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  • Some thoughts on a student survey
    The paper analyzes a survey of college students and describes its major findings. The object of the survey, involving 154 students, was to discover and highlight the problems that arise in taking the course Economic Mathematics I. The paper, as the summary of the first phase of a research project, wishes to present these problems, ways that may lead out of them, and possible means of help that can be offered to those taking the course.
  • Mapping students’ motivation in a problem oriented mathematics classroom

    This research focuses on mapping students’ motivation by implementing problem-solving activities, namely how the problem-oriented approach affects the students’ commitment, motivation, and attitude to learning. As a practicing teacher, the author faced difficulties with motivation and sought to improve her practice in the form of action research as described in this paper. Based on the literature, the author describes sources of motivation as task interest, social environment, opportunity to discover, knowing why, using objects, and helping others. The author discusses the effect of problem-oriented teaching on the motivation of 7th-grade students. In this paper, the results of two lessons are presented.

    Subject Classification: 97C20, 97D40, 97D50, 97D60

  • Why do we complicate the solution of the problem? reflection of Finnish students and teachers on a mathematical summer camp
    This paper deals with reactions and reflections of Finnish secondary school students and teachers on Hungarian mathematics teaching culture. The experiences were collected at a mathematics summer camp in Hungary.
  • The effects of chess education on mathematical problem solving performance
    We investigate the connection between the "queen of sciences" (mathematics) and the "royal game" (chess) with respect to the development of mathematical problem solving ability in primary school education (classes 1-8, age 7-15) where facultative chess education is present. The records of the 2014 year's entrance exam in mathematics – obligatory for the enrollment to secondary grammar schools in Hungary – are compared for the whole national database and for the results of a group containing chess-player students. The problems in the tests are classified with respect to the competencies needed to solve them. For the evaluation of the results we used standard mathematical statistical methods.
  • Teaching of problem-solving strategies in mathematics in secondary schools
    In the Hungarian mathematics education there is no explicit teaching of problem-solving strategies. The best students can abstract the strategies from the solutions of concrete problems, but for the average students it is not enough. In our article we report about a developmental research. The topic of the research was the explicit teaching of two basic strategies (forward method, backward method). Based on our experiences we state that it is possible to increase the effectivity of students' problemsolving achievement by teaching the problem-solving strategies explicitly.
  • Smartphones and QR-codes in education - a QR-code learning path for Boolean operations
    During the last few years new technologies have become more and more an integrative part of everyday life. The increase of the possession rate of smartphones by young people is especially impressive. This fact asks us educators to think about a didactically and pedagogically well designed integration of smartphones into our lessons and to bring in ideas and concepts. This paper describes a specific learning path where learners can work step by step on the topic Boolean Operations with QR-Code scanners which have been installed on their smartphones. Student teachers for mathematics who completed the learning path took part in a survey where they were asked questions about their willingness to integrate smartphones into their lessons. The results of the survey are presented in the second part of the paper.
  • Compositions of dilations and isometries in calculator-based dynamic geometry
    In an exploratory study pre-service elementary school teachers constructed dilations and isometries for figures drawn and transformed using dynamic geometry on calculators. Observational and self assessments of the constructed images showed that the future teachers developed high levels of confidence in their abilities to construct compositions of the geometric transformations. Scores on follow-up assessment items indicated that the prospective teachers' levels of expertise corresponded to their levels of confidence. Conclusions indicated that dynamic geometry on the calculator was an appropriate technology, but one that required careful planning, to develop these future teachers' expertise with the compositions.
  • The time spent on board games pays off: links between board game playing and competency motivation

    The impact playing has on the development of thinking is an important topic of psychology of learning, brain research and mathematics didactics.
    Our research is also connected to the aforementioned topic. We investigated the effects of playing board games on competence motivation and the development of mathematical competencies.
    In this paper, we present the results of an experiment carried out in a secondary school class.
    The experimental group spent one of three weekly mathematics lessons playing board games.
    Apart from the several advantages of playing games in general, we can conclude that, based on the results of the national competence measurement, the mathematical competence of the students developed properly.
    The readiness and the progress of the pupils were compared on the basis of input and output tests and an initial knowledge measurement and, at the same time, we compared their level of mathematical competence with the results of the national competence

    Subject Classification: 97C70, 97D40

  • Rational errors in learning fractions among 5th grade students

    Our paper focuses on empirical research in which we map out the errors in learning fractions. Errors are often logically consistent and rule-based rather than being random. When people face solving an unfamiliar problem, they usually construct rules or strategies in order to solve it (Van Lehn, 1983). These strategies tend to be systematic, often make ‘sense’ to the people who created them but often lead to incorrect solutions (Ben-Zeev, 1996). These mistakes were named rational errors by Ben-Zeev (1996). The research aims to show that when learning fractions, students produce such errors, identified in the literature, and that students who make these kinds of mistakes achieve low results in mathematics tests. The research was done among 5th-grade students.

    Subject Classification: 97C10, 97C30, 97C70, 97D60, 97D70, 97F50

  • Outstanding mathematicians in the 20th century: András Rapcsák (1914-1993)
    In this paper we commemorate the life and work of András Rapcsák on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. He was an outstanding professor and a scholar teacher. He was head of the Department of Geometry (1958-1973) and the director of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Debrecen (Hungary). He played an important role in the life of the University of Debrecen. He was the rector of this university between 1966 and 1973.
    At the beginning of his career he taught at secondary schools in several towns. He wrote mathematical schoolbooks with coauthors. He also taught at Teacher's College in Debrecen and in Eger.
    He became to interested in differential geometry under the influence of Ottó Varga. The fields of his research were line-element spaces and related areas. He was elected an Ordinary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science in 1965. He wrote 21 papers, 8 school and textbooks and 3 articles in didactics of mathematics.
  • Differentiated instruction not only for Mathematics teachers

    The aim of differentiated development in a heterogeneous group of learners (DDHG) is to reduce school leaving without education, using an adaptive and innovative teaching-learning environment and using the most effective strategies, methods and techniques. Furthermore, this strategy helps in developing skills for learners and building cooperation between learners in heterogeneous classes through the use of the special, status-management educational procedure, and finally its strength is to sort the status ranking among learners, and to change the social structure of the class. Our goal is to figure out how to share best practices with teachers. One of the effective ways to renew teaching practice is through further training for teachers. As a trainer of the Logic-based subprogram of the Complex Basic Program (CBP) the author of the paper has experienced how well logic-based and decision-making strategies work in other subjects as well as in mathematics.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Examining relation between talent and competence through an experiment among 11th grade students
    The areas of competencies that are formable, that are to be formed and developed by teaching mathematics are well-usable in recognizing talent. We can examine the competencies of a student, we can examine the competencies required to solve a certain exercise, or what competencies an exercise improves.
    I studied two exercises of a test taken by students of the IT specialty segment of class 11.d of Jedlik Ányos High School, a class that I teach. These exercises were parts of the thematic unit of Combinatorics and Graph Theory. I analysed what competencies a gifted student has, and what competencies I need to improve while teaching mathematics. I summarized my experience about the solutions of the students, the ways I can take care of the gifted students, and what to do to the less gifted ones.
  • Process or object? Ways of solving mathematical problems using CAS
    Graphing and symbol manipulating calculators are now a part of mathematics education in many countries. In Norway symbol manipulating calculators have been used at various exams in upper secondary education. An important finding in mathematics education is the duality of mathematical entities – processes and objects. Building on the theoretical development by Anna Sfard and others, the students' solutions on exam problems in upper secondary education are discussed with reference to procedural and structural knowledge.
  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: 31 March – 2 April, 2023 Oradea, Romania

    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Oradea, Romania, at Partium Christian University, from 31 March to 2 April, 2023. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of the University of Debrecen and Partium Christian University. The 85 participants – including 18 PhD students – came from 9 countries and represented 30 institutions of higher and secondary education. There were 4 plenary and 53 session talks in the program.

  • What can we learn from Tamás Varga’s work regarding the arithmetic-algebra transition?

    Tamás Varga’s Complex Mathematics Education program plays an important role in Hungarian mathematics education. In this program, attention is given to the continuous “movement” between concrete and abstract levels. In the process of transition from arithmetic to algebra, the learner moves from a concrete level to a more abstract level. In our research, we aim to track the transition process from arithmetic to algebra by studying the 5-8-grader textbooks and teacher manuals edited under Tamás Varga's supervision. For this, we use the appearance of “working backward” and “use an equation” heuristic strategies in the examined textbooks and manuals, which play a central role in the mentioned process.

    Subject Classification: 97-01, 97-03, 97D50

  • Les mathématiques dans le grand public et dans l'enseignement: quelques éléments d'une analyse didactique
    The paper looks for reaction of the public at large that is people out of educational system, concerning the mathematical exercises. We can see some results about:
    • impact of terms on the motivation
    • the effects of the traditional didactic on the method to resolve a problem.
    Résumé. Cet article cherche la réactions du grand public c.a.d. de personnes hors systéme scolaire, de nombreuses années aprés avoir terminé leurs études vis á vis des exercises mathématiques.
    Nous présentons quelques résultats concernant les points suivants:
    – l'impact de l'« habillage » d'un énoncé sur la motivation
    – les effets de l'absence d'un contrat didactique traditionnel sur la maniére de résoudre un probléme.
  • On the past of a famous theorem: the predecessors of a theorem of Pythagoras
    The well-known Theorem of Pythagoras asserts a relation among the sides of any right-angled triangle. It can be found any secondary school textbook. An interesting question whether this result due to the Pythagoreans from the VIth century BC, or it was known in earlier civilizations. The first answer is a vague yes. According to the legends the Egyptian rope-stretchers used a triangle with sides 3,4,5 units to create right angle. But are there real evidences that this result was known earlier? We will argue that in almost all river-valley civilizations it was known and used.
  • A mathematical and didactical analysis of the concept of orientation
    The development of spatial ability, in particular the development of spatial orientation is one of the aims of mathematics education.
    In my work, I examine the concept of orientation, especially concepts of between, left, right, below, above, front, back, clockwise and anticlockwise. I analyze answers given for a simple orientation task prepared for elementary school pupils. I would like to call attention to the difficulties pupils have even in case of solving simple orientation problems.
    We have different ways to know more about the crucial points of a concept, especially of the concept of orientation. In this study I bring out one of them. I analyze and make some didactical conclusions about the origin and the axiomatic structure of orientation.
  • Pupils' meta-discursive reflection on their cooperation in mathematics: a case study
    This article addresses the issue of how 10–11 year old pupils in pairs can actively get involved in reforming their behavior as they reflect on their interaction in order to solve mathematical problems. We studied the opportunities offered for the development of meta-discursive reflection in a pair of pupils in two alternative environments: (1) pupils' observations and discussions on their video-recorded cooperation and (2) pupils' participation in playing and acting in a drama. The results of the research revealed three levels of the pupils' meta-discursive reflection on their interaction: (1) focusing on the achievement of personal goals, (2) focusing on partners' responsibility and (3) focusing on mutual responsibility. Both environments helped the pupils to improve their socio-mathematical interaction.
  • Das Konzept des Analysisunterrichts von Professor Igor Kluvánek – einige Ergebnisse der qualitativen Forschung
    A renowned Slovak mathematician Professor Igor Kluvanek (1931-1993) during his affiliation with the University of Adelaide in Australia (1968-1990) has worked out a unique course of mathematical analysis for future high school teachers of mathematics. The course has been tested in its conceptual form but, as a whole, it still awaits its publication in the form of a monograph. Along these lines, our aim is to present the way he has introduced some key notions of differential calculus and to discuss its advantages. Central is the continuity of a function via which the limit and the derivative of a function at a point is defined.
  • Combinatorics – competition – Excel
    In 2001 the Informatics Points Competition of the Mathematics Journal for Secondary School Students (KÖMAL) was restarted [1]. The editors set themselves an aim to make the formerly mere programming competition a bit more varied. Therefore, every month there has been published a spreadsheet problem, a part of which was related to combinatorics. This article is intended to discuss the above mentioned problems and the solutions given to them at competitions. We will prove that traditional mathematical and programming tasks can be solved with a system developed for application purposes when applying a different way of thinking.
  • Decomposition of triangles into isosceles triangles II: complete solution of the problem by using a computer
    We solve an open decomposition problem in elementary geometry using pure mathematics and a computer programme, utilizing a computer algebra system.
  • An examination of descriptive statistical knowledge of 12th-grade secondary school students - comparing and analysing their answers to closed and open questions

    In this article, we examine the conceptual knowledge of 12th-grade students in the field of descriptive statistics (hereafter statistics), how their knowledge is aligned with the output requirements, and how they can apply their conceptual knowledge in terms of means, graphs, and dispersion indicators. What is the proportion and the result of their answers to (semi-)open questions for which they have the necessary conceptual knowledge, but which they encounter less frequently (or not at all) in the classroom and during questioning? In spring 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic in Hungary, a traditional-classroom, “paper-based” survey was conducted with 159 graduating students and their teachers from 3 secondary schools. According to the results of the survey, the majority of students have no difficulties in solving the type of tasks included in the final exam. Solving more complex, open-ended tasks with longer texts is more challenging, despite having all the tools to solve them, based on their conceptual knowledge and comprehension skills. A valuable supplement to the analysis and interpretation of the results is the student attitudes test, also included in the questionnaire.

    Subject Classification: 97K40, 97-11, 97D60

  • The study of sequences defined by a first order recursion by means of a pocket calculator
    This paper will present the way we can use a simple pocket calculator to teach mathematics. Namely, a pocket calculator can be very useful to study the properties of sequences defined by first order recursion (e.g. monotonicity, boundedness and convergence) and to gain a deeper understanding.
  • Dressed up problems - the danger of picking the inappropriate dress
    Modelling and dressed-up problems play an inevitably unavoidable role in mathematics education. In this study we would like to point out how dangerous is it to dress up mathematical problems. We go back to the principle of De Lange: The problem designer is not only dressing up the problem, but he is the solution designer, as well. We show three examples selected from Hungarian high school textbooks where the intended solution does not solve the problem, because the dressing changes the context and changes the problem itself.