically computed by the system. We outline how these features combine to create a rich dynamic environment for exploring the interplay between geometry and algebra, between induction and proof.
  • Psychology - an inherent part of mathematics education

    On the chronology of individual stations of psychology and their effect on mathematics education designed as working document for use in teacher training.
    The article is structured as a literature survey which covers the numerous movements of psychology towards mathematics education. The current role of psychology in mathematics education documented by different statements and models of mathematics education should provide a basis for the subsequent investigations. A longitudinal analysis pausing at essential marks takes centre of the continuative considerations. The observed space of time in the chapter covers a wide range. It starts with the separation of psychology from philosophy as a self-contained discipline in the middle of the 19th and ends with the beginning of the 21st century. Each stop states the names of the originators and the branches of psychology they founded. These stops are accompanied by short descriptions of each single research objective on the one hand, and their contributions to mathematics education on the other hand. For this purpose, context-relevant publications in mathematics education are integrated and analysed. The evaluation of the influence of concepts of psychology on teaching technology in mathematics is addressed repeatedly and of great importance. The layout of this paper is designed for the use as a template for a unit in teacher-training courses. The conclusion of the article where the author refers to experiences when teaching elements of psychology in mathematics education courses at several universities in Austria is intended for a proof on behalf of the requested use.

    Subject Classification: 01A70, 01-XX, 97-03, 97D80

  • Heuristic arguments and rigorous proofs in secondary school education
    In this paper we are going to discuss some possible applications of the mechanical method, especially the lever principle, in order to formulate heuristic conjectures related to the volume of three-dimensional solids. In the secondary school educational processes the heuristic arguments are no less important than the rigorous mathematical proofs. Between the ancient Greek mathematicians Archimedes was the first who made heuristic conjectures with the methods of Mechanics and proved them with the rigorous rules of Mathematics, in a period, when the methods of integration were not known. For a present day mathematician (or a secondary school mathematics teacher) the tools of the definite integral calculus are available in order to calculate the volume of three dimensional bodies, such as paraboloids, ellipsoids, segments of a sphere or segments of an ellipsoid. But in the secondary school educational process, it is also interesting to make heuristic conjectures by the use of the Archimedean method. It can be understood easily, but it is beyond the normal secondary school curriculum, so we recommend it only to the most talented students or to the secondary schools with advanced mathematical teaching programme.
  • Linear clause generation by Tableaux and DAGs
    Clause generation is a preliminary step in theorem proving since most of the state-of-the-art theorem proving methods act on clause sets. Several clause generating algorithms are known. Most of them rewrite a formula according to well-known logical equivalences, thus they are quite complicated and produce not very understandable information on their functioning for humans. There are other methods that can be considered as ones based on tableaux, but only in propositional logic. In this paper, we propose a new method for clause generation in first-order logic. Since it inherits rules from analytic tableaux, analytic dual tableaux, and free-variable tableaux, this method is called clause generating tableaux (CGT). All of the known clause generating algorithms are exponential, so is CGT. However, by switching to directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) from trees, we propose a linear CGT method. Another advantageous feature is the detection of valid clauses only by the closing of CGT branches. Last but not least, CGT generates a graph as output, which is visual and easy-to-understand. Thus, CGT can also be used in teaching logic and theorem proving.
  • Balanced areas in quadrilaterals - Anne's Theorem and its unknown origin

    There are elegant and short ways to prove Anne's Theorem using analytical geometry. We found also geometrical proofs for one direction of the theorem. We do not know, how Anne came to his theorem and how he proved it (probably not analytically), it would be interesting to know. We give a geometric proof (both directions), mention some possibilities – in more details described in another paper – for using this topic in teaching situations, and mention some phenomena and theorems closely related to Anne's Theorem.

    Subject Classification: G10, G30

  • Analysis of a problem in plane geometry discussed in an 11th grade group study session
    The main aim of this paper is to show those strategies and proof methods we try to teach in secondary maths education through an interesting geometric problem: Find a relation for the sides of a triangle where an angle is the double of another angle. Is the converse also true? Is it possible to generalize the problem? We try to answer these questions while discussing the upcoming difficulties in detail and presenting more possible solutions. Hopefully the paper can be successfully used in study group sessions and problem solving seminars in secondary schools.
  • Würfel und Augensummen – ein unmögliches Paar
    It is well known that the values 2, 3, ..., 12 of the sum of eyes that appear when throwing two regular dice are not equally distributed. It can also be shown that no matter how the dice are falsified (or if only one of them is being manipulated) they can never reach the same probability concerning the sum of eyes ([8], 91 et seq.). This discovery can be generalized for n ≥ 2 dice. Various results of algebra and (real) calculus are used, so that a connection between two different mathematical fields can be realized. Such a connection is typical and often provides a large contribution for mathematics (because it frequently leads to a successful attempt of solving a special problem) and therefore examples of this sort should also be included in the mathematical education at schools as well as in the student teachers' university curriculum for the study of mathematics.
  • The shift of contents in prototypical tasks used in education reforms

    The paper discusses the shift of contents in prototypical tasks provoked by the current educational reform in Austria. The paper starts with the educational backboard of the process of changes in particular with the out tting of the students' abilities in different taxonomies and its implementation in the competence models of Mathematics. A methodological didactical point of view on the process is given additionally. Examples out of a specific collection of math problems which arise from the educational reform are integrated and analysed in the context of educational principles and methods. The discussion ends with a short evaluation of the role of traditional approaches to tasks in the ongoing reform. A bundle of tasks as proof that they are still alive is presented finally.

    Subject Classification: 97B50, 97D40, 97D50