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Adatbányászat üzleti szemmel (I. rész)
Views:109Organizations in the 21st century - whether they are profitoriented or not, in private ownership or state-owned - can increase their efficiency with an outstanding tool. This tool is data mining. This article first of all defines and presents data mining, and locates it in the process of 'Knowledge Discovery in Databases'. Following this we review the fields of employment of data mining and the basic methods employed. In particular we discuss the method of classification and the theoretical background of the main techniques, such as decision trees, neural networks and logistic regression models. The second part of this paper presents the real world application of this technology by way of an analysis of a real database.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: C25, C44, C45, C49
Az európai növekedési potenciál eróziója
5-23Views:108The potential growth rate in the EU Member States has been declining and lagging behind their competitors since the 1990's. Due to severe productivity problems in the EU (first of all the significant decrease in the total factor productivity dynamics) and the insufficient adaptation to the processes of globalisation, further remarkable and permanent decline in the potential growth rate is expected. Paradoxically the potential growth rate might decrease in the long run to a greater extent in the new Member States. As a result of the present global economic crisis new risks might appear. The riskss of the recurrence of shocks are significant. These factors project further erosion of the European growth potential. Integrated structural reforms and a comprehensive review of the European model are needed in order to overcome the unfavourable trends and put Europe on a more favourable growth path than the one indicated in this study.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: F15, F43
A literature review of Happiness and Economics and guide to needed research
117-131Views:664Happiness and Economics as a new branch of behavioural economics has had a major impact on economic theory and economic policy: Several studies have been published in the last 20 years in leading journals. Furthermore, several governments have decided to collect data about the well-being of their citizens. The author claims that utility cannot only be measured by the choices individuals do: Reported happiness and life satisfaction data is also an acceptable empirical estimate for individual utility. Consequently, happiness research can bear new knowledge and important understanding of human welfare. Therefore, this paper gives an overview of the existing literature. Methods and approach of scholars is critically analysed and shortcomings are discussed. Thereafter, findings on major economic issues like growth, unemployment and inflation are presented. Besides, governmental policy and implications for society are debated. Lastly, future research possibilities are mentioned.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classification: D60 D63 I31
ESG regulation and what lies behind it - opportunities and challenges in preparing businesses for ESG in Hungary
Views:29On 12 December 2023, the Parliament adopted the proposal on the rules of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and other related laws to promote sustainable financing and unified corporate responsibility (ESG Act). Companies subject to the Act will gradually have to comply with several qualitative and quantitative requirements, which will pose significant challenges for market players and regulators monitoring their operations. This paper aims to review how the gradual extension of the scope of the Act will affect market and industry players, highlighting the opportunities and challenges for stakeholders in meeting regulatory requirements in environmental, corporate governance and social matters.
The role of dynamic relationship capabilities and loyalty in organisational relationships
76-92Views:259In this study we try to answer the question of how Hungarian organisations can be depicted in terms of relationship management in networked relationships, and how the nearly fouryear global economic crisis influences the perception of relationship capability and B2B loyalty in organisational relationships. First we review the theoretical background of dynamic relationship capabilities and B2B loyalty, then we show our empirical research results, and we try to identify the factors involved in relationship management and B2B loyalty. From our point of view relationship management has an effect on B2B loyalty, and we support the hypothesis that where relationship management is a conscious action, there are evolved procedures for this. These connected mechanisms have a positive impact on the evaluation of relationship quality and contribute to partners’ loyalty.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: M10, M14, M31, M39
The Rigidity of Labor Markets and the Unit Root in the Time Series of Unemployment rate: Raising a Problem
103-114Views:140The article is a review of the literature concerning the time series of the unemployment rate, and of the economic explanations behind the tests of these time series. We seek to identify the theoretical explanations behind a possible unit root in unemployment time series. We argue that the main difficulty faced by these unit root tests is the change in labor market institutions. The ffects of institutional changes make the traditional tests rather weak, while the panel unit root tests oversimplify the economics of the question. Our conclusion is that the possible application of the tests developed theoretically for nearly unit root processes seems to offer a way out of this dilemma.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: C22, E24