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  • The Potential of Online Workouts for Fitness Trainers

    The importance of physical activity for both physical and mental health is unquestionable. For leisure athletes, fitness clubs can be considered as  popular facilities for everyday workouts. Classes run by qualified trainers, whether individual or group workouts, are very popular. In line with the worldwide trend, there is a growing expectation for fitness workouts to be reachable as simple as possible, in as many forms as possible, regardless of the location. The aim of our study is therefore to map the prevalence of online training among trainers working in the fitness sector. There is a significant demand for such workouts, even if it cannot completely replace hours of personal presence. In addition, as well as for target groups who want to find a form of exercise that can be performed anywhere, anytime, the online space provides an ideal opportunity to practice regular physical activity, as well as a good opportunity for coaches to expand their clientele and services.

  • Investigation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Usage in the Business Relations of the Agri-Food Econ

    Small and medium-sized enterprises are the engines of Europe's economy. This is demonstrated by the European Small Enterprises Charta, adopted in 2000, and by the fact that this sector employs more than 90 million people. Appropriate information and communication technology is essential to maintain their ability to function effectively and competitively. They need to know how to use these technologies for their smoot growth in productivity. The purpose of our study is to assess the regional ICT penetration of the Hungarian SME sector and compare this to that of the EU Member States.

  • Debrecen légszennyezettségének vizsgálata epifiton zuzmók nehézfémtartalmának tanulmányozásával

    Kutatómunkánk során Debrecen város forgalmasabb csomópontjaiban vizsgáltuk a levegőminőséget nehézfém tartalom szempontjából. Vizsgálatainkhoz epifiton indikátornövényeket gyűjtöttünk Debrecen meghatározott útszakaszai mentén, és városon kívüli kontrollterületen. A mintavétel a zuzmók vegetációs időszakának megfelelően március elején történt. A begyűjtött minták tisztítását, szárítását és roncsolását követően vizsgáltuk azok toxikus fémtartalmát Induktív Csatolású Plazma- Optikai Emissziós Spektrometria elven működő készülékkel. Összesen 9 fém koncentrációját vizsgáltuk, többek között a nickel, ólom, réz és cink tartalmat.

  • Evaluation of a Trainee Program’s Selection and Induction

    The research based on the trainee program of a large Hungarian company. The company recommends the program to entrants or those who have 1-1,5 years of work experience. The main objective is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program through some of the HR functions. This study contains the process of the selection and the evaluation of getting into the program. What makes the program special, is the appearance of the technical mentor. According to the hypothesis, the mentor’s assistance reduces the uncertainty when the trainee inducted into the organization. The occasions of the beginner education, the conversations and feedbacks during the induction adds more efficiency to the success of the program. The searched data in literature features HR functions and mentoring. To learn about the program, a case study was made beforehand, and then the questionnaire was edited for the trainees at the company. In the course of the research, an interview was done with the technical mentor. The interview was based on the questionnaire. In point of the results, recommendations were defined connected to the assumed shortages of the program, also to increase the efficiency of the selection and induction. In conclusion, the maintenance of the trainee program is equally beneficial for the trainees and for the company as well.

  • Fémhabstruktúrák elemzése és geometriai modellezése

    The development of an efficient procedure for 3D modelling and finite element simulation of metal foams is one of the greatest challenges to engineer researchers nowadays. Creating 3D CAD model is alone a demanding engineering task due to its extremely complex geometry, and the proper finite element analysis process is still in the center of the research. The aim of this project is to analyze the related literature and to adapt the results may be considered

  • Analysis of Construction Risks

    The article from a longer, in practical working risk management theory and general methodology, as well as the circumstances of the construction projects for bridging study assumed abyss has been created based on the instalment. The emphasis placed on construction projects risks typical data resources, project planning methods. Construction risks and the risk management methods dealing with a separate study.

  • The Dunning–Kruger Effect in Knowledge Management Examination of BSc Level Business Students

    The Dunning-Kruger effect (DKE) in higher education evaluation is one of the current research areas of psychology, educational science, and management science (in our case). Its importance is that the less prepared one is, the less accurately one can judge what performance is expected of him. What is more, he will err more and will overestimate himself. The present study aims better to understand the phenomenon with new, small-sample empirical results. The study is part of a research series that has been ongoing at the University of Debrecen since 2015. It not only quantitatively expands the literature but also includes the course of Knowledge Management among those examined. During the research, students were asked both before the examination (N = 63) and after the examination (N = 76) to guess how many points they would achieve on a multiple-choice test. It supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-examination and post-examination self-evaluations. Using four multivariate linear regression models, we examined whether the sign value or absolute value of the errors made during the guesses show a correlation - in addition to the available control variables - with the test score. Our results showed that the more accurate the pre-examination and post-examination estimations were, the higher the students' actual score was, while the less they tended to overestimate their preparation. This supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-exam and post-exam self-evaluation.

  • Examining Used and Sportswear Supply Chain Strategy and Indicators

    The following study presents the supply chain strategy of a second-hand and sportswear company in Hungary. The study discusses the main tasks of supply logistics, the level of logistics service, the main determining elements of the level of logistics service, and the measurement of customer satisfaction. From the first step of the process, we can fully follow the processes until the last activity. We can learn in detail about the sub-processes, such as: types of clothing collection, sourcing, warehousing, selection, disassembly, processing, receipt of goods and sales. The aim of the study is to make the processes more transparent for everyone.

  • The green methanol - playing a role in sustainable energy management

    Global energy demand is constantly increasing, so the energy sources we use, and the efficiency of energy use are of paramount importance for the future of humanity. Methanol can play a key role in the sustainable use of natural resources, in the efficient and smooth transition from a fossil oil-based energy system as well as in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Long-term thinking will result in an increase in the use of renewable energy sources, which will favour the spread of green methanol technology and thus the use of a carbon-neutral fuel. The raw materials for the production of green methanol may include municipal solid waste, agricultural waste, renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide and the methanol has many uses, both as fuel and chemical feedstock. It also provides an opportunity to chemically store excess renewable energy from intermittent sources, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The price of electricity used for electrolysis is the main determinant of the economical production of green methanol, so the reduction of the cost of solar and wind energy greatly contributes to the competitiveness of carbon-based production.

  • The Middle East perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Middle East is gaining more importance than in the past. Although it still remains more about philanthropy and charity, it moves towards a more strategic approach which includes formalizing ways of giving, as a set of non-random actions, and focuses more on addressing social ills and environment, economic challenges, that are hindering development. However, the business in the region has not yet taken the step to fully integrate the CSR into their core business operations. The most common challenges that facing the CSR implementation are the lack of government requirements and incentives, spreading awareness, building CSR partnership model, going beyond the marketing and PR campaigns, and full integration of CSR into the business strategy. In this paper, we aim to introduce the current state of the CSR in the Middle East and its perspectives, besides reviewing its evaluation stages, motivations, and current challenges. Moreover, we aim to examine CSR common practices through examples from the financial sector. The research method applied in this research is based on secondary data sources and we have used desk research to illustrate most important points and findings on the topic.

  • Study on Mathematical Competence and Attitude of Engineering Students

    Efficiency of the learning process is in the focus of studies dealing with the Hungarian higher education, including engineering education. The efficiency can be evaluated if the required competences are declared and systematically controlled. In this paper the results of a graduate student survey is presented. Students taking part in the survey have got a bachelor's degree in engineering and are first semester students presently in different engineering master programs. Mathematical thinking ability and creativity, as important competences in studying mathematics were measured with the questionnaire, rather than formulas and complicated calculation methods. Students’ experience in studying and applying Mathematics were asked in the first part of the questionnaire.

  • Unfinished Spaces

    My paper studies unfinished spaces . My research is mainly focused on defining the concept of space and the adaptive characteristics of it. It also tackles the issue of "being unfinshed" based on various aspects and perspectives.

  • Constantly Changing: Revitalization of Our Existing Building Stock with a User-centric Approach Through the Comparison of Three Hungarian Examples

    Our built environment’s community-oriented spaces are rapidly becoming obsolete in response to current social, cultural and economic demands. The renovation project of the tímárház Szárító műhely in Debrecen presents a new potentional transformation model in the region with a focus on community-creating and cultural awareness. The incremental, cost-effective small-scale intervention and adaptive reuse of the building’s spaces provide an opportunity to preserve its values and swiftly respond to evolving needs. In order to validate the underlying principles of the interventions proposed in the plan, it will be compared to two similar-minded examples, the Művészeti Ellátó in Eger and Szabadkikötő in Pécs. The projects were examined through the processes occuring within their respective life cycles, as their transformations exhibit recurring patterns. The analyses were conducted based on interviews with the creators, online articles, studies and on-site visits.

  • Applicability of Optimization Methods in the Design of Automotive Rubber Products

    Size, shape or topology optimization are widely used to fulfil the requirements in the design process of rubber products. In many cases, the shape of the product is very complex and comes into contact with other components during operation. It is commonly subjected to large deformation for which the rubber shows strongly nonlinear behaviour. For this complex problem analytical solution is not available, thus finite element method could be used in which the analysis running is a time consuming process. The object of my research is to compare the efficiency and computational cost of different optimization algorithms. This article focuses on the applicability of various optimization methods in the field of automotive rubber goods. Direct search optimization and surrogate model optimization methods will be introduced.

  • Measuring and Developing Color Aptitude of Students at High Schools

    The tutoring project called „ Chromatic sensation” will be executed via the project of the University of Debrecen titled EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 „Debrecen Venture Catapult". The aim of this tutoring project is to develop the students’ sense of colour and their ability to communicate through the use of colours. Our project is recommended to high-school students who might want to engage their further education in the fields of engineering. This paper presents the results of our research where ability to sense brightness differences and saturation differences of students completed their high school studies were tested, and discusses our skill development tools and their applications as an integrated part of our research.

  • Use of the Renewable Energy in the Hungarian Residential Heating

    The purpose of my research is to compare the main energy sources in Hungary. These are the firewood and its compacts such as briquette, the natural gas and the electricity. I was wondered which energy became the most economical for an average Hungarian consumer with the recent changings of the market, only considering the proportion of the price and the heating value. The natural gas can be more competitive again thanks to this rapid market changes. The consumer price of the electricity and the natural gas decreased because of some governmental decisions, but this can’t be said to the firewood, which prices are in constant increasing, however, in some parts of the country this is the only available resource for heating. In these places, people will burn some other stuff to complement the lack of the main resources, and this will worsen the quality of the rural air. I represent the changes of the recent years with some ratios, then make a hierarchy about the mentioned resources in 2017 and five years earlier only from heating value.

  • Wind Tunnel Making in Practise

    In this paper, we examined the low speed wind-tunnels. Our goal is to construct an open flow system windtunnel that can be utilized in our measurements. To make such a wind-tunnel we needed to build a prototype and calibrated with the help of measurements. Than we determined the flow at the area of measurement. Finally results of the measurements satisfied our expectations. Although there is still much more in development that we would like to do based on the newly gained experience.

  • Examination of International Fisheries’ Agreements with Game Theoretic Approaches

    Nowadays, the application of game theoretic approaches is becoming more and more popular in different types of resource management problems. Overfishing is a growing problem worldwide and well known from literature. Unfortunately the tragedy of commons could be observed in several empirical studies in the case of international fisheries. In our paper, we focus on the examination of international agreements related the fisheries’ management (with special focus on the issues of overfishing) using game theoretic approaches. We review the history of fisheries’ agreements and the main game theoretic results, well known from literature. We highlight the main types of games applied in the previous research studies and summarize the main results related to the outcome and the stability of the game. To this topic better understood, certain empirical examples are introduced as well.

  • Analysing the Conditions of SMEs Regarding Quality Assurance in Hungary and the European Union

    Nowadays, small and medium sized enterprises (SME) have a relatively large task and expectation caused by the appearing of populated large foreign-owned enterprises in our country. In order that they will be able to cooperate with them and be able to join and integrate into the value chain they supply they must meet the high quality of standards. Obtaining then preserving quality certificates is essential for this. It can be fulfilled exclusively with thorough screening and problem identification.

    This situation is exacerbated continuously by globalization in which each sector is involved. It means that they must remain competitive globally. Although in our country most of the small and medium sized enterprises bears the specific characteristics of family businesses innovation may not be avoided if they intend to stay competitive. To fulfil this quality assurance is one of its integral part.

  • Maintenance from the Work Safety Point of View

    Deterioration of the technical condition of plant equipment is a common phenomenon nowadays. According to the experience of authorities, all this contributes to the occurrence of malfunctions and accidents. Plants that operate with an inadequate conservation strategy are now nearing the end of their design life, thus posing an increased accident risk. Aging processes are often accelerated by the operator's underestimation of the effects of equipment stress and the extent of deterioration mechanisms, and the consequent inadequate design and operation of condition monitoring and maintenance procedures. The aim of our work is to examine trends in the light of modern maintenance optimization methods and, in connection with this, to make proposals for the optimization of maintenance scheduling for employers.

  • Designing, Modelling and Analysis of Straight Turning Tool Geometry

    We execute the planning, modelling and examination of straight turning tool geometry with the help of a software in the modelling space. Our aim is to create a programme that – given some lengths and angles – calculates the corresponding geometry. It establishes that as a wireframe model in a file format that is easily transmittable to the CAD softwares of today, so any additional changes can be done there. An optimal geometry can be defined for the best possible chipping conditions using finite element simulation and with given technological parameters and material quality standard.

  • Agriculture and Seasonal Work - Features and Prospects

    In terms of employment specialities, certain sectors of agriculture may show quite a different picture. Especially the seasonal nature of employment, including day laborers and / daily work hireling nature deserves attention. In our country it has long tradition and can be directly linked to regional mobility and commuting trends since some people move near the western border to Austria for work. However, at the same time, near the eastern border, seasonal workers arrive from the East, which has an impact on the local labor markets, and for the lives of some settlements. In our study, we want to study and elaborate the specific details of these processes that connect the two countries and the issues of the advantages and disadvantages as well. In our paper we rely on literature data, private experiences, and the opinion of small scale farmers in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, who have experience in employing laborers on a seasonal basis.

  • Decision Support for Difficulties in a Furniture Manufacturing Company

    In “Decision support for difficulties in a furniture manufacturing company” titled work we are presenting in detail the operation of a particular furniture company and the difficulties encountered during its operation, which they try to overcome in some way so that they do not hinder the operation of the company. After that, we will show how we wanted to achieve the production support system. In different versions, we detail what we actually wanted to accomplish while showing results that illustrate the evolution of the system. We also present the difficulties of the development, which is made in Java. We also present the latest version of the system and its results. After processing the input parameters, the system is able to produce results using scheduling algorithms that can help in making important decisions during production planning.

  • Food Industry 4.0 Readiness in Hungary

    In terms of production value, the food industry is the third-largest in Hungary, the first in Hungary in terms of the number of employees, and the first in Europe in the processing industry, as well as a significant user of resources. The research examined the state of art of digitalization readiness, focusing on I4.0 technologies, which supports the management to operate more efficiently the enterprise and to make better decisions. So the focus was on integrated enterprise information systems, management support systems, business intelligence systems, industry 4.0 technologies, and issues related to their application. The analysis based on an online questionnaire survey the request sent to 4.600 enterprises, the response rate was 5% which was representative of the branches of production, covered the Hungarian food and beverage manufacturing sectors in 2019. The companies were asked the most critical technologies in development, going towards Industry 4.0. The research tools were LimeSurvey, Mailing List Server, Excel, Power BI (Desktop, Publishing Server to distribute the results). The used analysing methods were making calculations, pivot tables, models, dasboards. We found that a significant portion of businesses, 78 %, use mobile devices in the manufacturing process. The three most relevant digital technologies are geolocating (GPS, GNSS), cloud computing, and sensor technology. The current level of digitalization and integration cannot be said to be high, but respondents are very optimistic about expectations. Improvements are expected in all areas in the next 2-3 years in terms of digitalisation and integration. Vertical integration involves, first and foremost, cooperation with partners in the supply chain. Horizontal integration means close, real-time connectivity and collaboration within the company. Unfortunately, between 6% and 15% of SMEs (approximately 9% on average) and large enterprises, 36% have a digital strategy. According to the survey, the sector needs significant improvement and creating a digitalization strategy.

  • Vocational Teacher Training –Modeling, Professional Vocabulary Development, Connecting Subjects

    Vocational Teacher Training Programmes provide teachers of Vocational Education and Training schools. University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering offers Vocational Teacher Training in five specializations, in form of cooperative training. The company specialists participating in the training teach prospective vocational teachers with modern professional knowledge. The aim of this article is to summarize the pedagogical experiences of the prospective vocational teachers, based on the content analysis of their lesson plans. The investigation focuses on prospective vocational teachers’ examples of modeling, professional vocabulary development and connections between subjects from their practical pedagogical training in Vocational Education and Training schools.

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