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  • The use of e-tests in education as a tool for retrieval practice and motivation

    In many studies we can read about what techniques are used in the educational process to deepen knowledge, and what can motivate students to learn. We aimed to give our students (who will be a teacher) a practical demonstration of learning techniques. We carried it within the framework of a course, at the end of which we also examined how much it motivates students if they write an e-test as a retrospective in order to deepen the material of the lesson. In the paper, we will present the results of the research as well as students’ opinions regarding the motivating effect of the tests.

    Subject Classification: 97-01, 97D40, 97I10

  • Conventions of mathematical problems and their solutions in Hungarian secondary school leaving exams
    Collecting and analyzing the conventions indispensable for interpreting mathematical problems and their solutions correctly assist successful education and objective evaluation. Many professional and didactic questions arose while collecting and analyzing these conventions, which needed clarification, therefore the materials involved concisely in the conventions enrich both the theory and practice of mathematics teaching. In our research we concentrated mainly on the problems and solutions of the Hungarian school leaving examinations at secondary level in mathematics.
  • Mathematical Laboratory: Semiotic mediation and cultural artefacts in the mathematics classroom

    Aim of this presentation is to summarize the influence of Tamas Varga on the Italian research and practice concerning didactics of mathematics since the 70s of the 20th centuries. While being in Budapest for the Conference I noticed that this influence was not known by most Hungarian mathematics educators. I guess that also in Italy, only the teacher educators of my generation know Varga’s influence on the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary school. Hence I start from a brief summary of development of mathematics curriculum in Italy (mainly in primary school) in the last decades of the 20th century. I focus some elements that may be connected with Varga’s influence and, later, some recent development of them.

    Subject Classification: 97G20, 97-U6, 97A40

  • Compositions of dilations and isometries in calculator-based dynamic geometry
    In an exploratory study pre-service elementary school teachers constructed dilations and isometries for figures drawn and transformed using dynamic geometry on calculators. Observational and self assessments of the constructed images showed that the future teachers developed high levels of confidence in their abilities to construct compositions of the geometric transformations. Scores on follow-up assessment items indicated that the prospective teachers' levels of expertise corresponded to their levels of confidence. Conclusions indicated that dynamic geometry on the calculator was an appropriate technology, but one that required careful planning, to develop these future teachers' expertise with the compositions.
  • Heuristic arguments and rigorous proofs in secondary school education
    In this paper we are going to discuss some possible applications of the mechanical method, especially the lever principle, in order to formulate heuristic conjectures related to the volume of three-dimensional solids. In the secondary school educational processes the heuristic arguments are no less important than the rigorous mathematical proofs. Between the ancient Greek mathematicians Archimedes was the first who made heuristic conjectures with the methods of Mechanics and proved them with the rigorous rules of Mathematics, in a period, when the methods of integration were not known. For a present day mathematician (or a secondary school mathematics teacher) the tools of the definite integral calculus are available in order to calculate the volume of three dimensional bodies, such as paraboloids, ellipsoids, segments of a sphere or segments of an ellipsoid. But in the secondary school educational process, it is also interesting to make heuristic conjectures by the use of the Archimedean method. It can be understood easily, but it is beyond the normal secondary school curriculum, so we recommend it only to the most talented students or to the secondary schools with advanced mathematical teaching programme.
  • Some Remarks on History of Mathematical Problem Solving
    In this contribution, it is our goal is to look on history of mathematics as a resource for a long-term study of mathematical problem solving processes and heuristics. In this way we intend to get additional information, e. g., about heuristics which proved to be extremely successful to create new mathematics. "Changing representation" and "false position" are examples of such strategies, which are illustrated by concrete examples to demonstrate the use for classroom teaching and teacher education. Our methods are based on hermeneutic principles.
  • Teaching probability theory by using a web based assessment system together with computer algebra
    In the course of Maths Basics 2, the Faculty of Economic Science students of Kaposvár University learn the classical chapters of Probability Theory, namely random variables and the well-known probability distributions. Our teaching experiences show that students' achievement is weaker in case of problems concerning continuous random variables. From school year 2012/13 we have had an opportunity to take Maple TA, the web-based test- and assessment system, into the course of education. It is sufficient for the users of Maple TA to have a browser. Maple computer algebra system, which runs on the server, assesses students' answers in an intelligent way, and compares them with the answers that are considered correct by the teacher. In our presentation we introduce some elements of Maple TA system, the didactic considerations the test sheets were made by, as well as our research results concerning the use of Maple TA.
  • Report on the "English Language Section of Varga Tamás Days 2009"
    The 9th English Language Section as a part of the Varga Tamás Days was organised by the Department of Mathematics Education at the Teacher Training Institute of the Eötvös Loránd University. We report on the talks and the following discussions in this section.
  • Forming the concept of congruence II.
    This paper is a continuation of the article Forming the concept of congruence I., where I gave theoretical background to the topic, description of the traditional method of representing the isometries of the plane with its effect on the evolution of congruence concept.
    In this paper I describe a new method of representing the isometries of the plane. This method is closer to the abstract idea of 3-dimensional motion. The planar isometries are considered as restrictions of 3-dimensional motions and these are represented with free translocations given by flags.
    About the terminology: I use some important concepts connected to teaching of congruence, which have to be distinguished. My goal is to analyse different teaching methods of the 2-dimensional congruencies. I use the term 3-dimensional motion for the orientation preserving (direct) 3-dimensional isometry (which is also called rigid motion or rigid body move). When referring the concrete manipulative representation of the planar congruencies I will use the term translocation.