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  • Integrating elements of data science into high-school teaching: Naïve Bayes-classification algorithm and programming in Python

    Probability theory and mathematical statistics are traditionally one of the most difficult chapters of mathematics to teach. One of the authors, Péter Princz has experience in teaching various topics via computer programming of the problem at hand as a class activity. The proposed method is to involve programming as a didactic tool in hard-to-teach topics. The intended goal in this case is to implement a naïve Bayes-classifier algorithm in Python and demonstrate the machine-learning capabilities of it by applying it to a real-world dataset of edible or poisonous mushrooms. The students would implement the algorithm in a playful and interactive way. The proposed incremental development process aligns well with the spirit of Tamás Varga who considered computers as modern tools of experimental problem solving as early as in the 1960s.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97D50, 97K50, 97K99, 97M60, 97P40, 97P50, 97U50

  • Teaching graph algorithms with Visage
    Combinatorial optimization is a substantial pool for teaching authentic mathematics. Studying topics in combinatorial optimization practice different mathematical skills, and because of this have been integrated into the new Berlin curriculum for secondary schools. In addition, teachers are encouraged to use adequate teaching software. The presented software package "Visage" is a visualization tool for graph algorithms. Using the intuitive user interface of an interactive geometry system (Cinderella), graphs and networks can be drawn very easily and different textbook algorithms can be visualized on the graphs. An authoring tool for interactive worksheets and the usage of the build-in programming interface offer new ways for teaching graphs and algorithms in a classroom.
  • Better understanding mathematics by algorithmic thinking and computer programming

    Tamás Varga’s mathematics education experiment covered not just mathematics, but also other related topics. In many of his works he clearly stated that computer science can support the understanding of mathematics as much as mathematics supports informatics. On the other hand, not much later than the introduction of the new curriculum in 1978, personal computers started to spread, making it possible to teach informatics in classes and in extracurricular activities. Varga’s guided discovery approach has a didactic value for other age groups as well, not only in primary school. Its long-lasting effect can be observed even in present times. Having reviewed several educational results in the spirit of Tamás Varga, we have decided to present an extracurricular course. It is an open study group for age 12-18. Students solve problems by developing Python programs and, according to our experiences, this results in a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

    Subject Classification: 97B10, 97B20, 97D50, 97N80, 97P20, 97P30, 97P40, 97P50, 97U70

  • Combinatorics – competition – Excel
    In 2001 the Informatics Points Competition of the Mathematics Journal for Secondary School Students (KÖMAL) was restarted [1]. The editors set themselves an aim to make the formerly mere programming competition a bit more varied. Therefore, every month there has been published a spreadsheet problem, a part of which was related to combinatorics. This article is intended to discuss the above mentioned problems and the solutions given to them at competitions. We will prove that traditional mathematical and programming tasks can be solved with a system developed for application purposes when applying a different way of thinking.
  • A didactic analysis of merge sort
    Due to technical difficulties, educators teaching merge sort often avoid the analysis of the cost in the general and average cases. Using basic discrete mathematics, elementary real analysis and mathematical induction, we propose a self-contained derivation of bounds αn log_2 n + βn + γ in all cases. Independent of any programming language or pseudo-code, supported by intuitive figures, it is suitable for informatics students interested in the analysis of algorithms. It is also a good exercise in showing that induction allows us to actually discover constants, instead of simply checking them a posteriori.
  • Engineering and Economic Mathematics for Engineering Management Students
    In this article we describe the first part of a case study, which was made with 48 Engineering Management students. The participants of the case study were MSc level students at the Szent István University, Gödöllő. We looked for methods by which we can support the most important components of competence motivation and the development of mathematical and other key competences during the mathematics lessons and individual learning. Another goal of our research was to get reliable information about students learning methods and their awareness of self-efficacy, furthermore their achievement in the subject of Engineering and Economic Mathematics. Detailed assistance was provided for the students in the e-learning portal. Knowledge tests, questionnaire and personal interviews with the students were also used. As an example we introduce one of the knowledge tests connected with the first half of the course about linear programming and graph theory. We detail its didactical background and show the results of the students.
  • Game theory for managers and mechanical manager students
    In this article we describe the second part of a case study, in which 48 Mechanical Management students were involved. The participants of the case study were MSc level students at Szent István University, Gödöllő.
    In the case study we looked for methods by which we can support the most important components of competence motivation and the development of mathematical and other key competences during the mathematics lessons and individual learning.
    Another goal of our research was to get reliable information about students learning methods and their awareness of self-efficiency, furthermore their achievement in the subject of Engineering and Economic Mathematics.
    Detailed assistance was provided for the students in the e-learning portal. Knowledge tests, questionnaire and personal interviews with the students were also used.
    During the semester four topics have been discussed: linear programming, graph theory, game theory and differential equations. In this article I will describe the lesson preparations, the help for examinations and the students' achievement on game theory.
  • Aspects théoriques de la classification à base de treillis
    La classification est une notion cruciale dans les systémes orientés objets et se fait de plus en plus présente en représentation de connaissances. Elle permet principalement de trouver des regularités dans un grand tableau de nombres. Dans ce sens général, il s'agit donc d'une méthode qui joue un role important dans différents domaines scientifiques oú les connaissances sont á organiser selon certaines hiérarchies (biologie, chimie, etc.). En informatique nous parlons aussi de langages de classes sans mentionner es aspects mathématiques de la classification. Dans cet article l'auteur a pour but de proposer une introduction á la classification á travers la notion de treillis. Nous sommes persuadés que l'étude de la classification permet aux étudiants de familiariser leurs connaissances sur la modélisation et la programmation orientée objet.
    The classification is a crucial notion in the object oriented systems and more and more appears in the knowledge representation. It allows us to find the regularities in a huge table of numbers. In this general sense the classification plays an important role in various domains of science, where knowledge has to be organized into hierarchy (biology, chemistry, etc.) In the computer science the languages of classes are often studied without mathematical aspects of the classification. In this paper the author has the goal to propose an introduction to the classification through the notion of lattices.We are convinced that the study of classification allows students to enlarge their knowledge on the object oriented modelling and programming.