Analysis of the Operation of a Vocational Training Institution in the Light of the Models of Educational Management
Copyright (c) 2023 Stomp Ágnes, Mariann Dr. Móré
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2023-03-02
Published 2023-04-10
The operational characteristics of educational institutions are substantially influenced by educational policy choices. In July 2015 the establishment of Centers of Vocational Training marked the start of a new chapter in the management of school-based vocational education and training under a new organisational structure. As part of the Centers of Vocational Training, Vocational Trainging Institutions have become member institutions with legal personality . The introduction of centralised management has significantly changed the framework and the way in which institutions, as educational organisations operate, which has had an impact on management and governance processes and thus on the functioning of the whole organisation. According to the different management and governance processes applied in practice in educational institutions, educational institutions can be classified into different models of educational management, whose literature theory we call upon to examine the functioning of a vocational training institution. The aim of our study is to examine the functioning of a Vocational Training Institution in the light of the models of educational management. We will examine the operation of a Vocational Training Institution in the case of a Vocational Training Centre and its member institution operating in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Our study is based on the method of document analysis. In the course of the analysis, the documents of the examined institutions were analysed according to certain characteristics of the key dimensions of the educational management models defined in the literature. The results of the analysis provide an overall picture of the type and nature of the management of the vocational training institution examined.
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