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  • The qualitative and quantitative research of hungarian origin effect on private label food brand choice in east Hungary

    Nowadays there is more and more focus on researches of food shopping behaviour, as its key role in social practices -and in the shaping of life quality after all - is inevitable due to social effects of basic re-structuring and their undisclosed nature in the post socialist countries. These social effects are still going on because of the crisis and changes in trade politics.Earlier researches more or less focus on abstract ranges, separating daily social behaviour from their solid contexts.This is why I chose East Hungary with its smaller decretionary income and purchasing power as the spatial focus of my reasearch and the method of focus group discussion and questionnarie with food shoppers in the frame of a qualitative research and quantitative research. On the other hand, one of the reasons of the timeliness of chosing this topic is that several researchers (Totth, 2012, Polya-Szucs, 2013; Szakály, 2014) and market research institutes came to the conclusion that Hungarian customers prefer products of Hungarian origin to goods from abroad if they are cheaper than their foreign equivalent. That is why for Hungarian customers cheap own brands can be a priority even over less costly imported goods.

  • Role of Children in the Case of Parental Food Store Choice

    Family as a primary decision making unit of society have a significant role in purchase decision making processes of individuals. It has a significant role in consumer socialization and in the process how children become consumers. It is a frame, within what children learn to behave as consumers, acquire all
    competencies concerning to purchase and consumption, and hence become competent to other consumers. Change of children’s role within the family is in the air in the last period, and this has an effect on purchase decision making processes within the family maybe on food store choice too. 


    How a retailer can manage in Tiszasas, in one of the villages of the most disadvantageous districts in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, among extremely unfavorable micro environmental factors where customers have especially low discretionary incomes. Our objective was to estimate how the improving stock management contributes to the growing turnover.

  • The Evaluation of the Stockpiling of the Grande-Inox Ltd

    Nowadays in the growing competition every enterprise has to strive to meet all the customer expectations and to serve the customers at a higher level than their competitors, In order to meet these requirements the stockpiling, the second phase of the trade in goods has to be appropriate from every aspect. To offset the negative aspects of the economic crisis and to meet the sales targets the sales have to be smooth, so the stockpiling also has to be adequate from the aspects
    of quantity, quality and choice. For this purpose we have analysed and evaluated the stockpiling at the Grande-Inox Ltd and have made suggestions.


    We performed a customer motivation research with a focus group interview method,
    applying the Censydiam modell, on the excessively competitive and saturated alcohol free
    beverage market. Our objective is, through disclosing factors (advantages and
    disadvantages), influencing alcohol free beverage drink choice, to share our new product
    development recommendation with a market expansion and thus an increased customer
    satisfaction will be possible.

  • The Evaluation of the Procurement of the Grande-Inox Ltd

    Nowadays in the growing competition every enterprise has to strive to meet all the customer expectations and to serve the customers at a higher level than their competitors, In order to meet these requirements the procurement, the first phase of the trade in goods has to be appropriate from every aspect. To offset the negative aspects of the economic crisis and to meet the sales targets the sales have to be smooth, so the procurement also has to be adequate from the aspects of quantity, quality, choice and also of time. For this purpose we have analysed and evaluated the procurement at the Grande-Inox Ltd and have made suggestions.

  • The economic impact of intellectual property in Europe and Hungary

    As the aim of the article, to show in the framework of theoretical research, to assess the situation of Hungarian intellectual property in the life of businesses. In our paper, we try to analyze and present this area approaching it from an economic side, which seems to be a mere legal phenomenon for an outside observer.

  • The State of the Bulgarian Agricultural Sector in the First Period (2007-2013) of the EU Membership

    Nowadays it is imperative in the growing competition that the owners and managers of retail shops know the expectations of customers. In our paper we discuss the impact of time, which is a narrow resource, on shopping with the help of secondary bibliography research and a questionnaire based on a small sample.

  • Empirical Research on Business Awareness Concerning Workplace Crèches

    Our objective with the empirical research was to learn about the opinion of business leaders about the new form of care, and to get an explanation why the opportunity to create a crèche in the workplace is not being used by today's companies, despite the facilitating state environment (financial funding for tender funds and favorable personal conditions). Our further goal was to formulate suggestions for business leaders to raise awareness of workplace crèches.

  • Significance of Retail Services, Their Connection to the Geographical Location, Retail Services in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Country: kiskereskedelmi szolgáltatások szerepe és földrajzi előnyök kapcsolata : mi a helyzet Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyében?

    Nowadays the question as to wgat can make the customers satisfied and loyal to a shop is getting more and more important. One of its potential tools is the introduction of retail services, which has a significant role in the increasing importance of services, too. Not only retail, but also services are part of our everyday life and pervade it. Retail satisfies aour needs and demands throught buying. In concentrated retailing, the competitions among competitors is becoming more and more intense. In this competition, a retail service  can become a relative competitive edge. These services have to follow customer demands as well as have to be  hard to copy by competitors, i.e they have to be sustainable in the long run. The quality and standard of a specific retail service depends on the place/area of requistion, the exact retail unit, the current employee and his/her level of compensation in the organistation.