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  • Tapasztalatok a gerontológiai masszázs terén (megtörtént esetek alapján)

    The author summarizes his own professional experience in the field of massaging elderly patients over the past decade. In addition to a detailed description of the massage sessions, he also describes the characteristics that the practitioner should be aware of when providing massage to an elderly person. These may include communication in the face of sensory decline, difficulty in accurately recalling memories, and changes in the musculoskeletal, circulatory and metabolic systems of the body in later life.

  • The role of active ageing in the consumer protection

    Worldwide recognized the high prevalence of deceit aimed at elderly individuals (Boush,
    Friestad és Wright, 2009; Valant, 2015). Following the active middle-age, aging individuals
    perceive several physiological and psychological changes. Naturally, these changes do show
    individual differences. The aging generation members’ typical communication related and
    social features are to blame for these deceptions, unethical abuse of the vulnerability. Elderly
    individuals are more susceptible to persuasion than younger adults (Visser és Krosnick,
    In the present study, we summarize features appeared in the literature which can establish
    older people’s vulnerability. Furthermore, we report an interview-based-study, in which the
    examinees shared their experiences on suspicious offers.

  • The impact of some elements of digitisation and education for the elderly - before the quarantine situation

    Digitalisation is one of the most important elements of the changes of the 21st century. The study describes the social impact of some areas of digitalisation, especially for the older generations. Beyond the health aspects there are two areas - the supporting power of the community and the fight against loneliness - which give the core of the social importance of the innovative solutions in Hungary.

  • Prevention is the key - a multidimensional model for social well-being of the elderly

    Our research group identified a huge need for research on social well-being in the elderly population. In Hungary so far not much has been published in this topic, however, understanding the key elements of well-being is a growing area of research in gerontology all around the world, since it is crucial how we manage our lives in old age.

  • An exploratory metaphor analysis on the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging

    Purpose: The aim of this study was to reveal the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging through metaphors.

    Methods: The basic qualitative research design was used to evaluate the metaphors of nursing students regarding the concept of aging from their perspectives. The study sample consisted of 104 senior nursing students at Aksaray University in the 2021-2022 academic year. A purposive sampling method was used. "Metaphoric Perceptions Data Collection Form", which was prepared by the researchers in line with the literature, was used as a data collection tool. The form consists of two parts. In the first part, the demographic characteristics of the students were investigated. In the second part, the sentence “Aging is like … because … ” was given to reveal students' metaphors regarding the concept of aging. The metaphors developed by the students regarding the concept of old age were analyzed and interpreted with Metaphor Analysis. Metaphor analysis has been associated with content analysis.

    Results: The mean age of the students participating in the study was 21.65±0.99 (min: 20, max: 25). Of students, 68.6% were female, 33.3% lived in city, and 84.3% had nuclear family. About half (50.0%) of their grandparents lived in their house. Of the students, 39.2% thought about living with your parents when you start a family in the future; 52.9% lived with older adults aged 65 and over until now; 92.2% cared for an older patient during clinical practice; and 74.5% wanted to work in a health institution serving the elderly after graduation. Students produced a total of 102 valid metaphors for the concept of aging. Four main themes were obtained from the data. The main themes were aging as an ending story, a need for care, attention, and support, a new beginning, and a source of life.

    Conclusion: Nursing students' metaphors about aging are generally negative, but also contain expressions of respect.

  • Carmen - How are we growing old in cyberspace?

    Introduction: Cyberspace is a platform which determines us for many decades. Socialization takes place not only in school, workplace, or family, but also in social media which means that every age group is affected.
    Aim: The aim of the paper is to pop up questions in connection with growing old in cyberspace with the help of a work of art of Stromae.
    Methodology: The videoclip can be considered as a short content of the critical view of Twitter. In Hungary this platform hasn’t been so popular, however, it is a symbol of social media thus it can be interpreted to the tendencies that can be seen worldwide. The materials of the analysis are the pictorial representations of the videoclip, while the analytical tool is the theory and practice of social representations.
    Theoretical background: To analyze the work of art, theories in connection with socialization and social representation are used in order to have a deeper understanding of processes of consumer society while aging. Life events - birthdays, eating out and visiting cinema - are enhanced to see examples of possible individual failures and also the extension of these failures to society.
    Conclusion: The visual representation of pop music plays a socially responsible role that affects all age groups. Raising awareness about responsible use of social media should not only be limited to young people in the future but also extended to the elderly as vulnerable social groups of society.

  • Családi (informális) gondozást segítő rendszerek Magyarországon

    The member states of the European Union have to face the challenge of demographic aging. Taking the demographic characteristics of the member states, there are no essential differences in either the current or in the expected future development of the proportion of elderly people. Ageing affects several areas of the welfare regimes, but it is usually the health and pension systems and personal services that are highlighted. This paper deals with a special area of personal services, the family (informal) care and the support of carers in Hungary. The study introduces definitions of the informal care, welfare policies on family caregivers, the systematization attempts of the care policy in the member states, it analyzes the recent past and currently perceived care policy processes and ideologies, and finally describes the specific situation in the former Communist countries through an example of a Hungarian care policy. The basic idea of the article is that although the demographic challenges are similar, but the service policy and the development of the institutional systems show significant differences in each country. In addition to the underdeveloped institutional service system in the different countries, the post-Communist countries lack the supporting tools of the caring family members.

  • Hypo- and dysgeusia in oral frailty

    The purpose of the research is to identify the patterns and dependence of taste formation in elderly and senile people on various factors and dental status, as well as the development of methods for early diagnosis and prevention.

  • The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on older adults with dementia and their caregivers: a narrative review

    The purpose was to gather the existing literature, provide an up-to-date overview and, in the future, to continue the research for this important topic.

  • Activity in old age, active and successfull aging

    Background and aims: The aim of our research was to qualitatively examine the attitudes of older people towards aging, the activity available and implemented from it, their community involvement, and their lay perceptions and opinions of successful aging.
    Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted during the research, and the interviews were evaluated by content analysis.
    Results an discussion: According to the elderly, successful aging mainly requires physical or mental health, maintaining activity, an active lifestyle, a positive outlook on life, a good family environment, social relationships, financial security, goals, motivation, successful life, advance planning, and social support.

  • Generációk közötti feszültségek okai, csökkentésének lehetőségei

    The author is trying to discover the causes of tensions between the young and the old. She highlights the fields of cogitation and personal development, the differences and similarities between the two generations, furthermore, she offers alternative solutions to reduce the tensions. She explores the difficulties of the conditions of the young and the elderly. The author would like to achieve that different age groups would get to know each other’s problems, and functions of life stages. By revealing this she hopes to decrease the generation gap. Further aim is to promote the prevention of ageism and the approach of generations.

  • Is diet the key to longevity? - A narrative review of the dietary patterns of the Blue Zones

    The purpose of this review was to gather the current literature concerning the relationship between longevity and the local nutrition patterns in the Blue Zones.

  • Quality of life of elderly stroke patients and their caregivers

    Stroke represents a major societal representation as well as economic problem in an individual's life. The question arises in connection with the life of the patient oneself as well as in one’s whole family. Stroke is one of the most common diseases affecting people at an old age.

  • Early recognition of dementia within the family

    The awareness of communities with dementia in Western Europe has moved closer to recognizing priority issues such as the environment or climate change. Dementia-friendly communities how have a history of 30 years and have achieved significant results through their work, both for those affected by the disease and those not directly affected. It probably affects many families, the topic is also getting into the spotlight in Hungary.

    Without specific and detailed statistics and databases, dementia currently exists in the latent zone. The vast majority of the literature defines dementia as a diesease for which there is no treatment or cure. The effect of dementia is considered primarily as problems in the brain that negatively affect clear thinking, memory processes and result in additional emotional turbulence. Dementia is known as an age-related condition.

    In general, dementia is identified as senility, incorrectly. Dementia can occur in different areas and at different levels in individual patients. As a result, families affected by the disease often face serious difficulties in identifying the disease. Without proper and detailed knowledge of the diagnosis, many families struggle with the situation of self care solutions at home. This personal involvement not only imposes a significant financial and emotional burden on the family but also often leads to separation and isolation, which can have additional negative effects on the disease itself and even on the mental health of the patient’s family members.

    The global extent of dementia is generally known only to experts in the field, and to this day there is still a lack of adequate representation in the wider social dialogue. There is a unique and innovative incentive in Gyöngyös where Matralab’s integrated care centers offer day-care activities and solutions to support and provide experts advice to families with dementia. The project is implemented at the regional level, where 25 municipalities start monitoring the conditions and impacts of dementia in the region. As dementia is a prevalent and identifiable condition, affected families need help and support at the widest possible level.

  • Application of Hungarian version of Test Your Memory (TYM-HUN)

    The change in brain functions is a natural consequence of aging, e.g. difficult to recall names, to remember numbers, to learn new things. However, mental decline and dementia are not part of natural aging. Dementia is primarily a disease of the elderly. Neuropathology of Alheimer’s dementia starts long before the clinical symptoms of dementia, part of a mild cognitive impairment (MCI) might be due to this. At this stage, recognizing the cognitive dysfunction may give the opportunity to slow down the progression, respectively as soon as causal treatment becomes available, it could be used. The Hungarian version of "Test Your Memory" (TYM-HUN) is a suitable short self-test test for screening dementia and is also expected to be useful to detect MCI.

  • Competitive attitudes and psychological and somatic health in old age

    For a long time, competition in old age has not been a focus of interest for researchers because none of the psychological theories of aging assumed that the motivation to compete persists in old age. The two most prevalent models, the so-called "Deficit Model" (Cumming & Henry, 1961) and the so-called "Integrated Personality Model" (Erikson, 1963), have previously held that the psychological conditions for competition are not present in old age.  In contrast, the concept of successful aging (Baltes, 1990), introduced as a consequence of the steady increase in life expectancy, assumes that goals, aspirations, and desires survive into old age.

  • „Learning my age” Improving interactive curriculum for the eldery generation’s active lifestyle and related topics

    Approaching the learning of the third age, the question is no longer whether the elderly can be taught or retrained, but for how long and for what purpose? Deviations from the learning paths that individuals have developed over the decades are unlikely in old age. Non-formal learning becomes more important and plays an increasing role, and less constrained forms of leisure learning for entertainment become more important. Mental freshness is largely supported by books, online courses and programs provided by senior universities.

    In my presentation, I introduce an interactive curriculum as a possible new form of learning. I have combined e-learning solutions in old age that affect everyone as a new learning method. I would like to introduce the 50+ age group to the possibilities offered by microlearning. Most of us read, learn things after we have engaged at some level. I would like to prevent this step. I am also looking for answers to questions like, does the 50+ age group have the right skills and motivation to effectively adopt an online course or e-learning curriculum In the process of aging - can an e-learning curriculum be a good motivation for course participants because it touches them or prevents them? The lessons of the experiment, both positive and negative, are presented.

  • Elderly care out from the care system: the challenges of family carers

    The overburdened long term care system increases the role of family carers in taking care of older adults. Undertaking the role of care put a great burden to family carers and cause many negative effects to the family roles, the field of employment and to the carers’ personal physical and mental health too. The formal care system solely focuses for the need of care receivers and hardly find services targeted to family carers. This study, using the analisis of ten family caregiver interviews, overlaps the main difficulties they are facing.

  • A Sóstó-Gyógyfürdők Zrt. kínálata az idősödő generációknak

    Analyzing the age pyramid of Hungary, we can see that we live in an aging society, due to which the older generations are becoming more and more important in the medical tourism sector. The largest group of medical tourism is the elderly over the age of 60, who most often visit spas with musculoskeletal disorders. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county is especially rich in spas, the Sóstó Spa, which is our spa of international significance, also stands out. The aim of the Sóstó Spa is to play a role in maintaining and improving the health of health tourists, in developing a bathing culture, and in spending a pleasant and useful leisure time.

  • The questions of the living conditions of the elderly

    Ahhoz, hogy az időskor jövőjéről képet alkothassunk, fel kell tárni az adott jelen időben és
    helyen az időskor előzményeit, amiben s ahogy az egyén, a csoport, a társadalmi réteg az
    időskort elérte, eléri, valamint a jelenben azokat a feltételezhető társadalmi, gazdasági
    átalakulásokat a jövőben, amelyekre a trendek mutatnak. Az időskorúak társadalmát
    heterogén társadalmi rétegek alkotják, amelyekben azonos, többnyire közel azonos, az
    időskori lét általánosítható egészségügyi, mentális, a családi közösségi kapcsolatokban,
    hasonló állapot változások történnek, folyamatok indulnak meg. Ugyanakkor az időskorúak
    összességét számos elválasztó létfeltételi, vagyoni, ideológiai, műveltségi állapot tagolja,
    amelyeket tovább bont a nemek eltérő társadalmi aktivitása, közösségekben való részvétele.
    Az utóbbi évtizedben számos kezdeményezés indult, illetve erősödött fel az azonosságok és
    különbségek feltárására, elemzésére, az időskorúak életminősége, társadalmi aktivitása
    fejlesztése, a káros folyamathatások perfektibilis kezelésére, azonban az átfogó, minden
    rétegre kitérő megoldások messze nem érik el a kívánatos szintet, nem biztosítják az
    időskorúak korunkban megkövetelhető létfeltételeit, társadalmi aktivitását.

  • Spiritual care in Slovenian nursing homes: a quantitative descriptive study

    Spiritual care is an important component of holistic care in nursing. However, health care workers are not unanimous in who is responsible for the spiritual care of patients. It is likely that nurses are best suited to provide spiritual care because of the nature of their work, which requires constant contact with patients. Yet, meeting spiritual needs is not well defined in the role of nurses and is not always taught comprehensively in formal nursing education programmes. The aim of this study was to explore the extent to which nurses working in social care settings implement interventions related to spiritual care in their daily practise, how they perceive their knowledge of spiritual care, and the extent to which this dimension of care was included in their nursing education programmes.
    A non-experimental quantitative descriptive research study was used. In April 2020, 214 nurse assistants and registered nurses from 12 nursing homes in Slovenia participated in the study. The questionnaire used in the study included 12 statements related to 3 main areas: i) knowledge of the concepts of spirituality and religion, ii) implementation of spiritual/religious interventions in daily practice, iii) spirituality in nursing education. The individual statements were rated by the respondents on a 5-point Likert scale (1 - strongly disagree to 5 - strongly agree). The questionnaire had adequate internal consistency (Cronbach alpha = 0.857). Data were described using calculated means, Mann-Whitney U test, and Spearman correlation coefficient. A p-value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.
    Regular spiritual assessment of nursing home residents is rarely performed by nurses (x̄=2.73, s=1.03). Female nurses (U=2191.500, p=0.008) and nurses who described themselves as religious (U=3314.000, p=0.001) implement spiritual/religious interventions in daily practice to a greater extent; they also expressed higher knowledge of the concepts of spirituality and religion compared to the others (religious/non-religious: U=2920.000, p=0.000; female/male: U=1885.000, p=0.000). The implementation of spiritual/religious interventions in daily practice correlated positively and statistically significantly mainly with self-perceived knowledge of the concepts of spirituality and religion (r=0.495, p=0.000) and the extent to which the content of spiritual care was represented in their nursing education program (r=0.494, p=0.000). However, nurses emphasized that the concept of spirituality and spiritual care tended to be poorly represented in formal nursing education programs (x̄=2.76, s=0.89).
    Discussion and conclusions:
    Individual characteristics, particularly self-reported religiosity and gender, appear to have an important influence on the implementation of spiritual/religious interventions in daily practise. In addition, our study suggests that the level of knowledge about the concepts of spirituality and religion influences nurses' willingness to implement spiritual care with their residents. Therefore, nursing educators need to develop curricula that include strategies to increase trainees' awareness of spiritual care. Current international research efforts on perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care in nursing offer important contributions to understanding the role of nursing in relation to spirituality and to developing educational content and approaches for both undergraduate and lifelong learning in nursing.

  • Older people in the infocommunication space - opportunities and challenges

    Az idősek infokommunikációs technológiákkal történő interakciója pozitívan befolyásolhatja szellemi tevékenységüket és összességében jó hatással lehet a mentális egészségük serkentésére. Ez a mentális stimuláció javíthatja a memóriájukat is. Az IKT-t használó idősek úgy érzik, sokkal magabiztosabbak és kevésbé vannak elszigetelve a társadalomtól, megnöveltnek látják a társadalmi támogatást és társadalmi interakciót, jobb kognitív képességekkel rendelkeznek, fennmaradhat a függetlenség érzése a mindennapi életükben és körükben alacsonyabb szintű depressziót mérnek a kutatók. Az IKT-t megfelelő szinten alkalmazó személyek akár magasabb hozzáadott értéket is képviselhetnek közösségükben, mivel képesek átadni bölcsességüket és tudásukat a fiatalabb generációknak a fejlett technológián keresztül is. A fentiek következtében csökken a digitális szakadék, javulhat a személyes életminőség, a függetlenség és autonómia fenntartása a mobilitást is fokozza, kialakulhat és működhet a személyre szabott integrált szociális és egészségügyi ellátáshoz való hozzáférés, így a digitális kompetenciák színvonalas alkalmazása alapvetően, összességében pozitívan tud hatni az idősek saját életére és a hozzájuk tartozókéra is (Blazun, 2013).

    Jelenleg – főleg az elmúlt évtizedekhez képest – a kifejezetten idősebbek számára készült technológiai eszközök és megoldások felé mutatott igény, ennek következtében pedig ezek piacképessége is fellendülésben van. A gerontechnológia – melynek területéhez tartozik minden olyan okos szolgáltatás és technikai innováció, amely az idősek életminőségét javíthatja – segíthet a sikeres öregedésben és az önálló élet fenntartásában. A kapcsolati szolgáltatások erősíthetik a szocializációt és csökkenthetik az esetleges ellátási költségeket (Peterson & Prasad, 2011). 2020-ban az idősekkel kapcsolatos médiavisszhang minden eddiginél kiemelkedőbb volt a magasabb egészségi kockázat és a korona vírussal szembeni nagyobb veszélyeztetettség miatt (Köttl, Tatzer & Ayalon, 2021).

    Amikor az idősek az IKT lehetőségeket használják, számos kedvező hatással találkozhatnak. Digitális tudásuk fejlődésével csökkenhet a kirekesztődésük, ezzel együtt a magány érzete is, egészségi állapotuk folyamatos monitorozásával lassítható az egészségromlás, addig ismeretlen, új információkhoz tudnak hozzájutni, mely által fenntarthatják vagy növelhetik a mentális kondíciójukat. Kialakíthatják és menedzselhetik a családi és baráti kapcsolattartást, távolabb élő személyekkel tudják felvenni a kapcsolatot, illetve, ha mindezekben fiatalabb családtagjaik segítik őket, szorosabb családi köteléket és intergenerációs hasznot is hoz a folyamat (Bene, Móré & Zombory, 2020). Figyelmet kell fordítani arra ugyanakkor, hogy a pozitív tényezők mellett megjelenhetnek a negatív vonatkozások is. Ezek magában foglalhatják azokat az érzéseket, amelyek a személyes kontaktus hiánya miatt keletkeznek, olyan egészségi hatások erősödhetnek, mint a szem terhelése, a hosszabb ideig tartó ülés miatt rosszabbodó testtartás, internetes visszaélések célpontjai lehetnek az idősek, esetleg felmerülhet körükben is internet-és okoseszköz függőség.

    Előadásunkban az idősek és az IKT kapcsolatát vizsgáljuk a tanulás, a magányosság az egészségügy és egyéb, általánosabb területek vonatkozásában a nemzetközi szakirodalmon keresztül.

    1. Bene, Á., Móré, M., & Zombory, J. (2020). A digitalizáció néhány elemének időseket érintő hatásai - karantén előtti helyzetkép. Magyar Gerontológia, 12(39), 29-51.
    2. Blazun, H. (2013). Elderly People's Quality of Life with Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Toward a Model of Adaptation to ICT in Old Age. University of Eastern Finland, Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies, no 59.
    3. Köttl, H., Tatzer, V. C., & Ayalon, L. (2021). COVID-19 and Everyday ICT Use: The Discursive Construction of Old Age in German Media. The Gerontological Society of America, 10(10), 1-12.

  • Perceived social support in old age

    Background and aims: In our research, we examined how the degree of perceived social support depends on factors (gender, age, marital status, health, giving up independent living) and how it is related to experiencing aging.

    Methods: In our study, we used questionnaires examining social support, attitudes to ageing, life satisfaction, and depression in old age.

    Results and discussion: Perceived social support shows a decreasing trend with age, and is lower in the case of singles, those in poor health, and those living in nursing homes. It can be said that all three types of support decreases with age at those living independent, but those living in nursing homes the social support is the lowest in the case of the youngest (65-74 years) and the highest at the of 75-89 years, and the instrumental support over 90 years old. Higher perceived social support results in higher levels of life satisfaction, lower level of depression and more positive experiences of ageing. It is important to note, however, that the support actually provided and the perceived support are not the same.

  • Okostelefon-használat időseknél

    Smartphone usage is a necessary part of out life. The permanent internet access provided by smartphones, and the huge number of downloadable applications give opportunity to keeping contact, entertain and administration for all ages. In our publication we review the results of researches regarding smartphone usage among elderly. After introduce the problematic smartphone use we focus on the differences of young and older users. Problematic usage is a characteristic of youth users. There is a significant differences among young and older users in the field of the motivation basis of smartphone usage, and the used applications. According to the results seniors are often motivated to smartphone use but excessive usage is inhibited by physical problems, financial difficulties and the lack of knowledge relation to gadgets.

  • Skills and abilities of elderlies

    The third millennium is the era of the big info-technological explosion. Older people have to make friends with the technology they were not born into. They need to learn new knowledge and skills for everyday use.