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Keresési eredmények

  • Inbound and Outbound Tourism in China: A Perspective Article
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    The tourism industry in China has undergone significant changes due to globalization, technology, and changing consumer preferences. This perspective article, based on a systematic literature review, examines examines trends, challenges, and opportunities in inbound and outbound tourism in China, focusing on the industry's dynamism. Both inbound and outbound tourism have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has prompted new strategies and environmental adaptations. China has changed its priorities within the country to encourage domestic travel and support local firms. The rise in internationalisation and the growing middle class in China have led to an unprecedented rise in outbound travel. Chinese travellers are affecting travel habits and spending all around the world in the tourism sector. Language barriers, cultural differences, and safety concerns are some of the challenges that come with travelling abroad. To reach its full potential, China needs to adapt to the shifting global environment and take into account the specifications and preferences of both inbound and outgoing tourists. 

  • Improving Safety & Ride Comfort through Dual Suspension System in Road Vehicles
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    The essential objective of the proposed suspension framework is to limit the undesired disturbance of a vehicle because of uneven surfaces on streets. This framework in vehicles is comprise of some fundamental components like dampers and springs which ingests the stuns that are instigated by unusual streets. In any case, these frameworks can just work up to a predefined constrain. Vehicle suspension frameworks are planned by taking the solace capacity of a traveler in record and to enhance the street grasp on each surface.

    This examination proposes an idea for structuring a superior suspension arrangement of vehicles to upgrade the nature of the drive without corrupting the dependability of the vehicle plan. In this exploration, a mix of two suspension framework is presented in which one goes about as an essential suspension while different fills in as an optional framework that can adequately lessen the vibrations. This mix upgrades the customary framework that is right now introduced in vehicles without bargaining on solace and street hold.

  • The Dunning–Kruger Effect in Knowledge Management Examination of BSc Level Business Students
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    The Dunning-Kruger effect (DKE) in higher education evaluation is one of the current research areas of psychology, educational science, and management science (in our case). Its importance is that the less prepared one is, the less accurately one can judge what performance is expected of him. What is more, he will err more and will overestimate himself. The present study aims better to understand the phenomenon with new, small-sample empirical results. The study is part of a research series that has been ongoing at the University of Debrecen since 2015. It not only quantitatively expands the literature but also includes the course of Knowledge Management among those examined. During the research, students were asked both before the examination (N = 63) and after the examination (N = 76) to guess how many points they would achieve on a multiple-choice test. It supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-examination and post-examination self-evaluations. Using four multivariate linear regression models, we examined whether the sign value or absolute value of the errors made during the guesses show a correlation - in addition to the available control variables - with the test score. Our results showed that the more accurate the pre-examination and post-examination estimations were, the higher the students' actual score was, while the less they tended to overestimate their preparation. This supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-exam and post-exam self-evaluation.

  • Optimization of the Sheet Metal Base of a Toggle Clamp Using Finite Element Method
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    Optimization relates to the ultimate yield strength and the maximum stress incident on the current model under critical working conditions and finds through iterative processing a way to compensate for the strength requirement without going beyond the desired mass limits. In this paper, the horizontal sheet metal base of a horizontal toggle clamp is optimised for mass reduction using the finite element analysis in the computer aided design software. The sheet metal base material is the ANSI32 Steel. In the design software, it is designed with the thickness of 7 mm and it is intended to support a workload of up to 750 N. The constraints were a fixed point added at all the holes and at the bottom surface of the sheet metal base. A number of iterations were made for the 750N loading force across the base plate to run the simulation. For optimization, the aim was to minimize the mass of the base plate. The design parameters  were Von Mises, factor of safety and displacement. The variables were the slots’ width and material thickness along the mid-surface of the sheet metal. The mass was reduced by more than thirty per cent overall.

  • Analysis of the Benefits of SAP S/4 HANA Cloud IT/Is Investment in the Case of PT XYZ
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    PT XYZ is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Indonesia. In 2020, PT XYZ implemented a digital transformation to increase its excellence by investing in industry telecommunication and information systems (IT/IS) enterprise resource planning software called SAP (System Application and Processing) S/4 HANA Cloud. The study aims to analyze the benefits of these IT investments made in PT XYZ. The results are carried out using the Comparative Analysis of Financial Statements followed by Business Value and Financial Feasibility Analysis and the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) method between 2018 and 2021. It can be revealed that the SAP S/4 Hana Cloud investment benefits the company's operations, which are identified in the form of 5 sub-categories that fall into required categories based on Ranti's Generic IT/IS Business Value.

  • Direct Optimization of an Automotive Sheet Metal Part Using ANSYS
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    Optimization of automotive parts nowadays is mainly used to design lightweight and cost-effective vehicle parts in order to improve the cost and efficiency. In this research, a sheet metal part was taken into consideration and optimized using direct optimization module in ANSYS to evaluate the process. An initial Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was done on the sheet metal part by adding forces and constraints in order to initiate direct optimization. The purpose of the optimization is to minimize the mass of the sheet metal part and maintaining a certain Factor of Safety (FOS) by automatically modifying the sheet thickness and the dimension of the side holes. As a result, the best candidate point with 23% mass reduction was found which complied with FOS value was selected for optimal geometry.

  • Possible ways of IP Commercialisation in the European Higher Education Ecosystem
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    Strong links between universities, and companies can play crucial role in promoting taking into practice of ideas that drive the knowledge society, and in raising competitiveness and living standards. In academic terms of IP management, all activities aimed at sharing knowledge generated in research institutions as a knowledge transfer including scientific publishing, conference presentations, collaborative research with external partners, and contract-based clustering activities, such as licensing and spin-offs. In a narrower sense, the IP management means technology transfer is aimed at placing a given technology on the market, and includes any process by which the recovery partner becomes able to produce new products or services. IP with traditional university mission, values, and activities primarily focusing an active university role in entrepreneurship and contracts with private sector for IP commercialization. This paper gives a comprehensive overview about IP management in universities of the European Higher Education System including the following aspects: partnerships (licensing, industry collaborators); IP invention (disclosures, patenting); proof of concept research bridging the gap between lab discoveries and market application (highly innovative R&D to solve practical problems and commercialization research aiming patented technologies towards business exploitations) and commercialization (start-up incubators and strengthening the entrepreneurial attitudes and competencies). The methodology based on secondary research analysing EU, OECD, on-line literature sources and relevant, up-to date statistical data as well. The conclusions and recommendations based on this „desk research” work reflects the authors.

  • Role of Lean and Agile Supply Chain Models for Pellet Fuel Technologies
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    Business organisations constantly strive to improve their processes, both internal and external. Within the supply chain of a product, different strategies can be applied. This paper aims to answer the basic questions like what is the core of lean and agile SCM strategies, what are the differences of the two models, and how can they be combined. This paper examines further, which of these SCM models and what elements of them can be applied for wood pellet supply chains, also examining the possibility of their combination. The result of these examinations is, that even though fuel pellets can be considered as simple commodity and not a very innovative product, diversity in input characteristics, optimization of fuel pellet technology process variables and changes in output market qualities and quantities need sometimes agile, flexible answer from pellet fuel SCM. The basically lean character of pellet fuel technologies and SCM can further enhanced by implementing agile SCM model elements, as is the increased integration of suppliers into the supply chain.

  • Finite Element Analysis of Cellular Structures Using Ansys
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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a process in which the product is composed of overlapping layers of a material that is added using devices such as 3D printers. Its process has been evolving for decades and nowadays it can be used for several applications and with different materials. One modern usage is for medical and dental purposes. Since it became possible to print metal, it has been a good solution for bone implants, once it must be done with biomaterials and can now replicate the bone structure, for that unit cells should compose the implant. Both conditions are now possible to be achieved by AM, and the current study will analyze, using finite element method, the possibilities to create specimens for tests which the final product would result in a 3D printed bone implant.

  • Analysis of Thermal Degradation in the Annealing Process of Colored Parts Built by Extrusion-Based 3D Printing
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    With the ever-increasing request of light materials, poly lactic (acid) PLA, have got much in consideration. Low-cost PLA materials have risen its use. Those possess some benefits but nevertheless insufficient mechanical strength. The printed PLA objects have a stumbling block for practical applications. Thus, annealing is an interested alternative to make 3D printed objects strong. This thermal treatment can significantly develop investigational studies and offer technical data. Hence the purpose of this paper is study and discuss how to increase the flexural strength through annealing process. Geometry distortions and color degradation will be analyzed. Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Taguchi Method (TM) and variance (ANOVA) were applied as part of the design experiments and analysis. Twenty-seven printed specimens were tested and factors as temperature, time and color were selected.

  • A University Electronic Games e-sport bajnokságának és e-sportolóinak vizsgálata
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    Az e-sport versenyszerű videojátékokat jelent, amelyeket különböző ligák és szervezetek koordinálnak. Az e-sportolók csapatokhoz vagy szervezethez tartoznak, amelyeket különböző gazdasági szervezetek és társaságok támogatnak. Kezdetekben csak offline, majd csak online versenyeket rendeztek, napjainkban pedig egy online selejtező végén egy offline döntőre kerül sor sportcsarnokokban. Jelen kutatás elsődleges célja a University Electronic Games (UEG) e-sport versenyen résztvevő e-sportolók vizsgálata.  Az e-sportolók mellett fontosnak tartom magát a versenysorozatot megvizsgálni, a megkérdezett játékosok milyenre értékelik, mi motiválta őket, hogy ismét jelentkezzenek. Online kérdőíves felmérést végeztem a Debreceni Egyetem által szervezett UEG online bajnokság három szezonjának résztvevői között. Létszámát tekintve az UEG a legnagyobb egyetemi e-sport bajnokság Magyarországon, ezért került kiválasztásra a vizsgálata. A vizsgálatban résztvevők motivációjuk alapján azért versenyeznek, hogy sikert érjenek el és örömöt jelent a versengés a győzelemért, számukra az e-sport önmegvalósítást jelent. A hazai e-sport hírekről és versenyekről közösségi médiából, valamint az egyetemi levelező rendszerből tájékozódnak. Általánosságban elmondható, hogy jóra értékelik az UEG e-sport bajnokságot a résztvevők. A szervezőknek fejlesztendő terület a verseny szervezése és a felkészültségük egy ekkora létszámú verseny lebonyolítására. Erősségük a segítőkészségük és a pontos, precíz tájékoztatásuk a versenyről.

  • A millenniumi generáció munkatapasztalatai
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    Ha nyitott szemmel járunk a mindennapok során, akkor nem kerülheti el figyelmünket a hallgatói munkavégzés jelensége. Ezen tanulmány keretein belül az volt a célunk, hogy megvizsgáljuk a Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karán első évfolyamon tanulmányaikat megkezdő hallgatók munkatapasztalatainak meglétét, későbbi elhelyezkedési terveit, jövedelmi igényeit. Emellett szakirodalmi vizsgálatok keretében elemezzük a hallgatói munkavégzéssel kapcsolatos legfontosabb forrásokat.

    A felsőoktatásba újonnan belépő hallgatók szemléletének változására fontos figyelmet fordítani, mivel tanulmányaik befejezése után aktív munkakeresővé válnak. A Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karán a 2019/2020-as tanévben mintegy 2000 fő került felvételre, akik közül 1700 meg is kezdte a tanulmányait. A kutatásunkat ezen hallgatók bevonásával végeztük.

    Az adatfelvétel a Debreceni Egyetem által szervezett gólyatáborában résztvevő hallgatók körében történt. A felmérés kiterjed többek között a kezdő fizetési igények felmérésére, az eddigi munkatapasztalatokra, a jövőbeni tervekre, ehhez kapcsolódóan a külföldi munkavállalással kapcsolatos hajlandóságra, valamint arra, hogy mely tényezőket veszik figyelembe a munkahely választás során.

  • An Analytical Solution for Static Problems of Cantilever Curved Beams with Variable Cross Sections
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    This paper gives an analytical method to obtain the deformation of a cantilever curved beam. The curved beam considered has circular centre line and the thickness of the cross section in radial direction depends on the circumferential coordinate. The kinematics of the Euler-Bernoulli beam model is used to formulate of governing equations. The curved homogeneous and isotropic elastic beam is fixed at the one of the end cross section and on the other end cross section is subjected to concentrated forces and a couple. A numerical example illustrates the applications of the derived formulae.

  • A Heinrich Spatial Visualization Test Implementálása Virtuális Környezetben
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    Egy virtuális környezet fejlesztése valósult meg PC-re és Androidra. Az előbbit asztali kijelzővel, az utóbbit a Gear VR készülékkel lehet használni. A környezet használatával az emberek térbeli készségeinek mérése, valamint fejlesztése a célunk, hiszen az utóbbi megvalósítható egyszerű geometriai feladatok megoldásával. Eredetileg ez a virtuális környezet csak három térbeli készséget fejlesztő tesztből állt, nevezetesen a Mental Rotation Testből, a Mental Cutting Testből és a Purdue Spatial Visualization Testből. A szerzők már végeztek régebben méréseket ezekkel a tesztekkel, de most már a Heinrich Spatial Visualization Test is bekerült a virtuális környezetbe. Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk ezen teszttípus implementálását és jövőbeli mérési tervünket.

  • Generative Design of Articulated Rod of Radial Engine
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    The constant need for improvement drives humans to look for the best possible option in every field. Computer Aided Design (CAD) is no exception, to follow the best method of designing a product and finalizing it, researchers came up with an idea to generate multiple designs using fixed input values and finalizing the most appropriate one. The objective is achieved using an iterative design process based on algorithms by a specific software. Generative design introduces a new experience based on the Integration of machine dynamics in the manufacturing of objects and about experience. In this work generative design method was investigated on an articulated rod, one of the most important components of the rotary engine, to effectively improve the overall working performance of the engine and enhance its performance by decreasing its mass. Since fuel consumption by the machine can be greatly reduced by lowering the mass, so the goal is to minimize the weight of the rod while mechanical characteristics have to be within the acceptable values. Also, finite element analysis (FEA) was investigated on the part as to ensure the reliability of the rod before and after optimization.

  • Viselhető technológia használat a Debreceni Egyetem hallgatói körében
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    Világszerte sürgető közegészségügyi probléma a fizikai aktivitás hiánya, az ülő életmód széleskörű elterjedése. A probléma jellemző a fiatal populációra is, kiemelten az egyetemistákra, akik idejük jelentős részét töltik üléssel. A technológiai fejlődés egyik katalizátora a mozgásszegény életmód térnyerésének, ugyanakkor ennek köszönhetően számos olyan eszköz jelent meg a piacon, mely éppen a fizikai aktivitás ösztönzésére is szolgálhat. Folyamatosan növekvő tendenciát mutat a fizikai aktivitást mérő viselhető technológiai eszközök – karóra, karpánt – elterjedése a lakosság körében, mellyel párhuzamosan növekszik a magunkról gyűjtött adatok (lépésszám, elégetett kalória, pulzus) mennyisége is. A szerzők témaválasztását az indokolja, hogy a hazai sporttudomány területén kevés olyan tanulmánnyal találkozhatunk, mely napjaink korszerű információtechnológia eszközeit helyezi a fókuszába a fizikai aktivitás dimenziójában. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy az egyetemista populáció körében felmérje az aktivitást mérő viselhető eszközökkel kapcsolatos attitűdöket. Keresztmetszeti kutatásunk során online kvantitatív kérdőíves felmérést végeztünk a DE GTK hallgatói körében. A kérdőívet 340 fő töltötte ki megfelelően. A leíró statisztika mellett az összefüggések vizsgálatakor paraméteres és nem paraméteres próbákat alkalmaztunk (Pearson-féle khí négyszet próba, Fisher féle egzakt próba, t-próba). A statisztikai próbák eredményeit p<0,05 esetén tekintettük szignifikánsnak. Kolgomorov-Smirnov teszttel vizsgáltuk a változók eloszlását. A megkérdezettek többsége (55%) kipróbált már valamilyen viselhető, fizikai aktivitást mérő eszközt. Harmaduk (34%) jelenleg is használja az eszközét. Akik eddig nem próbálták ki ezeket az eszközöket az árat jelölték meg elsődleges visszatartó tényezőként. Harmaduk tervezi, hogy beruház egy ilyen eszközre a jövőben. Az eszközt használók 39%-a aktivitásmérő karkötőt, míg 61%-uk okosórát használ, vagy használt korábban. Nemek tekintetében nem találtunk eltérést az eszközök tulajdonlását tekintve. A megkérdezett aktivitást mérő eszközt viselő fiatalok 66,8%-nak a fizikai aktivitásának követése volt az elsődleges célja. A leggyakrabban használt funkció a lépésszám követése volt, a megkérdezettek 81%-a jelölte, ezt követte a pulzusszám mérése (67%). Legtöbben a lépésszámukkal kapcsolatban (69%) határoztak meg valamilyen célkitűzést. Minden harmadik hallgató szerint az eszköz hatására többet mozgott és sikerült fenntartania az emelt mozgás szintjét. A hallgatók 44%-a állította, hogy a fizikai aktivitása nem változott az eszköz használatának ellenére sem. A megkérdezettek inkább nem értenek egyet a felsorolt pozitív élettani hatásokkal az eszközök viselésével kapcsolatban. Kutatásunkban is érezhető, hogy a viselhető eszközök hatással vannak a fiatalokra, nyomonkövetik saját adataikat ugyanakkor megkérdőjelezhető, hogy az eszközök önmagukban elég ösztönző hatásúak-e a hallgatók számára az egészségesebb életmód kialakításában.

  • Generative Design of a Mechanical Pedal
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    Nowadays, there are various tools that support the initial stages of design available to use for engineers, the traditional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has been implemented in the engineering components design and replaced manual drafting. However, with the advances and the rapid technology development, new trends emerged to cope with this evolution, namely, Generative Design, Topology Optimization, and Generative Engineering Design. The method is based on numerical algorithms that generate a variety of design and modelling options based on the criteria and constraints set by the designer to allow further design exploration. Proposed in this paper is an implementation of the generative design of a mechanical pedal with further finite element analysis.

  • Analysis of Disinfection Technologies that can Increase the Efficiency of Indoor Logistics Processes, which has been Reduced due to the COVID Pandemic
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    As a result of the Coronavirus, both supply chain and internal logistics processes at factories have changed a lot. In many areas, the effectiveness of the logistics processes has declined because of the restrictions implemented against the virus. The study lists some adverse effects where logistics processes had to be modified due to the changing and protection measures against or negative effects of the virus. The authors also argue that these restrictions decreased the efficiency of logistics processes and workers' productivity. One option to increase the logistics sector's efficiency is to use air purification technologies, like the ones studied in this paper: UV-C, Bioxygen® or plasma-ion decontamination technologies. These disinfection processes can create a safe indoor environment. The authors analyse the examined technologies with SWOT analysis. The analysis results demonstrate which disinfection application is the most beneficial to help in improving indoor air quality for logistics processes.

  • The Impact of Sales Promotion, User Interface and User Experience Design on Shopee App Users' Repurchase Intentions
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    By 2022, Gen Z and millennial consumers dominated Shopee usage in Indonesia. Similar e-commerce platforms are forced to constantly innovate to remain competitive in the market due to increasing competition. Therefore, the primary focus of e-commerce platform development should be on the user interface, user experience design, and promotions that are appealing and easy to access so that potential customers are inclined to repurchase. This research aims to determine the influence of UI design, UX design, and promotions on the repurchase intention of users of the Shopee application. The sampling method used was systematic sampling. Ninety-six respondents are included in the sample. This study uses descriptive analysis, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression, and hypothesis testing for data analysis. SPSS Statistics 28.0 was used for data processing. The study found that user interface design, user experience design, and sales promotions statistically impact the repurchase intention of users of the Shopee application. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of repurchase intent in e-commerce.

  • Was UEFA’S Goal of an Environmentally Friendly Euro 2020/21 a Success?
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    The football Euro 2020/21 has been said to be more environmentally friendly, as it was spread all over Europe, thus no new stadiums needed to be built. On the other hand, more traveling became necessary. How does these effects behave with each other? Was the attempt to reduce emissions successful?      
    This paper seeks to compare the goals for UEFA 2020/21 for environmental friendliness and its success. A mixed research strategy was adopted in this paper where qualitative analysis was done on existing literature review and also quantitative approach where assumptions were drawn from literature review to estimate the environmental impact. This paper found that UEFA's initial estimate of 425,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions in traveling for the Euro Cup 2020 was a bit higher than the actual amount of carbon emissions from our calculation of 143,531 tons. What stands out is that its findings agree with UEFA's estimate that Euro Cup 2020 emissions were lower than that of 2016 which emitted 517,000 tons of carbon dioxide for traveling. This gives a greater reason to conclude that UEFA met its goal of reducing carbon emissions. The overall carbon dioxide emissions in traveling and constructing stages were 1,275,988 tons in Euro Cup 2020 and 2,803,000 tons in Euro Cup 2016. This further affirms the overall carbon dioxide emission reduction by half in Euro Cup 2020 as compared to Euro 2016. From our findings, we can conclude that the Euro Cup 2020 indeed succeeded in reducing overall carbon dioxide emissions by half. Despite the success, this paper views that the carbon emissions are still high for a single event and hence there is room for reduction of carbon emissions to lower levels as possible. we can conclude that the Euro Cup 2020 indeed succeeded in reducing overall carbon dioxide emissions by half. Despite the success, this paper views that the carbon emissions are still high for a single event and hence there is room for reduction of carbon emissions to lower levels as possible. we can conclude that the Euro Cup 2020 indeed succeeded in reducing overall carbon dioxide emissions by half. Despite the success, this paper views that the carbon emissions are still high for a single event and hence there is room for reduction of carbon emissions to lower levels as possible.

  • On the Torsional Rigidity of Orthotropic Beams with Rectangular Cross Section
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    The paper deals with the torsional rigidity of homogenous and orthotropic beam with rectangular cross
    section. The torsional rigidity of the considered beam is defined in the framework of the Saint-Venant theory of
    uniform torsion. Exact and approximate solutions are given to the determination of the torsional rigidity. The shape
    of cross section is determined which gives maximum value of the torsional rigidity for a given cross-sectional area.
    The dependence of torsional rigidity as a function of the ratio shear moduli of beam is also studied.

  • Local Annealing of Cold Rolled Aluminum Sheets by LASER Treatment
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    LASER treatment widely used in material processing technologies. The annealing is not the typical application of the LASER treatment, but this is possible to apply in case of cold deformed metals. In the article a cold rolled EN AW 8006 aluminum sheet is annealed by LASER treatment. The microstructure of the annealed sheets is observed by optical microscopy. An existing cellular automata simulation of recrystallization process is modified to study the LASER annealing. The observed microstructure and the simulated results are compared to determine the further development of the developed automaton.

  • The Effect of the Excess Titanium Content on the Microstructure of Al – Si Foundry Alloys
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    Grain refining is an important technological step for the nucleus growth of the melt, in order to increase the number of nuclei, to improve mechanical properties (tensile strength, yield strength, hardness, elongation), feeding conditions and to decrease the tendency of hot tearing and the degree of sintering. [1][2] The aim of the experiments was the determination of the grain refining effects of titanium (Ti) addition in the form of AlTi5B1 master alloy to the examined alloys (AlSi7MgCu0.5 – AC 42 000, AlSi9Cu3Fe0.5 – 46 500; AlSi9Cu1 – AC 46 400). The results prove that the addition of small amount of master alloy has a favourable effect on the foundry practice.

  • Effect of the Flow Curve Determination on the Thinning of Drawn Parts
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    This study presents the results of finite element simulations based on different variations of the flow curve of DC04 automotive thin sheet. The aim of our research is to investigate how different flow curve equations affect the variation of sheet thickness in cup drawing tests. In order to exclude other influencing factors in the experiment, both the sheet material and the geometric properties of the specimen, as well as the external state factors were considered to be the same in all cases. The finite element simulations were performed using Simufact 2021.1 software. Our results shows that there are no significant differences in wall thicknesses until we reach the zone of double necking, where essential differences are observed.

  • An Analytical Solution for the Two-Layered Composite Beam-Column with Interlayer Slip and Constant Axial Load
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    The authors present an analytical solution for the two-layered composite beams with imperfect shear connections. The considered beam is simply supported at both ends. The beam is subjected to transverse and axial loads. The kinematic assumptions of the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory are used. The connection of the beam components is perfect in normal direction, but the axial displacement field may have jump. The shear axial force derived from the imperfect connection is proportional to the relative slip occurring between the layers. The determination of the analytical solution is based on the Fourier method. Two examples illustrate the application of the presented analytical method.

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