
Growing characteristics of apple cultivars in environmentally friendly growing systems


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Dremák, P., Csihon, Á., & Gonda, I. (2015). Growing characteristics of apple cultivars in environmentally friendly growing systems. International Journal of Horticultural Science, 21(3-4), 7-10.

Nowadays the condition of the good saleability of the fruit is the application of controlled environmentally friendly technologies. Success of the growing is basically influenced by the production value of the cultivars, and their flexibility to the different technologies. In our examinations the effect of the integrated and organic farming  system has been evaluated on the growing characteristics of the apple cultivars. According to our results the trunk thickness of the trees both in the initial and both in the later bearing period is higher in the integratedproduction compared to the organic farming system. This differences most likely caused by the variance of the crop load.

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