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  • Using the computer to visualise graph-oriented problems
    The computer, if used more effectively, could bring advances that would improve mathematical education dramatically, not least with its ability to calculate quickly and display moving graphics. There is a gap between research results of the enthusiastic innovators in the field of information technology and the current weak integration of the use of computers into mathematics teaching.
    This paper examines what exactly the real potentials of using some mathematics computer software are to support mathematics teaching and learning in graph-oriented problems, more specifically we try to estimate the value added impact of computer use in the mathematics learning process.
    While electronic computation has been used by mathematicians for five decades, it has been in the hands of teachers and learners for at most three decades but the real breakthrough of decentralised and personalised micro-computer-based computing has been widely available for less than two decades. And it is the latter facility that has brought the greatest promise for computers in mathematics education. That computational aids overall do a better job of holding students' mathematical interest and challenging them to use their intellectual power to mathematical achievement than do traditional static media is unquestionable. The real question needing investigation concerns the circumstances where each is appropriate.
    A case study enabled a specification of advantages and obstacles of using computers in graph-oriented questions. Individual students' interviews revealed two less able students' reactions, difficulties and misinterpretations while using computers in mathematics learning.
    Among research outcomes is that the mathematical achievement of the two students observed improved and this makes teaching with computers an overriding priority for each defined teaching method.
    This paper may not have been realised without the valuable help of the Hungarian Eötvös State Grant.
  • Interactive web portals in mathematics
    Many of the recent problems in higher education (less contact seminars, the heterogeneity and the increasing number of our students) call for new instructional methods. At University of Szeged we have developed a mathematical web portal which can offer a solution for such problems among the changing circumstances. This freely available, easy-to-use web-surface supports interactive mathematical problem-solving and student self assessment. Our computer program cooperates with a lot of free software (computer algebra systems, formula parsers, converters, word processors). WebMathematics Interactive has been available for the public since June 2002 on its web page
  • Application of a color education software to improve color aptitude
    The ability to handle colors smoothly and consciously may be vital to professionals in various fields, including engineers specializing in architecture or design. Education in sciences related to colors and a developed color aptitude are essential. In our experience, many secondary school graduates in Hungary exhibit inadequate competence and need to be trained in both fields by college instructors, thereby laying the foundations for their future professional work. In our paper, we introduce a computer-based method to teach color theory using a self-developed interactive educational software. We also demonstrate the results of a test measuring the efficiency of the software. Our method was shown to be capable of familiarizing students with the basic fields of visual computing, e.g. graphics and image processing.
  • WMI2: interactive mathematics on the web
    After 5 years of experiments and feedback we decided to continue the software development on WebMathematics Interactive, a web-based e-learning tool, rewriting it from scratch. The demonstration version of WebMathematics Interactive 2 (WMI2) has been shown to the expert audience on the CADGME conference. In this article we summarize the development goals and results.
  • GeoGebra in mathematics teaching
    GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software which combines dynamic geometry and computer algebra systems into an easy-to-use package. Its marvel lies in the fact that it offers both the geometrical and algebraic representation of each mathematical object (points, lines etc.). The present article gives a sample of the potential uses of GeoGebra for mathematics teaching in secondary schools.
  • Dynamic methods in teaching geometry at different levels
    In this paper we summarize and illustrate our experiences on DGS-aided teaching geometry of the courses "Computer in mathematics" and "Mathematical software" held for students at Juhász Gyula Teacher Training College of University of Szeged. Furthermore, we show examples from our grammar school experiences too. The figures in this paper were made by using Cinderella ([19]) and Euklides ([21]).
  • A proposal for an IOI Syllabus
    The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is the premier competition in computing science for secondary education. The competition problems are algorithmic in nature, but the IOI Regulations do not clearly define the scope of the competition. The international olympiads in physics, chemistry, and biology do have an official syllabus, whereas the International Mathematical Olympiad has made the deliberate decision not to have an official syllabus. We argue that the benefits of having an official IOI Syllabus outweigh the disadvantages. Guided by a set of general principles we present a proposal for an IOI Syllabus, divided into four main areas: mathematics, computing science, software engineering, and computer literacy.
  • Teaching geometry using computer visualizations
    In this work we study the development of students' creativity using computer-aided-teaching during IT classroom. Teaching geometry in Bolyai Grammar School specialized natural science classes is not an easy task. Here is introduced a new didactic means of teaching geometry which nevertheless requires the same effort to understand the material, but uses a different more active method to familiarize students with the topics. Traditional methods, and the use of compasses and rulers are not omitted either, as they develop the students' motor skills.
  • Learning and teaching combinatorics with Sage
    Learning Mathematics is not an easy task, since this subject works with especially abstract concepts and sophisticated deductions. Many students lose their interest in the subject due to lack of success. Computer algebra systems (CAS) provide new ways of learning and teaching Mathematics. Numerous teachers use them to demonstrate concepts, deductions and algorithms and to make learning process more interesting especially in higher education. It is an even more efficient way to improve the learning process, if students can use the system themselves, which helps them to practice the curriculum.
    Sage is a free, open-source math software system that supports research and teaching algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, and related areas. I have been using it for several years to aid the instruction of Discrete Mathematics at Óbuda University. In this article I show some examples how representations provided by this system can help in teaching combinatorics.
  • Teaching XML
    The author has been teaching XML at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen since the end of the nineties. This paper gives an overview of XML technology from an educators viewpoint that is based on the experience that the author has gained teaching XML over the years. A detailed description of the XML course is provided. Methodological issues are also discussed.
  • Solving mathematical problems by using Maple factorization algorithms
    Computer algebra gives methods for manipulating mathematical expression. In this paper we use the Maple software to solve some elementary problems. Computeraided approach in the instruction of mathematics helps to impart problem solving skills to students.
  • Central axonometry in engineer training and engineering practice
    This paper is concerned with showing a unified approach for teaching central and parallel projections of the space to the plane giving special emphasis to engineer training. The basis for unification is provided by the analogies between central axonometry and parallel axonometry. Since the concept of central axonometry is not widely known in engineering practice it is necessary to introduce it during the education phase. When teaching axonometries dynamic geometry software can also be used in an interactive way. We shall provide a method to demonstrate the basic constructions of various axonometries and use these computer applications to highlight their similarities. Our paper sheds light on the advantages of a unified approach in such areas of engineering practice as making hand drawn plans and using CAD-systems.
  • E-learning management systems in Hungarian higher education
    Computers, informatics, and information technology have an ever-increasing role in the establishment and spread of new educational forms and methods. The role of e-learning as a new educational model is increasing in the world of computer networks, because of a widespread access to the net and a growing demand for learning beside work.
    Technological elements of e-learning can be separated as Learning Management System, authoring system, course material and a browser. Learning Management System is the software package that creates the structure of the whole educational process: course organisation, course material presentation, tracking student work, recording results, and the completion of the program.
    This publication shows examples of Learning Management Systems used in Hungarian higher education. Summarizing and systematizing expectations and demands expressed in connection with learning management systems, the present work tries to help the reader orientate on an ever-expanding market.
  • Numerical mathematics with GeoGebra in high school
    We have prepared a suite of motivational examples which illustrate numerical methods for equation solving. Fixed point iteration, Newton's method, secant method and regula falsi method are implemented as GeoGebra tools. Our experience in teaching of numerical mathematics in "Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj" high school in Novi Sad is presented. We have tested pupil proficiency in numerical equation solving with and without use of a computer and the results are presented.
  • Teaching performance testing

    Performance testing plays a vital role in the verification of large scale software systems. It is used for testing the speed, responsiveness, capacity and stability of the investigated system. However, despite the significance of this topic, the effort invested in teaching performance testing in Computer Science is insufficient. The current paper shows, how the fundamentals of performance testing can be demonstrated to students both from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint through step-by-step practical examples that are used in the industry. It is also discussed how a basic toolchain can be set up for performance tests using only free tools. With the presented examples, the reader will be able to take first steps in the performance testing area.

    Subject Classification: 68M15

  • Experimentieren um einen Satz zu finden - vollständig separierbare Mosaike auf der Kugel und ihre Anwendungen
    This paper reports a case-study which took place within the project named "Inner differentiation and individualization by creating prototypes and analogies under consideration of motivational constraints (taking into account computer-based teaching and learning)" as a part of a pre-service teacher training at the University of Salzburg (Herber, H.-J. & Vásárhelyi, É.).
    The goal of the experiment was to help students to learn the fundamental concepts and basic constructions of spherical geometry using the Lénárt Sphere (a transparent plastic ball with construction-tools) and some self-made interactive worksheets with the Windows version of the dynamical geometry software Cabri.
  • What does ICT help and does not help?

    Year by year, ICT tools and related teaching methods are evolving a lot. Since 2016, the author of the present lines has been looking for a connection between them that supports the development of mathematical competencies and could be integrated into Transcarpathian minority Hungarian language education too. As a doctoral student at the University of Debrecen, I experienced, for example, how the interactive whiteboard revolutionized illustration in Hungarian mathematics teaching, and how it facilitated students' involvement. During my research of teaching in this regard, in some cases, the digital solution had advantageous effects versus concrete-manipulative representation of
    Bruner's too.
    At the same time, ICT "canned" learning materials (videos, presentations, ...) allow for a shift towards repetitive learning instead of simultaneous active participation, which can be compensated for by the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method.
    I have conducted and intend to conduct several research projects in a Transcarpathian Hungarian primary school. In the research so far, I examined whether, in addition to the financial and infrastructural features of the Transcarpathian Hungarian school, the increased "ICT-supported" and the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method could be integrated into institutional mathematics education. I examined the use of two types of ICT devices: one was the interactive whiteboard, and the other was providing one computer per student.
    In this article, I describe my experiences, gained during one semester, in the class taught with the interactive whiteboard on the one hand, and in the class taught according to the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method on the other hand.
    I compare the effectiveness of the classes to their previous achievements, to each other, and to a class in Hungary.

    Subject Classification: 97U70

  • Forming the concept of parameter with examples of problem solving
    Pupils are encountering difficulties with learning algebra. In order for them to understand algebraic concepts, particularly the concept of parameter it was decided by the teacher of mathematics and Information Technology to integrate the teaching of these two subjects. The aim of this study is to investigate whether, and to what degree, software can be useful in process of forming the concept of parameter. This longitudinal study was conducted in a junior high school (13-16 year old children) using different computer programs.