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  • LSI with Support Vector Machine for Text Categorization – a practical example with Python

    Artificial intelligence is becoming a powerful tool of modernity science, there is even a science consensus about how our society is turning to a data-driven society. Machine learning is a branch of Artificial intelligence that has the ability to learn from data and understand its behavers. Python programming language aiming the challenges of this new era is becoming one of the most popular languages for general programming and scientific computing. Keeping all this new era circumstances in mind, this article has as a goal to show one example of how to use one supervised machine learning method, Support Vector Machine, and to predict movie’s genre according to its description using the programming language of the moment, python. Firstly, Omdb official API was used to gather data about movies, then tuned Support Vector Machine model for Latent semantic indexing capable of predicting movies genres according to its plot was coded. The performance of the model occurred to be satisfactory considering the small dataset used and the occurrence of movies with hybrid genres. Testing the model with larger dataset and using multi-label classification models were purposed to improve the model.

  • The Empirical Examination of Different Customer Types

    The proper knowledge of customer types is essential for a well functioning company – regardless of its size. In current research we wanted to identify and characterize the particular customer groups with involving 302 persons. During the examination we measured the attitudes of these participants with the help of a statement range based on Kotler’s classical customer types. For the identification we made factor- and cluster analysis, and we could separate five different factors. They received the names of Angry, Definite, Discursive Passive, Experience Shopping and Indefinite - based on some related statements. After the cluster analysis – along these factors - we could separate four different groups: Young Impulse Shoppers, Outspoken Definites, Negatives and Born Customers. Each and every group requires different communication, sales attitude and service morals.

  • Opportunities for Keeping Talent Highlighting Career Needs

    Organizations should focus not only on finding a workforce, but also on finding a talented employee and to be able to keep them. That is why we considered it important to pay attention to talents and careers. In this paper, we attempt to identify those factors which are important for career prospects among future employees and those already in the workforce. Moreover, we want to identify the factors which those who are already employed consider to be factors influencing their career prospects. We conducted a survey of students using questionnaires. 116 questionnaires were completed, of which 73 were filled in by BSc / BA students and 43 by Msc / MA students. We sought to discover to what degree the respondents considered the career factors we presented them with as influencing their ability to acquire an ideal job, as well as to what degree the same career factors would be able to assist them in their future career advancement. Presently, in their roles as students seeking gainful employment, important factors include perseverance, diligence, knowledge, and aptitude, all of which the respondents feel will become even more important in making their later advancement possible. At present, they do not consider the support of companions / partners and morality important; but they consider the support they receive from their colleagues to be a factor which grows in importance over time. In the questionnaire survey of employees, we were looking for two answers. On the one hand, which factors are important in shaping their careers, and on the other hand, at the workplace, which factors were related to employee retention and satisfaction. For their careers, they consider it important to have diligence, morality, and the support of colleagues. These results are similar to the views expressed by the students. However, those who already work consider ‘kissing up to the boss’ to be more important for their advancement possibilities than the students did. The responses concerning factors contributing to successful employee retention brought interesting results. Factors that are most commonly fulfilled, such as a good co-worker relationship and the working relationship with a leader, are barely above the average score of 4, which is actually a result that is above average. Medium results include the realization of independence, challenging work, fair pay and career prospects factors, all of whcih would be vital for talented people to experience flow in their careers. In the long term, leaders and HR professionals need to pay attention to take calculated, equisite steps to keep talented workers.

  • Risk Analysis of Food Retail Companies in Hungary’s Northern Great Plain Region

    Based on the financial ratios of analyzed companies we were performed a risk analysis, highlighting the degree of operational and financial leverages and the degree of combined leverage combining preceding ratios. We introduced a new aspect of the risk concept which began to spread in recent times. In the interest of to be able to analyse together cross-sectional and time series data, panel regression model was used. The panel regression is an extension of the multivariate linear regression interpreted as a multi-level model. In our study, the panel regression was used for analysis of food retailer companies, in the Northern Great Plain region's counties, in the period 2009-2014.

  • Conemporary Danish Architecture- Humanity and Rationality

    In my study I have examined the characteristics of contemporary Danish architecture and the way how they formed. In Denmark, there is strongly rooted social atmosphere. The architectural efforts strongly reflects the social problems every time, considering the environmental aspects. The regionalist methods appear in the architecture, because of this the different architectural styles appear specific way. Self-reflective and analytical way the Danish architects try to answer the contemporary issues, even more emphasize the human factor.

  • Customer and Supplier Relationships and Their Characteristic in the Automotive

    This article gives short review with the help of specialized literature that was written both national and overseas.This gives information about whatrelationships can you speak in the automotive.This study briefly presents what are the forms which are preferred by the companies, they are more general and what distinctive characteristics do the forms of contact have. Essential question of the customer-supplier relationships is the following – how does the customer company treat its supplier as a partner. The supplier relationship is very precious if we are not talking only about easy product-delivery but a positive relationship can be developed between the two sides. The aim of this study is a literature review which has summarized the theoretical ground of this subject, so that means a kind of a starting point in the practice.

  • Investigation of the Resistance Force Acting on a Sailing Craft in the Case of a Change of Draft Caused by a Change of Powertrain Using Numerical CFD Simulations

    Nowdays In the case of recreational craft, interfering with motor drive solutions is a common workflow due to increasingly strict rules for environmental reasons. When switching from an internal combustion engine to an electric engine, the change in draft varies from boat to boat, but it can be said in all cases that as the mass changes, so does the draft. Because of this, the magnitude of the resistance force acting on the ship also varies. In this paper, we examine, through a specific example, the benefits of a change in dive caused by weight gain at different travel speeds.

  • Gamification in the field of human resource, a creative solution for recruitment

    With the introduction of latest tools and the expansion of technological solutions, the usage of smartphones ,with instant internet connection of course, has become an essential part of the net generation, also known as generation Z. At the same time, the role of IoT devices has also become part of our daily lives, completing and sometimes making it easier. This is due to the fact that the tools become more and more cheaper as time passes and parents and young people no longer consider these a technical innovations, but as a necessity. These generations; Y, Z and Alpha appear simultaneously on today's job market, which poses a serious challenge to future HR leaders and recruiters. Because of the generational gap between them, both motivational and demanding, novel solutions are becoming increasingly appreciated in this area as well. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the potential of gamification and to highlight the its major areas, as well as to draw the attention to "good practices" in creative recruiting through better known examples. In addition, I also tried to point out the effect on the relationship between motivation and flow-experience. The gamification method is becoming more and more popular in our country, as it plays an increasingly important role in business and education as well. In recent years, with the use of serious games, there have been several examples of HR recruitment and selection, which clearly strives to reach out to younger generations.

  • Examination of the Solvency of a Company in an International Accounting Environment

    It is highly important for every business to be solvent for both short and long term. Solvency is a prerequisite for the operation of a company, especially short term solvency, also known as liquidity. Liquidity plays a prominent role in the life of a given business. For this it is important for a business to strive to avoid liquidity problems. In the present article we examine the short term solvency of an American corporation, which prepares its financial statements according to the US GAAP (The United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). We present the fundamental short term solvency ratios, and the subsequent conclusions. Since for the calculation of the ratios the data of the examined company’s financial statement is needed, which shows differences from the yearly report of a Hungarian company, in the article we will also discuss the differences between the two accounting systems with regard to those items, which have an effect on the liquidity ratios, in particular current assets and short-term liabilities.

  • Kinematics and Workspace Analysis of Parallel Manipulators

    The aim of the study is to analyse the kinematics and the workspaces of two parallel manipulators. The kinematics are calculated using vectors and the Newton method. The workspaces are shown using constant orientation. The result of the study is that the kinematics and workspaces are comparable of the two manipulators. MATLAB was used for calculating.

  • Információ visszakeresésekor szöveg típusú állományoknál használt indexelési technikák

    Information retrieval from a typically not structured text became greatly important already more than two decades with the appearance of the Internet. Various methods are available for prosperous information retrieval. One of them is the use of inverted files that the general when searching for specific web content. This paper provides an overview of search unstructured text documents.

  • Constantly Changing: Revitalization of Our Existing Building Stock with a User-centric Approach Through the Comparison of Three Hungarian Examples

    Our built environment’s community-oriented spaces are rapidly becoming obsolete in response to current social, cultural and economic demands. The renovation project of the tímárház Szárító műhely in Debrecen presents a new potentional transformation model in the region with a focus on community-creating and cultural awareness. The incremental, cost-effective small-scale intervention and adaptive reuse of the building’s spaces provide an opportunity to preserve its values and swiftly respond to evolving needs. In order to validate the underlying principles of the interventions proposed in the plan, it will be compared to two similar-minded examples, the Művészeti Ellátó in Eger and Szabadkikötő in Pécs. The projects were examined through the processes occuring within their respective life cycles, as their transformations exhibit recurring patterns. The analyses were conducted based on interviews with the creators, online articles, studies and on-site visits.

  • Presentation of Employment and Economic effects of the Covid-19 Epidemic between March and November 2020 among Companies Dealing with Car and Parts Trade in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County

    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during the spring of 2020 entailed major economic and social changes all over the world. In this study, we aim to investigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market and the economy with relation to the automotive industry in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Apart from secondary data collection, this research also relies on primary data collection methods, including self-administered questionnaires and in-depth interviews, all conducted with several employees and finance directors employed by the automotive companies present in the county.  The focus of this research is to study how the pandemic affected the balance sheets and the gross revenue of these companies; how it altered the repayment obligation of their current loans and how it influenced their willingness to enter into new loan agreements or relief options offering financial assistance.  Apart from these factors, this research also studies how the pandemic restrictions affected the work schedule and the benefits of the employees.

  • Analysis of face milling technology with a thermal camera by the changing of the number of revolution

    The aim of the publication is the analysis of the temperature zone of cutting operation in case of face milling technology. The analyses are done considering of the changing of discreet number of revolution beside the constancy of the more technological parameters. The measuring concept will be determined. After the experiments the received thermal images will be analysed.

  • Monitoring of the Profitability Effect of Tourism Supports in the North Great Plain Region

    Today the tourism is one of the largest and the most dynamically progressive sector, monitoring of its performance important research area. The sector and its companies' performance are related tightly, a present study deals with the corporate performance test. Its accurate goal is the monitoring of the profitability effect of 2007-2013.yearly budgetary periods tourism supports in the North Great Plain Region through the example of two of a region's companies. The basis of the examination the statistical, corporate data which can be reached publicly and data from the questionnaire filled by the companies and data from their competition registrar.

  • The Evaluation of the Employment of Migrants by Employees

    The exploration of specifications of the employee groups endangered in the labour market, and their social
    and labour market integration have always been a challenging task for the professionals. As a result of the
    domestically also appeared migrant wave, the actuality of the topic has even more increased. In this study -
    prepared in the framework of the research program „Human resource management challenges of the reception and labour market integration of the migrants” - we aimed to reveal the attitudes of employees about the labour market integration of the migrants. We have defined an objective to explore whether they are afraid of losing their current jobs, what factors influence the employment of the migrants and what kind of positive and negative effects they take on the society and economy. Based on the results of the survey we have found that employees are not afraid of migrants taking their jobs, still they are quite uncertain whether they would employ or work with a migrant person. Regarding the effect on the society and economy an unambiguous negative attitude was experienced.

  • Simulation of a Quadcopter with LabVIEW

    The aim of the paper was to create a LabVIEW-based Real-Time embedded system supported development environment, which was used for the Real-Time kinematics and dynamics simulation of a quad copter as well as the adherent state-feedback controller. The state-feedback controller was designed with Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) based method.

  • Comparing higher education preferences with labour market needs

    Hungarian institutions of higher education play an important role in national economy: they ensure intellectual labour with appropriate knowledge and professional competencies for Hungary in all profession fields. If the rules of private sector are applied for these institutions – interpreting it within a certain framework as the quality of education and research has to be maintained and there are social benefits associated with them -, they owned by the state, their management is the institutional leadership and their consumer is the labour market. Thus, training programmes must or should be developed in accordance with the needs of labour market. It represents a major challenge, even without taking into consideration other factors, since future requirements should be aimed (at least a 3-5 year training period later) – along with a rapid technological development. Even if the state makes significant efforts to adapt training programmes to meet the requirements of the labour market demands, students who want to further their education pay limited attention to these factors in their educational decision-making. Partly for this reason, career transition or shortages may occur in the case of certain professions. This paper seeks to address to what extent the most popular training programmes meet the expectations and to what extent the degree earned may be regarded as a ‘success’ in the labour market; moreover, if they do not overlap each other, how much applicants prefer those training programmes which are to be considered the most successful based on recruitment information. Admission statistics of Education Department and database of DPR provide the necessary information for the period 2010-2017 and these data sources enable authors to follow-up students from application to higher education until employment.

  • Pop Trade Policy – Some Reflections on the Current Trade Policy of the US

    After a brief review of the antecedents our paper aims to systematically organize the recent and current changes in the trade policy of the United States in three broader areas: her changing attitudes towards TPP and WTO, the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the trade war being fought, mostly against China. Our goal is to relate these changes to the trade policy of the former presidential terms, to understand them in the framework of populism and that of the economic policy questions solved only by the second best answer, that is, by protectionism.

  • Value Creation along a Production-Service Value Chain

    Today’s products and services are so complicated and intertwined that their individual value creation is hard to determine. It is especially true when the products and services are necessary complements of each other and when they are affecting customer satisfaction for a long time. In the case of durable products needing professional installment service, the study of value creation poses many difficulties. Our research shows and emphasizes the process characteristic of value creation, and how the different steps (production, service, long-term use) should be looked at, and what further analyses can be done.

  • Connection Between Internet Using Habits and Ethical Attitude of Business Students

    In these days we are witnessing a trend of more and more using IT assets and the using of internet too. As teachers at the university we can see that our students also tied with a thousand threads to the IT world. Current research aims to explore the students’ internet using habits, how many times they spend on the web  and why. In our previous work we examined our economist students’ ethical attitudes. In this study we try to connect this two themes. Our research question: are there any connection between our students’ ethical judgment and their internet using habits.

  • Labour Market Success of Engineering Graduates

    The study aims to explore the labor market success of engineering graduates. The role of science field in the areas of job search time, earnings and job congruence proved significant. The engineering discipline proved to be outstanding in all the tree tested indicators. The database was GraduatesTracking System 2011-2012 (DPR 2011-2012). The indicators of employ ability could be compared among the young graduates of domestic higher education institutions in the engineering science, and similarities and differences could be highlighted

  • Digitalization Process by Agricultural Companies, or the Results of a Questionnaire Survey

    The term “information society” first appeared in Japanese social science in the early 1960s (Z. Karvalics, 2007). The interpretation of the concept has undergone significant changes over the past decades, showing that dynamically developing societies, which are undergoing constant changes due to the rapid development of information, information management and the dynamism of the digital world. The close relationship and connection between information and information technology has become a fundamental factor in the societies of today, the organizations life, which generates inevitable, sometimes serious debates and profound changes. Economic operators must necessarily be resilient to technological change. We should think of the time of the Industrial Revolution, when modern weaving machines flooded the factories. Otherwise, a resilient organization will not survive in an evolving and ever-changing dynamic economic environment. Of course, this is true of agriculture as well, just as it is for other sectors of the national economy. On the one hand, my assumption on the basis of which my questionnaire was compiled was that enterprise management systems are increasingly used by enterprises in agriculture due to the diversification of activities. At the same time, I assumed that the size of a business could influence the use of information technology (hereinafter IT), so I hoped that my research would provide reliable data on this as well.

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