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  • In Contrast: Responsibility for Environment and Regulation in Finance

    The more environmental policy comes into the focus of fiscal policies of governments, the more prevailing are the interests in it influencing the governance as a whole. In the context of the European Union, the governmental role of the Member States’ increased less for initiating the (often invoked) environmental protection but such an increase is rather an end in itself. The responsibility for environment seems to represent the bright side, while the reality of financial regulations shows the dark side of government priorities.

  • Kelet és Nyugat között: Örményország és Szerbia az európai és eurázsiai integrációban

    Kelet-Európában megfigyelhető, hogy egyes államok két jelentős regionális integrációs szervezettel is kapcsolatok kiépítésére törekednek: az Európai Unióval és az Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unióval. A két szervezet bizonyos értelemben egymás versenytársa, ugyanis mindkettő igyekszik saját szervezetét vonzóvá tenni az érintett államok számára. Vannak azonban olyan kelet-európai államok, amelyek elköteleződnek amellett, hogy az egyik szervezettel mélyebb együttműködést alakítsanak ki, ugyanakkor megpróbálják a másikkal is fenntartani, sőt akár szorosabbra fűzni kapcsolataikat. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy ezeket a folyamatokat Örményország és Szerbia példáján mutassa be.

    Örményország teljes jogú tagként csatlakozott az Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unióhoz, ugyanakkor az Európai Unióval is kapcsolatokat épített ki: 2017-ben átfogó és megerősített partnerségi megállapodást kötöttek. Szerbia ezzel szemben az Európai Unió tagjelölt állama, amely már megkezdte a csatlakozási tárgyalásokat is. Emellett azonban fenntartja szoros kapcsolatait az Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unióval olyannyira, hogy egy szabadkereskedelmi megállapodásról folynak köztük a tárgyalások. Mindkét államra igaz tehát, hogy eredetileg egyértelműen elköteleződtek valamelyik regionális integrációs szervezet irányába, ugyanakkor a másik szervezettel is a kapcsolatok mélyítésére törekednek. Jelen tanulmány e kapcsolatok alakulását tekinti át, bemutatva az Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unió létrejöttét és intézményi sajátosságait is.

  • Problems of textual empiricism

    In this paper the authors make some critical comments on Blutman László’s legal methodology. They argue for the claim that legal cases cannot be solved by applying the methods of natural sciences. Law is an interpretive social practice, therefore legal texts can have more than one equally justifiable interpretation which can be in conflict with each other. Correct legal decisions, especially in hard cases, are the result of resorting to the justifying principles and purposes of law and cannot be achieved by using ‘textual empiricism’ as a legal methodology.

  • Specialities of Collective Labour Disputes

    We are currently living in a period when technological, economic and other changes fundamentally influence the nature of legal relationships. There is no difference in the labour law palette, as atypical employment is gaining ground in law enforcement circles. In our view, this development cannot be derived solely on substantive law, but should also be presented at the level of litigation and, where appropriate, ADR procedures. Perhaps it is somewhat ironic that it is precisely the collective labour dispute, which is not popular in Hungarian civil society litigation law, in which the emergence of innovative dispute resolution methods can be observed from time to time. Therefore, our work primarily examines the extrajudicial practice of collective dispute resolution, complemented by the solutions used in the legal systems of some countries less researched by the domestic labour law environment. Our aim is to highlight the potential of ADR methods in collective disputes and to explore new, unknown opportunities for domestic law enforcement.

  • The Importance of the Wage Guarantee Fund in the Framework of Labour Law Protection

    Act LXVI of 1994 on the Wage Guarantee Fund and the guarantee system regulated by it, is especially topical nowadays, as more and more employers in Hungary have become insolvent in connection with the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic. In many cases, the employers subject to the procedure are not able to meet their wage obligations to their employees, so the state must guarantee the values ​​that can be expressed in exact monetary terms – the work performed and its  financial compensation – and at the same time the social security of employees. In the present study, we examine the applicability of the Wage Guarantee Fund, which serves to cover the wages to be paid by insolvent employers, from the perspective of the social security and the enforcement of employees’ claims.

  • The Transformation of Labour Law Litigation

    From the outset of labor litigation, both theoreticians and practitioners have been preoccupied with the question of what specific regulation this area of law – which has essentially additional elements of private law – requires in order to ensure fair treatment and proceedings for all participants. The aim of the present study is to show how labor litigation is evolving today, outlining the phenomena that have arisen due to the new labor and civil procedure codes.

  • Effective and Actual? Analysis of Employment-Related Directives in the Legal Practice of the Curia of Hungary Regarding the Enforcement of Workers’ Rights

    In view of the special nature of the employment relationship, subordination of the parties results in a weaker legal position on the employees’ side. Certain guarantees of protection are absolutely necessary to compensate for this asymmetry, thus, among other things, the effectiveness of employees’ enforcement plays a key role. This is why our research seeks to answer the question whether some crucial employment-related directives of the European Union, as well as the broader European Union legal corpus also including legal practice. Furthermore we try to find the answer to the question that, how do these legal sources appear in the domestic legal practice, primarily in the relevant judgments of the Curia of Hungary, and the extent to which these references facilitate the effective enforcement of the workers’ rights.

  • Is the Implementation of Home Office Legally Feasible? The Criteria for Home Office and its Framework Within Employment Law

    The year of 2020 was the challenge of “home office”. Although, the publicity uses the term of “home office” as the legal construction of working from home, this approach is misleading. Moreover, the Hungarian Labour Code does not contain any regulation about “home office”, while this legal source embraces two other methods in connection to work from home. These legal institutes are the teleworking and the legal relationship of outworkers. The problem with the aforementioned legal institutes is that the parties must take into account several rules and must apply these solutions regularly, on a permanent basis. However according to the legal literature, the “home office” is created by the economic and human resource management practice of the employers, where they intend to employ the workers mainly at home irregularly, on an ad-hoc basis. At the same time, “home office” does not have a legal framework in the Hungarian Labour Code, therefore the legal literature has been trying to find a real solution for this employment method in the general norms of the Labour Code. In the following article we are going to use the home office definition of the literatures and highlight the background legal institutes and concepts of this working method. Although we are going to set our opinion about which legal institute may be applicable in this sense, in the conclusion we are going to emphasise that legislation and rules regarding “home office” are indispensable.

  • The recruitment of Law Students and Some elements of their Image of Profession

    In our treatise we have undertaken to characterize the speciality of strain of law students and some elements of their image of profession. The legalists traditionally occupy a middle-class position in the modern societies. Their high state and prestige succeed also profession-order characters that frequently go hand in hand with “natality order” procurer prestige.

    From the possible components of the image of profession we examined three main topics. Firstly the motives of profession-selection, secondly the patterns of finding a job, and thirdly the main expectations on legal teaching. Generally, law students and graduates also have a strong linkage to 
    the fact that, not only the diploma, but the profession itself has a powerful charm. The patterns of finding a job show that graduates frequently occupy lower positions, than they expected.

  • Advertising Bans in the Internal Market: Limits of State Competence on the Example of the Advertising Ban on Foreign Gambling in Hungary

    Die ungarischen Werbebeschränkungen für Glücksspiel-Dienstleistungen aus anderen Mitgliedstaaten der EU sind nicht mit den Vorgaben aus dem Unionsrecht vereinbar und können daher aufgrund des Vorrangs des Unionsrechts den Werbenden nicht entgegengehalten werden, die sich auf die Freiheit der Dienstleistungserbringung nach Art. 56 AEUV berufen können. Entsprechend der ständigen Rechtsprechung des EuGH erstreckt sich die Vorrangwirkung auch auf Strafbestimmungen, die an unionsrechtswidrige Normen anknüpfen. Die Unanwendbarkeit der unionsrechtswidrigen Bestimmungen bezieht sich nicht nur auf den in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat ansässigen Dienstleistungserbringer, sondern auch auf die inländischen Werbepartner.

  • PhD Studies in Law in Hungary–Difficulties and Possibilities (Before the 9th Academic Year of Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies)

    In this study the authors (Gábor Kecskés as the secretary of Doctoral School of Legal Studies at István Széchenyi University and Sándor Szemesi as the secretary of Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies at Debrecen University) examine the legal framework concerning doctoral schools of legal studies in Hungary as well as the specialties (and realities) of Géza Marton Doctoral School at Debrecen University. One of the main purposes of this article is to salute the beginning of the 100th academic year at Debrecen University, additionally the article tries to introduce how doctoral schools can fulfil the continuously changing (more precisely, tightening) requirements of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee, taking into consideration the unwritten expectations as well as the general interests of the host universities and the doctoral school itself.

  • Collection of Annotated Bibliographies (2016. Nr. 2)

    An annotated bibliography of recent Hungarian legal science books is published regularly (twice a year) in our journal. The annotation is a short, factual description of the usefulness of the book, which, in addition to bibliographic information, defines the genre and briefly outlines the subject matter and the results presented. The authors of the annotations are members of the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen (lecturers, PhD students or gradual students). The current issue presents the second part of the book descriptions of books published in 2016.

  • Imposing Punishments in Practice: The Practice of Imposing Sentences on Drink Driving Based on File Research

    I researched the practice of imposing punishments on drink driving in the area of authority of the Court of Debrecen, as a major part of a comprehensive study of the imposition of sentences. The main aim of the research was to collect data about the imposition practice regarding offences which are committed en masse, and result in uncomplicated judgements. Another aim was to study how detailed was the exploration of the factors concerning the personality of the offender, and to what extent the judge could take into account such information during the individualised imposition process. This study describes the results of the file research, primarily focusing on the observations regarding the imposition of certain types of sanctions.

  • New routes, new tools for the legal regulation of the labour market? Comments on the monograph of Attila Kun

    Book review on Attila Kun's book, the title is "A munkajogi megfelelés ösztönzésének újszerű jogi eszközei" Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, L’Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2014.)

  • Water Law – Current Challenges

    Book review on the Book of Szilágyi János Ede, the title is Vízjog: Aktuális kihívások a vizek jogi szabályozásában.

  • Sustainability in Copyright Law

    The aim of the paper is to give an overview of the pathfinding process of the copyright law, and of the European and Hungarian endeavors in favour of the sustainability of the copyright law via the copyright specific aspects of sustainability. It then aims to summarize the achievements of the harmonization process and draw attention to the goals to be achieved. The topic is approached from a cultural economic perspective. The main topic is described via historical and current aspects of the balance search of copyright law. the paper reviews the background of the development and current situation of copyright law from the point of view of philosophy and fundamental rights. With the analysis of the dynamism of economic and moral rights the paper outlines the necessity of parallelism of the two parts of copyright law. The examination of competitiveness of copyright law tends to highlight the inseparability of competitiveness and sustainability and emphasizes their development as being interlinked.

  • Dark Waters? The Place of Environmental Liability in the Environmental Policy Toolkit (Issues of Regulatory Methodology and Environmental Principles)

    The starting point of the study is that environmental liability is not only a tool of ex-post sanctioning and remediation, but also helps to enforce the principles of prevention and precaution. It examines the rules on liability for environmental damage in a broader context and links the various instruments of environmental policy by presenting their relationship to the environmental policy principles and typifying the policy instruments of environmental protection.

  • Collection of Annotated Bibliographies (2012. Nr. 2)

    An annotated bibliography of recent Hungarian legal science books is published regularly (twice a year) in our journal. The annotation is a short, factual description of the usefulness of the book, which, in addition to bibliographic information, defines the genre and briefly outlines the subject matter and the results presented. The authors of the annotations are members of the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen (lecturers, PhD students or gradual students). The current issue presents the second part of the book descriptions of books published in 2012.

  • Collection of Annotated Bibliographies (2014. Nr. 1)

    An annotated bibliography of recent Hungarian legal science books is published regularly (twice a year) in our journal. The annotation is a short, factual description of the usefulness of the book, which, in addition to bibliographic information, defines the genre and briefly outlines the subject matter and the results presented. The authors of the annotations are members of the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen (lecturers, PhD students or gradual students). The current issue presents the first part of the book descriptions of books published in 2014.

  • Collection of Annotated Bibliographies (2013. Nr. 1)

    An annotated bibliography of recent Hungarian legal science books is published regularly (twice a year) in our journal. The annotation is a short, factual description of the usefulness of the book, which, in addition to bibliographic information, defines the genre and briefly outlines the subject matter and the results presented. The authors of the annotations are members of the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen (lecturers, PhD students or gradual students). The current issue presents the first part of the book descriptions of books published in 2013.

  • The framework for budgetary expenditure of local governments between 1993–2010 and after 2010

    The present study is an analysis of the budgetary expenditures of the Hungarian local governments between 1993 and 2010. One of its main objectives is the presentation of the most significant local public functions. The problem of borrowing and debt management of local governments cannot be ignored in this study. Based on the results of the study it is clear that the operational expenditures were pre-dominant meanwhile the local governments could not dedicate more money to the investment in different domains. The most important failures of the previous system were the unfavourable allocation of duties and the decreasing central support. After the adoption of the new Municipal Law, important financial changes put in place. As a tendency of the past few years it can be stated that the scope of local public tasks is narrowing (e.g. the primary education and the social security system were centralized) whilst the budgetary expenditures of local governments are decreasing. As a main conclusion the author states that the local financial autonomy was reduced during the last years.

  • Salutatory

    Salutatory of the Dean of the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Law.

  • The assertion of fundamental principles relating to civil law notaries in the 21st century with special focus on Hungary

    In our present paper, we tried to introduce the principles of notaries through the Hungarian notary's glasses. We did this through the challenges of the 21st century. Prior to the detailed description of the principles, we introduced the position of the Hungarian notary, where we also discussed the provisions of the Hungarian Constitution. Subsequently, more important legislation on Hungarian notary was mentioned and we discussed the diverse notarial procedures. In this connection, it is important to note that not only the notarial deeds are found in the Hungarian notary's procedures, but also the keeping of notarial registers. The paper deals with the responsibility of notary, the notary's and advertising relationships, the emergence of electronization and digitization. The paper presents the most important principles of notaries, including the principle of independence, impartiality and public authenticity.

  • Collection of Annotated Bibliographies (2015. Nr. 2)

    An annotated bibliography of recent Hungarian legal science books is published regularly (twice a year) in our journal. The annotation is a short, factual description of the usefulness of the book, which, in addition to bibliographic information, defines the genre and briefly outlines the subject matter and the results presented. The authors of the annotations are members of the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen (lecturers, PhD students or gradual students). The current issue presents the second part of the book descriptions of books published in 2015.

  • Collection of Annotated Bibliographies (2010. Nr. 2)

    An annotated bibliography of recent Hungarian legal science books is published regularly (twice a year) in our journal. The annotation is a short, factual description of the usefulness of the book, which, in addition to bibliographic information, defines the genre and briefly outlines the subject matter and the results presented. The authors of the annotations are members of the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen (lecturers, PhD students or gradual students). The current issue presents the first part of the book descriptions of books published in 2012.