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  • „Nem tudom, hogyan lehet rájuk hatást gyakorolni...” Pedagógusok a roma tanulók oktatásáról

    In our study we analyse a specific aspect of the mass presence of Roma pupils in schools: the context in which the social environment of Szeklerland creates the context for the schooling of Roma pupils. After outlining the characteristics of the regional social context, we present some classroom situations which for teachers bear the challenges of confronting the cultural difference of pupils. The research method is interviews with teachers in Roma-majority classrooms. Our research shows that a significant part of the work of teachers in Roma-majority classrooms is not about teaching, but about managing cultural difference. In the context of the specific social conditions of the Szekler region, in addition to the social approach (extreme poverty) and the search for methodological solutions in the education of Roma children, it is also useful to pay attention to the social relations as a frame of the educational process.

  • The Economic and Social Attitude of Young People to the Border Regions Where They Live

    The study maps the North-Eastern European 17-19-year old young people living in the counties along the border in Poland, Ukraine and Hungary. The hypothesis of the research study is that the regional identity of the young people is in significant connection with their transborder economic, social activity. According to another research hypothesis those young people assess their attitude to the neighbouring nationalities „very positively” who travel abroad more often and/or whose relatives are members of that nationality. The regions selected to the research have special geographical endowments, however, they face serious economic and social difficulties as well. The competitiveness and prosperity of these regions more and more depend on whether the people and enterprises living there are able to optimally use all the territorial advantages. The competitiveness of the economy depends on the development of relationships with other territories, however, research studies have shown that current enterprises in this region could not live with the opportunities offered by the region’s location, which can be explained by their postsocialist past (Hardi, 2001). From the 1990s cross-border cooperation started to appear among the North-Eastern European regions. The 2004 EU accession made free movement of goods, services and capital possible for two countries (Hungary and Poland) from among the examined countries. In addition to this movement, the flow of technology and ideas as well as cross-border cooperation have become a more and more important element of the regional development. The reason why the 17-19-year old age group has become the target group of the research study is that they were not only born into these new possibilities but they will also become a part of their daily lives. Hopefully during the next decade this age group will become the engine of the crossborder economy and cohesion due to their regional location and their relations.

  • A digitális egyenlőtlenség vizsgálata a társadalmi kirekesztődés szempontjából

    My research, which is part of a doctoral thesis, was made in Bereg the most backward subregion of Hungary in 2017. I examined the risk of poverty and social exclusion concerning the children of the age of 14 living here. I looked at this risk from a new angle, the angle of digital inequality. I looked for the answer whether the usage of the modern multi-media devices and the internet can help in the development of this subregion, the future generation will be able to meet the exigencies of the time, find a job in the digitalized labour market. Or else, the lack of these devices and the disability of using them make their position worse. I unveiled the students’ sociodemographic, socioeconomical features, the degree of the supply concerning multi-media devices, the purpose of their usage, their attributes and the factors causing digital inequality. I scrutinized the degree of ICT usage at schools, the relationship between the usage of the internet and the school achievements, the students’ relationships and their future prospects. In this article I would like to introduce the first part of my research in which I examined the socioeconomical background of the degree of supply with multimedia devices.

  • A COVID hatás okozta társadalmi változások becslése / Bódi Ferenc gondolatainak továbbfűzése

    The article by Ferenc Bódi appeared in the spring issue of this journal in the spring of 2021. He undertook to estimate the impact of the changes caused by the pandemic on health care and the expected economic and social changes. His study, due to the scale of the pandemic, is a macro-level analysis. When the study came out, we all hoped that the COVID-19 epidemic was already coming to an end and that we needed to focus on starting again. Society has partly faded, partly realized that this epidemic is different from the previous ones. This encouraged me to continue to think about some of the Hungarian phenomena and to express my thoughts on the expected changes. I cannot undertake to analyze all areas of the crisis caused by the epidemic, but I will make an attempt to present its phenomena in health care, their interpretation, and the social effects of the current Hungarian health crisis so far. In my writing, I rely on my own research and that of my colleagues, and on the reports of my students in the health care system.

  • Roma employment – disadvantaged situation - labour market insecurity

    The problems faced by disadvantaged social groups are complex and require a multidimensional, interdisciplinary approach. In our study, we present the employment-related results of a 2021 survey of a predominantly Roma local community living in a settlement conditions across several dimensions of quality of life. In addition to the employment characteristics of the target group, we explore their employment attitudes, work value preferences and related gender and social roles. Our results show a positive change in the employment situation of the local society, although general labour market insecurity remains to be seen.

  • A húsvéti járvány – a COVID-19 várható hatásai az Euro-atlanti tér társadalmaira

    The purpose of this article is to estimate the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for healthcare and the medical industry that serves it. Furthermore, an estimate of the expected impact of the epidemic onto economic and social change. In addition, to estimate the expected impact of the epidemic on economic and social changes. The article was written in two different periods. The first part ended in April 2020 and the second part in April 2021. The article is essentially a thought experiment. A reasoning enclosed in a bottled mail that the author rewrote after a year in the light of the changing facts. The article concludes that COVID-19 will help complete a long economic cycle. This crisis accelerates a technological shift in which creative destruction occurs in the economic subsystem as well as in other subsystems of the society. The new long economic cycle (Cycle K), just as it happened after World War II, builds a new social quality. At the beginning of the new K cycle, the former welfare state model is replaced by a wellbeing society concept. The basis of a wellbeing society will be solidarity, cooperation and quality. For the individual, health will no longer be just an optional lifestyle, but an effective form of survival.

  • The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education

    The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education. The sociology of intellectuals offers us a special approach to the phenomenon of dropout. The rate of students with lower parental educational level (’non-traditional students’) has been changed during the process of the expansion. These students have deficiencies in several fields and these deficiencies can rise the chance of drop-out. In the frame of „Social and institutional factors of student dropout in higher education” project (led by Prof. Gabriella Pusztai, OTKA project, no. 123847) a database was created in 2018 (N=605). The respondents were earlier students after the drop-out process. We tried to identify the features of the sociocultural background, the main factors of the drop-out and compare the patterns of the first generation intellectuals and students with intellectual background. Our empirical findings have showed that in the case of lower parental level the elements of compulsion seems to be more typical and voluntary withdrawal seems to be more frequent in the other case.

  • A hátrányos helyzetű tanulók nem-kognitív problémamegoldó készségének fejlődése a tanodában

    In contrast to cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills play a key role in shaping an individual's life course, yet the development of non-cognitive skills attracts insufficient attention. This study explores the contribution of study halls today to address the social disadvantage inherited by students in the area of non-cognitive problem-solving skills. The results of our exploratory study in five study halls in cities with county status in the Northern Great Plain region showed that study halls play a prominent role in mitigating the skills deficits of the mainly upper primary disadvantaged students included in the study. As a result of the developmental work of the study hall, problem-solving skills showed improvements mainly in the reduction of problem sources, in the problem-solving instruments and in the form of problem solving. As a result of the intervention of the study hall, the students' acquired social disadvantages were reduced and their inclusion in school, later in the labour market and in society was reinforced.

  • “Brave enough to remove the shell of a chestnut.” The career path of a resilient teacher

    Being successful at school as a Roma student is a crucial sociological question. Roma teachers’ experience is invaluable when seeking to understand and solve problems that students with similar backgrounds have. Resilience is our academic starting point. In PISA who belong to a lower social class but have higher achievements are called resilient students. Educational sociologists say that a person’s life is resilient when it is successful, notwithstanding the disadvantaged social background (Ceglédi 2018). We have analysed Roma teachers with resilient lives and looked for answers to what kind of possibilities and dangers of a resilient life might hide in the pedagogical career. Given a unique target group, we chose snowball sampling. 6 semistructured interviews were made in eastern Hungary in 2019, in which we emphasized the resilience of their life taken, the pedagogic job, and their connection. We did qualitative analysis of the transcripts. The resilient Roma teachers incorporate their life experience into their pedagogic fields and their coping serves as a model for their students.

  • A review of civil society organizations concepts through content analysis

    Day by day, civil society organizations (CSOs) are becoming an increasingly important factor in all areas of the socio-economic system. The interest in their study has also increased, although the place, role, and definition of their terminology and concepts, needs to be further clarified, as their meaning changes conditionally. Through content analysis, this article reviews the literature by addressing a sample of 136 journal articles published in the period 2015-2019 in two big databases. The findings show that CSOs literature is dominated by qualitative works of social sciences authors who mostly use the term Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). This paper is also elaborated on the main themes which dominate the text of the articles. Furthermore, the main concepts of this literature, development, organizations, international, local and other words are analyzed here. The significance of this study is that it aims to provide CSOs researchers with a clearer description of the terminology and concepts the most commonly used.

  • Migránsok gyermekeinek szocializációja

    Tasks related to the inclusion of migrant children pose significant challenges for teachers. Our study's focus is on the research question, what factors play a role in the successful integration process of migrant children? We aim to present integration challenges, statistical data related to the topic, and provide a comprehensive overview of the factors that help students' school integration. We can state that diversity promotes synergy in the community and positively impacts effectiveness. At the same time, the school is less effective in solving social problems. Problem management adjusted to the school's operation can also contribute to the reorganization of pedagogical practice and, in the long run, to social effectiveness. We consider a new type of service system for school social work to complement the pedagogical process. In our opinion, the content elements of training should be extended to describe the helping methods in the inclusion of migrant children.

  • A külföldi munkavállalás hatása a sportolási szokásokra

    Earlier research on foreign employment has shown that the target country not only offers benefits, but can also pose risks to people that could endanger the health of the person concerned. The question in this matter arises concerning the importance of being aware of the role of regular exercise in the health of the people working abroad and whether the frequently occurring illnesses observed among them may be correlated with the possible lack of regular exercise. During our research, we asked Hungarians working abroad - in Germany - about their sporting habits. 60 respondents, in contrast to expectations based on data from previous studies, reported higher levels of regular physical activity during their stay abroad than before (in Hungary). The combined effect of a number of factors can affect the concerned individuals in this respect, mostly the social and built environment. This validates the need for the nation-wide development of a health-conscious lifestyle in Hungary.

  • Trends and best-known results of research on Gypsy/Roma communities in Hungary

    Gypsy communities have been known in Hungarian majority society for half a millennium. However, sources are poor and only provide information on a few aspects of their lives. Some scholars have attempted to define this sporadic, small group of people when their numbers have increased significantly. In the second half of the 20th century, archivists and ethnographers began to investigate their origins, their common history, the origin of their names, and the specific characteristics that shape their way of life, language, culture and beliefs. Their findings have led to their being defined as a minority, but they are now estimated to number between 10 and 12 million in Europe.  There are naïve researchers and advocates of Gypsy/Roma history who believe that the glories of the past and the persecutions of the past are to be found, but in scientific research, the view is becoming increasingly accepted that the communities of the past centuries in Europe and Hungary, known by their collective name of Gypsy/Roma, cannot be described as homogeneous, undifferentiated entities, either historically, ethnographically or sociologically. Throughout history, Roma/Gypsy people and communities have not been made Roma/Gypsy by the same criteria, and therefore they must be understood primarily in terms of their social situation, so that their integration can be made possible and the national and EU programmes of schooling, compulsory employment and the dismantling of Roma settlements can open up real paths to social advancement.

  • A multi-level approach for the research background of subjective health condition in view of social inequalities

    In Hungary, as well as worldwide, one of the main objects of health sociology research is social inequality, focusing mainly on the inequalities stemming from health conditions. The main question is where and how these inequalities appear and evolve during the whole life-history, and how they sustain. In modern societies these differences clearly appear in the markers of health conditions like subjective well-being. The rate of inequalities are defined by essential sociocultural and sociodemographic variables like residual environment, geographical location, age or gender. A very important attribute of social research is to examine these phenomena on different stages and from various aspects. In my study I investigate these stages and aspects using the relevant theoretical literature.

  • Az egészség komplex megközelítése, mint az egészség-szociológiai vizsgálatok elméleti kerete

    The health indicators of the population are worst in the whole Central and Eastern European region, and thus in Hungary as well. The health status of Hungarians is not possible, it is not a unique phenomenon. The state of health of the Hungarian society is one of the worst in the European Union. To advance the understanding of the situation, it is necessary to conduct complex interdisciplinary studies that combine health and social science models.

    In our study, we present a complex approach to health, its social embeddedness, with the aim of providing a theoretical basis for a study we have designed to target Hungarian health characteristics.

    The theoretical overview emphasizes the context of the definition of health used in certain disciplines of the social sciences, the presentation of the explanatory factors of health, and the theses and models. Outlining our present work and future research cannot be without tracking the changes that have taken place that determine health, so we will first analyze this. In laying the theoretical foundations, we return to the complex approach to health, in which we present the presentation of biomedical and bio-psycho-social models in detail, and then we describe the economic and social models of health. We also deal with health determinants that determine the health of the individual and society.

  • A technológiai fejlődés hatása a nemek közötti munkamegosztásra az egészségügyben, a robotasszisztált sebészet területén

    Technological progress has always played a key role in the development of the economy and society throughout human history. Their impact on society is multifaceted and constantly transforming our world. One aspect of social impact is the impact on the sexual division of labour. As a result of these processes, the labour market may undergo significant changes. The impact of technological development on the division of labour between sexes or genders is complex and multifaceted, therefore it can be examined from several aspects. Although technology offers opportunities for gender equality between women and men, the extent and direction of this depends on many factors, including cultural, social and economic circumstances. The present study focuses on an important sector of the economy, healthcare, which is significantly affected by technological development. Among the technological changes taking place in the sector, it examines the emergence of robotic surgery, with a particular focus on its impact on the gender division of labour within the surgical professions.

  • Social Exclusion of Pervitin Users

    The article is based on a qualitative study using narrative interviews with 13 South Bohemian Pervitin users who visit the drug advisory centre. The goal of the article is to describe how social exclusion is subjectively experienced by Pervitin users. The data were processed with the help of grounded theory. The respondents feel to be excluded in a number of normal life areas: they are rejected by their family, friends, and also by public institutions - particularly by the police and by health care facilities. Social exclusion is accompanied by feelings of guilt and remorse for the users. They are also ashamed of their situation, feeling sorrow and disappointed themselves. In some cases, the users are angry with themselves, in other cases with their surroundings for rejecting them. In both variants, exclusion may constitute an important factor in reducing the users' chances of abstinence.

  • Similarities and differences - Work attitudes and job satisfaction characteristics 2005-2018

    In our study, we present the domestic aspects of work-related attitudes, focusing on the period after the turn of the millennium. In our analytical work, we aimed to examine the characteristics of job satisfaction, work-related attitudes, and work-related stress in a database of two national and one county seat. In our writing, in addition to the descriptive analysis of the three databases, we focus on exploring possible changes and differences in time and space. According to our results, the job satisfaction of the respondents of the two national surveys shows almost the same pattern, while the opinion of the local society shows a different and more unfavorable picture. This can be explained, among other things, by the fact that our local survey took place in one of the most disadvantaged counties of the country, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. In addition, it should be emphasized that the location of our research, as the county seat, still has more favorable conditions than other settlements in its agglomeration. The other two national databases that form the basis of the analysis were created within the framework of the International Social Survey Program. Based on Herzberg's two-factor model, we can conclude that certain factors belonging to the group of external motivations, such as favorable earnings, job security are equally important for all groups of respondents. This is consistent with the terminology of work as a core value for livelihood. According to the national sample conducted in 2005, the internal motivational factors, such as the interest and usefulness of the work, and the importance of the work that can be done independently were the most decisive. The opinions of the 2015 national and 2018 local respondents were nearly the same in this respect. Overall, it can be stated that both the differences and the similarities characterize the job satisfaction, work attitude and work-related stress situation of the respondents of the three survey years. The issue of divergence and convergence is shaped not only by regional characteristics, but also by social and economic processes and the social and individual responses to them.

  • The chance of digital education among students in a disadvantaged settlement

    The study has researched the adherence of full-times tudents’ into digital study in a disadvantaged region The 240 participants consisted of 165 elementary school students, 51 secondary school students and 24 college/university students. The publication shows that part of the questionnaire that deals with the condition of the adherence, infrastructural endowment and the reasons of absence. The study carries out the survey along factors that cause digital and social exclusion, seeking after significant correlations. The furtherresults of the survey – which deal with the methods of education, successfulness, advantages, disadvantages and the improvement of digital education - will be discussed in another publication.

  • Az iskolai szegregáció szerepe a hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek és fiatalok lemaradásában

    Experts have long studied the relationship between school segregation and unequal opportunity for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Drawing on academic literature, research and statistical data, this paper examines the consolidation of school segregation in the country, the impact of segregation on the learning achievement of disadvantaged students in public education and on intergroup relations. The issue of educational segregation and integration is often a subject of debate, but research evidence favours heterogeneous composition to foster students' school careers, future labour market prospects and social inclusion.

  • Health through the Eyes of the Romani minority

    Aim: The aim of this study was to ascertain the subjective view of the Romani community on their own health, in the context of social integration and the effects of the environment, using the Transcultural Assessment Model.
    Methods: The collection of data was conducted via quantitative research using an unstructured questionnaire. The experimental group consisted of 600 members of the Romani minority.
    Results: The results showed that health is one of the main values that influence the life of the Romani minority. According to a substantial proportion of respondents, they are regularly concerned with matters of their own health; however, most of them do not attend medical check-ups.
    Conclusion: The concept of sickness and health is highly subjective for each person. Moreover, the culture to which an individual belongs is among the factors that influence an understanding of the concept of health. Thus, when providing medical care, one must also get to know a patient’s culture and their subjective view of health or sickness.

  • Health behavior and mental health among college students at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

    Aim: Our study is a quantitative investigation on the health behaviour and mental health of Sapientia Hungarian University students.

    Methods: The self-administered paper based standardized questionnaire contains several scales: the Self Esteem Inventory (RSESH), the Purpose in Life Test (PIL), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS4) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Data of 206 respondents were analysed from the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania.

    Results: Data show that students with lower self-esteem and mental health use more alcohol than students with higher selfesteem. Physical activity seems to be a protective factor against mental illness, the students who practice sport frequently are mentally healthier than those who do not. Mental health of students is largely socially determinated.

  • A szülői gondoskodás formái – az anyaság gyakorlatának elemzése a helyi társadalom kontextusában

    A szülői tapasztalat és szülői identitás témáját növekvő figyelem övezi az elmúlt 20-25 évben a családszociológiai kutatások terén. A szülői gondoskodás gyakorlata mellett mind fontosabbá vált annak megismerése, hogy hogyan látják a szülők magukat szülőként, hogyan konstruálódik meg a szülőség tapasztalata. Számos egészségügyi, szociális, etikai, pszichológiai probléma, folyamat jelenhet meg ebben a keretben, s a különböző tudományterületekhez kapcsolódó kutatások mint egy nagyítóüveget használhatják a szülői tapasztalatot e jelenségek tanulmányozása során. A szülői szerepkör diverzitást mutat annak tükrében, hogy milyen értéket társítanak az eltérő szülői státuszokhoz. Az anyává válás például centrális pozíciót eredményezhet a családon belül, ám a társadalmi kontextusban inkább jár együtt izoláció megélésével és perifériára kerüléssel. Ez a szakadék hatással van a szülőség megélésének minőségére. Tanulmányunk célja az, hogy bemutassuk hogyan formálódik az anyaság tapasztalata és a szülői gondoskodás megélése különböző lokális terekben.

  • The Characteristic Features of Social Care System in Transcarpathia

    The study deals with the social protection system in Transcarpathia; presents the structure of Ukrainian social protection and describes its components; the current economic, social and social situation characterized in the light of past and present aspects; outlines the peculiarities and tasks of Ukrainian state and non-state social protection its tasks and the factors limiting their fulfilment; clarifies the concept of social protection, welfare and well-being in order to avoid misunderstanding and contradictions in their interpretation; presents the system of Transcarpathian social services through certain activities and good practices of some major state, non-state and church institutions, draws conclusions on the situation and development tendencies.

  • Iskolavezetők és vidéki elitszerepek

    The study is based on a questionnaire survey carried out in 2017-2018. It analyses the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland (n=238) based on two main aspects in the topics that determine the everyday school work and leadership: (1) the relationship between school and local society and (2) the social context. The importance of this topic is indicated by the changes in the role of schools, teachers and school leaders in the 21st century, which have created different challenges for rural schools and areas compared to urban ones, and which can be addressed in new ways. These new processes require a change of approach in school management, which is not only a matter of school management and education, but also of rural development. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the relevance of this process by referring to the literature and by analysing the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland.