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    The István Tisza Scholarly Society published the journal of high academic quality that had nineteen issues between 1927 and 1944. The authors of the articles were mainly lecturers at the University of Debrecen, teachers at secondary schools, professional writers, intellectuals working in the countryside, nationally renowned scholars and writers. Most of the lecturers in humanities examined in my doctoral thesis regularly published in the columns of Debreceni Szemle, one of the most significant forums of the city’s academic life. The journal was edited by two university professors, János Hankiss and Rezső Milleker. Every second issue covered a social or natural scientific theme. In the beginning, it was published ten times a year, later twelve times, then again ten times or even less frequently during the Second World War, until it was discontinued in 1944, and it was not started again until many years later. The journal was published with the support of the city of Debrecen, but its themes were not limited to regional ones, even though it considered that its primary task. In addition, it was run by the University of Debrecen and the István Tisza Scholarly Society in a relatively high number of copies. From 1932 until its termination, it functioned as the official review of the Society.



    The influence of the economic crisis to the system of surcharges was so deep, that the Ministry of Religion and Public Education was forced to make a new surcharge from the first semester of the 1931/32. year. This fee must be paid by every student of the university at the beginning of every semester. The state of the Hungarian government’s budget was so critical, that three years later must be made another maintenance surcharge which was paid based on the measure of the tuition fee exemption. From the first semester of the 1934/35. year every student had to pay this charge in the rate of their tution fee. All these maintenance surcharges were the part of the Hungarian higher education and the part of the surcharges system of the István Tisza University of Debrecen till the end of the first semester of the 1940/41. year.


    The study presents the remarkably small number and content of documents of the relationship between the Royal Hungarian University of Debrecen and Count István Tisza, a Hungarian politician. The presented period lasts between the beginning of the university's operation in 1914 until the politician's death on October 31, 1918. It also mentions the relevant elements of this relationship before and after the four-year period.

  • Tivadar Hüttl, Rector Magnificus of the Academic Year 1939/40 of the Tisza István University

    Tivadar Hüttl, Professor of Surgery the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1939/40. Tivadar Hüttl – whose father was the owner of a successful porcelain factory – graduated as a doctor of medicine from the University of Arts and Sciences of Budapest, and worked there at the I. Surgery Clinic besides Professor Tibor Verebély. In 1921, he was entrusted with the management of the Surgery Clinic in Debrecen, and one year later, he became a director-professor. In his clinic, he organized sections of otorhinolaryngology, stomatology, urology, traumatology, orthopaedics, etc., which later became independent clinics. He established an important scientific school; his students came to him from all over the world. In the academic year of 1939-1940, he was the rector of the István Tisza University of Arts and Sciences of Debrecen, and the representative of the university in the Upper House of the Hungarian Parliament. In 1944, he stayed in Budapest because of the war, and after his return, he was deprived of the position of professor on indignant causes in a show trial. From 1951 to his death in 1955, he was the head physician of the National Institute of Oncology in Budapest.


  • Illyefalvi Vitéz Géza jogászprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1926/27. tanévi rector magnificusa

    Géza Illyefalvi Vitéz Law Professor, the Rector Magnificus of István Tisza Hungarian Royal University in Debrecen During the Academic Year of 1926/27. Illyefalvi Vitéz Géza (1871–1931) studied at a university in Budapest, where he obtained a doctorate in law and political sciences. At the end of 1896 he was elected public ordinary professor of the judicial academy in Sárospatak, where he taught administrative law and statistics. He was a professor of the University of Debrecen after its establishment in 1914. In
    1921 he was appointed Dean of the Law Faculty and he was re-elected in 1931. Illyefalvi Vitéz Géza was Rector of the Hungarian Royal Tisza István University of Debrecen in 1926/27, the year when the clinic site was inaugurated, and the laying of the foundation stone of the main building took place. We can say that he was a rector at a destiny-shaping period of the University. He effectively represented the interests of the University, with the help of his contemporary higher education policy and the university development plans of Minister of Education Kunó Klebersberg. Illyefalvi wrote fourteen books and monographs, as well as numerous journal articles. These works are grouped in the two major fields of his interests, statistics and public finance. He also wrote university and judicial academy notes and textbooks.

  • Jenő Bacsó, Professor of Civil Procedures the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1938/39

    Jenő Bacsó, Professor of Civil Procedure the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1938/39. Jenő Bacsó was the emblematic figure of the jurist training and university life in Debrecen. The editor of the „Debreceni Képes Kalendárium” told that Jenő Bácsó should have been elected rector for the academic year 1938/39 even if someone else could be the next, since he was the person who joined the city, the College and the university. Besides Béla Szentpéteri Kun he was the other professor at the faculty who taught and took part actively in the university life from the establishment of the faculty (1914) to the suspension of the jurist training (1949). He held several positions and educated during his active 33 years as well as during two years after his retirement: he was one of the major figures of the committee which was responsible for handing-receiving of the office of the dean, he took part in Mensa Academica, the committee of the university territorial planning, furthermore, as Rector he was a member of the commission of inquiry sent at the time of the student rioting. He was one of the members of the National Council of the Higher Education from Debrecen. He was the dean of the Faculty of Law during three academic years: 1922/23, 1934/35, 1946/47.


    Ferenc Bozóky was a professor of statistics and economics at the Faculty of Law of the István Tisza University of Debrecen for more than 35 years. The professor, popular among his students and appreciated by his colleagues, as the last rector of law at the university, contributed significantly to the reconstruction of the university through his tireless work in the background after World War II. The study also gives a taste of Bozóky's advanced conservative-minded scholarly work in field of statistics and economics.

  • Neuber Ede Bőrgyógyászprofesszor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1931/32. Tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    Ede Neuber, Professor of Dermatology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1931/32. Professor Ede Neuber was the organizer and first director of the Clinic of Dermatology and Sexual Pathology, and nationally, it was he who first organized the health supervision of university students. Again, he took part in spearheading the campaign against venereal diseases also through curtailing epidemic diseases by means of creating a law (lex veneris).
    In the 1931–1932 academic year he was Rector of Debrecen’s István Tisza University. During his rectorship, the Main Building of the University was completed and inaugurated, and the university took over the city’s public hospital for the purposes of training and practice. From 1936 through 1938 he represented the university in the upper house. In 1938 he was appointed principal professor of the clinic of dermatology of Budapest’s Péter Pázmány University, so he left Debrecen.

  • Gyula Mitrovics, Professor of Pedagogy the Rector Magnificus of István Tisza University of Debrecen of the Academic Year 1940/41.

    Professor of Pedagogy Gyula Mitrovics was Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1940-1941. His profound interest in the arts and his Protestant identity
    shaped by the oscillation between the Sárospatak versus Debrecen axis constituted the basis and the framework for an overarching career which the child of a Sárospatak family of educators could fulfill in the Hungary of the first half of the 20th century. Despite the fact that the success of his early publications and the affirmative critical responses beckoned the young and upcoming teacher to a career in art history or to the calling of an aesthete, the interests of the arts faculty of the ”newly born” university of Debrecen dictated a different professional alternative. His attention turned to pedagogy, of which he became privat-docent in 1917, then full professor in 1918. Starting from this juncture, he led parallel professional lives rooted in aesthetics and pedagogy. In the year before his retirement he was elected rector of the university. His attitude in this supreme office was characterized by seeking compromises, which was a direct consequence of the priorities of the age in which he lived. It was during his rectorship that the university was to surrender its science departments. However, the diplomatically sensitive rector was able to attain the continuance of instruction in the disrupted departments by employing external lecturers. During his retirement as pensioner his life assumed a tragic turn: int he year 1949 – prompted by outside advice – he resigned his position as corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy then, in the middle of the 1950s he left Hungary. The one-time Debrecen professor of pedagogy spent his remaining years in Stuttgart and that is also where he died in 1965.


    There were two types of study costs in the universities between the two World Wars, one of them was the tution fee, and the other one was the additional fee. The tution fee had been part of the Hungarian educational system since the middle of the 19th century. Those university students whose parents were in low social status with low income could get tution fee discount or exemption because of their financial situation. But in the case of the different kind of additional fees, there were not any discount or excemption because these fees required for the maintenance of several university institution, like university canteen, patient care fund, or the provision fund of the University Council. The system of these additional fees was different in the Hungarian universities, some additional fees were the same, some not. There were difference in the amount of the additional fees too. In this study, we can see the changes of the additional fee system in Debrecen between the two World Wars. All of the additional fees will be presented, for example canteen fee, patient care fund, and the two type of maintenance surcharges which were made due to the influence of the great economic crisis.

  • Darkó Jenő bizantológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1928/29. tanévi rector magnificusa

    Jenő Darkó, Professor of Bizantinology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1930/31. Jenő Darkó (1880–1940), Professor of Byzantinology and the member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences was the Rector of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the 1928–1929 academic year. Being an appointed Professor of the Theological Academy of Debrecen he was proposed a full professorship at the newly found University of Debrecen in 1912 since the Theological academy was the forrunner of the Universtiy of Debrecen. Between 1918–1919 he was an appointed Dean of the School of Arts . After finishing his time in office, he was offered the opportunity to fulfilling repeatedly this position in 1938–1939.) Under his rectorship, the university witnessed unprecedented development in professional life and infrastructure. Within this framework new departments were established (botany, zoology, mineral and earth sciences, mathematics), the university library experinced significant advancement and additionally Professor Darkó organized courses to disseminate results in arts and sciences. The professors of the university were regularly invited to international conferences and the younger faculty members were gained international scholarships. The construction of the observatory together with the main building was underway, as well as the realization of the elegant on-campus professors' villas were agreed upon. The socially sensitive rector  encouraged the establishment of student housing, and student support program to enable students in need. He was especially keen ont he idea to engage young people from Transilvania soon after World War I. Furthermore he succeeded in managing the extreme anti-Semitic manifestations of certain student groups in autumn 1928.


    Károly Erdős (1887-1971) began his teaching and research career as a teacher of church history at the Reformed College in Debrecen. After the Faculty of Reformed Theology became part of the university, which began to function in 1914, Erdős became a teacher and later director of the Institute for the Training of Ministers of the Reformed Church. In 1929 he was appointed professor in the New Testament Department of the Tisza István University. As an university professor and pastor, he rendered great service to the city and the Church, both as a teacher and as a scholar. After 1949 he became a professor at the Reformed Theological Academy in Debrecen.

  • Tisza István szobrának felavatása és újraavatása Debrecenben – 1926, 2000

    The Inauguration and Repeated Inauguration of the Statue of István Tisza in Debrecen: 1926 and 2000. Between 1921 and 1945, the name-giver of the University of Debrecen was István Tisza. Tisza’s personality and political aura were bound up with Debrecen, and he played a decisive role in the establishment of the university. Soon after his death (1918) a sort of Tisza cult began to take shape in Debrecen and he became not only a university name-giver; he was also given a statue on the campus of the university. With
    the aid of contemporaneous documents and photoes, the present survey highlights the events of the 1926 inauguration celebration of the statue, then follows up its fate from the Second World War up to the year 2000, i.e. from the toppling of the statue to its repeated inauguration.

  • Doctoral Dissertations of the Mathematical Seminar of the University of debrecen at the beginning of the 20th Century (1927-1940)

    Doctoral Dissertations on The Mathematical Seminar of the University of Debrecen at the Beginning of the 20th Century (1927–1940). In this article we present 16 mathematical dissertations, the life and later carrier of their authors (15 persons) in two parts. These dissertations were written under the direction of Professor Lajos Dávid between 1927 and 1940. At that time he was the leader of the Mathematical Seminar of the University of Debrecen. The themes of the dissertations were connected with his scientific work, such as history of mathematics (the two Bolyais), or research work in mathematical analysis (arithmetic-geometric mean). The dissertations were published separately as books. Later these were collected in a colligation named Dissertationes Davidianae Debrecen 19271940. We have to mention this colligation does not contain the dissertation of Ferenc Kárteszi. We found his work among the dissertations of Doctors of Philosophy in the Library of the University of Debrecen. (Part 1: 19271934). 


    János Hankiss started his academic career at the University of Debrecen in 1920. In the distinguished community of his peers who taught at our university between the two world wars, János Hankiss indubitably belonged to the top professionals. If a university’s academic rank is determined not only by its local or national prestige but also by its international recognition and appreciation, then in this latter frame of reference it was perhaps Professor Hankiss who did most to put Debrecen on the map for Europe and beyond. Indeed, he would share his knowledge not only within the confines of the University: he was a popularizer of scholarship and of the literary culture who was ready to move beyond the narrow limits of his immediate professional field and to address a larger audience. Besides, his name is also associated with the still extant quarterly periodical Debreceni Szemle [Debrecen Review] and Debrecen University’s International Summer School.

  • Tankó Béla filozófiaprofesszor, a debreceni M. kir, Tisza István- Tudományegyetem 1936-37. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    Béla Tankó Professor of Philosophy the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1936–37. After being a teacher in a secondary grammar school in Saxonpolis (Transylvania) Béla Tankó became the leader of the Department of Philosophy as a professor at the newly established Debrecen University of Arts and Sciences. He managed the Department on the ideas of neo-Kantianism what he learned in Cluj. He also managed the Department of Pedagogy as substitute for some years and hold English lessons as lecturer. He took part in establishing Summer University together with János Hankiss and Rezső Milleker. He was the Rector of the university in the academic year 1936–37 that was the period of the silent development. He was famous for his love of music, he patronized music, and during his rectorate, the University Music Circle was founded and the university received a piano. He died in 1946 after a long professorate not long before his retirement.


    János Bodnár as  professor and chair of the Institute of Medical Chemistry taught not only the first year medical students but, as a subject lecturer– owing to the lack of faculty of natural sciences – at the faculty of humanities he also took part in natural sciences teacher training of the teacher candidates. In addition, he also offered courses to those students who intended to obtain a doctoral degree.

    In the academic year of 1943–44 he served as rector of the University of Debrecen, which was hard work because of the wartime climate and existence. In the following academic year, 1944 – 1945, he again took part in the management of the university as deputy rector since the newly appointed rector, János Hankiss got stuck in Budapest  because of the war events. He concentrated on the temporary reconstruction of the war damages and he endeavoured to ensure the availability of the facilities of education.


  • Varga Zsigmond teológia professzor, a Debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1932/33. évi Rector Magnificusa
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    Zsigmond Varga, Professor of the History of Religion, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1933/1934. Several memorable events took place at the university during his time in office. The historical background of this was the fact that the political and social tensions caused by restrictive measures taken by the Hungarian government to fight the consequences of the Great Depression reached their peak in that academic year. There were several events that made the extraordinary actions of rector Zsigmond Varga necessary: the public debate on the policy of education aiming at the restructuring of the higher education threatened the university with loosing one of its four faculties and the ongoing student revolts hindered the teaching and research activities for months. In addition to Varga’s activity in the University administration, this study describes his work as an academic and as a scholar, and addresses his public activities outside of the university, too. It also offers a glimpse into his family life at a certain point of time. Referring to a memorial booklet written by Varga, his son, Zsigmond Varga jr., the young Reformed minister and promising biblical scholar is also remembered in this study. Varga jr. was a student of the University of Vienna, he was nprisoned by the Gestapo and he died a martyr’s death in the concentration camp of Mauthausen-Gusen.

  • Doctoral Dissertations on The Mathematical Seminar of the University of Debrecen at the Beginning of the 20th Century (1927–1940). Part. 2.

    In this article we present 16 mathematical dissertations, the life and later carrier of their authors (15 persons) in two parts. These dissertations were written under the direction of Professor Lajos Dávid between 1927 and 1940. At that time he was the leader of the Mathematical Seminar of the University of Debrecen. The themes of the dissertations were connected with his scientific work, such as history of mathematics (the two Bolyais), or research work in mathematical analysis (arithmetic-geometric mean). The dissertations were published separately as books. Later these were collected in a colligation named Dissertationes Davidianae Debrecen 1927–1940. We have to mention this colligation does not contain the dissertation of Ferenc Kárteszi. We found his work among the dissertations of Doctors of Philosophy in the Library of the University of Debrecen. (Part 2: 1934–1940).

  • Magyary Zoltán miniszteri tanácsos átirata a m. kir. Tisza istván Tudományegyetem részére a főiskolai hallgatókra vonatkozó statisztikai adatgyűjtés új rendszeréről (1929. december 27.)

    The Official Communication of Ministerial Counsellor Zoltán Magyary to the István Tisza University about the New System of the Collection of the Students’ Statistical Datas. In the autumn of 1929 Zoltán Magyary finished his famous memorandum to the Minister of Religion and Education Kuno Klebelsberg about the social care of the students of the universities. In this work Zoltán Magyary was urging to make a detailed statistical survey about the students of the universities in order to the government could
    take steps to solve their social problems. After this he began to work out those special questions which can gave the most important informations to the government. In the end of December in 1929 Magyary sent his official communication to the universities about the new system of statistical datas’ collection. The István Tisza University got very important instructions about the new way of the process of the collection. And this statistical survey was the basis of the famous statistical analysis of Laky Dezső (1930) which was the first detailed work about this. Magyary’s official communication is a very important historical source because this statistical collection system was being used to the end of this period. The evidence of it is the other published source, the official communication of József Asztalos which was sent to the university in 1939.

  • A strange Oath of the Students of Debrecen. The Promise that the Roommates made each other in the Room 17 of the István Tisza Internátus, in December 15, 1925

    It’s a very rare source of the scientific research in history that prove a promise that some people made for each other. It has got more importance if this is an oath of some roommates. Five students in Debrecen, who have lived their lives in the same dormitory room in the István Tisza Internate for years made a promise to each other in December 15, 1925. In writing they vowed that they will meet in Budapest in the Hotel Gellért on the day of Pentecost 6 years later. The text of the oath is an exact reflection of the age and of the „neo-baroque” society of the twenties. We don’t know that the meeting in 1931 could be realized or not, but we can suppose that could be, based on the strong friendship of the roommates. This strange oath is a very rare and valuable source of the students’ life between the two Wold Wars.


  • Papp Károly irodalomprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1924-25. tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE, WAS RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF THE ROYAL ISTVÁN TISZA UNIVERSITY FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1924–1925. Károly Pap was born in Beregrákos, he conducted his university studies at Kolozsvár, and later in Budapest, where he earned a teacher’s degree in Hungarian and Latin, and later he received a doctor’s degree in Hungarian literature. In Budapest, from 1898 he was teaching at Veres Pálné secondary school for girls and from 1908 he became professor of Hungarian literature at the Arts Academy of the Reformed College. From 1914, until he retired in 1942, he served as ordinary public professor at the Department of Hungarian literature at the University of Debrecen. In the 1924–25 academic year he served as president of the university. His main professional interest was Hungarian literature of the 18th and 19th centruries, and he was regarded as a conservative historian of literature.

  • Vilmos Haendel, Professor of Law the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1942/43.

    Vilmos Haendel was a lecturer for 14 years at the law academy at the Reformed College of Debrecen, then for nearly 30 years he taught political sciences at the University of Arts and Sciences of Debrecen. Being a well-rounded person he stood out from among the teachers of the Law Faculty of the university before the World War II. He played an important role in the political, social and cultural life of Debrecen for decades. At the same time, his nationalism and anti-Semitism made him a typical figure of the public life of the city in the first Half of the 20th century. The study describes his way of life on the basis of such data which have not been summed up so far, and tries to show his teaching career and the events of the year when he was the Rector flashing his most important scientific works.

  • Benedek László ideggyógyász-professzor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1935–36. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    László Benedek Professor of the Neurology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1935/1936. The first professor of neurology and psychiatry and the director of the Department of Neurology of the University of Debrecen between 1921 and 1936 was László Benedek who studied at Cluj as a student of Károly Lechner. In the academic year of 1935/36 he held the post of the Rector of the university. This period was the era of silent development in the life of the university. Benedek as Rector focused on improving the living circumstances of the students. After his rectorate he was appointed to a professorship of the Péter Pázmány University of Arts and Sciences and the director of the Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry in Budapest. His wife was the wellknown actress Irén Zilahy. After her tragic death in April 1944 Benedek collapsed and in March 1945 he committed suicide in Kitzbühel in Austria. László Benedek was a brilliant lecturer, an urging leader, and an inventive professor of science whose work in several partial branches of science was outstanding.

  • Teghze Gyula jogászprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1922/23. tanévi rector magnificusa

    GYULA TEGHZE LAW PROFESSOR, THE RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF ISTVÁN TISZA HUNGARIAN ROYAL UNIVERSITY IN DEBRECEN DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1922/23. Gyula Teghze (1867–1939), the founder professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Debrecen, was the third Rector from the law faculty in the history of the university in the academic year 1922/23. He, as a recognized jurist and professor of international law and philosophy of law, spent time at a number of universities in diferent foreign countries. He was a lecturer at the Academy of Law of the Reformed College of Debrecen from 1910, and at the University of Debrecen for a quarter of a century from 1914. During this time he served once as rector and twice as dean.

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