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  • Artworks as illustrations in Hungarian high school Mathematics textbooks

    Three different series of Hungarian Mathematics textbooks used in grade 9-12 education for the past 30 years have been analysed in this research. Our aim is to show and evaluate how the visual arts have been connected to mathematical ideas in these textbooks. We have applied the six dimensions of evaluation, which have recently been introduced in (Diego-Mantec on, Blanco, Búa Ares, & González Sequeiros, 2019) to categorise the illustrations of the three different series. We show examples for each dimension from the textbooks, and we find that even if the number of artistic illustrations in these coursebooks have significantly increased, in most cases these sporadic examples are not closely related to the mathematical context, mainly used for ornamental purposes to decorate the core text. Based on this classification we conclude that the number of artistic illustrations with underlying math concepts making students' participation more active could and should be significantly increased.

    Subject Classification: 97U20

  • Mobile devices in Hungarian university statistical education

    The methodological renewal of university statistics education has been continuous for the last 30 years. During this time, the involvement of technology tools in learning statistics played an important role. In the Introduction, we emphasize the importance of using technological tools in learning statistics, also referring to international research. After that, we firstly examine the methodological development of university statistical education over the past three decades. To do this, we analyze the writings of statistics teachers teaching at various universities in the country. To assess the use of innovative tools, in the second half of the study, we briefly present an online questionnaire survey of students in tertiary economics and an interview survey conducted with statistics teachers.

    Subject Classification: 97-01, 97U70, 87K80

  • Infimum problems derived from the proofs of some generalized Schwarz inequalities

    We define f(a;b)(r) = ar + b/r for all a, b, r Є R with r > 0. And, for some subsets A of R, we determine FA_+ (a; b) = inf (r Є A_+) f(a,b) (r) ; where A_+ ={r Є A : r > 0}. The above in ma are mainly motivated by the proofs of some recent generalized Schwarz inequalities established by the present authors.

    Subject Classification: I35

  • New style in teaching word processing
    Teaching word processing is confined to looking through some menus and showing some functions of a word processor program, although technology presents just a small part of forming layouts. This fact causes that people who are writing documents spend a lot of time by trying to form, e.g., title pages or inner pages.
    The present paper deals with a design of an online course on word processing that fits better the needs of many users. The online course is designed for teaching (LA)TEX by leading the students to the technical issues of the typesetting system through layout and grammar rules: demonstrates the most important basic recommendations of typography and grammar rules through samples, and shows how to program the currently displayed layout in the (LA)TEX programming languages. This methodology suits better the common working habit, and can be a useful help in word processing documents.
  • Combinatorics teaching experiment
    Teaching combinatorics has got its conventional method. One has to see: the combinatorical formations won't be follow each other by a heuristic way. The formulas kept by pupils seem to come from "deus ex machina". We try to offer now an alternative way to approach combinatorical concepts from a nontraditional direction and point of view.
  • Applications of methods of descriptive geometry in solving ordinary geometric problems
    The importance of descriptive geometry is well-known in two fields. Spatial objects can be mapped bijectively onto a plane and then we can make constructions concerning the spatial objects. The other significance of descriptive geometry is that mathematical visual perception of objects in three-dimensional space can be improved by the aid of it. The topic of this paper is an unusual application of descriptive geometry. We may come across many geometric problems in mathematical competitions, in entrance examinations and in exercise books whose solution is expected in a classical way, however, the solution can be found more easily and many times more general than it is by the standard manner. We demonstrate some of these problems to encourage to use this geometric method. Understanding the solution requires very little knowledge of descriptive geometry, however, finding a solution needs to have some idea of descriptive geometry.
  • Efficient language teaching software in a multimedia context
    In this article I deal with the efficiency of multimedia teaching programs, analyzing possibilities for their improvement in the field of language teaching. This research has been carried out with the use of the latest technologies, language teaching software, internet based language teaching applications, digital dictionaries, online content, and the latest results from the field of computational linguistics. The goal of my research is to create a general model that serves and supports various kinds of approaches to improving efficiency; I cannot attempt to present a complete, detailed analytical review due to the complexity and size of this topic. However, my opinion is that by considering and understanding the theoretical aspects of the subject, and supported by certain important ideas, we will be able to achieve remarkable improvements in the field of learning efficiency and knowledge retention in the language teaching and learning process that might lead to outstanding results.
  • On an international training of mathematically talented students: assets of the 20 years of the “Nagy Károly Mathematical Student-meetings”
    The focus of this paper is to present the gems of the "Nagy Károly Mathematical Student-meetings" in Rév-Komárom (Slovakia) from 1991 to 2010. During these 20 years there was done a lot of work to train mathematically talented students with Hungarian mother tongue and to develop their mathematical thinking, and to teach them problem solving and heuristic strategies for successful acting on the competitions. We collected the most interesting problems and methods presented by the trainer teachers.
  • Motivating students with projects encompassing the whole duration of their studies
    Based on my ten years of teaching experience at the University of Debrecen, I can say that students majoring Software Information Technology BSc have to face a number of difficulties during their studies. I think these difficulties root from two main problems: students are unmotivated and cannot sense the coherence between the knowledge acquired in the various courses. This paper tries to give some alleviation to both of these problems by the idea of introducing some long-term projects to students, which they can work on throughout their studies, dealing with a particular aspect of the projects in each course.
  • Conventions of mathematical problems and their solutions in Hungarian secondary school leaving exams
    Collecting and analyzing the conventions indispensable for interpreting mathematical problems and their solutions correctly assist successful education and objective evaluation. Many professional and didactic questions arose while collecting and analyzing these conventions, which needed clarification, therefore the materials involved concisely in the conventions enrich both the theory and practice of mathematics teaching. In our research we concentrated mainly on the problems and solutions of the Hungarian school leaving examinations at secondary level in mathematics.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 24-26, 2014 Eger, Hungary
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
    was held in Eger, Hungary from the 24th to the 26th of January, 2014 at the
    Eszterházy Károly College. It was organized by the PhD School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the University of Debrecen and the Eszterházy Károly College in Eger.
    The 58 participants – including 43 lecturers and 18 PhD students – came from 7 countries, 15 cities and represented 22 institutions of higher education.
  • Notes on the representational possibilities of projective quadrics in four dimensions
    The paper deals with hyper-quadrics in the real projective 4-space. According to [1] there exist 11 types of hypersurfaces of 2nd order, which can be represented by 'projective normal forms' with respect to a polar simplex as coordinate frame. By interpreting this frame as a Cartesian frame in the (projectively extended) Euclidean 4-space one will receive sort of Euclidean standard types of hyper-quadrics resp., hypersurfaces of 2nd order: the sphere as representative of hyper-ellipsoids, equilateral hyper-hyperboloids, and hyper-cones of revolution. It seems to be worthwhile to visualize the "typical" projective hyper-quadrics by means of descriptive geometry in the (projectively extended) Euclidean 4-space using Maurin's method [4] or the classical (skew) axonometric mapping of that 4-space into an image plane.
  • A survey on how students seek information on the internet
    Navigating among the information available on the Internet has become an expectation for the members of the information society we are living in. This especially applies to students of higher education, the intellectuals of the future. It is a general experience that most users make one or two word searches and they don't know about the possibilities offered by various search engines, which can make searches more effective. Given results from abroad we have set up a study among the students of the University of Debrecen (UD) about their use of the Internet, their knowledge of searching strategies and techniques, their perceptions of the effectiveness and efficiency of search engines. This paper reports the results of this study. The results imply that it is imperative that area should be included in the curriculum.
  • Supporting the education of engineering mathematics using the immediate feedback method

    In the literature, several methods are suggested to deal with problems regarding the efficiency of mathematics education including techniques that help integrate new knowledge into long-term memory. We examined how effective the application of the immediate feedback method is in teaching engineering mathematics. The article presents the method used and the results obtained during the study.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97D60

  • What does ICT help and does not help?

    Year by year, ICT tools and related teaching methods are evolving a lot. Since 2016, the author of the present lines has been looking for a connection between them that supports the development of mathematical competencies and could be integrated into Transcarpathian minority Hungarian language education too. As a doctoral student at the University of Debrecen, I experienced, for example, how the interactive whiteboard revolutionized illustration in Hungarian mathematics teaching, and how it facilitated students' involvement. During my research of teaching in this regard, in some cases, the digital solution had advantageous effects versus concrete-manipulative representation of
    Bruner's too.
    At the same time, ICT "canned" learning materials (videos, presentations, ...) allow for a shift towards repetitive learning instead of simultaneous active participation, which can be compensated for by the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method.
    I have conducted and intend to conduct several research projects in a Transcarpathian Hungarian primary school. In the research so far, I examined whether, in addition to the financial and infrastructural features of the Transcarpathian Hungarian school, the increased "ICT-supported" and the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method could be integrated into institutional mathematics education. I examined the use of two types of ICT devices: one was the interactive whiteboard, and the other was providing one computer per student.
    In this article, I describe my experiences, gained during one semester, in the class taught with the interactive whiteboard on the one hand, and in the class taught according to the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method on the other hand.
    I compare the effectiveness of the classes to their previous achievements, to each other, and to a class in Hungary.

    Subject Classification: 97U70

  • Is it possible to develop some elements of metacognition in a Mathematics classroom environment?

    In an earlier exploratory survey, we investigated the metacognitive activities of 9th grade students, and found that they have only limited experience in the “looking back” phase of the problem solving process. This paper presents the results of a teaching experiment focusing on ninth-grade students’ metacognitive activities in the process of solving several open-ended geometry problems. We conclude that promoting students’ metacognitive abilities makes their problem solving process more effective.

    Subject Classification: 97D50, 97G40

  • Teaching XML
    The author has been teaching XML at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen since the end of the nineties. This paper gives an overview of XML technology from an educators viewpoint that is based on the experience that the author has gained teaching XML over the years. A detailed description of the XML course is provided. Methodological issues are also discussed.
  • Report on the Conference of History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics: research in History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics : University of Szeged 19-23 May, 2010, Szeged, Hungary
    The 6th Conference on the History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics was held in Szeged (Hungary). Its motto reads as:
    Mathematics – a common language for Europe for thousand years.
    The aim of the conference was to present aspects of History of Mathematics, including its impact on Teaching of Mathematics, to provide a forum to meet each other, and to give an opportunity for young researchers to present their results in these fields. University colleagues, students, graduate students and other researchers were invited. The programme of the Conference included talks and posters. The abstracts of the lectures and the posters are presented in this report. There were 24 presentations and poster lectures.
  • Zoltán Szvetits (1929-2014): legendary teacher, Zoltán Szvetits passed away
    The legendary mathematics teacher of Secondary School Fazekas in Debrecen, Zoltán Szvetits passed away on 5th November 2014, at the age of 84. Beginning in 1954 he had been teaching here almost forty years. His pupils and the society of teachers have lost an outstanding teacher character. This secondary school has been well known for decades about its special mathematics class with 10 math lessons a week. This special class was designed and established by Zoltán Szvetits.
  • Some aspects of teaching the technology of designing and planning information systems in health care
    In this article, we use the well-known ideas of technology in designing of new information systems in health care. We explain the principle that "making a health care application" "is more than writing a program", "it requires a strong co-operation and continuous contact" between the system analysts and users. The concept of the information system must contain the work of the whole system, which means that the planning and designing process should focus on the services, which really support the customer's functions. It has to be compatible with the earlier information systems based on several decade's experience. In this paper we use the most important elements of system theory. First of all we explain why it is important to take into account the behaviour of those, who operate the information system, and also their habits and way of thinking when planning then information system. We emphasise that it is importance to overview the whole information system and its functionality because it is a major aspect of the system planning.
    This paper can be used in university courses especially in teaching SDM, SSADM, Martin, etc. technologies for information system analysts, program designers and programmers.
  • Concept systematization with concept maps in data modelling
    An important goal of concept learning is that students can allocate concepts in the hierarchical system of concepts. In the data modelling course, first, we supported concept systematization with worksheets in which the students had to fill in the blank hierarchical figures of classification of the concepts or blank Venn diagrams describing the relationships between concepts. The hierarchical systems, however, are somewhat restricted to the description of connections. The filling in Venn diagrams did not deliver the expected result, so our attention turned to concept maps. In this paper we introduce the concept maps we drew. Then we evaluate the results of concept mapping survey conducted among students. The survey was done in three courses. We compare the results of our survey with the result of an earlier concept systematising survey.
  • Report on the "English Language Section of Varga Tamás Days 2009"
    The 9th English Language Section as a part of the Varga Tamás Days was organised by the Department of Mathematics Education at the Teacher Training Institute of the Eötvös Loránd University. We report on the talks and the following discussions in this section.
  • Teaching word processing – the practice
    I compared two surveys, which were aimed to check the word processing ability of students in high schools and universities. The surveys were carried out ten years apart from one another, in 1997 and 2006. The results clearly show that most of the students are not able to use word processors properly. In the survey of 1997 I found explanation for this underperformance in the lack of computers and teachers. However, the results of the second survey did not prove any better than the results of the first, and in 2006 neither the number of computers nor the number of teachers can be blamed. What else then? I suggest that the reason for this general ignorance, for this `modern illiteracy' is the ignorance of the teachers. Until the teachers are not prepared and the senior students of the universities leave the education system without a proper knowledge of the required subjects, there is little chance that they would be able to teach word processing at a satisfactory level.
  • Supporting the theory of math didactic using knowledge-measuring questions and analysis of the solutions
    New or rediscovered results presented in this paper are the results of the analysis of the problem sets used in the two-tier system secondary school final examination in mathematics, a system that was introduced in Hungary in 2005.
    Many of the revealed problem arise in connection with misunderstanding the text of the problems. Causes of misinterpretation can be either that the text is lacking some important information, or that it should be interpreted not in word-to-word manner.
    Theses and their argumentations presented here refer partly on the new types of problems (tests, non-standard mathematical contents), and partly on improvement of learning-teaching process in topics of equations and approximations.