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  • Labor Market Effects of Organizational Health Promotion

    Nowadays, we can observe an increasing trend in the spread of non-communicable diseases. It is important to highlight the social factors that negatively affect health. Determinants includes income, education and the research-relevant working and living conditions. From a labor market perspective, unemployment and poor working conditions are a significant responsibility for the deterioration of mental and physical health. Health is also affected by employment conditions. Extended working hours have been shown to be harmful to health. Poor health has generates poorer work performance, a higher rate of sick leave, and higher health care costs. My primary goals in my research was to explore the labor market impacts of workplace health promotion and guidelines for corporate health promotion. Within health promotion, physical activity has played a prominent role. I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. I have been performed a traditional literature analysis based on domestic and international studies. My results are suggest that the workplace health promotion has more positive labor market effects than increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism and health care costs. It is important to mention that health promotion could bring benefits to both employers and employees. Regarding corporate guidelines, there is no new approach directive other than the older literature sources. thus, it may be worthwhile to develop a new and different corporate process for effective workplace health promotion.

  • Labor market effects of health promotion on human capital

    Today, workplace health promotion is increasingly present, both domestically and internationally. In my research, I used literature analysis to show how workplace health promotion programs, including physical activity, how affect employee earning capacity and productivity. Human capital is a significant factor in productivity. Human capital can be defined, that the human inner, inseparable features and characteristics of a person to which is invested and, as a result, increases the productivity of the individual. Investments can include health spending (health promotion programs), costs of extra-curricular lessons and time to find the ideal job.

    I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. In my research I have reviewed the source of literature on health promotion and physical activity primarily. After reviewing the literature, consequence of the research that investing in health, including investing in physical activity, it also contributes to improving health, as well as increasing life earnings and productivity at work.


  • Challenges and Benefits of Working in Teams – Interpersonal Interactions in Health Care

    Teamwork has become the accepted way of doing one’s job. This is so true even profession’s that were considered an exception are shifting towards teamwork. Apart from the well-known benefits, there seems to be a downside of the enforcement of this work strategy. Conflicts, frictions, frustration in working groups can affect the dignity, psychological or physical integrity of team members, generally referred to as psychological harassment, workplace bullying or mobbing. The outcomes of the phenomenon are various negative organizational responses. Health care is somewhat lagging behind in this shift towards working in teams, but with increasing specialization greater coordination is needed between health care professionals. Above all, the patient wishes to be more involved in the health care process. Research suggests that patient involvement and working in teams have a positive impact on effectiveness and patient mortality, respectively. One of the challenges for health care is to include the patient in the teamwork process as an equal member of the group and at the same time overcome the drawbacks mentioned above, in a setting where a traditional, paternalistic approach is still present and the vulnerability of the patient (and his/her dignity) is evident.

  • Safe, Health Working in Health Care in the Shadow of a Pandemic

    Safe work that does not endanger health is a complex category, the provision of which creates an obligation on the part of the state, the employer and the employee. The task of the state is to determine the basic requirements for work that does not endanger health and safe, as well as the related rights and obligations, and to develop a national policy on occupational safety and health. As a result of the coronavirus epidemic in early 2020, we have faced a whole new form of accidents at work and occupational diseases. In my study, I want to examine the course of the investigation of the infection that takes place during the pandemic in healthcare work, and the possibilities of remuneration for the duration of the illness.

  • New Challenges for Health Systems of the European Union

    The health system is facing a number of difficultiesnot only in our country, but in the whole of Europe. In the 21st century never before seenlarge-scale problems pose a serious threat to our world, which have a significant impact on health care. We outline the challenges of today and examine their likely effect on coming health policies.

  • Studies on Consumer Motivation Among Users Of Fitness Services

    The rate of inactivity experienced world-wide is the cause of numerous health problems. The sedentary lifestyle of the population represents a great burden to a nation’s economy. The health indicators of Hungary are below the European average, not only those concerning physical activity, but also with respect to  smoking, nutrition, and alcohol consumption [1]. In 2013, only 38% of the Hungarian population exercised regularly, while 62% rarely or never [2]. The diseases associated with inactivity represent a higher burden to the economy than the costs of raising the level of activity would be [3]. Based on previous studies, the motivating factors for leisure athletes in Hungary are the preservation of health, to increase physical strength, relaxation, recreation, the love of exercising, and stress management [4; 5]. The sports facilities available to a wide range of people, the fitness clubs offer the possibility to join regular sports activities, which is why it is necessary to examine the motivation behind the participation of athletes taking part in the trainings provided by fitness facilities. Many previous studies examined the goals of athletes and the motivational factors behind exercising, and came to the conclusion that trainings held in fitness rooms and at home are related to intrinsic motivational factors, while taking part in other sports activities are related to intrinsic motivational factors [6; 7]. The focus of my study are leisure athletes using the services provided by fitness clubs (753 people), of whom I evaluated the motivational factors behind taking part in trainings. The results show that the motivational factors driving consumers of fitness services show a ranking that is identical to those of other leisure athletes, with most of them taking part in fitness trainings in order to preserve their health, to improve physical strength, and for recreational purposes, while the improvement of physical appearance also plays an important role.

  • Development Opportunities of Health, Wellness and Sports Services in Medical Tourism Based on a Research Study

    The quality and quantity of additional services play an increasing role in the competitiveness of service providers in the tourism sector. In our research, our goal was to explore the service development possibilites of two different sites of a Northern Hungarian healthcare institution in the framework of a market research. In the field of services, we focused on different issues of health, wellness and sports services. Our research has shown that the availability of additional services and therapeutic recreational, sport or wellness services are important for patients as they can positively influence their quality of life and health status.

  • Sport, the Remedy of Stress

    The study examines the relationship between mental health, resilience and perceived stress among leisureand competitive athletes. Three questionnaires (Keyes Mental Health Continuous Scale, Detected Stress Questionnaire, and 10-item CD-RISC Questionnaire) were studied, filled out by a total of 436 people, of which 297 were competitive athletes and 139 leisure athletes. The main question of my research was whether there is a difference between these three variables, and how resilience and perceived stress affect three factors of mental health, athletes in leisure and competition. The results show that for all variables the athletes of the competition achieved a better average value than the leisure athletes, and I could show a significant difference in the mean values in the case of the emotional and social well-being variables. Moreover, perceived stress had a greater impact on emotional well-being, while resilience had a positive effect on psychological and social well-being.

  • A Wounded Soldier Fighting on two Fronts: Civil Society Organizations Initiatives Struggling to Overcome the Pandemic Crisis by Practical Protective Means, Volunteerism, Reporting and Awareness Campaign Discourse

    Given the fact that the covid-19 pandemic virus has had a pervasive impact on almost every sphere of life globally, it is noteworthy to highlight the role and position of the civil society sector, and this paper intends to do so by striking at two matters. Initially, outlining the impact on the functioning and activities of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), to then proceed with their response to the crisis, through new multifarious initiatives/activities. The analysis was developed by using, essentially, unobtrusive data and direct non-participatory observations of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Kosovo that have had initiatives against covid-19. Although CSOs were badly affected by the pandemic as such, and the consequences it brought, whether, through measures and/or neglect from the central level, they still found the resources and willingness to launch initiatives to combat the pandemic in the form or different. All over the country, appeared organizations which among their activities found a place for awareness campaigns, material and financial assistance to citizens in need, production of masks, face shields, and other protective equipment for citizens or health institutions, and providing voluntary assistance as health staff. To link practice with theory, there are presented cases of NGOs that well reflect scholarship ideas such as the need to have a classification of CSOs based on activities, the importance of their IT repertoires, coproduction, and especially the response to the crisis. The importance of this study grounds on the benefit it brings to understanding the role and contribution of CSOs in exceptional times of crisis, especially for a society that underestimates and neglects this sector.

  • Diagnostic Model for Supporting the Development of Health-conscious Organizational Behavior

    In the 21st century more and more countries of the world take the attitude that human health is not just an issue for healthcare services but for all major areas of life. Such an area for employees is the workplace. Protection of employee health and safety has for a long time been a non-transferable (objective) obligation and responsibility for employers in Europe. Connections between health and the workplace have however extended far beyond the traditional aspect of safety and health at work. Developing a health-conscious organisational behaviour means a challenge for many Hungarian companies; the model described in this study assists them in both diagnosing their current situation and choosing the appropriate course, method and tools for development.

  • Survey of the Service Offer of Fitness Clubs for Group Classes in Debrecen

    The economic and social importance of the fitness sector is steadily increasing. The range of services provided by fitness centers is expanding and the popularity of fitness clubs is constantly growing. Fitness workouts are easily accessible for everyone, and there are numerous types of fitness centers which can play an important role in everyday physical activity. There are many factors that can influence the choice of fitness consumers for the gym, also fitness professionals play a key role in this regard. It is essential for fitness clubs in order to remain competitive on the market, to employ fitness instructors with the optimal personality and expertise, but in many cases, there is a lack of verification of qualifications. In our study, we conducted interviews with 20 fitness instructors who work in a fitness center that offers group lessons to consumers. The questionnaire included questions about consumer preferences, fitness facilities, trainers qualifications, and activities. Our study was made among eleven fitness clubs in Debrecen. The number of fitness clubs is constantly changing, with each year closing, opening or rebuilding fitness centers, which vary widely in size and number of services offered. The majority of respondent trainers are women as are the participants women in group lessons. Most of the interviewed trainers have OKJ qualifications, but the results reflect that fitness providers have not checked their qualifications at all before applying them. Fitness professionals play an extremely important role in leisure sports, contributing in maintainance and development of the fitness consumers’s health. Their work has a particular responsibility, as they can influence the physical and mental health of others in both positive and negative ways. Not only to avoid the risk of injuries, but also to prevent long-term health damage, fitness professionals play an important role. Controlling the qualifications also be in the interest of fitness clubs, not only avoiding accidents, but also increasing attendance at group classes by employing reliable, excellent personal trainers.

  • The Issue of Hidden Hunger

    Mankind faces major challenges in the area of food safety and food security. In addition to the growing population, urbanization, climate change, global environmental change and economic inequality, as well as instability, have a major impact on balanced food supply. According to the WHO (2018) study, not only the elimination of hunger is a problem, but also the increase of our well-being. While 0.8 billion people suffer from a lack of available food, 33% of the global population is overweight, 30% of them are obese. In a long term our growing well-being can also be a great problem. There are three types of dietary problems that coexist in parallel: the hunger and malnutrition, the microelement deficiency, and excessive nutrition and obesity. These three health problems represent a serious burden on public health, which has to be considered in the context of food security and food safety.

  • An Analysis of the Leisure Preference System of Students with Disabilities in the Light of a Study

    With the increase in the number of disabled people and people with disabilities, research on the target group of people with disabilities has gained momentum in recent decades. Research is very diverse, looking at the labor market situation of people with disabilities, their leisure-time habits, or the factors that support and inhibit their sport.

    In our questionnaire research, the leisure and sporting habits of children with disabilities aged 8-18 are described and analyzed (N = 639). Data were processed with spss software, where basic statistics and contextual analysis were performed. The results confirm that passive activities (TV, listening to music) dominate the leisure activities of children with disabilities. Sports consumption (active and passive) was more prevalent among male respondents and less prominent among girls. In the motivation of sports, besides improving the state of health, entertainment and company appeared.

  • Analysis of the Operation of a Vocational Training Institution in the Light of the Models of Educational Management

    The operational characteristics of educational institutions are substantially influenced by educational policy choices. In July 2015 the establishment of Centers of Vocational Training marked the start of a new chapter in the management of school-based vocational education and training under a new organisational structure. As part of the Centers of Vocational Training, Vocational Trainging Institutions have become member institutions with legal personality . The introduction of centralised management has significantly changed the framework and the way in which institutions, as educational organisations operate, which has had an impact on management and governance processes and thus on the functioning of the whole organisation. According to the different management and governance processes applied in practice in educational institutions, educational institutions can be classified into different models of educational management, whose literature theory we call upon to examine the functioning of a vocational training institution. The aim of our study is to examine the functioning of a Vocational Training Institution in the light of the models of educational management. We will examine the operation of a Vocational Training Institution in the case of a Vocational Training Centre and its member institution operating in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Our study is based on the method of document analysis. In the course of the analysis, the documents of the examined institutions were analysed according to certain characteristics of the key dimensions of the educational management models defined in the literature. The results of the analysis provide an overall picture of the type and nature of the management of the vocational training institution examined.

  • The Role of Health Protective Effect in the Food Purchase of the Population

    In our homecountry just like in other developing countries, civilization diseases can be realized not only as individual costs but also through social security expenditures and from the expenditure side of the national economy. The main risk factors for the spread of civilization diseases include inadequate food consumption, lack of physical activity and genetic conditions. The topic of this research is the role of health food in daily nutrition and in buying food for the population, which addresses current issues and concerns as described above.

  • Classification of Nanomaterial’s Risky Properties on the Aspect of Human Safety

    Due to their unique properties the application of nanomaterials continuously extends thus these appear for several industries. The industrial application of nanomaterials became significant during the last decades. As a result of the intensive development, our knowledge about the exact influence of nanomaterials for living bodies and human health is characterised by deficiency for both short and long time. Nanomaterials able to be entered to the living organism through several ways then invade to the circulatory system and the lymphatic system, reach the organs and can induce various kind of damages and serious diseases as a result of their different appearance, physical and chemical properties. Legislation in Hungary and in the European Union seems to be incomplete. There is no document which summarizes and details the risky factors and parameters in case of a risk assessment.  Our aim was to develop a criterion system considering the risks related to the use and contact of nanomaterials based on their physical, chemical and biological properties, which criterion system could provide basic principle for a risk assessment thereby make the industrial processes safer both for the employees and those who are in the vicinity.

  • The Possibilities of Additive Manufacturing in Medical Use

    Additive Manufacturing has been invented in 1981 at the University of Texas, and to this day it has grown to be the most versatile and promising manufacturing technology in the market, both the industry and health care system has noticed this. Additive Bio-Manufacturing (ABM) techniques, which can be used in health care, are highly in demand, and researches have been going on to make these technologies safer and even more versatile. For more utilization and versatility, special attention is required to develop new materials which can help in increasing the service life, bioactivity, cell growth along with the desired mechanical properties, and to find the right manufacturing parameters for creating optimal products. The aim of this review is to present the available main Additive Manufacturing technologies, and particularly the biomedical usability of Additive Manufacturing.

  • Analysis of the Causes and Effects of Noise from Rail Transport

    Noise emissions from rail transport are a major concern, as they affect both the environment and people's health and quality of life. Among the many sources of noise emissions, rail vehicles and infrastructure are a major factor. With regard to rail noise emissions, it can be concluded that noise effects are influenced by a number of factors. These factors include train speed, track condition, traction technology and the noise abatement methods used. The negative effects of noise exposure include sleep disturbance, stress and mental health deterioration. It also affects the quality of life of people in urban areas and property prices. It should be emphasised that reducing noise emissions from rail transport is key to creating a healthier and more sustainable urban environment. To achieve this, it is important to use modern noise abatement technologies, improve infrastructure and implement noise abatement actions effectively. Transport authorities and railway companies should work together to achieve a more noise-free rail transport, to improve people's quality of life and to protect the environment.

  • COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Employees’ Physical Activity

    Globalization and the recent explosive development of technology have significantly changed people’s lifestyles resulting in an increase in the number of people living a sedentary lifestyle. COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation and created an unprecedented situation in the world. In the present study, we investigate changes in the physical activity and sedentary behavior of adult workers caused by the coronavirus epidemic. In our online cross-sectional research, we used snowball methodology. The target group of the survey was adult workers. 108 people filled in the questionnaire, the majority (73.1%) are women, the average age is 37.18 years and most of them have higher degrees (Diploma: 74%, PhD: 14%). The present study revealed a decrease in physical activity and an increase in sedentary time for the employees in our study. Despite respondents detected a decrease in their physical activity, an increase was reported in the proportion of online training participants. The majority of respondents partially, or totally switched to work from home during the pandemic, which may further increase their sedentary lifestyle. We did not find significant differences among the domain of work and leisure time or occupational physical activity patterns. The workplace is a great opportunity for promoting physical activity and reducing sedentary time in the adult working population, therefore it would be important for organizations, decision-makers and health professionals to work on the design of strategies to these goals.

  • Green Sports Products – Environmentally Friendly Efforts of some Sports Equipment and Sportswear Manufacturers.

     In today's world, the issue of sustainability has become a cardinal problem on a global scale. The question of sustainability affects society, health, the economy, and the environment to a large extent. The examination of the environmental aspects of sustainability at the points where the sports sector interacts with the environment is considered a basis for research, and an increasing number of international studies and literature deal with this topic. Sports equipment and sportswear manufacturers operate through high numbers of multi-level global supply chains. They constantly strive to meet sudden changes in consumer demand, which results in high demand for raw materials and resources, waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and water consumption, all of which contribute to the most harmful environmental effects.

    The aim of this study is to present the environmental protection measures of Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour, multinational manufacturers of sports equipment and sportswear, aimed at raw material usage, waste management, minimizing water consumption, and reducing their carbon footprint, which they are increasingly applying as part of their business strategy.

  • Optimizing the combustion processes of a small scale solid fuel-fired boiler

    Over the last decade, the public has been paying increasing attention to reducing greenhouse gas and acid rain emissions and reducing particulate matter, which is extremely harmful to health and the environment. To improve air quality, the European Commission has achieved a range of measures to reduce air pollutant emissions in the transport, heat and electricity, industrial and agricultural sectors. In Hungary, the amount of gas and solid air pollutants from solid fuel combustion used by the public during the heating season represents a significant percentage of the total amount present in the atmosphere. In 2016, taking into the total emission, the 29% of CO2 emissions; 85% of CO emissions; 75% of the particulate matter emissions and 21% of the NOx emissions were derived from households. It follows that the improvement of air quality can also be achieved by controlling the emissions of solid fuel combustion plants. During our research we aimed to optimize the operation of a newly purchased TOTYA S18 boiler and a pilot pellet boiler. Operating the boilers in the correct mode minimizes air pollutant emissions, and the greater part of the heat generated is actually turns to heating the home, as with poor settings, a lot of heat leaves through the chimney. The data obtained during the tests can also be used to determine whether the boilers comply with the emission values set out in Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1185.

  • The Potential of Online Workouts for Fitness Trainers

    The importance of physical activity for both physical and mental health is unquestionable. For leisure athletes, fitness clubs can be considered as  popular facilities for everyday workouts. Classes run by qualified trainers, whether individual or group workouts, are very popular. In line with the worldwide trend, there is a growing expectation for fitness workouts to be reachable as simple as possible, in as many forms as possible, regardless of the location. The aim of our study is therefore to map the prevalence of online training among trainers working in the fitness sector. There is a significant demand for such workouts, even if it cannot completely replace hours of personal presence. In addition, as well as for target groups who want to find a form of exercise that can be performed anywhere, anytime, the online space provides an ideal opportunity to practice regular physical activity, as well as a good opportunity for coaches to expand their clientele and services.

  • Possibilities of the Reclamation of Wastewater in Small Abattoirs Combined with Rainwater Harvesting

    The purpose of the study is to review the extent to which waste water from small mobile slaughterhouses can be reclaimed along with the basic cases and the purpose for which this can be realized. Keeping the criteria of sustainability in mind, I identify the possible and at the same time reasonable combinations of technology, highlighting and presenting in more detail those that include the utilization of waste water and the utilization of rainwater. I will describe the limiting factors - site features, environmental protection and health regulations - which are decisive in which alternative can be chosen during a specific installation.

  • Survey of population knowledge on the technical characteristics and physiological effects of light pollution in two settlements

    One of the newest environmental challenges in our industrialized world is light pollution. It means that we emit more light than necessary, and this is often done at wavelengths that are both disturbing and even harmful to human health. The Dark Sky Parks, where over a large area there are no artificial light sources that burden the environment. One of these parks is located in BAZ County, near Répáshuta, and is under continuous development. Our study reports on a questionnaire survey conducted in Répáshuta, which is informed about light pollution, and in Cserépváralja settlements close to it, but without direct knowledge of the problem. The population of both villages is around 400. With a direct on-site survey, we asked 21-21 questions to 30-30 person and received answers in all cases, of course, taking full account of the anonymity of the respondents. Recruitment took place in March and April 2019.

  • The Nonprofit Sport Businesses in Hungary

    Over the past decade, leisure activities have expanded considerably, with a strong role to play in sport, on the one hand, by the popularity of traditional sports and on the rapid spread of emerging extreme sports. This active activity is a means of spending leisure time, and community building, health preservation, and the ability to develop work capacity are socially negligible. One of our aims is to find out whether nonprofit-making sports organizations can compete in the nonprofit sector with other members of the sector, using the complex statistic database of the CSO recently issued for the nonprofit sector, we also show how these enterprises have undergone progress in recent years and what current social and economic weight they are as part of the third sector.

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