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  • On the relationship between Mathematics- and Computer Science Education

    In the first half of the paper, the profile of the two scientific disciplines of Mathematics Education and Computer Science Education is traced. In Mathematics Education, the description has been given in a short longitudinal section of its preying cornerstones since the beginning of the 1960s. In Computer Science Education, this is done through the description of an emancipatory science that has been taking place since the beginning of the 1990s. The second half of the contribution, with the discussion of the different perspectives of the two disciplines on the common topics of modeling and competence models, finally leads to the identification of the two disciplines as two autonomous and independent sciences.

  • A proposal for an IOI Syllabus
    The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is the premier competition in computing science for secondary education. The competition problems are algorithmic in nature, but the IOI Regulations do not clearly define the scope of the competition. The international olympiads in physics, chemistry, and biology do have an official syllabus, whereas the International Mathematical Olympiad has made the deliberate decision not to have an official syllabus. We argue that the benefits of having an official IOI Syllabus outweigh the disadvantages. Guided by a set of general principles we present a proposal for an IOI Syllabus, divided into four main areas: mathematics, computing science, software engineering, and computer literacy.
  • Better understanding mathematics by algorithmic thinking and computer programming

    Tamás Varga’s mathematics education experiment covered not just mathematics, but also other related topics. In many of his works he clearly stated that computer science can support the understanding of mathematics as much as mathematics supports informatics. On the other hand, not much later than the introduction of the new curriculum in 1978, personal computers started to spread, making it possible to teach informatics in classes and in extracurricular activities. Varga’s guided discovery approach has a didactic value for other age groups as well, not only in primary school. Its long-lasting effect can be observed even in present times. Having reviewed several educational results in the spirit of Tamás Varga, we have decided to present an extracurricular course. It is an open study group for age 12-18. Students solve problems by developing Python programs and, according to our experiences, this results in a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

    Subject Classification: 97B10, 97B20, 97D50, 97N80, 97P20, 97P30, 97P40, 97P50, 97U70

  • Entwicklung eines Messinstruments zu den Grunderfahrungen des Informatikunterrichts

    The three basic experiences of computer science education (GI) take into account the personal perceptions and attitudes of students to computer science education. The aim of this study is to develop an inventory to capture these learners' perceptions and perspectives in order to select content or to track learners' development in relation to computer science. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), partial least square analysis (PLS) and con rmatory factoranalysis (CFA) was used in this study to generate and select items and establish reliability and validity.

    Subject Classification: Q20, Q50

  • Mobile devices in Hungarian university statistical education

    The methodological renewal of university statistics education has been continuous for the last 30 years. During this time, the involvement of technology tools in learning statistics played an important role. In the Introduction, we emphasize the importance of using technological tools in learning statistics, also referring to international research. After that, we firstly examine the methodological development of university statistical education over the past three decades. To do this, we analyze the writings of statistics teachers teaching at various universities in the country. To assess the use of innovative tools, in the second half of the study, we briefly present an online questionnaire survey of students in tertiary economics and an interview survey conducted with statistics teachers.

    Subject Classification: 97-01, 97U70, 87K80

  • Cultivating algorithmic thinking: an important issue for both technical and HUMAN sciences
    Algorithmic thinking is a valuable skill that all people should master. In this paper we propose a one-semester, algorithm-oriented computer science course for human science students. According to our experience such an initiative could succeed only if the next recipe is followed: interesting and practical content + exciting didactical methods + minimal programming. More explicitly, we suggest: (1) A special, simple, minimal, pseudo-code like imperative programming language that integrates a graphic library. (2) Interesting, practical and problem-oriented content with philosophical implications. (3) Exciting, human science related didactical methods including art-based, inter-cultural elements.
  • Application of computer algebra systems in automatic assessment of math skills
    Mathematics is one of those areas of education, where the student's progress is measured almost solely by testing his or her ability of problem solving. It has been two years now that the authors develop and use Web-based math courses where the assessment of student's progress is fully automatic. More than 150 types of problems in linear algebra and calculus have been implemented in the form of Java-driven tests. Those tests that involve symbolic computations are linked with Mathematica computational kernel through the Jlink mechanism. An individual test features random generation of an unlimited number of problems of a given type with difficulty level being controlled flat design time. Each test incorporates the evaluation of the student's solution. Various methods of grading can be set at design time, depending on the particular purpose that a test is used for (self-assessment or administrative exam). Each test is equipped with the correct solution presentation on demand. In those problems that involve a considerable amount of computational effort (e.g. Gauss elimination), additional special tools are offered in a test window so that the student can concentrate on the method of solution rather than on arithmetic computations. (Another obvious benefit is that the student is thus protected from the risk of frustrating computational errors). Individual tests can be combined into comprehensive exams whose parameters can be set up at design time (e.g., number of problems, difficulty level, grading system, time allowed for solution). The results of an exam can be automatically stored in a database with all authentication and security requirements satisfied.
  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, April 1-3, 2022 Baja, Hungary

    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Baja, Hungary, at Eötvös József College, from the 1st to the 3th of April, 2022. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of the University of Debrecen and by Eötvös József College. The 62 participants - including 18 PhD students - came from 8 countries and represented 26 institutions of higher and secondary education. There were 3 plenary and 40 session talks in the program.

  • Teaching probability theory by using a web based assessment system together with computer algebra
    In the course of Maths Basics 2, the Faculty of Economic Science students of Kaposvár University learn the classical chapters of Probability Theory, namely random variables and the well-known probability distributions. Our teaching experiences show that students' achievement is weaker in case of problems concerning continuous random variables. From school year 2012/13 we have had an opportunity to take Maple TA, the web-based test- and assessment system, into the course of education. It is sufficient for the users of Maple TA to have a browser. Maple computer algebra system, which runs on the server, assesses students' answers in an intelligent way, and compares them with the answers that are considered correct by the teacher. In our presentation we introduce some elements of Maple TA system, the didactic considerations the test sheets were made by, as well as our research results concerning the use of Maple TA.
  • Report of Conference XL. National Conference on Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science August 22-24, 2016 Székesfehérvár, Hungary
    The XL. National Conference on Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences (MAFIOK) was held in Székesfehérvár, Hungary between 22 and 24 August, 2016 at the Alba Regia Technical Faculty of Óbuda University. For the three-day event, more than 80 persons were registered and more than 40 lectures were given. The fortieth anniversary scientific conference was designed for researchers and teachers in mathematics, physics and informatics to promote modern and efficient education in higher education, and through poster presentations and personal meetings to exchange experience. The opening ceremony of the conference followed by the three plenary lectures took place at the ceremonial hall of the Town Hall. ...
  • Building a virtual framework to exploit multidisciplinary project workshops – peaks & pits
    Multidisciplinary project work in connection to industry is highly favoured at University education, since it prepares students to envision their spectrum of profession, to be able to participate in production projects in co-operation with partners out of campus, and learn to communicate between disciplines. An effctive combination presumes selection of right partners, set-up of proper virtual platform to bridge time, space, and diffrences in working styles. The set-up process requires several phases of design-based research proofing the melding process to produce a productive workshop that is sustainable. The paper describes the review of literature, the platform and set-up established, a first phase in bridging Art and Computer Science through the description of MOMELTE project, a critical evaluation in order to learn from mistakes, and a new list of design principles to improve the next phase of the workshop process.
  • Some logical issues in discrete mathematics and algorithmic thinking

    The role of logic in mathematics education has been widely discussed from the seventies and eighties during the “modern maths period” till now, and remains still a rather controversial issue in the international community. Nevertheless, the relevance of discrete mathematics and algorithmic thinking for the development of heuristic and logical competences is both one of the main points of the program of Tamás Varga, and of some didactic teams in France. In this paper, we first present the semantic perspective in mathematics education and the role of logic in the Hungarian tradition. Then, we present insights on the role of research problems in the French tradition. Finely, we raise some didactical issues in algorithmic thinking at the interface of mathematics and computer science.

    Subject Classification: 97E30

  • Artworks as illustrations in Hungarian high school Mathematics textbooks

    Three different series of Hungarian Mathematics textbooks used in grade 9-12 education for the past 30 years have been analysed in this research. Our aim is to show and evaluate how the visual arts have been connected to mathematical ideas in these textbooks. We have applied the six dimensions of evaluation, which have recently been introduced in (Diego-Mantec on, Blanco, Búa Ares, & González Sequeiros, 2019) to categorise the illustrations of the three different series. We show examples for each dimension from the textbooks, and we find that even if the number of artistic illustrations in these coursebooks have significantly increased, in most cases these sporadic examples are not closely related to the mathematical context, mainly used for ornamental purposes to decorate the core text. Based on this classification we conclude that the number of artistic illustrations with underlying math concepts making students' participation more active could and should be significantly increased.

    Subject Classification: 97U20

  • Verification of human-level proof steps in mathematics education
    Automated mathematics tutorial systems need support from a reasoning module which can verify the correctness of students' contributions. However, current systems typically do not reason at a level similar to the student's reasoning level, and do not fully account for underspecified or ambiguous inputs. We present a domain-independent method for automatically verifying correct proof steps and detecting standard reasoning errors. We use a depth limited BFS proof search to determine and maintain multiple possible interpretations consistent with the given proof step, we are able to resolve or otherwise propagate underspecification and ambiguity which occurs due to unrestricted user input. Our approach has been implemented in ΩmegaCoRe.
  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: February 1-3, 2019 Stúrovo, Slovakia

    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Sturovo, Slovakia from the 1st to the 3th of February, 2019. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of University of Debrecen. The 63 participants – including 17 PhD students – came from 7 countries, 22 cities and represented 36 institutions of higher and secondary education. There were 4 plenary, 42 session talks and 7 poster presentations in the program.

  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 28 – January 30, 2011, Satu Mare, Romania
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Science was held in Satu-Mare, Romania from the 28th to the 30th of January, 2011. The 46 Hungarian participants – including 34 lecturers and 12 PhD students – came from 3 countries, 14 cities and represented 20 institutions of higher education. The abstract of the talks and the posters and also the list of participants are presented in this report.
  • Report of Conference XXXIX. National Conference on Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science-August 24-26, 2015 Kaposvár, Hungary
    The XXXIX. National Conference on Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences (MAFIOK) was held in Kaposvár, Hungary between 24 and 26 August, 2015 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Kaposvár University. It was organized by the Department of Mathematics and Physics. The 67 participants – including 5 invited lecturers and 54 lecturers – came from 5 countries and represented 16 institutions of higher education.
  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 24-26, 2020 Sárospatak, Hungary

    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Sárospatak, Hungary, on the Comenius Campus of the Eszterházy Károly University, from the 24th to the 26th of February, 2020. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of University of Debrecen and the Eszterházy Károly University. The 76 participants – including 15 PhD students – came from 9 countries, 23 cities and represented 33 institutions of higher and secondary education. There were 4 plenary, 48 session talks and 4 poster presentations in the program.

  • Various systems in a single mathematical model
    Our aim is to study differential equations and systems described by them which have great historical importance and are considered to be fundamental on different levels of education.
    Due to their simplicity these are suitable for those who deal with this topic and want to gain useful experience in this field.
    Furthermore, our aim is to give these equations a general form which facilitates the studying of the different models by computer even for an individual programmer. At the same time it facilitates the use of different mathematical auxiliary-programmes.
    By giving the equations this way we get a chance of studying the relations between the individual systems.
  • Compositions of dilations and isometries in calculator-based dynamic geometry
    In an exploratory study pre-service elementary school teachers constructed dilations and isometries for figures drawn and transformed using dynamic geometry on calculators. Observational and self assessments of the constructed images showed that the future teachers developed high levels of confidence in their abilities to construct compositions of the geometric transformations. Scores on follow-up assessment items indicated that the prospective teachers' levels of expertise corresponded to their levels of confidence. Conclusions indicated that dynamic geometry on the calculator was an appropriate technology, but one that required careful planning, to develop these future teachers' expertise with the compositions.
  • 14 to 18-year-old Hungarian high-school students' view of mathematicians appearing in the media - a case study
    One way to develop positive attitude toward STEM subjects that popular media, including movies and films can be engaged to promote more positive and inclusive STEM images. The movie Hidden numbers offers an opportunity to explore the representations of scholars, especially mathematicians within a biographical drama. Focusing on 5 characters, this article first discusses whether these characters fit into stereotypical scientist image or not. Secondly, we examine how high school students evaluate these characters. We argue that this movie is suitable to promote positive attitude toward STEM subjects.
  • Difference lists in Prolog
    Prolog is taught at Bradford University within the two-semester module Symbolic and Declarative Computing/Artificial Intelligence. Second year undergraduate students are taught here the basics of the functional and the logic programming paradigms, the latter by using the Linux implementation of SWI Prolog [6]. The topic 'Difference lists' is mentioned in traditional textbooks such as [2] and [5] but it was felt that the available texts do not quite serve our purposes. We present here a lecture handout and a laboratory sheet for the teaching sessions on Difference lists. It is believed that the lectures and lab sessions together with the handouts shown here are a gentle, self-contained and reasoned introduction into the topic. The figures here shown to illustrate the concepts are considered a special feature of the handouts which in this form do not seem to be well known.
  • Erratum to the paper "The theory of functional equations in high school education" Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science 10/2 (2012), 345-360
    A correction is necessary in subsection 2.5. although this does not affect the truth of the main formula.